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BY: Rahil Tarazian Moghaddam

Amirsalar Azadi Yazdi
1. General terms

febris, is, f. (L.) = pyret- (G.) = fever

calor, oris, m. (L.) = therm- (G.) = heat
2. Body temperature states
 hypothermia, ae, f.
 - subfebris, is, f.
 / subfebrilis, e - febris, is, f.
 /pyrexia, ae, f. - hyperpyrexia, ae, f

 Hypothermia: A condition in which occurs when the body starts losing heat
more quickly than it can produce it so body temp goes down rapidly.
 Intresting to know> Febris: In Roman mythology, Febris ("fever") was the
goddess who embodied, but also protected people from fever and malaria.
 Pyrexia: raised body tempreture.
3. Types of fever according to its
 f. continua = steady, continuous
 f. ephemera (= febricula) = lasting only one-day
 f. intermittens = the feverous state is alternating with non-feverous
 f. inversa = in the morning
 f. recurrens = returning
 f. remittens = distinctively oscillating
 f. undulans = proceeding in waves
 f. biphasica/dromedaria = proceeding in two waves/phases
4. Types of fever typically accompanying
a particular disease
 f. gastrica = typhoid fever
 f. glandularis = accompanying mononucleosis
 f. herpetica = accompanying herpetic disease
 f. lactea = accompanying the inflammation of mammary gland
 f. pallida = typical of paleness, e.g. a rheumatic fever
 f. tertiana; quartana; quintana; quotidiana =
repeating itself every three/four/five days, typical of malaria
Thyphoid fever: caused by bacterium salmonela thyphi , growing in the
intestines and blood.
Infectious Mononucleosis: is a contagious illness caused by the Epstein-Barr
virus that can affect the liver, lymph nodes, and oral cavity

Herpetic diseases: Herpes simplex is a viral disease caused by

the herpes simplex virus.
Lactea: inflammation of mammary gland
Malaria: malaria is a mosquito borne infectious disease, Malaria causes
symptoms that typically include fever, tiredness, vomiting, and headache
Infectious mononucleosis

inflammation of mammary gland

Herpetic disease

5. Diseases
 f. flava = yellow fever

 f. puerperalis = childbed fever, occurring during puerperium (post-

partum period) due to infection of reproductive organs

 f. rheumatica = an inflammatory disease involving heart, joints, etc


1. General terms
inflammatio, onis, f. (L.) – inflammation of sth; rarely used!
phlegmone (G.) = originally an inflammation; nowadays it denotes a
spreading diffuse inflammatory process with formation of purulent
exudate (pus)

2. Terms using –itis with Greek roots

e.g. nephritis ; dermatitis ; arthritis; encephalitis; mastitis;
cholecystitis; hepatitis; etc.
3. Terms using –itis
e.g. appendicitis; gingivitis; cervicitis; pulpitis; sinusitis
frontalis with Latin roots

4. Terms using –ia


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