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| cs "EUROPEAN, CONVENTION FOR COMBTAUCTIONAL STEELWORK ‘ CONVENTION RUNGPEENIE DE LACONSTALCTION METALLIGUE. ks a EUROPAISCHE KONVENTION FUR STAHL BAU i - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STEEL CONSTRUCTION ECcs— Tr The Design and Testing of Connections i in Steel Sheeting and Sections 1990 NE24 EUROPEAN CONVENTION FOR CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK EccS cCECM CONVENTION EUROPEENNE DE LA CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE EKS EUROPAISCHE KONVENTION FUR STAHLBAU RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STEEL CONSTRUCTION ECCS — TC7 The Design and Testing of Connections in Steel Sheeting and Sections Constrado 1990 Ne 21 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted inany form orby any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or atherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner: ECCS General Secretariat CECM — Avenue deo Ombrages, 32/36 bte 20 EKS B -1200 BRUSSELS (Belgium) ECCS assumes no lability with respect fo the use for sny applicaiion of the materiel and Information contained in this public CONSTRADO was established by the British Steel Corporation in 1971 to provide an interface with ell parts of the construction industry. The Function of Constrado is to develop the market for all forms of steel in construction and ineludes the sponsorship of research and development, the provision of educational, advisory and information services, and participation in the preparation of stenderds and codes of practice end in the activities of relevant national and international bodies. Staffed by qualified professional personnel with specialised knowledge of steel applications Constrede constitutes a central focus for aiding specifiers, fabricaters and manufacturers to secure optimum efficiency From the use of steel in construction. Constrada, NLA Tower, 12 Addiscombe Road, Croydon CRI 3JH, England Telephone 01-688 2688. Telex 946372 THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION FOR CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK (ECCS) was Formed in 1955 and comprises fourteen national trade associstione representing the structural steelwork industry of each company. It carries out a range of activities directed towards the development of increased ‘and more efficient use of constructional steelwork. An importent aspect of its activities is to exploit the results of research in menber countries by the preparation of efficient design coves and standards and where necessary to sponsor or encourage relevant research. European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, Weena 700, Postbus 20714, Rotterdam 3, Holland Whilst every effort has been nade to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this publication, Constrado cannot accept responsibility For any loss or damage sustained in consequence of their application in practice. Publis d by Constrado 1984 PREFACE The aim of European Recommendations is to harmonize specifications. This document is presented by Committee TC7 ("Cold-formed thin-walled sheet atecl in building"). It combines two previous European Recommendations which are thus made obsolete: a European Recommendations for the testing of connections in profiled sheeting and other light gauge steel components (published May, 1976). @ Preliminary European Recommendations for connections in thin walled structural steel elements: Part 1 - design 0f connections (published February, 1981). ‘The combined document has been prepared by Working Group TWG 7.2 ané approved by Committee TC7. The two earlier documents were widely circulated to manufacturers of fasteners, to sheeting producers and installers, to standards and testing institutes, to universities, to consulting engineers and to trade organisations in the various E.0.¢.§. comtries and in North America. The coments received vere taken into secount ix preparing the final document, and the Committee would like to thank all those who replied for the care and attention which they gave to the documents. C.C.S.Committes 17 Document (1) was prepared by the following members of (the forerunner of TC7): E.C.C.S. 17 C13. E. R. Bryan ~ Chairman - Great tritain © M. Jedlovsky Czechoslovakia R. Bachre Sweden K. Mileezwski “Poland G. Ballio Iealy W. Teuber E.Germany ¢. carter Spain J. Varga zungary E. Derfnor Austria HL Jung-Larsen Dennark Working Groups G. Kreutz Belgium G. Magnies France G. L. Astbury Great Britain E. Segovia Martia Spain E. iauberge: Liechtenstein G. Moreau France T. Kellner W.Germany T. Pekdz U.S.A. 8. Klee W.Germany D. Stemmann W. Garnany AL iniese W.Cornany Fer 0. Thomasson Sweden H.C. Whitfield Great Britain E. Thrane Norway AL W. Tou Netherlands Exper J. M. Davies Great Britain vie. Jihl Berry (Australia), Professor J. M. Davies (University of Salfera), Dr. S. Klee (TH Darmstadt) and Dipl. ing. A. fniese (Germany) have been che special advisers of the Comitter. A large part of the document wes prepared under the Chairmanship of Professor R. Bachre. Document (2)and the combined document were prepared by che following meubers of Working Croup THC 7.2 A.W. Toma - Chairman Netherlands G. L. Astbury Great Britain R. M. Boston Great Britain I. ten Hoope Netherlands S. Klee W. Germany A. Kniese W.Germany M. Strnad Czechoslovakia E. Thurner Liechtenstein Im part D of this combined document, desiga formulae are given. As the Working Croup was not in a position to check each formula individually, part D is based solely on the sources mentioned. A parallel document prepared by Working Group TWG 7.2 is "Surcpean Recoumend- ations for mechanical fasteners for use in steel sheeting and section: information and testing". This document is mainly concerned with specificet- ions, properties and testing procedures for the fastener itself. ‘The Comittee wishes to acknowledge the considerable effort made by Working Group TWG 7.2 in preparing these Recommendations, and in particular the contribution of the Chairman, Mr. A. W, Tomi. E.R. BRYAN # Chairman of Committee TC7 * Address: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salford, Salford, MS GUT, Great Britain. ey, 1963. CONTENTS Preface Contents Symbols Definitions As GENERAL Al Introduction Asl.1 Scope Asl.2 National standards A.1.3° Guidance for the use of the recoumendaticas 4.2 Corrosion A.3 Load-factors and limit states Ae3al Types of load 4.3.2 Uledmate limit state Ac3.3° Serviceabiliry Limit state 3. BASIC PRINCIPLES Bel ‘Design principles for fastenings under static load B.l.1 Failure modes of fastenings Bel.2 Characteristic strength of fastenings under static load Bel.3 Deformation requirements for fastenings Bel.4 Definitions of the flexibility of fastenings Design principles for tasteniags under repeated load Desiga valuss of fastenings Design strengths of fastenings leaded in shear Design streagths of fasteniags loaded in tension Design flexibilicy of fastenings loaded in shear Design flexibility of fastenings loaded in teasion Forces 1a factentage Fastenings in steel sheets Fasteniags in sections Strength requirements Zor fastenings Sheex requiremeacs 3.5.2 3.5.3 Tension requirements Requirements for combined loading DESIGN VALUES DETERMINED BY TESTING Introduction Scope Effect of profile shape Failure modes General requirements Sheeting properties Fastener properties Testing equipement Measurement of deformation Making che connection Number of tests Shear test Standard shear test Pull out by shear/fastener failure test Alternacive shear test Single fastener shear cests Testing procedure for shear Tension test Standard tension test Alternative tension tests Measurement of deformation Testing procedure for tension Large scale tensioa test Recording of test results Ultimate load or maximum load within 3 mm deformation Load~deformation curve Test report Evaluation of test results Characteristic strength Fastentag flexipilicy €.6.3 Derivation of enperical formula for characteristic strength €.6.4 Correction to nominal sheeting values D. FORMULAE FOR THE DESIGN VALUES FOR FASTENINGS FOR PROFILED SHEETING AND SECTIONS Dl Introduetton D.2 -Desiga strengch and stiffness of fastenings with blind rivets D.3 Design strengch and stiffness of fastenings with bolts with aucs D.4 Design strengrh and stiffness of fastenings with powder actuated fasteners D5 Design strength and stiffness of fasteaings with screws ES LITERATURE REFERENCES Appendix I: DETERMINATION OF FORCES IN FASTENINGS FOR PROFILED SaEETING 1.0 General IsA Tension forces in fastenings 1.3 Shear forces in fastenings Appendix II: DETERMINATION OF FORGES IN FASTENINGS FOR SECTIONS IL.0 General II-A Tension forces in fastenings II-B Shear forees in fastenings Appendix III: DETERMINATION OF THE DESIGN STRENGTH OF 4 FASTENING LOADED IN TENSION, FROM TEST RESULTS WITH LOAD REPETITIONS Appendix IV: CALCULATION EXAMPLES FOR PROFILED STEEL SHEETS IV.A An example of a composite steel wall IV.B Examples for the roof ee SYMBOLS index 4 index k N index index index index index index index p pe roe index ¥ vie OF rm Op pe Gross sectional area force in an element force caused by the design load force caused by the characteristic load mumber of cycles to failure strength value of an clement design strength belonging to failure of the fastener design strength in geueral characteristic strength in general mean value of ultimate strengths according to tests desiga strength belonging to fatlure of the net section deaiga strength belonging to the failure mode Gesign strength belonging to the failure mode pull-over desiga strength belonging to the failure mode tearing alternative tension test support vidth shear deformation or slip deformation ia tensioa test width of profile trough statistical factor and distances ia the plane exibilty [am/N uplife flexipilicy [m/W diameter of fastener shear £ pryiag-force ¢ ctor correction factor for sheet thickness correction factor for yield stress standard deviation thickness of the steel Joadfactor material factor desiga value of the yield stress yield stress or 0.2% proof stress ultimate tensile strength pull-out pull-through oF tile and yield ta of a connection DEFINITIONS Fastener 3 Fastening Connection Flexibiliey Spring constant: the connecting element in a fastening interaction of fastener with surrounding material group (1 or more) of fastenings deformation per unit of force force per unit of d Ae ALLL Abed Comments GENERAL Introduction Scope The aim of these recommendations is to giv ~ methods to deternine forces which will appear in fastenings when the connected elements are loaded. - test methods to determine design strengths of fastenings. ~ formulae to deteraine design strengths of fastealags. ~ the required relationship between design forces and desiga strengths. Mechanical fascenings include those mada with the following types of fasteners: - blind rivers - boles with ours - powder actuated fasteners - screws Specific information concerning the fasteners {s given ia lit. ref. [es National standerds The preseat recommendations are "model recommendations" and are not intended to replace National Standards although it is hoped that National Standards will conform to the principles laid dowu ia this document, Ael Aled Recommendations GENERAL Introduction Scope These recomendations are concerned with design aethods for mechanical fastenings for cold forned profiled steel sheeting and other Light gauge steel components. Definitions Fastener + the counecting element in a fastening Fastening : interaction of fastener with surrounding naterial Connection: group (1 or more) of fastenings Remark. These design recommendations are valid only for fastenings where che Parts which are fastened are in direct coutact with each other. That means that oaly small bending noments are acting on the fasteners and the Recommendations are not valid for example, for crest fastening of Profiled sheeting or fastening of sandvich elements. National standards at the time the present recommendations were prepared (1983) few National Standards for the design of fastenings existed. In the absence of a National Standard these recommendations azy be used. Comments As1.3 Guidance for the use of che recommendations Economical aspects may include: 4. total oumber of fastenings which have to be made b. skill required es ability to be dismantled 4. design lige . installed costs of the fastening. The cost factors are: - fastener piece part cost - direct labour cost ~ indirect labour cost - application tools cost - maintenance cost - inveatory cost Durability depends on: a. chemical egressiveness of the environment Dd. possible galvanic corrosion €+ stress corrosion (can be important with elevated tengeratures end agressive chenical eavironmeats). Recommendacions Asl.3 Guidance for the use of the recommendations Suidance for the use of the recommendations This clause gives a guide to understaad the recommendations for structural requirenents. The structural requirenents are aot the only important ones. There are also non-structural requirenents such act + Suitability for purpose Economical aspects 3. Durabllicy 4. Watertightaess 5. Esthetics On basis of che five before mentioned non-structural requireueats the Bost optimal type of fastener vill be chosen. The number of fasteners to be used shall than be determined on basis of the followiag structural requirements. =u A.2. AL3eL Comments Corrosion The following parameters have an influence on the Lifetime of connections (related to corrosion problens): - climate and pollution of che environment - fastener material and contributioa of washers - material and finish of the connected elements ~ the combination of fastener~sheet-vasher-substructure and humidity in relation to the electrolytic potentials. Ta Lit. ret. [1 ore information ts given with regard to the corrosion aspect. Load factors end Limic scaces Types of load Tn each of the categories of direct and indirect loading there are Pole)s permanent (P.L.) and aon-permaacnt loads ( -2- Az AB Recommendations The structural requirements for fastenings are: 1. Strengeh 2. Stiffness 3. Deformation capacity ‘The strength requirenents are covered by (see clause 5.5): design strength of fastening (clause 3-3) > design forces in fastening (clause Bad), The stiffness (clause 3-1-4) bas to be kaown to calculate the design forces in the fastenings. The deformation capacity (clause Bel3) has to be known to determine the necessity of considering secondary forces (clause B.4). Corrosion Due Co the possibility of corrosion, fastener saterial should be choosea ly end corrosion protection considered. Load factors and lait states A.3.1 Types of load ‘The following loads and effects must be taken inte account in design: = gee Comments P.L.'s are those which are always present ia che life of the structure (e.g. dead loads, residual forces). N.P.L.'s are those which nay or may not be present oa che structure (eegs short term loads, climatic leads). A.3.2 Uleimate limit setae, The inteation of enhencenent factors 1s to take into account: - uncertainty ta nagnitude and type of loadiag - simplification in calculatioa models - erection colerances - accepted risks aye Recommendations Direct loading such as: - dead loads - short term or construction leads - wind loads = exceptional loads (e earthquake, explosions) 2. Indirect loading such as: - temperature variations ~ residual forces = movenents of supports These loadiags may be static or repeated. Definitions: Static load : load which rises continuously from zero up to sone value with a negligible mumber of load cycles duriag the time. Repeated load: load whose values move up aad down ia the course of time with « nuaber of load cycles which are not negligibi Characteristic values for the above mentioned types of loads shall be determined ta accordance with National Standerds or in their absence ia escordance with clause R22 of the European Recommendations for steel structures (lit. ref. [2]). Ultimate limit ctace The ultimate limit state shall be considered with the most unfavourable combination of P.L.'s and N.P.L.'s using appropriate enhancement factors. Aed.2e1 A322 Comments Load factors NePeL. The European Recommendations for Steel Structures (lit. ref. (2) propose a load factory, = 165. here several independent N.F.Le's also act upon the structure, the grestest effect shall be maintained at the full design lead (1.5 x char. load), but the others may be nultiplied by 0.5 (0.5 x 1.5 x char. load). The comments after A.3.2.2 give examples. Load factors P The European Recommendations for Steel Structures (lit. ref. [2 ) Propose @ load factor 1, , = 1.3 oF 1.0 (whichever 1s che aost unfavourable). Where additional and if the design value of the P.L.'s has a lece important effect than the design value of che N.P.L.'s, then che design value of the PoLs's aay be multiplied by 0.9. For the former case, Lf the design value of the N.P.L.'s has a less important effect thaa the design value of the P.L.'s, thon the design value of the NPL's may be aultiplied by 0.9. TE the effect is subtractive the design value of the ?.t.'s must be aultiplied by 0.75. The comments hereafter give examples. Pels's also act upon the structure Ac3.2.1 and Examples The load factors to be used with the characteristic velues of dead, short term aad wind loads are thus as follow: Case joad_factor Dead load naxinun ainimun Shor term load (in the absence of wind lead) Wind load (in the absence of short term load) Recommendations A.3.2.1 Load factors The characteristic N.F-L. shall te multiplied by 2 load factor Yuin $8 order to give the design load. Load factors P The characteristic PL. shall be aultiplied by a load factor Yuap 18 order to give the desiga load. ~ ip = 2363 Comments: For various typical combinations of dead, the load factors are as follows: short term and vind loads, With: G = characteriscic value of dead load Q = characteristic value of short tera load W™ characteristic value of wind load Dead + short term load (effects additive) 1.36 + 1.59 Dead + wind load (affects subtractive) 1,06 + 1L.5w Dead + short term + wind load (effects additive) short tera lead > wind load 1.36 + 1.59 + 0.5 = 1.5W = 1,36 + 1.50 + 0.754 short tern load ¢ wind load 1.36 + 0.5 x 1.59 + 1.5W = 1.36 + 0.759 + 1.5W Serviceability limit state For the serviceabilty Linit state, the most adverse combination of the characteristic loads shall he considerad. Where several independent N.?.L.’s also act ugen the structure, the greatesc effect shall be considered with a y, factor of 1.0, but the others may be auleiplied by 0.8. ag A339 Recommendations Serviceability Linte state The serviceability limit state shall be considered with the aost she's using loads shall te multiplied unfavourable combination of P.L.'s and propriate jead factors. The characteristic value by a load factor y, in order co give the service load. The deflection ef @ building or any part of a building shall be Himiced according to Nationsl Standards so es act to impair che strength or efficiency of che building, nor to be unsightly or cause fintshes. damage to any components or -19 - Bel Belel Comments BASIC PRINCIPLES Design principles for fastenings under static Load Failure nodes of fastenings Failure modes of fastenings loaded in shear May occur when the sheet is thick with reference co fascener diameter, or when an unsuitable fastener 13 used. May occur with hollow fasteners, and in combination with tilting and yield in tearing. Normal aode of failure in thin sheet to thin sheet fastening with either the threads, or the site formed river head, pulling out of the lower sheet. May occur in combination with yield of both sheets ta bearing, and in conjunction with considerable sheet distortion. = 20 - Recommendations Be BASIC PRINCIPLES Bel Design principles for fastenings under static load B.l-l Failure modes of fastenings Belel.1 Failure modes of fastenings loaded in shear The following nodes of failure may occur in fastenings leaded in shear: Shear of fastener: Crushing of fastener: Comments Shall not cceur 4€ recommended end distances are adhered to. Shall not occur if recommended widths are adhered to. Recommendations Meld in tearing (Tearing of sheet) Yield of thinner sheet only — LALALD LLL BLL LA Yield of both sheecs failure: Tension failur: Comments Bsl.1.2 Faflure modes of fastenings loaded ia tension May occur when the sheet is thick vith reference co the fastener, or when an unsuitable fastener is used. May occur when the support member is thin, or when there is =m - Recommendations Combined failure: Any combinations of the before mentioned failure modes. B.1.1.2 Fedlure modes of fastenings loaded in tension SR Ee ene dodo intensien: The following acdas of failure may occur ia fastenings loaded in tension. Tension failure of fastener: a: - 4 Pull over: r re LLELLELLLLE ROLLE LL OTL LET oe a Comments May be accompanied by washer distortion. Permanent gross profile distortion may be considered to consituce unserviceability of the structure. Characteristic strength of fastentags under static load Part ¢ of these recoumendations gives standard testing procedures and an evaluation guideline to deteraine By, Recommendations Pull through: Combined failure: Any combinations of the before mentioned failure modes. Characteristic strengeh of fastenings under static 1: The characteristic strength P, of a fastentag follows from a statistical evaluation of test results with 2 certain tolerance limit and confidence coefficient: Bt Plo ens where: F, = mean value from at least five tests of: for tension: the ultimate lo for shear : the aaximum load reached in a defornation of 3 am B13 Bol s3et Coments Deformation requirements for fastenings To prevent brittle fatlure (mininum required deformation) aad to ensure a sound structure in service state (allowable deformation) appropriate deformation is required. Deformation requirements for fastenings loaded La shear EE Sete se tooded tn shear A sualler deflection than 0.5 um at failure of the fastening might be considered ac @ fastening with insufficient deformation capacity. To avoid consideration of secondary forces for seam fastenings ia Profiled sheeting a deflection at failure of 0.5 um is sufficient. To avoid consideration of secondary forces and forces caused by Cemperature variation for profiled sheeting to oubateucture fastentag: The deflection at fatlure of the fastening is preferably larger than 3 um without excessive hele deformation of the cubstructure. (The aost critical fastening for this cequireneat is that vith four sheet Layers-combined longitudinal and transverse lap joint. In clause C.3.2 a test specimen is shown co check the Tequirement). Furthermore when uleinace load 1s reached before a deflection of 3 am chen the renaining strength at 3 mm shall be at jeast design strength (The design strength is defined in clause Be3.1)+ - 28 - Bel.3.1 Recommendations © = a coefficient which depends on the number of test observations, the type of distribution, the fractile part and confidence level chosen @ = standard deviation The appropriate value cf ¢ will normally be found ia National Standards (see eg. B.2 and C641). Deformation requiremeats for fastenings Deformation requirements for fastenings lcaded in shear $$$ RS ated tn shea Requirements to ensure sufficient deforaation capacity EE tent deformation capacicy The deflection at failure of the fastening has to be sufficient to ensure redistribution and equalisation of forces in connections and Fo avoid consideration of secondary forces (see clause 3.4.1). 4 fastening to the substructure needs a Lazger deformation capacity than 2 seam fastening vhen secondary forces and forces caused by temperature variation are not considered. -29- Comments ection p, Gesicn strength These requiremeats have also to be fulfilled for the most critical Combination of thickness and strength withia the tolerance limits of the sheet material and fastener. For this reason a certain Tange must be available between the characteristic strength belonging to a failure mode with insuffictent deformation capacity and the characteristic strength of the fastening. When: Py, is the characteristic strengeh belonging to a failure aode with iasuffictent deformation capacity. Yq $8 the characteristte strengch belonging to a failure mode with sufficient deformation capacity. then it is desirable that: Pap > 163 By ‘el -.0- Recommendations sas Comments When occasion arises the corrected values (according to clause 3.341) for Fp and Fy have to be taken. The intension of the factor 1.3 1s to take Lato sccount the variation in yteld stress of the applied sheet saterials in reality and the scatter in teotresults for 2,; and P,». A deflection less than 3 um can also be sufficient, but then secondary forces and forces caused by temperature variation must be considered. Deformation requirements for fastenings loaded in tension For fastance co avoid consideration of secondary forces: The deflection at ultimate strength of the fastening has to be larger than 3 am. This deflection will always ve reached when all of the following conditions are fulfilled for profiled sheeting: ~ single sheet thickness < 1.5 mm ~ yield stress of the sheet material > 240 N/mm” - difference between the width of the sheet flange chrough which is fastened and the diameter of head of the fastener or washer > 14 om. - the characteriseic strength of the fastener or anchorage of the fastener is sufficient (no pull-out and fastener-failure). B.1.3.2 Reconmendations Requirements to ensure a sound structure in service state: 4n acceptable serviceabilicy state will be achieved shen the recovery Of deflection after loading up to service load (approximate characteristic strength multiplied by 0.6) and removal of the loading has uot led to excessive deformation. Deformation requirements for fasteniags lodded in tension SSN reguirenents for fastentags loaded in tension Requiremeats to ensure sufficient deformation capacity EE eformation capacity The deflection et ulcimate strength of the fastening hes to be sufftetent to ensure redistribution and equalisation of forces in connections aud to avoid consideration of secondary forces (see clause B-4.1.2). =m Comnents When pull out strength > pull over/pull through streagch but one or wore of these conditions are not fulfilled than it has to be Proved by alternative teasion test 2 (see clause C.4.2.2) thac the deflection at maximum test load is lerger than 3 mm. When pull out strength < pull over/pull through strength (fastening in thin base material) than tt has to be proved by pull out test (see clause C.4.1.4) that the deflection at maximum test load is larger than 3 mm. The deflection requirements has also to be fulfilled for the most critical combination of thickness and strength withia the tolerance lintts of the sheet material and fastener. For this teason 4 certain range must ba available between the characteristic strength belouging to a failure mode with insufficient deformation capecity and the characteristic strength of the fastening. Whea: P,; is the characteristic strength belonging to a faflure mode with insufficient deformation capacity. Fg ts the characteristic strength belonging to a failure mode with sufficient deformation capacity. then ir {s desirable that: Bey > 108, Here a factor 1.0 is sufficient because due to tension force with a value about P, the fastening possesses still sufficient deformation capacity. Therefore variation in yield stress of the applied sheet Materials and the scatter in test results are not so important. se 3,342) When occasion arises the corrected values (according to <: for P., and P., have to be taken. A deflection less than 3 mm can also be sufficient, but then Secondary forces aust be considered. Recommendations Requirements to ensure a sound structure in service state an acceptable serviceability state will be achieved when the recovery of deflection after loading up to service load (approxima characteristic strength multiplied by 0.6) and removal of the loading has not led to excessive deformation. awe Bele Beledel Beledet Comments Definitions of the flexibility of fastening: For determination of force distributions in structures it is aecessary to know the flexibility of fastenings. Shear flexibility The shear flexibility shall be determined according to clause C.3. For the fastening sheet to sheet with che two-fastener test. For the fastening sheet co subscructure vith che one-fastener test. The European Recommendations for the atreseed skla design of steet structures (Lit. ref. (3 ) suggests thae a suitable value of Uv y, ts 0.6 This ts derived from: ie raioe seo 16 cg Eo ineecn pi Part D gives formulae to determine the uplift flexibilicy for a suber of fastenings. a6 Beles Belebed Bele.2 Racomnendations Defiaitions of the flexibility of fastenings Shear flexibility The chear flexibility of a fastentag, c,, shall be deterained frou: vherara, is the slip of a fasteniag (corrected with the elongation of the test speciaen ovar the measuring length) at a load equivalent co A/ 1, P, is the characteristic strength of a fastening yy 43 an appropriate factor a ds amber of test speciaens Uplirt flexibility The uplift flexibility of a fasteniag, c,, shall be determined from! where: a, is the deformation of a fastentag (difference in deflection of the fastening between veb of che test specimen and the fastener) at a load equivalent to ®/ Y, - P, is the characteristic strength of a fastening ¥, 4s an appropriate factor nis ounber of test speciaen 3.2 Comments Design principles for fastentags under repeated Load From tests appeared that the treated fastenings are seasitive for repeated loading especially for tension load. This chapter gives a manner to describe the behaviour of a faeteniag under repeated load. In clause 3.3 the determination of the design strength of fostentags is given, in which is taken account with tts behaviour under repeated load. As a result of repeated load additional fatlure modes can appear for iastance unscrewing. Unscrewing can occur when the shear forces in the fastening are fully reserved (symmetrical reversed load), see Lit. ref. [10]. Fully reversed Load can be caused for instance by cranes. Tn principal the same type of specimens can te used as for the static fest (see part ¢). A good estimation of the S-N curve will be reached when fron the four force levels the maxinuz loads are roughly Jaytag: ~ in che range of 1.0 %, and 0.2 B for tension test - in the range of 1.0 P, and 0.5 %, for shear test with failure of the sheeting ~ in the range of 1.0 %, and 0.2 P, for shear test with faflura of the fastener Herein F, is the characteristic static strength of the fastening. The ainiaum load shall be about cero (with a neximum of 10% of the maxtoum Load). Loading frequence: ~ for tension test between 0.5 and 3.0. a2 ~ for shear test becueen 1.0 ané 5.0 He; higher frequencies aay be vsed provided resonance is avotded and that there is no iafluesce on the material properties by the effect of hysteresis load Recommendations Ben Design principles for fastenings under repeated load Tae failure modes for repeated load are in general similar as for static load. Sone additional modes can appear. The behaviour of « fastening under repeated load shall be show in a S-N curve (Wohler curve). ‘The characteristic S-N curve has to be determined as follows: ~ Do the repeated loading tests from zero to maxinum loading at least at four force levels. «Fane B.S Comments These ranges are rough estimations. For determining the endurance Limit tt can be cecessary to reduce the lovest maximum load level. Specimen failure may be defined by either a strength or deformation criterion. - strength criterion: inability to attain the maxisum load shall constitute failure for the test - deformation criterion: + shear test: deformation failure vill be considered to occur when a nominated maximum clip {s exceeded + tension tests: serviceabiliry failure may, when relevant, be takea as occuring on the observance of cracking in the vicinity of the fastener. In order to determine the crack propagacion and deformation, repeated tests may be more appropriately carried out usiag the “Large Scale Tension Test" or the "Alteruative Tension Test 2” according to part C. The velue of c cam be taken fron the table below for a normal distribution and a chosen fractile part of 50 % (mean value) with a confidence level of 95 %. Values for other choices ara given in lit. ref. [19]. T number | 4 5 6 8 10 wz | 20 ° lof tests ce 2.33 [2.13 | 2.02 ]1.90 | 1.83 | 1.80 | 1.73 | 1-64 It gay be assumed that a force vhich is sustained 107 times will aoc cause failure at a larger uumber of force repetitions (endurance Limit). Design values of fastenings The most exact vay for designing fastenings is co do a calculation for the static lead and one for the repeated load. However for simplicity here ts chosen for a aechod ia which the repeated ~40- Recommendations - At each level et least four tests have to be carried out ~ The characteristic number of cycles to failure at a certain force level follows fron: log (N,) + (log Ma- ces where: i 4s the characteristic aumber of cycles to + fadlure at a certain force level. x + is the mumber of cycles to failure of a cest. + The Laability of the fastening to attain che maxinum load shall constitute failure. (log N)q + is 2 log N divided by the number of taste s + is the standard deviation of Log N e i is a statistical factor which depends on the ‘Suaber of test observations, the type of distribution, the frectile part end confidence level chosen ~ The characteristic S-N curve can be construed by connecting che log (N.)-points by straight lines. B.3 =e BA3eL Comments character of wind loads is taken into the design strength and all the loads can be assumed as being static. In shear, reduction La fastening strength due to repeated loading aay eceur, but is not usually significant at less than 10° loading cycles. For tension, a carked reduction in fastening strength may become apparent at less than 10? loading cycles. Design strengths of fastenings loaded in shear Form tests appeared that the effects of repeated loads (with a spectrum in accordance with wind loads) can be neglected for the design shear streagth. When the deformation requirements of clause Bel.3e1 (3 am) are satisfied then the effeers of repeated forces caused by temperature variacion can also be neglected. ¢ meaning of the waterial factor is to take into account: - statistical base of P, and accepted risks - umber of fastenings which act together - differences between site and laboratory circumstances - uncertainty in material properties In lic. ref. [3 ts proposad to take a aaterial factor of 11 which 1a based on: ~ a large number of fastenings are acting together in a dtaphraga ~ every fastening has sufficient deforaation capacity ~ the sentioned statistical bese of When only a fw fastenings are acting together (this 1s mostly che case in connections in sections) ir is proposed to take a waterial factor of 1.2 when the same statistical base as before is used. Part D gives formulae to determine the design shear strength of 4 Sumber of fastenings. All these formulae are on the safe elda. Design values determined by tests will give more realistic values. Be3el Recommendations Design strengths of fastenings loaded ia shear Tae design strength of fastenings loaded in shear is defined as the characteristic static strength divided by a material factor and multiplied by correction factors. Bowls - B, Pgs design strengeh of a fastening P,t characteriaric strength of a fastening under scacic load (clause Bele2) + aaterial factor } a correction factor depending oa the guaranteed ainimm core sheet thickness (t,) and the thickness of the sheet used in the tests (c,) when t, and ¢, do not differ nore than 0.1 am t ko gh wich « maxinum of k= 1 t kj! a correction factor dependiag on the guaranteed minimum yield limit (o,) and the y ¢ yp id limit of the sheet used in the tests 4 wy + Gf wien e maximum of y= 1 z B32 3.3.3 Comments Design strengths of fastenings loaded in tension The SN curve follows from clause 3.2 Appendix ITI shows an exanple for the determination of the design streagth. A safe estimation of the design strength of fastenings loaded in tension by wind will be given by (Lit. ref. [9 ): Fg t design strength of a fastening loeded 1a tension by wind in which is taken account of the tafluencs of repeated load characteristic static strength of a fastening according co clause Bel.2. material factor. Recoumented is to take ¥, = 11 (clause Be3.1) k, and Kk, t see clause 3.3.1 Part D gives formulae to determine the static design tension strength of @ amber of fastenings. The influence of the repeated loads has to be taken into account by dividing the result of the formula by 2 (ia the case of load repetitions caused by wind). All these formulae are on the safe side. Design values determined by tests will give more realistic values. Design flexibility of fastenings loaded in shear = bg-o Recommendations 3.3.2 Design strengths of fastenings loaded in tension The design strengch of fastenings loaded in tension hac to be determined in such a way that the influeace of repeated load, when Televant, is taken into account. The design strength follows from a comparison of the S-N curve of 4 fastening and the vindload spectrum on the fastening by means of the modified damage cule of Miner. Only # correction co the aoninal sheet thickness is necessary (i, according to clause 3.3.1). When for the fasteatag uo load repetitions are relevant the design strength can be determined ia the same way aa for fastenings loaded in shear (see clause 8.3.1). B.3.3 Design flexibility of fastenings Loaded in shear The design flexibility of fasteniags loaded in shear can be teken equel to ¢, according to clause B.!.d.1. 3.3.4 Bed Bebel Be4elel Couments Part D gives a formula to deternine the design uplift springconstant Cgy* The relation between c,, and c, de: The formula for e4, gives values vhich represent a higher stiffness than in reality. Design values determined by tests will give nore realistic values. The value of c, depends on the sheet thicksess, the flange vidth of the sheet through which {s fectencd and the type of fastener, head and washer. Forces in fastenings Fastenings in steel sheets Primary forces: forces in fastenings vhich are directly caused by che lead. Secondary forces: forces in fastenings which are indirectly caused by the load and ay be neglected in the presence of sufficient deformation capacity of the fastening. The deformation capacity of the fastening can be unsufficient in following cases: ~ the thickness of the sheet 1s coo great in relation to the strength of the fastener ~ the thickness of the sheer is too great ia relation to the anchorage ( pull out strength) of the fastener. Shear forces in fastenings Lit. ref. (3 gives a calculation aechod to determine the design shear forces in fastenings caused by diaphraga action. Sage By363 Bebel Bededel Recommendations Design flexibility of fastenings loaded tn tension The design flexibility of fastenings loaded in tension can be taken equal to c, according to clause Belehe2+ Forces in fastenings Faatenings in steel sheets The primary forces always have to be calculated and compared with the design streagth of the fastening. In the casa of secondary forces calculation is necessary only vhen the defornation requirenents mentioned 1a clause 3-1-3 are act satisfied. when deformation requirements are not satisfied, the combined effect of primary and secondary forces must be cousidered. Shear forces in fastenings The primary shear forces in fastenings will be caused by: ~ dead load (e.g. in cladding) ~ diaphragn action when it is used deliberacely (e.g. inscead of a wind bracing, beams lateral stabilised by a diaphragm, columns stabilized against buckling by a diaphragm) - variation of the temperature of steel sheets Bebele? Comments The shear forces in fasteaings caused by variation of the temperature ef the sheets can be calculated by taking account of slip in the fastenings, strain of the sheets and deflection possibilities of the structure (it. ref. [15] and oppendix 1.3.1). These shear forcas nay be neglected ia the presence of suffictent deformacton possibilities. Appendix 1.3.2 gives a calculation method to determine the shear forces caused by rotation and membrane action of the sheet. Tension forces in fastenings In reality a sheec vith supports does act behave as a siuply supported system. downvard uplige Refering to the figure above, the shaet will make contact at poiat A or B dependent on the sheet deformation. ‘This will cause accidental fixingmomeats of extra tension for sheet which generate in the fasteners, called prying-forces. The value of the prying-forces depends on the following paramet: a. Flexibility of sheet 4a span direction. b. Flexibility of sheet in cross section uear fastener. c+ Stiffness of fastener and washer. d. Distance between fastener and contact point A and B. @. Place of fastener in cross section of sheet. £. Torsional flexibility of support. - ane Recommendations The secondary shear forces in fasteniage will be caused by: ~ Fotation of the excentric fastened (with respect to the neutral axis) sheet-end and the membrane action of the sheet. ~ dlaphragn action occuring unintentionly, Tension forces in fasteniags ‘The primary tension forces ta fasteaings will be caused by uplift loads. The secondary forces in fastenings are the prying-forces which can be caused by uplife and dowaward load. In the comments the moaning of prying-force is explained. ~ 40 - BLA BeSeL Coumeacs Appendix I-A (based on 1it. ref. [13 and [1h ) gives a calculation method to determine the prying-force for a number of systens. Fastenings tn sections Lit. ref. [13 shows some examples to determine the forces in fastenings {a sections. Appendix II 18 4 copy of relevant part of Lit. ref. [19 « Shear requirenest Lic. ref. [3 gives the requirenents for facteatage in relation to the diaphragn action of sheets. In general it 1s assumed that che weakest elements will be the seams and the streagth of che other elemeats shall be 1.25 cimes higher. ‘The design strength can also be limited by che deformation requirements according to B.1.3.1. = s9e Boh. eS B.S.1 Recommendations Fastenings in sections The forces in connections aud their distribution over the fasteniags have to be deterained with due regard to the flexibility (tension or shear) for each connection or fastening. Strength requirements for fastenings In general: Py? Ey where: Py is design strenght of a fastening Fy ts foree in a fastening caused by the design load (is factored load). In some cases additional requirements have to te stated caused by serviceability state or e requirement that 2 certain failure acde shall aot appear. Shear requireneat The shear force according to B.4.1.1 and 3.4.2 has to be sualler than the design shear strength according to 3.3.1. Be5-2 B.5.3 Comments Tension requirement, The design strength can also be linited by the deformation Fequiments according to Requirements for combined loading Following formula gives conservative estimation for combined loading (lit. ref. [8 = Fae, Fas Far Pas <1 Bereta: Fy t force in a fastening caused by the design load By : design strength of a fastening index t: teasion index ¢: shear For certain fasteners a better behaviour of the fastenlag can be expected. This shall be verified by tests with « force direction which makes 45° with the fastener axis. It is possible that the following elliptic relation will be valid: F, $82 4 Gea cy dt ds TE one of the forces is of minor importance then its effect may be neglected. =e Recommendations Be, Tension requirement The tension force according to Bs4e1,2 and B.4+2 has to be onaller than the design tension estrangth according to 5.3.2 65.3 Requirements for coubined loading TE im practice a fastening can be loaded by shear and tension at the Same time, then the behaviour of the fastening under che combined Load has to be considered. Gat Celt C162 Comments DESIGN VALUES DETERMINED BY TESTING Introduction Scope Tt 4s anticipated chat the acceptance of these recommendations by the menber countries of ECCS will lead to the nore ready exchange of products between countries based on the acceptance of teat results obtained by authorised testing Institutions in the aanutacturing country. Standard and alternative test nethods ara given for the determination ef connection strength and deformation charactaristics for loading applied parallal to the plane of the sheeting-fascener in shear, and for loading applied perpendicular to the plana of the sheeting~ fastener in tension. The testing methods are applicable to sheeting-co-sheeting and sheeting-to-support connections. When sheeting is fastened to now-metallic supports slight modification of the test specimen may be necessary, and material Properties other thaa those listed may require measurement. The receumendatious are concerned with testing of fastenings and do not include tests for the determination of the strengch of che fastener itself. These tests are treated in lit. ref. [1 . Effect of profile shape The shear strength of a sheeting fastening is generally independent of the shape of the profile. Although the standard tension rest fixture is suitable for use with boch flat and profiled sheeting tc should be noted chat the tensile strength of a fastening ia =u cat Cen Ce1.2 Recommendations DESTSGN VALUES DETERMINED TEstry Introduction Scope This part G gives testing methods and evaluation procedures for the detormination of fastening strength and deformation characteristics for uechantes! fasteniaga for cold formed profiled sheeting and other light gauge steel components in static loading. Details for repeated loadiag tests are given in clause 3.2. Effect of profile shape Tensile connection strength values obtained fron tests on flat sheeting shall not be applied to profiled sheering. = 55 - G2 C.261 6.2.2 Comments profiled sheeting is influenced by the shape of the profile, Similarly tensile fastening strengths ara dependent upon the positioning of the fastener with respect to the profile, and when two fasteners are placed in any trough the connection strength will be much less than twice the streagth of a fastening. Failure nodes All test reports are to contain an indication of the actual node of failure under test. As some types of failure are not permitted in structures ia vhich the cheating is designed to act aa a diaphraga, specific attention should be dram to the occurrence of such failures, even if the failure only appears es an isclated case. General requirenents Sheeting properties 25 (90.9) = yield stress or 0.2% proof stress a = ultimate tensile strength 4 = percentage elongation at fracture Tests are to be carried out in accordance with the appropriate National or ISO standard, on coupons taken fron a flat undamaged section of che sheeting, cut parallel co the corrugations. Except in cases of fastener failure, fastening strength is a function of sheeting strength end thickness. Fastener properties For washers, these dimensions refer to che metal and not to the sealing material. C.1.3 C.2.1 C2262 Recommendations Failure mo: Typical failure modes for fastenings subjected to shear are given in clause B.1.1.1 and for fastenings subjected to tension in clause Bel1.2. General requirenents Sheeting properties For each sample of sheeting a tensile test shall be carried out to determine 6,( 9,5 5), 2, aad Ae As appropriate, the following geometrical properties of the sheeting shall be mesured to the accuracy indicated - Sheet thickness, base metal exclusive 0.01 om of galvantsing or coatings - Width of flat seetions - Depth of profile 1.0 om Fastener properties Nominal fastener and washer dimensious shall be verified to an accuracy of Ol mm. 6.2.4 22.5 Comments Testing equipenent The test methods are generally suitable for use in hydraulic or serew operated tension testing machines. Measurement of deformation Tor the design of diaphragas and deformations requirements (see 48 4s essential to have an accurate kaowledge of the shear flexibility of the fasteniag (i.e. the shear deflection per untt shear load) under loadings up to those corresponding with the design state. As the ultimate load of the fastening is approached a lover standard of accuracy of deformation aeacurencat cay be eaployed. Making the connection Care muts be caken to ensure that laboratory fixing and inspection Procedures are aot incompatible vith site practice. = sae 6.243 6.264 6.2.5 Recommendations Testing equipment The testing apparatus shall be uch that the rate of Loading can be controlled, and constant loads maintained. Loads shall be capable of ueasurement to an accuracy of at least 2%. Support systens shall be such that the original direction of Loading shall be aaintained throughout the test. Measurement of deformation Deformation shall be measured to an accuracy of + 0.02 um for fastenings loaded ia shear, and + 0.05 um for fastenings in which the fastener is loaded {a tension. If tasting {s undertaken solely for the determination of fastening strength a lower standard of accuracy may be used for defornation measurement: Maicing the connection Fasteners shall be fixed within 1 mm of the positions specified on the test pieces. ALL fastenings shail be made in a consistent manner with the fasteners applied in accordance with the maker's recommendation ox the procedure co be adopted on site. Special note shall be taken of the following: - diameter of precrilled oles ~ Uigthening corque or depth satting coatrol for threaded fasteners ~ type of tool and powder load for powder actuated fasteners - strength and thickness of supporting menbers = 59- C6266 Nunber of test: Comments The uumber of tests should be increased if the scatter of results is pronounced. Characteristic fastening strengths are estimated from a statistical evaluation of test results. Such strengths will normally be increased by dacreasing the number of tests. =:6h = C.2.6 Recommendations Number of teste The minimum auber of tests from which the fastening properties may be estimated 1s influenced by the variability of the resules, and aay be determined as follows: a, TE the test series includes only one nominal cross-section and one nominal thickness, at least five tests shall be carried out. If any one of these tests results in an ultimace load which differs from the wean ultinate load by more than 10% of the mean at least three further tests shall be carried out. Test results shall be evaluated in accordance with clause C.6.1. - If the test series includes cee noainal erose section, but sever: nominal thicknesses where the difference betveen the actual thicknesses is at least 0.1 sm, or several nouinal strengths where the difference between the actual strengths is at least 30 N jam’, at least three tests shall be carried out for each thickness x strength value. The total number of tests iz the series shall be at least uine. Test results shall be evaluated in accordance with clause C.6.3. Te is believed that non-reprecentacive resulta are obtained frou any one test, this test may be rejected provided it ts replaced by tuo oF ore equivalent tests. Any test so rejected shall be reported, and the reason for the rejection clearly stated. m6 = c.3 C361 Comments Shoar test Standard shear test This tesc is known as a single lap joint shear test. When the testing machine in usa has grips which may be adjusted co epply a central load irrespective of the alignment of the test straps Packing pieces need not be used. Deformation recording obtained by measurement of the relative travel Of the grips of the testing machine shall act be used for the determination of slip values unless: 4. positive initial fixing of the specimen in the grips is certain, and b. deformation readings are corrected to account for the elasstic extension of the specimen beyond the specified extensometer Jeageh. Electrical gauges way be connected to a recorder to obtain a lcad- deformation diagram for the connection if the average deformation of the counections is recorded. Recommendations Shear test G.341 Standard shear test Upper gripping device of testir machina tense extenscueter Lv 4 i lover gripping device of testin machine Figs Gel: Standard Shear Test Specinen Fasteaer dian. Specinen dinensions, =m 4, om # by e | £ S$ 6.5 60 260 30 60 150 ? 6.5 10d 200+10d Sd 10d 20d+30 Tolerance EJ ss a1 | 1 +6 Packing pieces or shims shall be used when che thickness of either strap exceeds 2 mm. - 63 - Comments 6.3.2 In the case of fastening more than one layer, the deformations decrease and for powder actuated fasteners end screws with short penetration depth also the pull-out strength may decrease. =e 0.3.2 Recommendations Packing pieces or shims shall be used when the thickaess of either strap exceeds 2 um. ‘The extensometer shall be a single unit fixed acrogs the width of che test specimen with a mechanical or electrical gauge at each side. Alternatively two separate gauges. Cne fixed to each edge of the specimen shall be used. Deformation shall be taken as the average of the recordings of two gauges. The required accuracy of aeasurements is given in clause C.2.4. Pull out by shear/fastener fatlure test For fastening more than ove sheet layer pull out by shear/fastener fadlura can govera. For the strength and deformation requirements cee part Be Fig. €.2: cese specimen for pull out sy sheac/fastener failure = 65 - Comments 6.3.3 Alternative shear test The siaulated daphragn action test say be used for detecaining che strength and flexibility of connections not in the plane of the shecticg, og upetanding seana and for the consideration of edge failure. The test fixture ts fully described in lit. ref. [18] and is illustrated in Fig. C.4. Loading may be applied by means of a hydraulic jacking system. Load measurement ay be by load cell, or suitable iastmmentacion ia the restrained end. Deformation shall be determined from the relative displacement of the eads of the shear places, Restraint Test fasteners cA Test ipecimen Zee high strength sett: Bore plote Applied Guide iocd tracks Simulated diaphragm action apparatus Pare 6.363 Recommendations Alteruative shear test This test should only be used when the standard shear test is wasuiteble for testing the connection or property under consideration. Fastener diaseter Specimen dimensions, mm 4, om v 2 3, < 6.5 92.5 10 60 > 665 82.5 + ey 15d loa Fig. C.3: Alternative shear cest specimen = 67 6.3.4 6.3.5 Comments Single fastener shear tests Single fastener tests may be appropriate to the study of the tafluence of end distance on the connection (e.g. fastening to support). Shear Flexibility values (i.e. the shear deflection per unit shear load) obtained from single fastener tests are normally much lower than shear flexibility values cbtained from double fastener tects. Mean ultimate load values per fastener for single fastener connections are normally little different from those obtained for double fastener connections. Differing characterietic strengths may however be obtained following statistical evaluation of test results. Testing procedure for shear The specified loading rate is necessary to ensure adequate tine within the range of working slip and plastic deformation. Load intervals should be reduced wnen about 10% of che expected ultimate load is resched it may Ln some Lastances be appropriate to use deformation increments as the ultimate load is approached. Valoading tests, if required, may be carried out from the estimated design load of the connection. Tension test The “Standard Tension Test" (clause ¢.4.1) is based upon a standard test specimen which reflects sufficiently the type of failure and the appropriate failure iead in the first four failure modes as specified in B.141,2. An equivalent testing nethed ts che ‘Alternative Teasion Test I" (clause C.4.241) 6.3.4 6.3.5 Recommendations Single fastener shear tests Shear tests using e single fastener may be carried out where such tests are considered mora representative of the condition being tested than double fastener tests. Sheeting strap dimensions shall be as for the standard or alternative sheer tests with the stcap length shortened to provide the end distance required for the test. If the end or edge distance {s cot being tavestigated, the value of e) or e, appropriate to the size of fastener shall be used. Testing procedure for shear Im the intial stage of testing the rate of loadiag shall not exceed 1 kN/min. Until the ultimate load is reached the rate of straialag shall not exceed 1 on/min. Deformction readings shall be taken at load increments of approximately one-tenth of the expected ultiaate load of the connection. As the ultimate load is approached the load increaeats shall be reduced and maintained for at least one minute before proceeding to che next load. Loading shall be continued until the applied load cannot be naintaiaed. Tenstoa test Four different testing methods, specified in clauses Cos, C.4.2.1, G+442.2 and C.4.5 respectively, nay be used for determination of the failure load, caused by tensile loading of the connection. ete Comments The aétual deformation behaviour of the real chaetiag, however, depends on the geometrical properties of the profile. The deformation behaviour and also the strengch of the fastening will be influenced by che distance between the fastener and the adjacent web, as well as by the number of fasteners. Standard tension test Standard tension test fixture The test fixture show in Fig. C.5 allows very easy specimen clamping. If another test fixture is used, it must be ensured that the upper ends of the sheeting vebs are rigidly clamped at a distance of 50 mm from the trough. -70- C4. Cah etel Recommendations Accurate information about chest deformation can be obtained by the “barge Scale Tension Test" (clause C.4.5) or by the “Alternative Tension Test 2" (clause C.4.2.2). Iaformacion about sheet distortion near the fastener can be obtained by all tests. Furthermore, the "Large Seale Tension Test" and the “Alternative Tension Test 2" should be used in the case of (2) extreme geometrical properties of the profile (8) connections where the distortion of the connected flange is strongly influenced by the web. Standard tension test Standard tension tast fixture Standard tension test fixture -n- Cobol? 24.1.3 Comments Pull over/pull through strength eee po PE eurough sorenach The formed sheeting of the specimen with its fixed dinensious together with the rigid clamping of its webs serves only as a ncdel of real profiled sheeting. This model will give satisfactory results for many sheeting profiles (see clause C.4). Enfluence of flexible support members SE shppore members Pull over/pull through strength can be reduced considerably 1f the fastener ic inclined, owing to asymettical deformation of the Support member, such as in the case of thin (© <3- 5am) [, IF at ZX nbapedineavers, etilanrict GHGS Ve: eulan hen account: by maans of the support aember shown in Fig. C.7. The standardised dimengious of this support meaber vill give satisfactory results for aost |, | or Z shaped uenbers used in practice. -72- Recommendations snare of rarest Fig. C6: Pull over/pull chrough test specimen The flat sheeting, from which the specimen is fabricated, shell be that actually used in practice for the profiled sheeting. The suppore material shall be sufficiently thick, to resist pull out fatlure (Fig. 6.6), €.4.1.3 Influence of flexible support members a ee FAUROEESMUHEES stoners = Fig. C.7: Pull over/pull chrough test specimen with flexible support member. -73 Comments C.4ele4 Pull out/fastener failure strength Wot only 1a the case of fesceniogs wish pomler actuated fascenars 856 Tisoonitn sald-rayilbnsecrenaloetg ee suacusneepeu, nat oo into tha ragport materiel; mun joa GHCtIOy aejel edcLF dipecta eo the total thickness of che sheeting connected to the support. This thickness is a maximum (4 x t) for sheeting fastentag where ‘onpieulteat, su’ eanarasea np alata titecéle. Ths influenea’ sheild ba BELA HSCS iccouie y axlog epecinge in scemmience euiFiy, Gu8. (2-ahilad Waimea! tan toe cle deferens Ge-chis mopar! waabser-angs [> |" an onan senbers say increace the pull ovt strength, eogeclaliy ia the case of seLsstapplis SESW. bed lnnenan’ebald Neseertactdes = he Comments C.4.2 Alternative tension tests C.4.2.1 Alternative 1 This alternative tension test is equivalent to the "Standard Tension Test". It way be necessary to use supporting angles to prevent excessive deformation of flexible sheeting. Such angles, when used, should be the seme distance apart as the width of the bottom of the corrugation. ge Cell: Location of suppor: angles for flexible sheeting. Sone local corrugation distortion is peraissible when fitting che test specimen to the base plate assembly. Caled Recommendations The sheeting part of the specinen shall be the same as that shown in Fig. C.6. The fixing of the formed section shall allow unrestrained deformation of the flange connected to the sheeting. Pull out/fastener failure strength Fig Ce The support shall be chosen Pull out/fascener J pecking pieces 7. failure test specimen according to the table below. thickness of 5 > 6a 66m Support aaterial type of support sll types | hoc rotled | cold formed sections to be used ic sections hollow sections, practice sheeting (when tes- ting sheecing co sheeting connections) standardised hot rolled | noc rolled | cold formed support to flat steel | angle channel be used in test = 75 Recommendations €.4.2 Alternative tension tests ¢.4.2.1 Alternative 1 Ups grepiy eorce of tenlng meee Ha os laine eure: Fig. C.9: Tension Test - Alternative 1 ae Fple ‘Comments 24.2.2 Alternative 2 ‘The loading channel should be given geometrical properties and stiffness which reflect the real conditions at site. A suitable transverse stiffener is 20 mm wide by Jam thick steel strip. Recommendaticns In Fig. C.9 the loading channel shall be the acterial to be used ia Practice, or fabricated from steel plate sufficiently stiff so as to resist excessive deformation. Tne nominal washer size fcr a 12 um diameter bolt is 29 om diamter by 2.5 mm thick. In fig. C.10, 4£ the fastener is aot to be pleced symnetrically with respect co the profile, the specimen shall be cut so that the location of the fastener corresponds with thet to be adopted in practice. Alternatt This alternative tension test should be used in cases where the "Standard Tension Test" and the “Alternative Tension Test L" are unsuitable or whenever detailed information about the sheec deformation is required (sae also clause C.4). TEER Hi i Ee | Fig. Cl2: Tension Test - Alternative 2 == Comments When foldiag of the sheeting occurs before fastening failure the test span should be reduced so that: aM, LL ¢ where: M, {s the ultimate bending moment for a single corrugation of the test sheec P is the estimated ultinate fastening load C.4.3 Measurement of deformation 1 3 toa 4 Test sheeting | 2 Loading channel ‘Test fastener ‘Trough fastening Fig. C.13: Measurement of connection deformation Deformation, a, = where 6), 6, en 6, are the deflections at 1, 2 and 3 respectively. ~'8'= C863 Recommendations L>i2b Ly = 6b, but not greater than the length at which beading failure of the sheeting vill occur urement of deformation Iz required, local deformation shall be measured by the relative displacement of the loading channel and the horizontal section of the profile uext to the section in vhich the fastener 1s placed. The required accuracy of measurement is given in clause C.2.4. Comments C.4.5 Testing procedure for teasion The specified loading rate is necessary to ensure adequate tine for the full development of ultimate fastening deformation. Load intervals should be reduced when about 70% of the expected ultimate load is reached. C.4.5 Large scale tension test Test procedures will need to be appropriate to tha size of panel and fastening details adopted; however, the arrangeneat illustrated which da fully described in lic. ref. [18 and operates vith the vacuum provided by an industrial cleaner, is suitable for many large-scale vests. For two span continuous sheeting failure will occur in the fastenings to the centre support; tensile forces in thi ¢ fastenings may be computed by treating the sheeting as 2 two span uniformly loaded simply supported bean with an elastic force distribution. -e2- Cub. 6.4.5 Recommendations Testing procedure for tension In the initial stage of testing, the rate of loading shall aot exceed lkN/min. Until the ultimate load is reached, the rate of straining shall not exceed 0.5 um/nin. The load shall be applied in increnents of approximately one-tenth of the expected ultimate load of the fastening. As the ultimate lead is approached, the load increments shall be reduced and maintained for at least one minute before the aext increment is applied. Loading shall be contiqued until the applied load cannot be naintaiaed. Large scale tension test Fuli-scale prototype testing of sheeting fastenings is necessary for verification of small-scale tests when the latter are considered to be unrepresentative of proposed site conditions, or when unique designs or special material are to be used. The test panel should preferably contain at least three purlins aad two widths of sheeting, vith materisls and fixing in accordance wich site practice. = 83 - Comments erin ae Line Fig. C.l4: Large scale tension cest The polyethylene film may be placed over the purlins and sheeting, but care must be exercised to ensure that premature edge failure of the sheeting does uot occur. egy Recommendations = 85 - Couments c.5 Recording of test results C521 Ultimate load Under combined tension and shear loading, a linear interpolation is expected to give safe results (see clause Be5+3)+ €.5.2 Load formation curv For the caleulation of shear flexibility for use in stressed ckin design, slip is to be measured as shown below. Deformation Deformation Fig. C15: Measurement of slip = 86 - cS .5.1 66502 Recommendations Recording of test results Uitinate load or maximum load within 3 om deformation The ultimate load of the fastening shall be taken as the maximum load Tecorded during the test or the load at which the first drop occurs in the load-deflection diegram. With double fastener conmections the wltimace load per fastener shall be taken as one-half the ultimate load of the connection. The maximum load within 3 om deformation may be clear from following 3 om Load-deformation curve For double fastener connections the load-deforsation curve for an individual fastener shall be the load-deformation curve for the counection with the load values divided by cvo. Slip is che deformacioa corresponding to a particular load obtained from the load-deformation curve for an individual fastener tested ia shear. aver 6 C.6-1 Comments Jest report Fol] aaterial and identification data are necessary for comparison of test results. Further data such as: = a typical load-deformation curve (with notes about any con-typical result), = photographs, ~ test specifications nay be included in the test report tf required. Fastening strength and flexibility shall be evaluated in accordance with the recoumendations of clause C6. Evaluation of test results Characteristic strength The characteristic strength represents the lover fractile value for the tolerance limtc selected. my p= a a where: Pp, 15 the observed ultimate load or maximum load in 3 am per fastener n is the mumber of observations in the test series z iP - PL) en nat fez - ar oa — ae fn aps (aP.) ata — iy All observed values are to be used {a calculating P, and 8, except those rejected under the provisions of clause C.2.6- - 38 - 6.5.3 C6 6.6.1 Recommendations Test report ‘The test report shall include che following data as applicable: (a) @) «© «a (ce) ie} ts) «hy Evalua ‘Type of test and test specimen Details of fastener, as dimensions, material, identification data, including washer Details of fastener application, inlcuding pre-drilled hole diameter, tightening torque, powder load, setting tools. Details of sheeting, including dimensions of elenents, identification data, strength values Tabulation of ultimate load values or maximum load in 3 om deformation per fastener, and failure node for each spociaen Characteristic strength of fastening to 0.1 KN, or empirical strength fornula Fastening flexibility Other information as appropriate tion of test results Characteristic strength The chi from ( where: aracteristic strength per fastening, P,, shall be calculated see clause B.1.2): p, 18 the mean ultimate load per fastener for the test sample s is the standard deviation of the ultimate Losd per fastener © is an appropriate statistical coafficient viich depends on the number of test observations, the type of distribution, the fractile part and confidence level chosen. 6.6.2 C6 +201 26.2.2 Conneats In the abeence of specific National requirements the value of the coefficient ¢ may be taken from following table for a aoraal distribution and a chosen fractile part of 50 % (mean value) and a confidence level of 95 Z. Values for other choices are given in Literef.[19]. 1.64 A normal distribution may not best represent the rest resuits in which case other distributions, e.g. log-normal distributions should be used. Fastening flexibility Shear flexbility A knowledge of shear flexibility is necessary for the design of stressed skia structures. ‘The European Recemmendations for the strascad ckin design of steel structures suggests that a suitable value of 1/7, 1s 0.5. This ts derived from: Uplift flexibility An estinate of the uplift flexibility of the connection nay be of value a the determination of sheeting serviceability under teasile Loading. = 90 - 6.6.2 66.2.1 26.2.2 Recommendations Fastening flexibility Shear flexibility The shear flextbility of the comection, c,, shall be determined fron: : aed oe aOR where: a, is the slip of en individual fastener at a load equivalent to BY, vy, 1s an appropriate factor See clause B.l.b.1. Uplift flexibilicy The uplizt flexibility of the connections, ¢,, shall be deterained from: where a, is the deformation of the connection at a load equivalent to R/T, See clause Bsl.4.2. egy Comments C.6+3 _Derdvation of enpirical formula for characteristie strength This enpiricial formula may be applied to both shear and tension cest results. 0.6.3 Recounendations Derivation of empirical formula for characteristic strength For tests in accordance with clause C.2.6(b) in which either the thickaess, t, or strength, 9, , of a profile is varied systematically, on enpirical relationship may be derived for the strength of the fastening, provided ~ a consistent mode of sheeting failure cceurs, and - ac least three discince values of ot are cousidered, and lable for each = at least three sets of test observations are a value of ote ne u' ‘The empirical formula for mean ultimate load, P,, 15 given by k, 2 2 Pr ka.t Coefficients k, and k, may be estimated fron a regression analysis of the test data to give the straight line of best fit passing through the origin for a plot of ultimate load per fastener against the k function at's Uitteate lead Fig. C16: Derivation of empirical formula for characteristic strength -a- Comments Values of ¢ are for instance given in clause C.6.1. g = standerd devistion where B, is the observed ultimate load per fastener P_ is the ultisate load computed from the enpirical formula for = fs each value of ¢,t The following americal example illustrates the determinacion of an appropriate formul A standard shear test produced the following data for 6.3 um self tapping screws with a bottom strap 3.25 um thick. Sheeting Max load in 3 om deformation per fastener Thickness Ule. tensile strength 2, ev 2 cm a,» S/o’ 1.55 322 11.86 11.75 11.61 0.75 35 4.67 4435 4.31 0.53 31k 3.48 3.43 3.05 Assumed empirical relationship. k, B, 7 Ryoe82 Bence, log P= log k, + log o, + &, log & or, y= K+ x where y = log 24; x= log t and K = log ky + log a, The method of least squares aay be utilized to estimate ky as: yg EF 2°? r ~ Where % and 9 are average values of x; and y,, the individual velues of log t and log Py. a 9g Reconmendations ‘The characteristic strength of the fastening, Py, is given by: = By (L - €68) where:2, ts the expression for meaa ultimate load © 4s an appropriate statistical coefficient (see clause C.6.1) 6 1s the sample variance of the ultimate load per fastener ‘The empirical formula so derived may be used for the prediction of fastening strength for sheeting of thickness up to one full test range above the thickest sheet tested, and down co one half the test range below tha thinnest shect tested. Similar extrapolation limits shall be applied when predicting fastening strengths of different strength sheeting of the sane aaterial. a'9s's, Comments k, ~ 4333 = 0.0208 fron the slope of the line of best fit as show velow. Fig. C.17 cof P, against ot. And the expression for the mean ultimate load {s+ P= 0.0208 oth? S96 = Recoumendations sieree 6.6.4 Comments. Alternatively, the relationship may be determined from trial plocs for different values of ky. The correct value of ky will be that which results in a minimm coefficient of variation, 6. For the test sheeting. 1.2 = 0.0208 ot vhence, 6 = 0.07634 and for 18 fasteners, ¢ = 1.74 AAP, le 8 1.2 12 = 0.0208 (1 = 1.74 x 0.07634) ot“ = 0.018 a,t Thus, the characteristic shear strength of the tested fastening, with 6.3 om self-tapping screw, is given by 0.0180,2'"? » as shown on the plot of Py against ot" Correction to nominal cheeting values This clause allows variations in nominal cheating properties to be taken into account in the determination of the general sheetiag fastening values. -98- Recommendations €.6.4 Correction to nominel sheeting values Where necessary strength and flexibility values may be interpolated linearly within a sheet thickness range of 0.1 um according to clause 3.3. a9 - De Del Comments FORMULAE FOR THE DESIGN VALUES FOR FASTENINGS FOR PROFILED SHEE AND SECTIONS Introduction This pact D gives formulae for design strength and stiffness for fastenings made with different types of fasteners. If for a certain design value formulae are not given, then it meaus that at the moment of drafting the recommendations no formulae were known. In case of fastening of profiled sheeting to the substructure different fastening types will appear caused by overlap. The four most important are: a ft\ e H | single sheet Longitudinal transverse combined longi fastening Lap Jotat lap Jotac tudinal and trans- verse lap joint To simplify the design of fastenings of profiled sheeting to the substructure no distinction is made between the different fastening types. For this reason the most unfavourable fastening type for the = 10 - Del. Recommendations FORMULAE FOR THE DESIGN VALUES FOR FASTENINGS FOR PROFILED SHEETING AND SECTIONS Introduction Ia part C standard testing procedures are given to determine characteristic values for fasteniags. For design purposes various formulae have beea collected from the references mentioned ia part E aad the Svadish Code for the Structural Use of Steel and Alumiaiua Sheeting. However it should be born in mind that such formulae for fastenings are in generally conservative. Design values deterained by tests will give more realistic values. The formulae given are valid only for fastenings where the parts which are fastened are ta direct contact with each other. That means that only small bending moments are acting on the fasteners and the formulae are not valid for example, for crest fastening of profiled sheeting or fastening of sandwich elements.

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