The Role of Educator Competency Development in Increasing The Quality of Islamic Education

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Farhan Imam Razak

Singaperbangsa University Karawang, Indonesia
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The development of educator competence is important in improving the quality of Islamic
education. Research shows that the quality of education is highly dependent on the
competence and performance of educators. The role in developing the competence of
educators is very important in improving the quality of Islamic education.
Educator competence development can be done in several ways, such as training, curriculum
development, collaborative learning, and continuous learning. Training can help educators
improve their skills and knowledge, while curriculum development can help improve content
and teaching methods. Collaborative and continuous learning can help educators build their
social and professional skills and enhance their ability to deal with educational challenges.
In the context of Islamic education, the development of educator competencies must also
include religious and moral aspects. Educators must have in-depth knowledge of Islamic
religion and culture, and have skills in teaching Islamic moral and ethical values. Educators'
competency development must also be carried out on an ongoing basis, so that educators can
continue to improve their performance and maintain the quality of Islamic education.
Keywords :Educator competency development, Improving the quality of Islamic education,
Educator performance.
INTRODUCTION because the quality of education is highly
Islamic education has an important role in dependent on the competence and
shaping Muslim individuals who are performance of educators. To develop
qualified and ethical. Islam sees education educator competence in the context of
as the main means of forming human Islamic education, it is not only related to
beings who have good morals and are educational technical skills and
beneficial to society. Therefore, to achieve knowledge, but also includes religious and
this goal, educators are needed who are moral aspects.
qualified and able to teach Islamic values
As Islamic educators, of course, they must
have in-depth knowledge of Islamic
The development of educator religion and culture and have skills in
competencies is the main key in improving teaching Islamic moral and ethical values.
the quality of Islamic education. This is Educators must be able to become role
models for students in everyday life so that because, as an Islamic educator, his job is
students can develop good character and not only to teach lessons or subjects, but
attitudes in accordance with Islamic also to provide students with an
teachings. understanding of religious and moral
There are several ways that can be done to
increase the competence of educators in In this study, the development of educator
Islamic education, including training, competencies does not only refer to the
curriculum development, collaborative development of teaching skills and
learning, and continuous learning. Training teaching techniques, but also to aspects of
can help educators improve their skills and understanding Islamic religious teachings
knowledge, while curriculum development and the moral values contained therein.
can help improve content and teaching This certainly requires a special approach
methods. Collaborative and continuous in developing educator competence in
learning can help educators build their Islamic education.
social and professional skills and enhance
In order to improve the competence of
their ability to deal with educational
educators, collaboration between
educators, educational institutions and
The importance of developing educator other related parties is needed.
competencies in improving the quality of Cooperation between educational
Islamic education becomes increasingly institutions and universities or training
clear when we look at the current state of centers can also provide benefits in
education. The problem of the quality of developing the competence of educators in
education is still a serious problem in Islamic education.
Indonesia, including Islamic education.
In this discussion, the government can
Therefore, there needs to be an effort to
provide support and accessibility for
continue to improve the competence of
educators to obtain the necessary training
educators so that the quality of Islamic
and resources in developing the
education can continue to be improved.
competence of educators in Islamic
Educator competence development has a education. This can be done through
very important role in improving the policies that support the development of
quality of Islamic education. Therefore, Islamic education and the development of
efforts need to be made to continuously educator competencies in Islamic
improve the competence of educators education.
through training, curriculum development,
Overall, developing the competence of
collaborative learning, and continuous
educators in Islamic education is very
learning in order to achieve the goals of
important in improving the quality of
quality and ethical Islamic education.
Islamic education in Indonesia. This can
This study aims to develop the competence be done in various ways, such as training,
of educators in Islamic education, not only curriculum development, collaborative
focusing on technical knowledge and skills learning, and continuous learning, as well
in teaching, but also having to consider as the integration of religious and moral
religious and moral aspects. This is values in every subject being taught.
Support and collaboration are needed from that the quality of Islamic education can
related parties, such as educational continue to be improved. In order to
institutions, universities, and the improve the competence of educators, it is
government, to achieve the goal of necessary to collaborate between
developing the competence of educators in educators, educational institutions and
Islamic education. other related parties.
Overall, Islamic education has an RESEARCH METHODS
important role in shaping Muslim The research method used by the author in
individuals who are qualified and ethical. this article is the library method. The
To achieve this goal, educators are needed library method itself is a method that uses
who are qualified and able to teach Islamic various types of literature and reading
values well. The development of educator materials, which are filtered and integrated
competencies is the main key in improving into a theoretical framework. This method
the quality of Islamic education, because was chosen by the writer because it felt
the quality of education is very dependent appropriate to establish existing facts that
on the competence and performance of could be proven by literature findings.
educators. This method aims to find information
In the context of developing the related to the research topic and to deepen
competence of educators in Islamic and broaden the author's insight.
education, it is not only related to technical
skills and knowledge in teaching, but also
A. The Role of Educator Competency
includes religious and moral aspects. As
Development in Improving the
Islamic educators, they must have in-depth
Quality of Islamic Education
knowledge of Islamic religion and culture
and have skills in teaching Islamic moral
and ethical values.
Asrori (2017: 145) explains, that the
Educator competence development can be development of PAI teacher
done in several ways, such as training, competencies includes technical skills
curriculum development, collaborative and knowledge of Islamic religious
learning, and continuous learning, as well teachings and teaching methods that
as the integration of religious and moral can be used in teaching PAI lessons. In
values in each subject taught. Support and addition, competency development
collaboration are needed from related also includes aspects of attitudes and
parties, such as educational institutions, moral values that must be possessed by
universities, and the government, to an Islamic Religious Education
achieve the goal of developing the teacher.
competence of educators in Islamic
Asrori (2017: 146) also explains that
the development of PAI teacher
The quality of Islamic education is still a competencies can be carried out in
serious problem in Indonesia, therefore several ways, such as training,
efforts need to be made to continuously curriculum development, collaborative
improve the competence of educators so learning, and continuous learning.
Training can help teachers improve competency development in improving
their skills and knowledge in teaching the quality of Islamic education:
PAI subjects. Curriculum development
1. Improving understanding of
can help improve content and teaching
Islamic teachings: The competence
methods in PAI lessons. Collaborative
of educators in understanding
and continuous learning can help
authentic and quality Islamic
teachers build their social and
teachings is very important. In this
professional skills and improve their
case, educators must understand in
ability to deal with the challenges of
depth about the Al-Quran, Hadith,
teaching PAI subjects.
and the basic principles of Islam.
Asrori (2017: 178), also highlights the By understanding good Islamic
importance of integrating religious and teachings, educators can
moral values in every subject taught by understand students' needs better,
PAI teachers. As an Islamic educator, so they can design teaching
the task of the PAI teacher is not only strategies that suit students' needs.
to teach Islamic education lessons, but
2. Developing a curriculum in
also to provide students with an
accordance with educational
understanding of religious and moral
standards: The competence of
values. Therefore, PAI teachers must
educators must also include the
understand these values and be able to
ability to design a curriculum that
integrate them into every subject
is in accordance with educational
standards. A good curriculum must
Asrori (2017: 89), states that the cover all important aspects of
development of PAI teacher Islamic education, including moral
competencies is very important in teachings, religious teachings, and
improving the quality of Islamic cultural teachings. In this case,
education. Through the development of educators must understand the
PAI teacher competencies, it is hoped standards of education and the
that teachers can become better at demands of society.
teaching PAI subjects and helping
3. Using effective teaching methods:
students develop good character and
The competence of educators in
attitudes in accordance with Islamic
using effective teaching methods is
teachings. Therefore, Asrori (2017: 92)
very important to improve the
suggests continuing to make efforts in
quality of Islamic education. In this
developing the competence of PAI
case, educators must be able to use
teachers through training, curriculum
a variety of different teaching
development, collaborative learning,
methods, such as lectures,
and continuous learning in order to
discussions, cooperative learning,
achieve the goals of quality and ethical
and problem-based learning. Good
Islamic education.(Asrori, 2017)
teaching methods can help students
Syahputra, E. (2018), explaining the to more easily understand Islamic
material on the role of educator teachings and develop their skills.
4. Building good relationships with development also includes aspects of
students: The competence of attitudes and moral values that must be
educators must also include the possessed by an Islamic Religious
ability to build good relationships Education teacher.
with students. In this case,
Islamic education teacher competency
educators must be able to
development can be done in several
understand the needs of students
ways, such as training, curriculum
and provide appropriate support.
development, collaborative learning,
By building good relationships,
and continuous learning. The
educators can help students to be
integration of religious and moral
more involved in the learning
values in every subject taught by PAI
process and improve the quality of
teachers is also very important. As an
Islamic education.
Islamic educator, the task of the PAI
5. Being a model for students: The teacher is not only to teach Islamic
competence of educators must also education lessons, but also to provide
include the ability to be a model for students with an understanding of
students. In this case, educators religious and moral values.
must be able to practice Islamic
By developing the competence of good
teachings consistently in everyday
educators, the quality of Islamic
life. By becoming a model for
education can increase significantly.
students, educators can help
The competence of good educators can
students to better understand
help students to more easily understand
Islamic values and improve the
Islamic teachings and develop their
quality of Islamic education.
skills, so that they can become better
By developing the competence of good and more moral generations.
educators, the quality of Islamic Therefore, it is necessary to continue to
education can increase significantly. make efforts to develop the
The competence of good educators can competence of PAI teachers through
help students to more easily understand training, curriculum development,
Islamic teachings and develop their collaborative learning, and continuous
skills, so that they can become better learning in order to achieve the goals
and more moral generations. of quality and ethical Islamic
(Syahputra, 2018) education.
So the development of PAI teacher B. Educator Competency Development
competence is very important in Is Not Only Relating To Skills And
improving the quality of Islamic Technical Knowledge Of Islamic
education. PAI teacher competence Education
includes technical skills and
The development of educator
knowledge of Islamic religious
competencies is not only related to
teachings as well as teaching methods
skills and technical knowledge of
that can be used in teaching PAI
Islamic education. Muhaimin. (2016)
lessons. In addition, competency
Pointed out several things that also
need to be considered in the effective tools in learning.
development of educator Therefore, an educator also needs
competencies, namely: to have an understanding of
technology and learning media that
1. Understanding of learners: An
can be used in learning. With a
educator must have a good
good understanding of technology
understanding of learners, such as
and learning media, an educator
their backgrounds, interests, and
can design learning strategies that
talents. With a good understanding
are more varied and can increase
of students, an educator can design
students' interest in learning.
learning strategies that are more
effective and can better meet the In order to improve the quality of
learning needs of students. Islamic education, the development of
educator competencies needs serious
2. Development of attitude and
attention. In addition to skills and
personality: An educator must also
technical knowledge of Islamic
have a good attitude and
education, an educator must also have
personality and in accordance with
an understanding of students,
Islamic teachings. This is very
development of attitudes and
important because educators also
personality, educational situations and
act as role models for students in
contexts, as well as technology and
acquiring religious and moral
learning media. With the development
values. Therefore, the development
of good educator competencies, it is
of good attitudes and personality
hoped that educators can provide more
also needs to be considered in the
effective learning and help students to
development of educator
develop good religious character and
values.(Muhaimin., 2016)
3. Understanding of the educational
Azra, A. (2014), also expressed an
situation and context: An educator
opinion on the development of
must also understand the situation
educator competence not only related
and context of education in
to skills and technical knowledge of
Indonesia, including curriculum
Islamic education. There are several
changes and the educational
things that need to be considered in the
challenges being faced. With a
development of educator
good understanding of the
competencies, namely:
educational situation and context,
an educator can design learning 1. Understanding of social and
strategies that are more effective cultural context: An educator must
and can help students face the have a good understanding of the
educational challenges they are social and cultural context in which
currently facing. he or she teaches. This is important
so that educators can design
4. Understanding of technology and
learning that is appropriate to the
learning media: Technology and
culture and social context in which
learning media can be very
they teach, so that learning can be addition, the development of educator
more relevant and effective. competencies can also help improve
the overall quality of Islamic
2. Understanding of social roles and
education.(Azra, 2014)
responsibilities: An educator must
also understand social roles and So, developing the competence of
responsibilities as an Islamic educators in Islamic education is not
educator in society. This includes only limited to skills and technical
responsibility in shaping the knowledge of Islamic education, but
character and morals of students also requires an understanding of
and helping the community students, development of attitudes and
understand and practice Islamic personalities, educational situations
teachings well. and contexts, learning technology and
media, social and cultural contexts,
3. Understanding of educational
roles and responsibilities. social
research and innovation: An
responsibility, educational research and
educator must also have the ability
innovation, and self-development.
to conduct research and innovation
With the development of good
in Islamic education. This is
educator competencies, it is hoped that
important to improve the quality of
educators can provide more effective
learning and find new ways that are
learning and help students to develop
more effective in teaching Islamic
good religious character and values.
This can help improve the overall
4. Self-development: An educator quality of Islamic education.
also needs to continue to develop
C. Improving Educator Competence in
himself through independent
Islamic Education
learning and work experience. This
is important for increasing the Ahmad (2017), there are several
competence of educators and materials that need attention in
enriching experience in teaching. increasing the competence of educators
in Islamic education:
According to Azra, A. (2014), the
development of educator competencies 1. Mastery of Islamic Education
is not only related to skills and Materials: The competence of
technical knowledge of Islamic educators in mastering Islamic
education, but also related to education materials is very
understanding social and cultural important. Educators must have a
contexts, social roles and deep understanding of Islamic
responsibilities, educational research teachings and be able to
and innovation, and self-development. communicate them well to
With the development of good students. In addition, educators also
educator competencies, it is hoped that need to understand the curriculum
educators can provide more effective and competency standards that
learning and help students to develop apply in Islamic education.
good religious character and values. In
2. Mastery of Teaching Skills: In In improving the competence of
addition to mastery of the material, educators in Islamic education, it is
educator competence must also necessary to pay attention to some of
include mastery of good teaching the material mentioned above. Good
skills. Educators must be able to educator competence can help improve
design effective learning strategies the quality of learning and help
and motivate students to learn. In students to develop good religious
addition, educators must also be character and values.(A. Ahmad, 2017)
able to use various learning
Qomaruddin (2018), put forward
methods that can attract students'
materials that need attention in
increasing the competence of educators
3. Mastery of Educational in Islamic education. Here are some of
Technology: Educators also need to the materials explained:
have an understanding of
1. Mastery of Wasathiyah Islamic
educational technology that can be
Material: The competence of
used to increase the effectiveness
educators in mastering Wasathiyah
of learning. Educators must be able
Islamic material is very important.
to use technology such as
Educators must have a deep
multimedia, the internet, and
understanding of Wasathiyah
educational software to help
Islamic teachings that are balanced
students understand the subject
between religious and worldly
matter better.
aspects. Thus, educators can teach
4. Improvement of Professional Wasathiyah Islamic values
Attitude: The competence of properly and can develop students'
educators must also include a good balanced character.
attitude of professionalism.
2. Mastery of Pedagogical Skills: The
Educators must have responsibility
competence of educators must also
and dedication in carrying out their
include mastery of good
duties as educators. In addition,
pedagogical skills. Educators must
educators must also have the ability
be able to design effective learning
to overcome problems in learning
strategies and motivate students to
and adapt to changes in the
learn. In addition, educators must
education system.
also be able to use various learning
5. Improving Communication Skills: methods that can attract students'
Educators' competence must also interest and are in accordance with
include good communication skills. the concept of Wasathiyah Islam.
Educators must be able to
3. Mastery of Educational
communicate well with students,
Technology: Educators also need to
parents, and colleagues. Good
have an understanding of
communication can help strengthen
educational technology that can be
the relationship between educators,
used to increase the effectiveness
students, and the community.
of learning. Educators must be able
to use technology such as the quality of learning and help
multimedia, the internet, and students to develop good religious
educational software to help character and values in accordance
students understand the subject with the concept of Wasathiyah Islam.
matter better and in accordance (Qomaruddin, 2018)
with the concept of Wasathiyah
So, that there are several materials that
need to be considered in improving the
4. Improvement of Professional competence of educators in Islamic
Attitude: The competence of education. These materials include
educators must also include a good mastery of Islamic education materials,
attitude of professionalism. teaching skills, educational technology,
Educators must have responsibility professionalism, communication skills,
and dedication in carrying out their and an understanding of the
duties as educators. In addition, educational curriculum in accordance
educators must also have the ability with the concept of Wasathiyah Islam.
to overcome problems in learning In improving the competence of
and adapt to changes in the educators, it should be noted that good
education system. educator competence can help improve
the quality of learning and help
5. Improving Communication Skills:
students to develop good religious
Educators' competence must also
character and values.
include good communication skills.
Educators must be able to D. The Importance of Educator
communicate well with students, Competency Development in
parents, and colleagues. Good Improving the Quality of Islamic
communication can help strengthen Education in Indonesia
the relationship between educators,
Hasan (2017), states that the
students, and the community.
development of educator competencies
6. Understanding of the Education is very important to improve the
Curriculum: Educators must quality of Islamic education in
understand the applicable Indonesia. The following are the
educational curriculum and be able materials described in the book:
to implement it properly. The
1. Mastery of Islamic Religious
educational curriculum must be in
Education Materials: The
accordance with the Wasathiyah
competence of educators in
Islamic concept and be able to meet
mastering Islamic religious
the needs of students and future
education materials is very
important to provide students with
In improving the competence of a correct and in-depth
educators in Islamic education, it is understanding of Islamic teachings.
necessary to pay attention to some of Educators must also understand the
the material mentioned above. Good curriculum and competency
educator competence can help improve
standards that apply in Islamic Through the development of good
religious education. educator competencies, it is hoped that
the quality of Islamic education in
2. Teaching Skills: In addition to
Indonesia can continue to increase and
mastery of the material, educator
have a positive impact on nation
competencies must also include
building. This is in accordance with
good teaching skills. Educators
Indonesia's vision as a country that has
must be able to design effective
the strength and diversity of a very rich
learning strategies and motivate
Islamic culture.(Hasan, 2017)
students to learn. Educators must
also be able to use various learning Ikhwan (2016) put forward some
methods that can attract students' material on the importance of
interest. developing educator competence in
improving the quality of Islamic
3. Mastery of Educational
education in Indonesia, including:
Technology: Educators also need to
have an understanding of 1. Mastery of Materials and Teaching
educational technology that can be Methods: Educators must have
used to increase the effectiveness good mastery of material and be
of learning. Educators must be able able to master effective teaching
to use technology such as methods in Islamic education. This
multimedia, the internet, and is necessary so that educators are
educational software to help able to teach Islamic teachings
students understand the subject properly and precisely, and are able
matter better. to provide interesting learning for
4. Attitude of Professionalism: The
competence of educators must also 2. Character and Personality
include a good attitude of Development: Educators must be
professionalism. Educators must able to improve and develop good
have responsibility and dedication character and personality and be an
in carrying out their duties as example for students. Educators
educators. Educators must also who have good character and
have the ability to overcome personality can influence students
problems in learning and adapt to to follow and model positive
changes in the education system. behavior.
5. Communication Skills: The 3. Improvement of Pedagogic
competence of educators must also Competence: Educators must be
include good communication skills. able to improve their pedagogical
Educators must be able to competence by mastering
communicate well with students, innovative and effective learning
parents, and colleagues. Good techniques and methods in Islamic
communication can help strengthen education. Educators must be able
the relationship between educators, to identify the needs of students
students, and the community.
and design learning according to skills. In addition, it is also important
these needs. to develop the character and
personality of educators and improve
4. Mastery of Educational
pedagogical competence and conduct
Technology: Educators must be
collaborative learning. With the
able to master educational
development of good and adequate
technology and be able to apply
educator competencies, it is hoped that
this technology in learning.
the quality of Islamic education in
Educational technology can assist
Indonesia can continue to improve and
educators in providing more
have a positive impact on nation
interesting and effective learning
for students.
E. Efforts to Increase the Competence
5. Collaborative Learning: Educators
of Educators in the Field of Islamic
must be able to carry out
collaborative learning with fellow
educators and parents of students. Hidayat (2019), there are several
Collaborative learning can improve efforts that can be made to improve the
the quality of learning and competence of educators in the field of
strengthen the relationship between Islamic education, including:
educators, students, and parents.
1. Training and Workshop: Educators
In improving the quality of Islamic can take part in training and
education in Indonesia, developing the workshops organized by
competence of educators is a very institutions related to Islamic
important factor. Educators who have education. Training and workshops
good and adequate competence can can help educators to improve their
provide effective and quality learning understanding and skills in the field
for students. In addition, educators of Islamic education.
who are able to build good character
2. Research Activities: Educators can
and personality can also influence
develop themselves by conducting
students to follow and model positive
research activities in the field of
behavior in everyday life. Therefore, it
Islamic education. Research
is necessary to develop the competence
activities can help educators to
of educators in a sustainable and
understand more deeply about
continuous manner.(Ikhwan, 2018)
current issues and can also help
So developing the competence of improve academic and research
educators is very important to improve abilities.
the quality of Islamic education in
3. Collaboration with Other
Indonesia. Some materials that need to
Educators: Educators can
be considered in the development of
collaborate with other educators in
educator competencies include mastery
the field of Islamic education to
of teaching materials and skills, use of
gain new insights and perspectives
educational technology,
professionalism, and communication
on competency development in that curriculum and competency
field. standards that apply in Islamic
4. Independent Learning: Educators
can improve their own competence 2. Teaching Skills: Educators must
through independent learning, such have skills in designing effective
as reading literature, following learning strategies and motivating
developments in educational learners to learn. In addition,
technology, and also participating educators must also be able to use
in online communities related to various learning methods that can
Islamic education. attract students' interest.
5. Self-Evaluation: Educators can 3. Mastery of Educational
carry out periodic self-evaluations Technology: Educators need to
of their abilities and performance understand educational technology
in the field of Islamic education. that can be used to increase the
By conducting self-evaluations, effectiveness of learning. Educators
educators can identify their own must be able to use technology
weaknesses and strengths and such as multimedia, the internet,
develop an action plan to improve and educational software to help
their competence. students understand the subject
matter better.
Efforts to improve the competence of
educators in the field of Islamic 4. Character Development: Educators
education are very important because must be able to develop the
educators who have good and adequate character of students through
competence will be able to provide learning the Islamic religion.
effective and quality learning for Educators must be an example for
students. In addition, educators who students in practicing Islamic
have the ability to develop themselves teachings and help them develop
will also be able to have a positive good character.
impact on the overall quality of Islamic
5. Improvement of Professional
education.(Hidayat, 2019)
Attitude: The competence of
Mubarok (2015) put forward several educators must also include a good
important materials in efforts to attitude of professionalism.
improve the competence of educators Educators must have responsibility
in the field of Islamic education, and dedication in carrying out their
including: duties as educators. In addition,
educators must also have the ability
1. Mastery of Islamic Education
to overcome problems in learning
Materials: Educators must have a
and adapt to changes in the
deep understanding of Islamic
education system.
teachings and be able to
communicate well to students. 6. Collaborative Learning: Educators
Educators must also understand the need to be able to carry out
collaborative learning with fellow that efforts to improve educator
educators and parents of students. competence can be carried out through
Collaborative learning can improve mastery of Islamic education materials,
the quality of learning and teaching skills, mastery of educational
strengthen the relationship between technology, character development,
educators, students, and parents. increased professionalism, and
collaborative learning. In terms of
In improving the competence of
mastering Islamic education material,
educators in the field of Islamic
educators need to understand the
education, it is necessary to carry out
curriculum and competency standards
continuous and continuous efforts such
that apply in Islamic education and be
as training, seminars and workshops.
able to communicate well to students.
In addition, educators also need to
Besides that, educators need to develop
reflect on themselves to continue to
skills in designing effective learning
improve their competence and keep
strategies and motivating students to
abreast of new technological
learn. Educators must also be able to
developments and learning methods.
use technology such as multimedia, the
Thus, it is hoped that Islamic education
internet, and educational software to
in Indonesia can continue to develop
help students understand subject matter
and have a positive impact on society.
(Mubarok, 2015)
In addition, educators need to be an
Efforts to improve the competence of
example for students in practicing
educators in the field of Islamic
Islamic teachings and help them
education are very important to
develop good character. Educators
improve the quality of Islamic
must have responsibility and
education in Indonesia. This is also in
dedication in carrying out their duties
line with Indonesia's vision as a
as educators and have the ability to
country with a very large Islamic
overcome problems in learning and
cultural wealth. Therefore, many books
adapt to changes in the education
and literature explore the importance
system. Educators also need to carry
of developing educator competence in
out collaborative learning with fellow
the field of Islamic education, one of
educators and parents of students. This
which is the book by Hidayat (2019)
can improve the quality of learning and
and Mubarok (2015).
strengthen the relationship between
Hidayat (2019) mentions several educators, students, and parents. These
efforts that can be made to improve efforts need to be carried out in a
educator competence, such as sustainable and continuous manner so
attending training and workshops, that Islamic education in Indonesia can
conducting research activities, continue to develop and have a positive
collaborating with other educators, impact on society. With the
conducting independent learning, and development of good educator
conducting self-evaluations. competencies,
Meanwhile, Mubarok (2015) suggests
F. Integration of Religious and Moral 4. Collaboration between Educators:
Values in Every Subject Taught Collaboration between educators in
integrating religious and moral
The integration of religious and moral
values in each subject can assist
values in every subject taught is
educators in obtaining a broader
important in education so that students
perspective and can improve the
do not only learn cognitively, but can
quality of learning.
also develop holistically, especially in
the moral and spiritual aspects. 5. Cultivating Character: The
Therefore, educators must be able to integration of religious and moral
integrate religious and moral values in values in each subject can also help
every subject taught. Fauzan (2018) in cultivating good character in
explains several important materials students. Educators can use
regarding the integration of religious religious and moral values in each
and moral values in each subject being subject to help students develop
taught, including: good character, such as discipline,
responsibility and honesty.
1. Mastery of Material: Before
integrating religious and moral In integrating religious and moral
values in each subject, educators values in each subject, educators must
must have adequate mastery of understand well the religious and
material in the field they teach. moral values they want to integrate,
This is important so that educators and choose appropriate learning
can understand religious and moral methods to integrate them. In addition,
values that can be integrated in collaboration between educators and
every subject. instilling character in students is also
an important factor in the integration of
2. Identification of Religious and
religious and moral values in each
Moral Values: Educators need to
subject.(Fauzan, 2018)
identify religious and moral values
that can be integrated in each Through the integration of religious
subject being taught. For example, and moral values in each subject, it is
the value of patience, hard work hoped that students can become better
and exemplary which can be individuals and have better character,
integrated in mathematics or and can help shape a better society.
natural sciences. Therefore, educators must
3. Use of Appropriate Learning Material integration of religious and
Methods: Educators need to use moral values in each subject taught is
appropriate learning methods to an attempt to strengthen religious and
integrate religious and moral values moral values in students' daily lives.
in each subject. For example, the This is part of the effort to develop
use of case studies or group good student character, so that they can
discussions to integrate ethical and become individuals who are beneficial
moral values in sociology subjects. to society and the nation.
According to Ahmad (2016), the teachings or prayers before or after
integration of religious and moral learning.
values can be carried out in every
In integrating religious and moral
subject taught at school, not only in
values in each subject, the teacher's
religious subjects. There are several
role is very important. Teachers must
ways that can be done to integrate
be able to set a good example for
religious and moral values in each
students and have a deep
subject, namely as follows:
understanding of religious and moral
1. Conveying moral messages in each teachings. Thus, the integration of
subject matter Each subject can be religious and moral values can be
integrated with relevant moral carried out well and can form good
values. For example, in student character as well.(N. Ahmad,
mathematics, the teacher can 2016)
convey the message that honesty is
So the integration of religious and
very important in calculating a
moral values in every subject in school
is important to ensure students not only
2. Provide examples of cases related learn cognitively, but can also develop
to religious and moral values In holistically, especially in the moral and
each subject matter, the teacher can spiritual aspects. To achieve this,
provide examples of cases related educators must integrate religious and
to religious and moral values. For moral values in each subject by
example, in science subjects, understanding adequate mastery of the
teachers can provide examples of material, identifying relevant values,
cases about the importance of using appropriate learning methods,
protecting the environment in collaborating with other educators, and
accordance with religious instilling good character in students.
teachings. learners. The integration of religious
and moral values in each subject can
3. Carrying out activities that
help students become better individuals
strengthen religious and moral
and have better character, and can help
values In addition to conveying
shape a better society.
moral messages, teachers can also
carry out activities that strengthen CONCLUSION
religious and moral values in each
that the development of educator
subject. For example, in art
competence in Islamic education is very
subjects, teachers can invite
important to improve the quality of Islamic
students to create works of art that
education in Indonesia. The development
have moral and Islamic values.
of educator competencies is not only
4. Conveying religious and moral limited to skills and technical knowledge
values explicitly Teachers can also of Islamic education, but also includes
convey religious and moral values religious and moral aspects. Materials that
explicitly in each subject. This can need to be considered in the development
be done by inserting religious of educator competencies include mastery
of Islamic education materials, teaching teaching PAI subjects. In addition,
skills, use of educational technology, competency development also includes
professionalism, communication skills, aspects of attitudes and moral values that
and understanding of the educational must be possessed by an Islamic Religious
curriculum in accordance with Islamic Education teacher. Educator competence
concepts. Several ways that can be done to development can be done in several ways,
increase the competence of educators in such as training, curriculum development,
Islamic education are through training, collaborative learning, and continuous
curriculum development, collaborative learning, as well as the integration of
learning, continuous learning, and the religious and moral values in each subject
integration of religious and moral values in taught. Required support and collaboration
each subject. Support and collaboration are from related parties, such as educational
needed from related parties, such as institutions, universities, and the
educational institutions, universities, and government, to achieve the goal of
the government, to achieve the goal of developing the competence of educators in
developing the competence of educators in Islamic education. With the development
Islamic education. of good educator competencies, it is hoped
that the quality of Islamic education in
As an Islamic educator, his job is not only
Indonesia can continue to improve and
to teach lessons or subjects, but also to
have a positive impact on nation building.
provide students with an understanding of
religious and moral values. Therefore, it is SUGGESTION
important for Islamic educators to have in-
In developing the competence of educators
depth knowledge of Islamic religion and
in Islamic education it is very important in
culture and have skills in teaching Islamic
improving the quality of Islamic education
moral and ethical values. Islamic education
in Indonesia. Several ways that can be
has an important role in shaping Muslim
done to increase the competence of
individuals who are qualified and ethical.
educators are through training, curriculum
Therefore, developing the competence of
development, collaborative learning, and
educators is the main key in improving the
continuous learning, as well as the
quality of Islamic education, because the
integration of religious and moral values in
quality of education is very dependent on
every subject taught. In addition, educators
the competence and performance of
must also be an example for students in
educators. In the context of developing the
practicing Islamic teachings and help them
competence of educators in Islamic
develop good character. Educators must
education, it is not only related to skills
have responsibility and dedication in
and technical knowledge in teaching,
carrying out their duties as educators and
The development of educator competence have the ability to overcome problems in
in Islamic education is important in learning and adapt to changes in the
improving the quality of Islamic education education system.
in Indonesia. The competence of educators
To achieve the goal of developing the
includes technical skills and knowledge of
competence of educators in Islamic
Islamic religious teachings as well as
education, it is necessary to have support
teaching methods that can be used in
and collaboration from related parties, Hasan, M. (2017). Peningkatan Kompetensi
such as educational institutions, Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam. . PT.
universities and the government. This RajaGrafindo Persada.
support can be done through policies that Hidayat, A. (2019). Konsep dan Aplikasi
support the development of Islamic Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru
education and the development of educator Pendidikan Agama Islam. PT. Raja
competencies in Islamic education. In Grafindo Persada.
addition, it should also be noted that the Ikhwan, M. (2018). Pengembangan
development of educator competencies is Kompetensi Guru dalam Peningkatan
not only limited to skills and technical Kualitas Pendidikan Islam. PT. Raja
knowledge of Islamic education, but also Grafindo Persada.
requires an understanding of students, the Mubarok, A. (2015). Pengembangan
development of attitudes and personalities, Kompetensi Guru dalam Meningkatkan
educational situations and contexts, Kualitas Pendidikan Islam. . PT. Raja
learning technology and media, social and Grafindo Persada.
cultural contexts, the role of and social Muhaimin. (2016). Pengembangan Kompetensi
responsibility, educational research and Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam: Refleksi
innovation, and self-development. With dari Arah dan Tantangan Pendidikan di
the development of good educator Indonesia. . Kencana Prenada Media
Qomaruddin, M. S. (2018). Pengembangan
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Ahmad, A. (2017). Pengembangan kompetensi Islam (PAI) Berbasis Islam Wasathiyah.
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