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Subject: HBV

1. What does the phenomenon of observational learning show?

A.   Children learn even when they are not receiving reinforcement from the environment
B.   Observing a model is a form of reinforcement
C.   A model can condition children’s behavior
D.   Televised violence is bad for children
2. A 6-year-old girl shows exceptional sporting ability. Both of her parents are sportspersons,
send her for coaching every day and train her on weekends. Her capabilities are most
likely to be the result of an interaction between:
A.  Heredity and environment B. Growth and development
C. Health and training D. Discipline and nutrition
3. According to Freudian understanding, thoughts or motives that a person is currently aware
of or is remembering is called as:
A. Conscious B. Memory
C. Unconscious D. Fixation
4. At this stage, children begin using inductive logic, or reasoning from specific information to
a general principle.
A. Formal Operational B. Concrete Operational
C. Preoperational D. Sensorimotor
5. What stage of Freud’s Model of personality development states that a child who is frustrated in this
stage may develop an adult personality that is characterized by pessimism, envy and suspicion?
A. Oral stage B. Phallic Stage
C. Anal Stage D. Genital Stage
6. An alcoholic woman was brought to the casualty following a suicide attempt by taking
several tablets of diazepam. There is history of previous attempts of suicide by wrist
slashing, etc. The type of personality dis order in this woman is
A. Histrionic personality B. Border line personality
C. Dependent personality D. Narcissistic personality
7. It describes an action or behavior that violates social norms.
A. Deviance B. Personality disorder
C. Crime D. Anti-social behavior
8. The Salem witch trials were an example of which historical perspective of criminal
A. Atavism B. Phrenology
C. Demonology D. Somatotypes
9. A behavior that is statistically unusual, considered maladaptive and self-defeating to the
person who displays it.
A. Abnormal behavior B. Personality disorder
` C. Retardation D. Deviant behavior
10. The classical school of criminology is based on the concept of
A. opportunity B. biology
C. lack of choice D. free will
11. It is shown by a person who is hypersensitive, unwarranted suspicion, jealousy, envy and
feelings of excessive importance.
A. Anxiety B. Paranoid
C. Stress D. Mistrust
12. The study of mental distress is known as
A. psychosomatics B. psychoanalytic
C. psychopathology D. psychodynamics
13. The diagnosis of mental illness is generally carried out by which of the following?
A. Clinical psychologist B. Counsellor
B. Psychiatric nurse D. Psychiatrist
13. When a youth persistently violates norms or abuses and disregards the rights of others
they are likely to be diagnosed with?
A. Mood disorder B. PTSD
C. Conduct disorder D. Mental disorder
14. What are the family risk factors for mental illness?
A. Large family B. Paternal criminality
C. Maternal psychiatric disorder D. A, B, and C
15. Historically, what was the first method to punish the juvenile delinquent?
A. Put them in juvenile facilities and reformatories
B. Put them under house arrest
C. Put them in adult prisons and jails
D. Put them in electronic home detention
16. According to Cohen and Felson, which of the following is not included in Routine
Activities Theory?
A. There is a suitable target B. there is a motivated offender
C. there is a lack of guardians D. There is a motivated victim
17. Do you believed that the problem of criminality would be eradicated only by means of
convergence of effort from different government agencies?
A. Precisely, it could not be eliminated as long as the community is existing.
B. I think criminality could be destroyed by means of imposing higher penalty.
C. Yes, convergence of efforts of all government and private sectors is a must.
D. No, what is important is the proper and strict implementation of the law.
18. Which among the following is the most likely to become a victim of rubbery or theft?
A. A beautiful young lady wearing short and miniskirt walking alone in uninhabited
alley in the middle of the night.
B. An old woman being monitored who has bringing a high value of cash while
walking alone in inhabited market place.
C. The elementary student while texting onboard passenger jeepney going to school.
D. The businesswoman with security escort going to metro bank to deposit the
19. Which of the following incidents is the victim of violent crime?
A. The victims suffered from physical and traumatic injury due to 6.5 magnitude
earthquake in Mindanao.
B. The victims suffering from physical and mental injury after Marawi siege.
C. The victim suffered head injury due to motorcycle accident while driving under
influenced of liquor.
D. The student committed suicide after suffering from severe depression because of
poor academic performance in the class and due to love frustration.
20. After the Marawi siege, the residents suffered loss of property and the whole business
establishment thereat were totally dilapidated which resulted to the financial loss.
A. Economic loss B. Economic deprivation
C. Economic sabotage D. Terrorist attack
21. It is the process in preventing the possible suicidal of the student who suffered from
severe depression, he/she should be benefited the victim assistance program that may
help in coping with trauma or loss.
A. Recovering from victimization B. Benefits and services
C. Nature of victimization D. Recovering from love frustration
22. It is the role by giving assistance to the victims following an experience of victimization in
helping to reduce the impact of crime by providing victims with supports to address the
trauma as result of the crime committed against them.
A. Role of the PNP B. Role of the DSWD
C. Role of the psychiatrists D. Role of the community

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