Heirs - Flowline Construction & Hook-Up, Mail

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Yahoo Mail - Fwd: HHOG-PHC-ENG-2022-069 - Flowline Construct... https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AFosNSVMsHrjY-YgC...

Fwd: HHOG-PHC-ENG-2022-069 - Flowline Construction and Hook-up - Request of

Question (RFQ)

From: info (info@fechonengineering.com)

To: okeuzezi@yahoo.com

Cc: otiemichael85@gmail.com; michael.o@fechonengineering.com

Date: Friday, February 10, 2023 at 11:44 AM GMT+1

Gents FYA...

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Adebukola Rabiu <adebukola.rabiu@heirsoilandgas.com>
Date: 10 Feb 2023 10:03
Subject: HHOG-PHC-ENG-2022-069 - Flowline Construction and Hook-up - Request of Question (RFQ)
Cc: Asimu Momoh <asimu.momoh@heirsoilandgas.com>

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to invite your company to tender for the FLOWLINE CONSTRUCTION AND
HOOK-UP to HeirsHoldings Oil and Gas Limited (HHOG), in accordance with the attached

Your completed Price Schedule should be sent directly to the email address:

Also see attached the Proforma Contract.

Please note the following:

1. Do not copy any other person or email in HHOG.

2. The email subject should be: FLOWLINE CONSTRUCTION AND HOOK-UP
3. Your bid shall reach the email address on or before 5pm Wednesday 15 February 2023.
4. Payment terms shall be Sixty (60) days after submission of undisputed invoice.
5. UBA bank account is mandatory.
6. Withholding Tax (WHT) and 1% Nigerian Content Development Fund (NCDF) shall be
deducted from invoices at the time of payment to the extent that the Government or other
authorities in Nigeria require such deductions.
7. All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.
8. Payment shall be in split of 60% USD and 40% Naira
9. The prices are to be submitted in MS Excel and PDF format. It should be noted that
commercial prices in PDF format supersedes that of the MS Excel format if there are
discrepancies between both formats.
Please be informed that this Invitation To Tender is not a contract commitment between you and
HHOG, as HHOG will not bear any cost or loss by you or your company that may be associated with
this process, until such a time when there is a formal agreement signed between you or your
company and HHOG.

This email and any files transmi ed with it are confiden al and intended solely for the use of the individual
or en ty to whom they are addressed. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply
and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone.

Best regards,

1 of 2 10/02/2023, 12:26
Yahoo Mail - Fwd: HHOG-PHC-ENG-2022-069 - Flowline Construct... https://mail.yahoo.com/d/folders/1/messages/AFosNSVMsHrjY-YgC...

Adebukola Rabiu
Category Manager
HeirsHoldings Oil & Gas Ltd.
Heirs Towers, Plot 107B, Ajose Adeogun
Victoria Island, Lagos - Nigeria
P: +234-1-224-2000, Ext:
M: 08160258199

HeirsHoldings Oil & Gas Limited respects your data privacy and protection rights and encourages you to read our Privacy Policy
available here

HHOG-PHC-ENG-2022-069 Flowline Construction and Hook-up - Proforma Contract.doc


HHOG-PHC-ENG-2022-069 Flowline Construction and Hook-up - SCHEDULE OF PRICES.xlsx


2 of 2 10/02/2023, 12:26

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