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2. A

3. C

4. B

5. D

6. D

7. E

8. A

9. B

10. C

1. The story teaches the reader that as you grow older, you’ll acquire more wisdom through trial and
error. But when you reach a certain age, you won’t be able completely take advantage of it.

Sandel will learn to be a more thoughtful and economic fighter like Tom King when he reaches the same
age. When your older, you’ll be able to appreciate youth more and how seemingly invincible you felt.

“King could have ducked lower and let the blow whiz harmlessly past, but he remembered his own early
fights and how he smashed his first knuckle on the head of the Welsh Terror.”

Above is an example of how King learnt from experience.

“Yet they were eyes that saw everything, that had been trained to see everything through all his twenty
years and odd in the ring.”

Another example of experience.

“That duck had accounted for one of Sandel's knuckles. Not that Sandel would mind it now. He would go
on, superbly regardless, hitting as hard as ever throughout the fight. But later on, when the long ring
battles had begun to tell, he would regret that knuckle and look back and remember how he smashed it
on Tom King's head.”

This is an example of how Sandel won’t mind it now but later remember it when he grows older and
regret it.

“Sandel wanted to make the pace fast, while King, out of his wisdom, refused to accommodate him”

A good sentence that shows the difference in maturity/wisdom.

1. The main idea of the story is about how you get more wisdom when you grow older, but you won’t be
able to use it as well. Sandel will become as good a fighter as Tom King when he becomes as old as Tom.

Sandel was Youth, and he threw his strength away with the munificent abandon of Youth. To King
belonged the ring general ship, the wisdom bred of long, aching fights.

This was a line from the story that shows the difference between youth and wisdom.

Sandel is compared to a whirlwind in the story while Tom is patient and watches closely biding his time
and saving his strength.

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