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Newsletter 6

February 2022


Message from Heena C Khan (Parent Governor)

I hope the longest month of the year treated you all well and you are ready to get into spring with us.
I recently joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor at the start of September 2021. As a new governor, I am
grasping the ropes of what happens behind the school walls, as well as what you as parents would like from the
As the Reading Governor, I oversee the literacy side of all the years within the school; from the variety of books
available to the programs set out for the pupils to engage and appreciate reading. Reading and books are a passion of
mine so being someone who has access to this area is something of privilege, where I can help to create a change to a
skill that will capture a child’s imagination through the love of reading words from different worlds, writers and
cultures and hopefully encouraging them to make book reading part of their everyday life.
You can find out more about the reading programs and what Great Linford Primary School is doing to progress within
this lifelong area through our Reading subject page on the website :
I hope you all have a wonderful half term holiday!

EYFS Year 1
Next half term, EYFS are learning all about people who This half term children have
help us. We have been lucky enough to have a visit been enjoying learning all about
from Hayden's Daddy and his fire engine. The children Under the Sea. We have
all got a chance to explored the different oceans
put out a pretend fire and the animals that we find in
and look around the them.
fire engine.
Next half term, we are learning
We look forward to all about Sustainability and how to look after our
learning more about planet.
people who help us
next half term!

Year 2 Year 3
Last week, Year 2 took part Year 3 have been super busy again this month. In our
in a dinosaur day! We had a project on the Ancient Egyptians we have been
variety of costumes from learning about mummies
dinosaurs to paleontologists. and why the Egyptians
The children made their own mummified their dead and
salt dough fossils and even their pets. We have
explored how tall different species of dinosaurs were. looked at lots of resources about mummification.
In the afternoon, Year 2 decorated dinosaur biscuits, Some of the children have had
made pterodactyl puppets and took a try at mummifying fruit at
part in some dinosaur sketching. home for their Home Learning.
They finished the We wonder how long the fruit
day enjoying their will last? Maybe it will last for
herbivore cups! The following day, the 3 thousand years!
children wrote excellent recounts,
explaining their favourite parts of the
Year 4 Year 5
Year 4 have created models out of pipe cleaners In Year 5 we have been learning about the terrible
inspired by Viking longships as part of their project this impact that cyber bullying can have on
half the people around us and what we can
term. do to help to stop it. We created
images that look different from
different perspectives to reflect our
feelings around this important topic.

Year 6 School of Rock

Year 6 have been investigating air Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their theatre trip to see
pollution in and around our local The School of Rock. It was wonderful to be able to
area as part of their study into the return to the theatre and
adaptation of plants and animals. we loved the songs -
We took a tree survey to see what particularly 'Stick it to the
colour the lichen was. man'. It was inspirational
to see how talented the
We are pleased to announce the
children were on their 
local air quality is excellent. 

PSHE Sports Leaders

This half term for PSHE we have been looking at The Sports Leaders have been busy planning and
celebrating our Dreams and Goals, setting ourselves preparing games to introduce to the whole school in
small targets and striving to the Summer Term. These games will include no or
achieve them. It has been lovely very little equipment. If you have any suggestions,
to hear teachers celebrating please talk to our sports leaders. They have also given
goals such as moving book bands us their feedback and helped us to order appropriate
or improving handwriting! equipment. 
We have also taken part in Anti Bullying week and using
the motto of 'one kind word' have created art work, told
stories and celebrated the many wonderful differences
in our school. A particular favourite was the story of
'Have you filled a bucket today?' which is a lovely story
about helping others stay happy. This could be shared
at home by watching the story be read here:
Next half term we look at Healthy Me! 

Presentation Celebration Attendance

It has been an exciting month for handwriting awards! Whole school attendance so far this
We are seeing more pencils being awarded school year is 93.4%
across the school. Well done to all who Winning class for this half term is
have won a pencil already! Your teachers Year 2 Larch Class (Miss Pollard) with
will be sending me your photos, where we 94.8%.
have your permission, so you will soon be Well done!
able to see yourself up on the website. Keep
up the hard work everyone!
THRIVE Breakfast Club - Gallery

THRIVE Breakfast Club ENJOY After School Club

Our Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am every day (term Our ENJOY After School Club runs from 3.15 to 5.45
time only) and provides a great start to the day for every day (term time only). The charge is £4 per hour
children to play, meet their friends and have a healthy or £10 for the whole session. Children are collected
breakfast before starting their learning, for only £3 a from their classrooms and are provided with a light
session (including breakfast). snack meal (e.g beans on toast), drinks and fruit.
There are a wide range of activities on offer, including There are a wide range of activities on offer, including
board games, colouring and drawing and Wake Up outdoor sports, board games, arts and crafts and
Shake Up to music to get everyone awake and ready construction toys. Places must be booked and paid
for the day ahead. Places must be booked and paid for through School Gateway in advance.
through School Gateway in advance.

ENJOY After School Club - Gallery

Safer Internet Day
On Safer Internet Day we learned about the rules of keeping safe online. Some
of the work that we completed included learning about our digital footprints.
We thought about what Apps and Games we play online and how we can keep
safe and stay respectful on these.

The EYFS children created art based on a creature in the story of Penguin Pig. It
was the story of a little girl who saw a creature called a Penguin Pig online. She
was really interested in it so she went to find it. Penguin Pig was not exactly what it said it was…
it was a bear! Luckily she escaped but it taught EYFS the importance of not believing everything
they see on the internet… and to ALWAYS talk about things online with their parents!
Some classes wrote their own stories based on online safety. The majority
of these were taking famous fairy tale stories and adding a digital twist to
them. Some of these included Madame Gazelle being sent rude messages
by George (using Daddy Pig’s phone which was left unlocked!), an angry
wolf blowing down the houses of three naughty pigs who kept sending him
unkind messages online, and Hansel and Gretel going to meet a sweet seller they chatted to
online only to find out it was a witch! We loved reading these fantastic stories and some of the
best will be shared with other classes across the school.

Respect Online Being Kind Online

Our ability to communicate Being kind online is a
with anyone in the world choice we can all make
via the internet has grown and it can mean so
at breakneck speed. By much to someone
making sure we, and our else. Small gestures
children, adopt respectful can have a large
behaviour online, we can impact and make the
avoid getting into difficulty world (digital and real)
and display our school a happier and more
ROOTS through our digital footprint. Do you press positive place.
pause to think before replying, respect differences, role
Check out our guide to ’14 Ways To Be Kind Online’.
model screen-free family time or discuss the need for
online privacy? Check out our top 10 tips to ‘Building A
Better Digital World’. 1/1/1/2/11125524/11._14_ways_-_kind_online.pdf Don’t forget you can see many more online parent
1/1/1/2/11125524/8._parents..._respect_online.pdf guides on our website:
Don’t forget you can see many more online parent
guides on our website: guides
Food Bank Top-up Shop
The MK Food Bank are holding another Top-Up Shop on
Monday 21st February at their warehouse in Kiln Farm. 
The shop is a service for Milton Keynes residents who
are in financial hardship (eg, in receipt of benefits or
free school meals, severe debt or crisis, unemployment,
homelessness or similar vulnerable situations).
If anyone is finding it difficult to make ends meet, they
can come along and buy 10 store cupboard items for
£2. As well as standard tins and packets, the Food Bank
will have a variety of cooking ingredients (oil, flour,
spices, world foods, etc) and treats.
There will also be Family Meal Kits with recipe cards
available for sale for £1 each.
The shop is CASH ONLY and visiting the shop won't
count towards Food Bank limits.

Happy February Birthday to:

Paityn (EYFS) Rafferty (Yr2) Afizah (Yr4)
Elizabeth (EYFS) Shantel (Yr3) Khiana (Yr5)
Jessica (EYFS) Amaya (Yr3) Joshua (Yr5)
Amelia (EYFS) Haneththaa (yr3) Szymon (yr5)
Tommy (Yr1) Robyn (Yr3) Charlie (Yr5)
Mia (Yr1) Nina (Yr3) Kayan (Yr5)
Samuel (Yr2) Luke (Yr3) Iptisam (Yr5)
Frank (Yr2) Daniella (Yr4) Harlie (Yr5)
Srishatan (Yr2) Chase (Yr4) Nathan (Yr6)

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