Disrespect English Narrative Story.

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(Warning the following content might make you cringe, thanks)

In the streets of Oakver, disrespect is common, especially when you’re a thief. This town is one people
avoid, and I happen to be a citizen of it. My name is Vixen, and this is what I think of disrespect. What is
pride? Everyone has it, no matter how low your self esteem is. Disrespect is something that hurts your
pride, it causes emotions of anger and sadness. This is the story of I was heavily disrespected.

It was in the alleyway next to a jewelry store; it was fairly dark with the sunsetting.

I’m a thief, and just as I was about to collect the jewelry I stole and leave, another well-known thief
strutted up to me. “Hey Vixen!”, her name was Lyra. She put her one arm around and said, “So, what’s
up?”. Don’t put your arm around me and get to the point, I thought to myself but did nothing to stop
her. She laughed casually and pointed to the bag I was carrying, “I’ll be needing those”, her smile quickly
faded. “Remember that one time I saved you from getting caught”, she continued talking and I looked at
the store in worry that the owner might catch us. I was ignoring her words until she said, “You’re pretty
weak right? Always getting help from other thieves”. I look at her in a mix of anger and disgust for I felt
disrespected. Was she really talking about me when she does that herself? I clutched onto my bag full of
stolen goods and took a step back.

I grabbed one of the jewels, she looked at me in confusion, and I threw in far away, it didn’t shatter but
the there were cracks. “Go fetch”, while she was distracted, I fled. The noise of the jewel hitting the
ground, attracted guards. They came with guns pointing at Lyra. “Put your hands up”. Lyra tried to flee,
but they shot her leg, then proceeded to chop her head in tiny pieces with an axe, because that is how
they handle thieves. I watched from afar. Each time the axe hits her head, it makes the sound of blood
oozing and the axe hitting the ground. They then light a match and burned her body. Her body turned
charcoal black, then slowly became ashes. I wonder how she felt, because after a head is decapitated
they can still feel everything around them for 5 seconds.

I smile, what I did wasn’t right, but she got what she deserved.

This story shows that humans will always resort to some form of violence when their pride has been
hurt. Vixen is a character that is arrogant but quiet. Lyra is a character who is also arrogant but a little
more expressive about it. When two characters who are sort of similar clash, what would happen?
Especially when they both are arrogant.

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