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1. Choose the correct option.

If I travel abroad, I always …

a) bring a souvenir for my parents.

b) will bring a souvenir for my parents.
c) can bring a souvenir for my parents.

2. Choose the correct option.

If it’s raining, they usually...

a) will stay at home watching a movie.

b) stay at home watching a movie.
c) won’t stay at home watching a movie.

3. Choose the correct option.

If she goes to bed late, she...

a) is usually very sleepy in the morning.

b) will be usually sleepy in the morning.
c) won’t be usually sleepy in the morning.

4. Choose the correct option.

You don’t save water if you...

a) leaves the water running.

b) leave the water running.
c) will leave the water running.

5. Choose the correct option.

You recycle if you...

a) care about the environment.

b) will care about the environment.
c) don’t care about the environment.

6. Choose the correct option.

If you eat too many calories, you...

a) won’t be overweight.
b) are overweight.
c) will be overweight.

7. Choose the correct option.

She will have more self-esteem if she...

a) accepted the way she looks.

b) accept the way she looks.
c) accepts the way she looks.
8. Choose the correct option.

He won’t be teased at school if he...

a) lost some weight.

b) lose some weight.
c) loses some weight.

9. Choose the correct option.

If you watch too much television, you...

a) will be addicted to it.

b) won’t be addicted to it
c) aren’t addicted to it.

10. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

a) If you _______________ (not/hurry up), you _____________(not/see) the football match.

b) She_________________(arrive) late to school if she _______________(not/catch) the bus.

11. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

a) If I _____________ (have) the money, I _____________(buy) a new pair of jeans.

b) Sarah _____________(come) to my party if my parents_____________(invite) her.

12. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

a) If that sweater _____________(not/ suit) you, I_____________(get) you another one.

b) If she _____________(want) to be successful, she _____________(have) to work hard.

13. Build zero conditional sentences.

a) If/ it/ rain/ we/ not be/ getting out/ of the house

b) If / the weather/ allow/ we/ usually/ have/ a picnic

14. Build zero conditional sentences.

a) If/ she/ travel/ abroad/ she/ always/ take/ her sons.

b) If/ we/ ask/ the teacher/ he/ always/ explain

15. Build zero conditional sentences.

a) If/ we/ not use/ our cars/ so often/ the carbon dioxide emissions/ be/ reduced.

b) If/ I/ not/ check my Facebook wall/ I/ get/ anxious

16. Build first conditional sentences.

a) If/ you/ get/ late for class/ your teacher/ be/ mad at you

b) They/ bring/ many CDs to the party/ if/ you/ ask/ them

17. Build first conditional sentences.

a) You/ save/ energy/ if/ you/ turn off/ the lights you’re not using

b) If/ she/ want/ to be a model/ she/ have/ to lose some weight

18. Build first conditional sentences.

a) If/ he/ have/ a balanced diet/ he/ lose/ weight/ in a healthy way

b) If/ her father/ agree/ she/ go/ on a summer trip

19. Build first conditional sentences.

a) She/ not get/ a body piercing/ if/ it / hurt

b) He/ get/ a tattoo/ if/ his mother/ allow/it

20. Build first conditional sentences.

a) If/ that skirt/ be/ too small/ I/ buy /another one

b) If/ she/ lose/ a lot of weight/ she/ have/ to buy new clothes

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