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What do people from outside Europe think about Europe and Europeans?

Rhea Goikoetxea I spent my 20s and 30s in Europe.

Choronological order….

Germany 2 years.

Belgium 6 years.

Switzerland 4 years.

Hungary 7 years.

Spain 2 years.

I left Europe in 2020 (around September and settled in Colombia)

I am not European though, but I spent enough time there to know at least a lot of it.

Europe cannot be defined in one word for one simple reason….. it is a CONTINENT of almost 50

That means that Spain is nothing like Finland.

Germany is nothing like Italy.

Estonia is foreign to Ireland.

And so on and so forth…

Once you live in Europe and bypass the magic stage in which everything is a surreal world full of old
buildings and elegant people… Europe becomes very REAL. The more you stay, the less impressed you
are with the old buildings and the more everything looks the same. It is also true the longer you live
there, the less Europeans strike you as interesting, or unique or elegant and the more notice the fat folks,
and the less than classy folks, and the not so attractive people and the ignoramus locals that you did not
see when you were busy being is AWE staring at the old buildings.

Europe cured me… Europe made me realize that things you think are cool or wonderful are often fed to
you so you think of them that way…. they are hyped up.
It is also true that one cannot say anything about Europe because once again, what is Europe? Sofia?
Istambul? Lsbon? Rainy Oslo? Hot Athens? The war torn Donbas region?

There is even a piece of Europe in south America, ever heard of French Guyana? Yes, France is a South
American country…. (look it up!) Those South American folks in French Guyana are EU citizens!

So what do I think of Europe? Nothing! Just another part of the world with people, and people are
uniquely people!

Luca d'Agostino· 7mo

It is difficult to appraise Europe if you are unaware of its bi-millennial cultural heritage, which the Rhea
seems to be.

Rhea Goikoetxea 7mo

Southern Europe is the one with that. I do not see such bi-millenial cultural heritage in Scandinavia or
anywhere north of the Alps.

IF you are expecting me to be in complete awe of Europe because of Eurocentrism then I am not.

European history is human history. I do not see people demanding others to be in awe when they visit
Asia even though they have a longer history than Europe.

Luca d'Agostino· 7mo

As you wish Rhea, but you may want to notice that the cultural heritage of some major countries North
of the Alps (not Scandinavia, I agree) is roughly at least one-millennial, and rather “heavy” too.

By the way, Eurocentrism is your claim, not mine. I have great respect of other cultures, quite significant
and equally old, if not more, than the European one.

George Géal-Killy· 7mo

Who asked you to be in awe with Europe?

Southern Europe is the one with that. I do not see such bi-millenial cultural heritage in Scandinavia or
anywhere north of the Alps.

The Roman empire went all the way through England and you're simply not familiar with the Sami or the
Celtic cultural heritage.

European history is human history. I do not see people demanding others to be in awe when they visit

Well you're not very familiar with the Japanese, Chinese, Indians, even Russians and Turkish…and their
admirers then.

even though they have a longer history than Europe.

Actually all the continents were there at the same time.

Rhea Goikoetxea· 7mo

England was politically Roman FOR A PERIOD but little else. England is not France, Spain or italy with its
direct Roman heritage!

Scandinavia´s history is relatively young.

Continents were here at the same time geographically speaking, people weren’t.

George Géal-Killy· 7mo

Meet Bath. A roman city.

Ville de Bath

Station thermale fondée par les Romains, Bath a été un centre important de l'industrie lainière au Moyen
Âge. Au XVIIIe siècle, sous George III, elle est devenue une ville ...

Plus the fact that England was shaped by a French dynasty for centuries and all European countries
influenced each others…

Continents were here at the same time geographically speaking, people weren’t.

Actually they were.

How was the Earth populated? (Understanding ancient civilisations - Migrations)

By Sébastien Nomade (CEA - Fundamental Research Division) / June 2019 - Clefs CEA : Digital Edition #1.

So when there was something that we could remotely call culture, all the continents were very well

Other than a researcher in history or anthropology or anything scientific, I never heard of people living
somewhere because of barely palatable history from 5000 years ago. There is no Roman culture in
Europe anymore, only vestiges. Same with the China from 5000 years ago or the Jomon culture in Japan.

Awake Energy Warrior· 6mo

People followed the retreating ice into Scandinavia. There are human remains from 9000 years ago.

Skandinavien befolkades från två olika håll | Forskning & Framsteg

Den första vågen av migranter till Skandinavien kom från söder, när den senaste istiden tog slut för cirka
11 500 år sedan. De flesta var …
I just saw a 1000-year old runestone in Sweden last week.

You're right about Europe not being a single uniform entity. That includes history. European history is not
synonymous with the history of the Roman empire any more than Italy's culture is the same as Sweden's.

Javier Adan· 6mo

Russia more history? Japan? Lol

Anne Dunne· Aug 22

I do not know what you mean by eurocentrism. I certainly never asked anyone to care about Europe. As
for there being no ancient history above the Alps you seem to know little about the 2000 year old
artifacts in the UK and Ireland. You also contradict yourself in saying that European countries are very
different and then that they are the same. Personally I love living in Europe for its diversity of cultures,
languages, food, weather and histories. I wouldn't choose any other continent.

Rhea Goikoetxea· Nov 16

Diverse? It all looks the same. Bunch of uptight serious pale people with frowny faces dressed in H&M.

Europe is boring, sterile.

Alexandra Krause· Aug 29

Anywhere beyond the Alps? Berlin was founded more than 800 years ago. Every village in Germany has a
history of more than 500 years even back to 1000 years and more

Tiago Sousa· 6mo

First you mention that Europe is a non homogeneus entity then you say that everything looks the same
after a while. So which one is it? If "old buildings" is the main driver, I'd say that only perhaps Asia has
more diversity. Not south or north america, especially.

Anthony· 6mo

Europe is the best continent hands down

Toni Ionesco· 7mo

Great comment. Unfortunately, due to an endemic lack of culture, some people across the ocean think
that Europe is the name of a single big country or something.

Rhea Goikoetxea· 7mo

I know which nation you are refering to.


Alexandra Krause· Aug 29

The European Union is a state as the US. Federal rules (European constitution, human rights, laws by the
EMA and the European Parliament) apply to every nation state and are voted into law by these nation
states. Who refuses has to pay a fine. Yes, Poland is a problem (as are right wing states such as Hungary)
but even with laws being as diverse as they are due to history in the different states there are few
differences between Germany and France for example. As an EU citizen you can work and settle in every
state. And even if people don’t believe in the United States of Europe I am sure this will be the future of
the Union.

Toni Ionesco· Aug 30

“The European Union is a state as the US.”. Wrong.

MBD· 6mo

Not me. I am very aware of all of the countries located in Europe

Carlisle Bailey· 7mo

HM… but that is exactly the Idea from very beginning of the EU slow integration into one confederation
or federation ! From 1950 we all know what it is about !

This is the way it's going to be we can have our independent Europe ! Or you can have in name only
independent state that is vasal satellite state to USA or Russia !

Eddie Storey· 6mo

Rhea, you seem to post a lot about Europe and have a bit of a chip on your shoulder. Try following your
own advice and lighten up. :))

Rhea Goikoetxea· 6mo

I lived half my life in Europe. I guess that should matter. Me not thinkng Europe is a fairy tale land is not
having a chip on my shoulders.

Eddie Storey· 6mo

Me too. But now you’re contradicting yourself by referring to Europe as “not a fairy tale land”, whereas
previously you stated “it cannot be defined in one word for one simple reason….. it is a CONTINENT of

Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Switzerland and Spain is only about 10% of those countries.

But whatever. Hope you’ve found your perfect country/oasis wherever you are and that you’re happy
now. Colombia is a beautiful country and a nice place to live I’m sure, especially now that the Conflicto
armado interno de Colombia has finally ended.

Vaggelis Marinakis· 6mo

the Funny thing is IF u actually lived in all these European Countries for so many years, u didn”t learn
almost anything lol!….Nothing in the World Beats Europe, if ‘diversification is our strength” is the Moto
of a sh…Ho… country like canada that i lived for lots of yrs,why not Europe the same??..Europe is the
Best in the World for a Ton of reasons, which don”t have time to analyze, cause will take me ….days lol!

Lei Mié· 6mo

“Once you live in Europe and bypass the magic stage in which everything is a surreal world full of old
buildings and elegant people… Europe becomes very REAL. The more you stay, the less impressed you
are with the old buildings and the more everything looks the same. It is also true the longer you live
there, the less Europeans strike you as interesting, or unique or elegant and the more notice the fat folks,
and the less than classy folks, and the not so attractive people and the ignoramus locals that you did not
see when you were busy being is AWE staring at the old buildings.

Europe cured me… Europe made me realize that things you think are cool or wonderful are often fed to
you so you think of them that way…. they are hyped up.”

That’s so trueeee. It was difficult to put my thoughts into words when some friends asked me why I
wanted to leave Europe because Europe has always impressed them. You did it so perfectly.

Michel Leray· Sep 1

Has to be the worst description of europe.if europe bored you you will end up killing yourself in South

Rhea Goikoetxea· Oct 24

South America is color, fun, life. Europe is IKEA.

Carlisle Bailey· 7mo

What is America ? You could pretty much ask the same question within United States alone ! Also in USA
as I am sure you would know people used to speak different languages ! While is true that Europe is very
diverse (just like USA or Australia)

We also have a lot of things in common , especially from Canadian latitude onwards from what we call as
potato Europe !

I won't see Europe as the entire continent nor turkey is culturally Europe !

Europe to majority of Europeans means the old Europe before the divisions that occurred after 2ww ! So
probably ending After Hungary !

George Géal-Killy 7mo

Err no, Europe to the majority of Europeans means Europe. Even Russia. And more and more the EU if
we're talking strong European feeling.

Carlisle Bailey· 7mo

If you are once of those 2.5% of activists of whom 1.5 are foreigner or their descendants ! I assume theirs
isn't point in arguing with you anyway! Europe is the EU to me and majority of Europeans ! And our
European political class needs to remember that in Europe Europeans suppose to come first !

George Géal-Killy· 7mo

Are you on something? Making the questions and the answers and all?

The majority of Europeans are educated and when they think Europe they also think Monaco, Norway,
Switzerland, Ukraine, etc.
Carlisle Bailey· 7mo

Yeah of course ! But in different terms ! When you say oh this new law or regulation in Europe ! Or you
take about Europe as in political sence immigration sence , or economic sence … people will obviously
know you mean the EU/EEA !

Obviously you were getting the context I was talking about and pretending to be thick !

Obviously if EU say name all the countries in Europe you will include Ukraine Balkan countries amongst
many others !

But this Europe wasn't really all that connect with the rest of the European continent! (I am not talking
about communism obviously 40 years doesn't override 1000 years of history )

But those countries were alway aside having considerably different cultural historical and ethnical
background !

Maybe exept Serbia and western parts of Ukraine ! Again and that was for relatively short period of time !

So I know since I talk about politics nonstop with my friends when you say Europe in political or
economical sence or mention about the further arrangements we all think of EU/EEA countries !

Not turkey or Russia , Ukraine , Macedonia, Bosnia etc ..

Or if you like as you would characterise Europe before 2WW which again is basically the same as today's
EU !

Similar to when you say America I first tend to think of US unless there are some specific hints to the
sentence like American continent lol !

Hope this helps ! You are obviously free to think what you want ! Good day

Andrzej Kruszewski· 6mo

I have deleted my comment. For some reason, apparently something in your replies, I’ve assumed that
you are an arrogant american tourist “knowing all” about Europe. I apologize, with my best wishes, AK

Carlisle Bailey· 7mo

What means majority of Americans ? America means Canada included if we speak of entire Amarican the
Mexico and others are in gang too !

So obviously majority of people when they say America the refer to US when majority of people say
Europe they refer to EU not Kazakhstan

I obviously mean the European Union !

George Géal-Killy· 7mo

The EU is a recent concept, even new at historic scale. It isn't for the Americas. The Europeans had
millenia to know who they are. And the decades trying to build ties with Russia prove it.
And your example contradicts your claim. To the Canadians, Mexicans etc they also think of themselves
when they hear America. Enough to constantly reaming people outside America that America isn't only
the US.

Carlisle Bailey· 7mo

Yeah , but I could argue that USA was at point recent concept which obviously was ! Especially if you look
into a old constitution , they became all nations United and right at start they also had the option to
leave ! obviously you have to start at some point In history !

Especially the northern parts of Europe from Austrian border upward are pretty mixed and history it's
pretty intertwined not always in good not the point ! So it really makes complete sense to do things
together and rather have an independent Europe than American and Russian vasal states !

Carlisle Bailey· 7mo

Yeah the parts the Russians stolen from Europe okay ! Sure half of northern Russia is Finland so what not

Majority of people when you say America imagine Mexico Uruguay Peru Porto Rico and definitely
Columbia !

Jennifer Komo· 6mo

Yes, YES, this is so so true! People outside of Europe, especially in the US, see it with rose-colored glasses:
the buildings and people as you describe, but once you live here, you see the cracks in the beautiful
painting, until eventually you see it as flawed as any other place.

Tristan Reubard· Aug 8

Can be applied to many things.

Deborah· Nov 16

I agree with you rhea. I've been in europe for three years now and the rose coloured glasses are off. I'm
sick of the food, the buildings all look the same, the Eurocentric view that European people are
oh-so-classy and intellectual is completely shattered. Does this mean I hate Europe? No. But do I still
think it's the best place on earth? Absolutely not. Just like any other place, it has it's beauty, culture,
uniqueness, fucked -up shit, chaos, etc.

Possibly Europeans can't understand your sentiments since they haven't been on the other side and seen
how much Europe is hyped. But I get your perspective. It's just another place on earth and it's no better
or worse than other places. Just good old Europe. That's it.

Rhea Goikoetxea· Nov 16

I agree. After 21 years I got myself thinking…. what am I doing here?

My eye opening experience happened when I went to Senegal in Africa. It opened my eyes… I realized
how miserable my life in Europe was.
In Senegal I sat on a beach, looking at the amazing blue ocean under the warm sunlight, listening to the
radio of old Senegalese men play local music. They caught their fish, came up to me, offered me two for
free. I refused and he insisted, he then invited me to his house for lunch, his wife cooked the fish he
offered me with coconut leaves and spices from their own little garden.

Upon my return to Europe I got back to the uptight people with a frown on their faces, to a gray rainy
day, in that sterile airport lounge filled with serious faces who couldn't care less about me! I literally
wanted to cry!

I got to a point in which I felt like if I had to endure yet more gray weather, bland food that locals hyped
up as superior, and more 120 year old buildings that get hyped up as super historic, I was going to lose
my mind!

A fascinating fact. Almost 98% of all the buildings in Europe, outside the Mediterranean countries, have
no more than 130 years of age. Exceptions are the cathedrals. Most of Europe’s “glamorous” buildings
were built in the later half of the 19th century.

Deborah· Nov 16

I cannot begin to tell you how much your answer meant to me. I'm soon going to complete my degree
and my family wants me to stay in Europe because they think it's perfect here. But only people living here
can understand my situation. I've never been a foodie but nowadays I seriously wish to go back only to
eat some good flavoured food. I've always been an anti-social, introverted person so I thought Germany
would be a good fit but how I miss friendly inquisitive faces that might say some inappropriate things
sometimes but nonetheless all in good will. There's no place perfect or superior.

Rhea Goikoetxea· Nov 16

Germany is on another level of Karen! OMG, I lived there in my early 20s and I recall having this forty
something year old couple go THRU MY GARBAGE to see if I had recycled correctly.

I remember thinking in my naivete (I am 21, I’ll probably be like that when I am 40 something). Not at all!
I am 45 now and I would NEVER go through someone’s garbage so that I can make sure they recycled

Deborah· Nov 16

Oh yes some germans are big time bullies. How inappropriate to go through someone's garbage but I'm
not all that surprised. I've had some big time bullies during my part time jobs and some weird cunning
behaviour from my german classmates.

Martin Repisky Aug 21

I do not agree that old buildings will become tha same by time. Even though my country does not have a
lot of picturesque cities, i alway find them interresting and love to come visut them. For example Banska
Stiavnica, or Levoca, Kosice…and we are still talking abou one country, i love so much to sit on
motorcycle and travel to cities in other countries across Europe. This is very different fom US where cities
are much more boring (e.g. Atlanta) and distance among interresting cities are very long (basically on
south east there is only one interresting city - New Orleans and closest one that i loved was Asheville, NC.
Rhea Goikoetxea Aug 21

Europe is superior to the US. If you want to see cultured charm in the Americas, go to Latin America,not
the US nor Canada, those are like airport lounges.

However I speak in general terms

Ovijit Biswas Aug 28

Europe is superior to the US … its usa .

Travis Ray· Nov 7

I think they are doing just fine. A bunch of urbanized, schizotypal busy-bodies to get so wound up and
worried about things imho. You need immigration to keep from being inbred, which seems to me a real
danger, considering the quiet genocide of industrialized society and its constant domestification of
citizens and sheering of crazies. You need a few rebels in there too to question the lockstep everyone is
so fancy to follow. Life’s a struggle, that’s a sign of life. Europe looks well and lively. The sedentary, indoor
lifestyles and exotic preference in artificial selection will see to it that a lack of melanin is rewarded in
terms of physical health, if you are the kind to be so worried about a superficial thing such as that. Fret
not, it’s more beneficial than ever; people don’t really go outside anymore. They haven’t really in many
hundreds of years (like really, really, for extended times living in the sunlight)

Chris de Vos· Aug 19

It is obvious you hyped yourself up to be in awe of Europe, no one is forcing you to be in awe of any
European country. It is a bit like lots of people all over the world having a fairytale idea of Paris which is
far from the truth. The only country that says we are the best country in the world is America, they think
everyone wants to go live and work in America and should be in awe of it. We all get 25 to 36 Paid
vacation days in Europe the first day we start work as it is stated in the law and our bosses make us take
vacations so we are rested. Women get a minimum of 3 months paid leave after having a baby and
healthcare is only 150 euros a month that covers all medical, doctor, dentist, surgery, ambulance, hospital
stay. Why would any European want to go live and work in America and leave all these rights behind.
America is the best country in the world with the worst healthcare system where bosses get mad when
you take a vacation. Those vacations which arent even paid vacations you have to earn after working in a
job for a year, we get 25 to 36 paid vacation days the first day on the job. In America they call all these
things benefits in Europe we call them rights. You will probably say I dont live in the US, but I wrote it to
let you see that there is a country where a lof of people think we are the best country in the world and
everyone should be in awe of it. Maybe they should first fix the homeless problem, the potholes in the
road, the failing and very expensive healthcare system, bosses who get mad when you take a vacation
and of course the gun problem. No mass shootings in Europe, because guns are not allowed. We have
young children cycle to school alone in the entire country because it is safe to do so. No security needed
at schools and children play on the streets alone without parents because it is safe to do so. The country
that says it is the best country in the world and everyone should be in awe of has a lot of things to work

John Dow· Nov 1

I love reading the triggered Europeans in the comments, she shared her own opinions and just because it
doesn’t conform to your views of Europe doesn’t mean you should be triggered.

Rhea Goikoetxea· Nov 3

Fragile egos.

Thomas Makulova· Sep 21

Su rihjt about the hype n hate u if ur a other shade of white sys raciam

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