Jeza MPK Semester 1 PDF

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Name : Jeza

NIM : 223213008

Prodi : Manajemen pendidikan kristen

Semester : 1 (Satu)

Please write the script of the audio and answer all of the questions bellow!

1. What problems are faced when visiting Niagara Falls in the summer?

2. Why do people travel far to see Niagara Falls?

3. How was the situation in Niagara Falls when the first European to visit there?

4. How did people visit Niagara Falls in the 1830s?

5. What problems arise after many people visit Niagara Falls and the tourism
industry grows?

6. Which falls is wider and impressive than the American Rainbow Falls?

7. Where is one of the best places to view the falls?

8. What are the benefits of Niagara Falls?

9. Who comes to the Falls for profit from tourism?

10. What are the daredevils doing in Niagara Falls?


1. The island in the middle, Pulau Kambing, is one of the best places to see
waterfalls and rapids.Summers at the falls are especially busy with traffic jams
and parking problems.

2. While many waterfalls are taller than Niagara, very few are as wide or have such a
large volume of water. It also helps that Niagara is relatively easy to get around.

3. When Europeans first came to Niagara, the falls were surrounded by forest. The
sound of the waterfalls can be heard for miles before they are actually seen.

4. In the 1830s, people were able to come to the falls by train. As more and more
people come, the tourism industry is growing.
5. As more and more people come, the tourism industry is growing. Early tourism
was not well regulated and there have been many complaints of cheating and
scams. Today, there are similar complaints of tourist waste and high prices.

6. The Canadian Horseshoe Falls are wider and more impressive than the American
Rainbow Falls.

7. The island in the middle, Pulau Kambing, is one of the best places to see
waterfalls and rapids.

8. Niagara Falls has the merit of being the force behind some of the world's largest
hydroelectric power stations. Most of the electricity used in this part of North
America comes from Niagara Falls.

9. Businessmen have come to profit from the tourists.

10. Daredevils have come to make a name for themselves.

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