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2. A

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. C

7. Is where you sit in a classroom important to you? What about where you sit in the cafeteria? Explain.

Yes, where I sit in a classroom is definitely important. I’m not the pickiest person in the world but I
prefer to sit in front of the class near the whiteboard so I can see better and hear the teacher better, and
it’s easier to ask questions when I’m nearer. Second of all, I prefer to sit with my friends or at least near
enough that I can talk to them easily.

Where I sit in the cafeteria is even more important. I do not want to sit at a table where there are
students from other grades because personally, that would be awkward. Also, there’s this specific table
our grade has been sitting in ever since 5 th grade, and that’s the first table you see when you walk
through the lobby and enter the cafeteria.

Overall, yes, where I sit is important to me.

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