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A fotografia à porta de Propaganda and photography

casa e a propaganda at the front door

Te r e s a M e n d e s F l o r e s
Te r e s a M e n d e s F l o r e s ______________________________________________________________________

La nation est toute entière une representation. La nation est toute entière une representation.
Pierre Nora, “Le lieux de mémoire” Pierre Nora, “Le lieux de mémoire”

The artist's world is limitless. It can be The artist's world is limitless. It can be
found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away.
It is always on his doorstep It is always on his doorstep
Paul Strand Paul Strand
Paul Strand (1890-1976), American photographer linked to the modernist movement of Straight Photography, used
Paul Strand (1890-1976), fotógrafo americano ligado ao movimento modernista da Straigth Photography, dizia to say that in order to make a good photograph one did not have to leave the house, neither did one have to look for
que para fazer uma boa fotografia não era preciso sair de casa nem procurar assuntos exóticos ou distantes da subjects thought of as exotic or distant from each photographer’s reality. The statement was not intended to deny
realidade de cada fotógrafo. A afirmação não pretendia recusar a importância da viagem de procura da imagem, the importance of a journey made in search of an image, but it relativized the voyage’s distance: the photographed
mas relativizava a distância dessa viagem: os assuntos a fotografar não tinham de ser nem incrivelmente belos subjects did not have to be incredibly beautiful or out of the ordinary, neither did they have to be incredibly distant
e fora do comum, nem incrivelmente distantes e inacessíveis para se tornarem em boas fotografias. Com esta and inaccessible to become good photographs. With this statement, Strand emphasized that the most important
afirmação Strand sublinhava que o mais importante numa fotografia não residia nas características do objeto thing in a photograph was not the characteristics of the photographed object, but the way one photographs it,
fotografado, mas no modo de o fotografar, de o ver e dar a ver, pondo em evidência o papel desempenhado the way one sees and reveals it, thus highlighting the role played by the formal aspects of a photographic visual
pelos aspetos formais constituintes de uma gramática visual fotográfica, e destacando a importância do olhar do grammar and highlighting the importance of the photographer's gaze on what he/she photographed. He believed
fotógrafo sobre a coisa fotografada. O que fazia uma bela fotografia, dizia, não era fotografar um objeto belo, the thing that made a beautiful photograph was not to photograph a beautiful object, but rather to photograph
mas, antes, fotografar qualquer objeto (incluindo os feios!) de uma forma bela (geralmente com uma estrutura any object (including the ugly ones!) In a beautiful way (usually with an abstract structure, as he also defended).
abstrata, como também defendia). Lembro-me, por isso, de descobrir o encanto das suas fotos de taças de cozinha ou do Therefore, I remember discovering the appeal of his photographs of kitchen cups or of the look of the streets and
aspeto das ruas e dos telhados das casas, que Paul Strand conseguia fotografar sem mesmo ter de sair de casa. rooftops, which Paul Strand photographed without ever having to leave the house.
De certo modo, como a frase citada demonstra, a vocação do fotógrafo (e da fotógrafa), como a de qualquer artista As the above quote demonstrates, in a way the vocation of the photographer, like that of any artist since modernisms,
desde os modernismos, é a de expandir o seu mundo limitless(ly). Este mundo, contudo, pode estar ali, mesmo ao is to expand his/her world limitless(ly). This world, however, may be just around the corner, as long as we’re
virar da esquina, desde que estejamos dispostos a explorar o potencial visual e significativo aberto pela relação willing to explore the significant visual potential opened by the dynamic relationship between the human eye,
dinâmica entre o olhar humano, o olho ampliador da câmara e a realidade circundante. Para Strand, e para os the enlarging eye of the camera, and the surrounding reality. For Strand, and for the photographers of the New
fotógrafos da Nova Objetividade que exploram uma panóplia de ângulos de visão, enquadramentos próximos, Objectivity who explore a panoply of angles, framings, points of view and shapes, the photographic movement will
pontos de vista e formas, o movimento fotográfico será de dentro – dessa relação olho/câmara – para fora. Mais

Nadar, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, 1889. Bibliothèque nationale de France.

take place from within – from that eye/camera relationship – towards the outside. More than from the outside in.
do que de fora para dentro. Isto não significa que o espanto com o mundo, que com a máquina fotográfica passou This doesn’t mean that the amazement with the world, that which the camera helped to conceive as an image or
a ser concebido como imagem ou como um desfile de imagens (lembrando Heidegger na sua ideia do mundo como as a parade of images (remembering Heidegger in his idea of the world as "representation of the world"), is not an
“representação do mundo”), não seja chamariz essencial para fotógrafos e fotógrafas. Não há, aliás, condição essential lure for photographers. In fact, there is no condition closer to that of the photographer than the traveler,
mais próxima da do/a fotógrafo/a do que a de viajante, observador do mundo ou de mundos. E essa relação observer of the world or of worlds. And this relationship with travel is a condition that, albeit the initial difficulties
com a viagem é uma condição que, mormente as dificuldades iniciais de portabilidade, nasce com a invenção da of portability, arises with the invention of photography, since its public disclosure in 1839.
fotografia, desde a sua divulgação pública, em 1839. A documentary vocabulary emerges with photography, mostly founded in the tradition of engraving and
Um vocabulário documental emerge com a fotografia, alicerçado, sobretudo, na tradição da gravura, e contribuindo contributing to its promotion, since the dissemination of photography in the press throughout the 19th century
para a potenciar, já que a divulgação da fotografia na imprensa se fez, ao longo do século XIX, através da gravura, was made through engraving, which in turn would take advantage of the photographic cliché as a more rigorous
que vai tomar o cliché fotográfico como base, mais rigorosa, para a construção das suas matrizes, tanto em madeira basis for the construction of its matrices, both in wood and metal. The fervor of the documentary, during the
como em metal. O fervor documentalista do século XIX consubstancia-se em diversas missões fotográficas, umas 19th century, manifests itself under several photographic missions, some official and other private. Everywhere,
oficiais outras particulares. Por todo o lado efetuaram-se levantamentos de cidades e monumentos, de paisagens photographers carried out surveys of cities and monuments, of regional landscapes and customs, considered to
e costumes regionais, considerados ora desconhecidos ora em perigo, face ao avanço da industrialização e, em be either out of knowledge or in danger, given the advance of industrialization and, in general, seen as marks of
geral, vistos como marcas do passado, da origem ou de algo entendido como distante, como “Outro”, ou fora-de- the past, of the origin or of something understood as distant, as "Other", or out-of-optics (ex-otic). These images
óptica (ex-ótico). Estas imagens elaboraram algumas das características partilhadas com o modernismo da Straight elaborated some of the characteristics shared with the modernism of Straigth Photography, in an effort to translate
Photography, na procura de traduzir o rigor das formas, das texturas e mesmo os detalhes, obedecendo à definição the rigorous nature of forms, textures and even details, conforming to the realistic and indexical definition that was
realista e indicial que já atribuíam à fotografia. already attributed to photography.
Olhando o imenso arquivo dos diversos levantamentos fotográficos de oitocentos, saltam à vista as composições Looking at the immense archive of the several photographic surveys of the 19th century, what stands out are the
mais lineares, com escalas distantes mais enquadradoras dos contextos, com ângulos mais frontais e um sentido most linear compositions, with wider scales that accentuate their contexts, with more frontal views and a more
geral mais estático - até pela duração maior das exposições - quando comparadas com as imagens de Paul Strand e static general sense – also determined by the exposure’s length – when compared to Paul Strand’s images, but
destes modernistas da Belle Époche e para além dela. Contudo, a diferença mais destacada surge na valorização do also to those made by the modernists of the Belle Époche and beyond. However, the most outstanding difference
objeto e da representação dita objetiva, feita pelo documentarismo oitocentista, face à afirmação do sujeito e da arises from the valuation of the object and the so-called objective representation, made by nineteenth-century
subjetividade que encontramos no século seguinte, de maneira mais generalizada. Paul Strand contribui para esta documentary, when compared with the affirmation of the subject and subjectivity that we find in the following
afirmação do sujeito-que-fotografa e do gesto de fotografar como interpretação visual do mundo. Interpretação century, in a more general way. Paul Strand contributes to this affirmation of the subject-as-photographer and the
que não entra em contradição com o realismo, que na leitura de Strand é ontológico do fotográfico (o que também gesture of photographing as a visual interpretation of the world. This Interpretation does not contradict realism,
tem muito que se lhe diga, mas adiante!). E esta é uma diferença significativa pois afirma a possibilidade de uma which in Strand's reading is ontological of the photographic (which in itself is a complex statement, but ahead!).
arte tecnológica, que sempre tinha sido motivo de controvérsia, por se considerar que o objetivo e mecânico não And this is a significant difference because it affirms the possibility of a technological art, which had always
poderia ser artístico (necessariamente entendido como expressão subjetiva). been controversial, since one considered that the objective and the mechanical could not be artistic (necessarily
Outro aspeto contrastante entre estes dois momentos históricos, tem que ver com a ideia da fotografia feita understood as subjective expression).
com o que está “no degrau da nossa porta”. No momento em que Paul Strand fotografa, não se tratava já de Another contrasting aspect between these two historical moments has to do with the idea of photography made
trazer o distante para perto da porta, mas de tratar tudo, incluindo o distante, como se estivesse à nossa porta. with what was right on one’s doorstep. When Paul Strand was active, it was no longer a matter of bringing the
E não é apenas um jogo de linguagem. Trata-se de uma atitude critica do exotismo. O exotismo caracteriza-se por distant closer to home, but of treating everything, including what is distant, as if it were at our door. And this is not
essa imagem que fascina ao revelar algo diferente e distante, tendencialmente paradisíaco ou demoníaco, ou just a wordplay. This is a critical attitude towards exoticism. Exoticism can be characterized by the sort of image that
uma mistura indecisa entre ambos. Mas, as pessoas ou paisagens, quando tratadas como exóticas, permanecem fascinates by revealing something different and distant, tendentially paradisiac or demonic, or an amalgamate of
estranhas e distantes (daí o seu fascínio). Quando Paul Strand publica, em 1955, Un Paese: a Portrait of an Italian both. However, when treated as exotic, people or landscapes remain strange and distant (hence their fascination).
Village (Aperture), com o argumentista italiano Cesare Zavattini, escolhem a aldeia natal deste, situada no norte When Paul Strand publishes, in 1955, Un Paese: Portrait of an Italian Village (Aperture), with Italian screenwriter
de Itália, que tinha tudo para ser exótica. Mas a sua intenção de se relacionar, de igual para igual, com as pessoas Cesare Zavattini, they choose his native village, located in northern Italy, which had great potential to be exotic.
e situações fotografadas, a que aliava o seu método de passar despercebido (após as pessoas se terem habituado But his intention to relate, on an equal basis, to the people and situations photographed, applying his method of
à sua presença), e a sua abordagem visual formal e próxima, constroem uma descrição intimista da aldeia e dos going unnoticed (after people had become accustomed to his presence), and his visual approach both formal and
seus habitantes. close, construct an intimate description of the village and its inhabitants.
A abordagem do particular, do espírito de um lugar, por muito que enfeitiçada pelo fascínio do exotismo, procura However bewitched by the fascination of exoticism, the approach to the particular and to the spirit of a place
cortar com a generalização e o jogo de aproximação distante que o caracteriza. Torna-se um gesto político. seeks to cut with the generalization and the game of approaching the distant that characterizes exoticism. It
Estas suas imagens podem simbolizar a Itália do pós-guerra mas, seguramente, fazem-no através dos indícios becomes a political gesture. These images may symbolize post-war Italy, but surely they do so through particular
particulares, um tanto aleatórios, encontrados e interpretados por um olhar subjetivo. E essa é a grande diferença clues, somewhat random, found and interpreted by a subjective look. And this is the big difference from the
face às estratégias das imagens de propaganda, seja ela propaganda oficial (encomendada ou sancionada por strategies employed in propaganda imagery, whether it be official propaganda (commissioned or sanctioned by
algum poder, político ou económico) ou não (resultado de uma mundividência ou ideologia dominante, que se some political or economic power) or not (the result of a dominant worldview or ideology, which is replicated in
replica em imagens inquestionadas). unquestioned images).
As imagens de propaganda propõem-se como naturais, como reproduções de um real transparente. Circulam Propaganda images are proposed as natural, as reproductions of a transparent real. They circulate and speak
e falam-nos como se não tivessem autor, nem olhar subjetivo, nem ideologia interpretativa. Como um bocado as if they had no author nor subjective gaze, no interpretive ideology. Like a slice torn from reality, which is then
arrancado à realidade, que depois se generaliza e se apresenta como exemplar. A fotografia “adere” ao real, como trivialized and presented as exemplar. Photography "adheres" to the real, as Barthes recalled, and this potential
lembrava Barthes, e esse potencial produz a crença na sua verdade. produces a belief in its truth.
Não quero com isto dizer que o documentarismo oitocentista é propagandístico. Contudo, a sua concepção positivista This statement does not imply that 19th century documentary photography is propagandistic. However, its positivist
contribuiu para potenciar esses usos. Por sua vez, o romantismo - o outro movimento importante do século XIX - conception has enhanced such uses. In turn, Romanticism – the other important movement of the 19th century
assegurou, também ao novo medium, a continuidade das imagens de cariz etnográfico, regionalista e nacionalista. – also ensured the new medium the continuity of ethnographic, regionalist and nationalistic images. That was
O que esteve em jogo, igualmente, no contexto colonial, onde imagens orientalistas e exóticas ajudaram a projetar equally at stake in the colonial context, where orientalist and exotic images helped to project the idea of European
a ideia das nações europeias como salvadoras desses “mundos perdidos”. Algo cujas consequências - sobretudo as nations as saviors of these “lost worlds”. Something whose consequences – especially the nefarious ones – we are
nefastas - estamos ainda a enfrentar. still facing.
As mil e uma fotografias de paisagens e retratos de grandes regiões do mundo, concebidas como exóticas, embora The hundreds of photographs of landscapes and portraits of vast regions of the world, conceived as exotic, while
cumprissem esse desejo de viagem e de conhecimento do mundo, indispensável para uma consciência global, fulfilling this desire for travel and knowledge of the world, indispensable for a global consciousness, were mostly
foram maioritariamente eurocêntricas. Na recusa da própria ideia de que correspondem a um ponto de vista, estas Eurocentric. In rejecting the very idea that they correspond to a point of view, these images are proposed as truths,
imagens propõem-se como verdades, difíceis de questionar, por uma minoria. hard to question by a minority.
Por isso, a fotografia que se assume como interpretativa e particular e que se situa no limiar do degrau da nossa That is why photography, that which stands as interpretive and particular, located at the threshold of our front
porta, como fez Strand, é tão importante como contrária à dimensão propagandística que se esconde nas imagens porch (as Strand did), is so important as contrary to the propagandistic dimension that hides in documentary
documentais tidas como neutras e transparentes. Toda a imagem é uma imagem de ordem (ou desordem), como images considered to be neutral and transparent. Every image is an image of order (or disorder), as Deleuze and
diziam Deleuze e Guattari para contestar a neutralidade da linguagem. Se virmos os signos fotográficos como Guattari used to evoke, in order to dispute language’s neutrality. If we see the photographic signs as signs, we
signos, politizamos a imagem e revelamos o olhar que a constitui. politicize the image and reveal the gaze that realizes it.
Looking for his/her place outside the commercial market, it can go on Perpignan, in the South of France, for a period of 15 days, usually between commodity. It is therefore the perpetuation of a dominant culture that finds
to occupy the full spectrum of possibilities. For those less attentive, the end of August and the second week of September. Any professional comfort in directing its gaze towards the suffering of the other. Once again,
photojournalism can seem a noble option, a way to consolidate a singular photojournalist can participate. As a condition (in addition to the need this phenomenon reminds us of the curiosity towards the “exotic” that was
perspective about the world, separated from the rules of commissioned for a professional certification), it is required that the works submitted inaugurated by nineteen century photographers. That gaze manifests itself
works and marketing strategies. This notion is not that far apart from the have a minimum of 50 images and a maximum of 150 images. In 2018, as an ideology and turns political messages into images. The right word
idea of the adventurous photojournalist, an epic figure who, as a solitary exhibitions that had 50 or more images were rare; the great majority had is PROPAGANDA. An ideology for a civilization that is impermeable to
vigilante, searches for pictures capable of showing the inequalities and the approximately 30 photographs. This results from the fact that neither the
alternatives and that dazzles in the contemplation of the failure of other
perversities that devastate humanity, in faraway lands. selection of images nor the final assembly of the exhibition is made by
As a métier, we could approach photojournalism from two sides: if on the one the photographers themselves. That process is led by Jean-François Leroy,
Photojournalism nowadays inaugurates a new type of ethnocentrism based
hand it can be referred to as a daily work towards an agenda, organized by General Director of the VISA Festival, which not only selects the images, but
on the primacy of the eye where the suffering of the other sets the pace for
newspapers’ and magazines’ headboards – by its editors and other decision also determines their order. This was reported by several photographers
a successful economic model. "To Look" becomes the verb that activates
makers –, oriented by the so called current affairs; on the other hand there during informal conversations throughout the festival, notably by James
the entire system. We can choose to understand that "the public has a right
is a certain "elite" photojournalism in which photographers seem to play Oatway, who would then go on to win the VISA d'Or for his work "Red
the part of the "great reporter" and decide, with complete autonomy, Ants". Alienating the authors from such processes speaks of the mercantile to know", and this “right to know” is in itself an ethical task, but it also

where to point their cameras at, what subjects are worth capturing and nature of an event that regards photographs as products to be placed on implicates the responsibility of knowing and what better way “to know”

how to approach them. shelves. It also makes evident that authors are invited to the event to than "to see for yourself"? In the impossibility of being able to look at
Going forward, we’ll focus on the latter approach to photojournalism, for promote a fetishist contact with the public, who engages in brief guided everything, photography becomes the natural substitute, offering the
that is the context where photojournalists become major representatives visits in order to be entertained by the stories of the photographers, who necessary and reliable proof. Of course, this act of looking will only allow
of their class, placing themselves as holders of a unique gaze, creating recount the most heroic details of their work and speak about the best us to know what we already recognize.
stories that constitute themselves as historical patrimony (transformed into bulletproof vests or the advantages of being a woman and using a burka to In the context of photojournalism, the institutionalization of the
a culture shared by all), winning prizes and increasing their market value hide photographic equipment. “sympathetic gaze” – a look that justifies itself by the need to know
as photojournalists. This is the sort of photojournalism we encounter in In addition to the official exhibitions, the festival organizes various activities, more about the other – is restricted to the space of the exhibition of the
transnational projection events such as World Press Photo and Visa pour including meetings between photojournalists and between photojournalists photographs, with little consequences beyond that arena. This “sympathetic
l'image, the one we’ll be focusing on. and the public, screenings and portfolio readings for emerging gaze” is equated to action, as if to know was the same as to act ethically
Both world festivals occur annually and congregate a considerable photojournalists. These portfolio readings take place in the Perpignan
towards a better world, as if to see was to help. This is the paradox that
percentage of the work done by photojournalists around the world during Congress Hall, in the French National Association of Iconographers (ANI –
fuels the photojournalism industry: a transnational capitalist organization,
the previous year. As such, they become privileged observation posts of the Association Nationale des Iconographes) room, where the main European
dispersed and without its own brand, which is structured around the goal
photojournalistic activity, as well as of the construction of a certain world in and world news agencies are also represented on several stands. The
of generating profit, with a preferred exponential growth throughout the
which photojournalism is grounded. These festivals also function as gigantic portfolio reviews that take place in there can be understood as the first
years. As an industrial structure, we can identify its raw materials (non-
locomotives that bring together sponsorships and marketing channels for contact between freelance photographers and established photographers
Western humans, preferably non-Caucasian, subject to precarious living
major brands, such as the world's largest camera manufacturer –Canon and editors, who promote an institutionalization of the applicants’
approach to photojournalism, criticizing them in relation to what themes conditions for reasons of political nature, etc.), workers (photographers),
–, or the world's largest imaging company – Adobe. They also promote a
certain type of periodical press, like Paris-Match or National Geographic, have greater impact and about the sort of compositions that fit the market, headboards (editors, agents, etc.) and the CEO’s (festival presidents and

that drives on the sort of images that find their place in these festivals. In thus imposing a vision both on content and form. These market values newsgroup directors or agencies). As a capitalist organization, it also
short, they are a successful industry. are embodied in the figures of the “educators”, who structure a validation contributes to the camera sales market (Canon sponsors both VISA pour
1. Part of this success is probably due to a certain appeal that the images process based on "what the public wants to see" and "what sells". l'image and World Press Photo) and the success of periodicals (Paris-Match
made by these photojournalists exert on the public; this attraction effect We can look at these figures as visual gatekeepers who, rather than act as and National Geographic are official sponsors of VISA pour L'image,), thus
can be traced back to its origin in the writings of St. Augustine from the fifth content pickers, become guardians of the well protected castle that is the building a lucrative system dispersed all over the Western world.
century, in his description of curiositas as a visual phenomenon. St Augustine profitable business of photojournalism. We are somewhat distant from the 3. Comparing the phenomenon of the photojournalism industry with
addressed this attractiveness by characterizing a visual impulse towards notion of gatekeeping as defined by Pamela Shoemaker2 and commonly another case-study may help shine a light on it success. Volunturism,3
the feelings of “horror” or the quality of “ugly” that impose themselves referred to, namely: "a process through which billions of messages available commonly understood as ethical tourism, is a twenty-first century paradox.
to the observer like a magnet. This curiositas would be the counterpart around the world are selected, turning into the hundreds of messages that In this context, holidays are regarded as an opportunity to carry out
of contemplation, responsible for addressing “beauty” or “delight”. Tom come to a person during the period of one day ". In the case in question,
humanitarian aid, previously scheduled by travel agencies that provide the

Shooting in the name

Gunning1 establishes this relation when he describes the “cinema of it would be more adequate to speak of a gatekeeper as an “educator for
desired experiences near “ethnically different populations”, where tourists
attractions”, an amusement park spectacle of the first quarter of the 20th profit”, someone that analyzes the qualities of the applicants and educates
can connect with the other, boosting their daily ethical performance.
century, where the spectator could watch an elephant being electrocuted or them on the process of evolution necessary to enter the castle. They defend
Integrated in such programs, tourists travel "responsibly" and leave a
an hooligan in jail. The non-narrative feature of these small movies allied the same status quo that is also a product of economic success (if not for the
"positive footprint". Transformed into volunteers, these tourists come home
to the strangeness and uniqueness of their subject choice imposed itself photographers at least for the sponsors of the festival and for the organizers
with a pack full of stories about how the other half lives.
on the spectacle-spectator relationship as an exhibitionist urge. When we that during the two weeks of the VISA pour l'image host approximately
In order to practice volunturism, a certain economic welfare is needed that

of (and now you do

look at these festivals’ exhibitionist device alongside with the choices made 200,000 visitors).
by editors, agents and other gatekeepers, we can easily say that the same As we walk across the exhibitions of Visa pour l'image 2018, once again we is not available to all. Thus, photojournalism becomes a more affordable

kind of attractiveness relation lies at the core of their success, disguised are confronted with the role photography plays in promoting a culture of version of this phenomenon, a sort of "travel abroad without leaving home”
in a way that guarantees the necessary social acceptance that will turn its ethnocentrism. Along the walls of the Convent des Minimes we see images that satisfies those with social awareness but without means, therefore
participants (images and authors) into commodities. of Kenyan protesters in political struggle, Indian women in public toilets democratizing the experience of indignation about the living conditions of
One could argue that this attraction is present since the birth of covering their noses due to bad smell, Bolivian miners at work, Papua New the other. Curiously enough, on the official page of Visa pour l’image 2018

what they told ya):

photojournalism in the nineteenth century, with the anthropological Guineans in detention at the Bonana prison, Colombian women related to we can find profile pictures from the photographers who participated in
expeditions. Photographers travelled abroad and brought back the kind of FARC experiencing motherhood in the jungle, or a huge line of Rohyngia the event and we verify that if some of those images where to appear as
exotic images that impressed the public – as representatives of this period refugees walking towards Bangladesh. There is no place here for the rise social networking image profiles, they would surely originate an avalanche
we could mention photographers Edward Sheriff Curtis, Adam Clarke of nationalism in European countries, North-American citizens’ access to of likes.
Vroam or John Thomson. This attraction is also present in the early reports health systems, or the desertification of the Portuguese interior and the Photojournalism configures a capitalist ecosystem in which all its elements
of War, in a more obvious manner: first, timidly, in the work of Roger problems that follow.
unconsciously understand what tasks are there to be played in order to

Photojournalism -
Fenton; then full-on during the American Civil War, with Mathew Brady and In a straightforward statistical exercise, we can observe that of the 21
keep the regime functioning, sharing a common gain that serves all. As an
those working near him fully engaging in the representation of horror and exhibitions that are part of the official program, 90% of them are based
ecosystem, its life is close to that of any natural organism: each organ is only
corpses, opening the door to the sort of exhibition of atrocities in which war on non-Western realities and for the most cases photographers choose
aware of the the inputs and outputs necessary for its functioning; the body
imagery can be transformed. to portray people of non-European ethnicities (in the most traditionalist
stirs and walks unaware of its parts. The power of photojournalism as an
The phenomenon of anthropological and geographical expeditions also sense of a vision of Europe). This contrasts with the origins of the visitors:
industry is intimately linked to questions of a political nature, such as access
marks the beginning of the visual foundation of an ethnocentrism or throughout the period of festival one can easily conclude that a vast
to goods and services or the distribution of wealth and resources needed to
eurocentrism that led to the creation of ideas of race (preceded by the majority of the public is either of French or Spanish nationality.

keeping the status quo

foundation of national states), which in turn led to fascism and culminated These data should be enough to make people aware of the dangers of a new ward off poverty from the populations on which the lens is pointed at. To

in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. Here, perhaps, begins a certain a way of Eurocentrism or Westerncentrism. If we were to favor conspiracy theories, keep this industry afloat, the preservation of precariousness, inequalities
regarding photography as the guarantor of a propitious objectivity – in a semi-comatose state, we could imagine the entire colonial process as and poverty is paramount. That is what keeps photojournalism alive and
proof resistant to interpretation –, born out of a technical apparatus that a Machiavellian endeavor aimed at degrading the living conditions of the guarantees the vitality of the public, every new year excited to be able to
separates it from human subjectivity. Photography is a powerful player in resident populations, in order to create the best photographable scenarios return to VISA pour l'image or World Press Photo.
building a vision of the world that marks and reinforces a point of view. This and give rise to an empire of images for the colonizing countries. If we _________________________________________________
Gunning, T. (1990); Cinema of Attractions: Early Film, Its Spectator and the Avant-Garde in Early cinema: space-frame-narrative;
subjectivity, disguised as technical objectivity, will give rise to the conceptual cannot have your raw materials for free, if we cannot use you as slaves BFI Publishing, London, 56-63.
Shoemaker, P.J. (1991). Gatekeeping. Communication Concept Series, volume 3. Newbury Park CA: Sage.
construction that sets the tone for the success of photojournalism, until the for the production of goods from which we can profit, then let us sell the
About volunturism see: Baião, Pedro e Marques, António Pedro; As minhas fotos das férias com os pretinhos, ou: o volunturismo

R o d r i g o P e i xoto ; afte r i nte n s e d i a l o g u e wi t h Va l te r Ve nt u ra ; present day. images of your doom and turn them into strongholds of the atonement of como performance ética. Revista ELECTRA (3) September 2018. Ed. Fundação EDP, 60-67.
t ra n s l ate d a n d e d ite d b y S of i a S i l va 2. Visa pour l'image is a photojournalism festival held annually in Western guilt. And as we all know, the atonement of guilt is a highly valued _________________________________________________

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