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# let the buyer beware means a buyer must

buy goods only after satisfying himself of their

Quality or fitness.

# it is not part of the sellers duty in contact of

sale to give the buyer an article suitable for

particular purpose unless such purpose is

known to the seller.

# No implied warranty/condition as to the

quality or fitness for any particular purpose if

the buyer makes a bad choice,he can not

blame seller and claim damages.

E.g., Case-- ( ward vs hobb )

# 32 pigs were sold by hobb in auction to ward

With all the fault and error of description sale

was good and seller was not liable to damages.

Exceptions to the rule of CAVEAT EMPTOR : -

# where the buyer relies on the skill and

judgement of the seller.

# merchantable quality of goods.

# consent by fraud.

# usage of trade.

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