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Mid-West University

Central Campus of Engineering

Design of Steel and Timber Structures (CE320)

By: Chapter-9 (Design of roof truss)

Vijay Kumar Pandit

Asst. Professor, MSc in Structural Engineering


Cell: 9848057598
Load Calculation on roof:

i) Gravity load:- Dead load due to self weight

- Live loads or imposed loads due to furniture, equipment, vehicles, storage
- Snow and rain load. (2.5 KN/m2)
ii) Lateral loads:- Wind load
- Earthquake or mass load
iii) Geometric loads:- Lack of fit
- Temperature stresses
- Settlements
iv) Miscellaneous loads:- Impact load
- Soil and hydrostatic load
Wind load on roof:

Wind force on roof is calculated as

F = (Cpe – Cpi) * A * Pd (clause 6.2.1,page no.13 roof truss)
Where, Cpe = External pressure coefficient (clause, Table 5 or B7)
Cpi = Internal pressure coefficient (Table B9)
A = Area of roof
Pd = Design wind pressure = 0.6Vz2
Vz = Design wind speed (m/s) at any height z above ground = Vb * K1 * K2 * K3
Where, Vb = Basic wind speed at any location (clause 5.2, page 51 or Table B10)
K1 = Probability factors of risk (clause 5.3.1, page 11 or Table B11)
K2 = Terrain, height, structure size factor (clause, page12 or Table B12)
K3 = Topography factor = 1 for Upwind slope θ < 30
= 1 to 1.36 for Upwind slope θ > 30 (clause 5.3.3)
θ = 00 (Perpendicular to roof) and
θ = 900 (Parallel to ridge)

1) Calculate the wind pressure for design of sloping roof of span 10m and pitch ¼ .
The height of eaves is 5m from ground. The building is situated at Chitwan
District and permeability is Normal, terrain category 4 and building Class A.
Solution: Is 875:1987 (part 3) or roof truss code, From table
Let, Basic wind speed, Vb = 47m/s (From Table B10)
Probability factor or risk coefficient, K1 = 1 (From Table B11)
Terrain size factor, K2 = 0.80 (terrain category 4 & class A) (From Table B12)
Topography factor, K3 = 1 (clause 5.3.3)
Design wind speed, Vz = Vb * K1 * K2 * K3
= 47 * 1* 0.8 * 1 = 37.6m/s
Design wind pressure, Pd = 0.6Vz2 = 0.6 * 37.62 = 848.26 N/m2
Pitch = ¼
Rise of truss = Pitch * Span = ¼ * 10 = 2.5m
α = tan-1 (2.5/5) = 26.560
h/w = 5/10 = 1/2
For normal permeability, internal pressure coefficient, Cpi = +- 0.2 (Table B9)
[Note: -ve sign indicates Uplift pressure and +ve sign indicates towards pressure]
We have, Wind pressure on roof, F = (Cpe – Cpi) * Pd = (Cpe – Cpi) * 848.26
From Table B7
For wind angle θ = 00 and α = 26.560
Portion EF: Cpe = -0.1376 By linear interpolation
Portion GH: Cpe = -0.4 By linear interpolation
Then, Taking Cpi = + 0.2
i) Portion EF, wind pressure = (Cpe – Cpi) * 848.26 = (-0.1376 – 0.2) * 848.26
= -286.37 N/m2 Ans
ii) Portion GH, wind pressure = (-0.4 – 0.2) * 848.26 = -508.96 N/m2
Again, Taking Cpi = - 0.2
i) Portion EF, wind pressure = (-0.1376 + 0.2) * 848.26 = 52.93 N/m2 Ans
ii) Portion GH, wind pressure = (-0.4 + 0.2) * 848.26 = -169.65 N/m2
Now, for wind angle θ = 900 and α = 26.560
Portion EG: Cpe = -0.7 By linear interpolation
Portion FH: Cpe = -0.6 By linear interpolation
Then, Taking Cpi = + 0.2
i) Portion EG, wind pressure = (Cpe – Cpi) * 848.26 = (-0.7 – 0.2) * 848.26 = -
763.43 N/m2
ii) Portion FH, wind pressure = (-0.6 – 0.2) * 848.26 = -678.61 N/m2
Again, Taking Cpi = - 0.2
i) Portion EG, wind pressure = (-0.7 + 0.2) * 848.26 = - 424.13 N/m2
ii) Portion FH, wind pressure = (-0.6 + 0.2) * 848.26 = -339.30 N/m2 Ans
Thank You

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