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Lesson Plan: French Classical Literature

Course Overview: This course provides an introduction to French Classical Literature, including its
historical, cultural, and artistic context. Students will explore the major literary movements, genres,
themes, and authors of this period, from the 17th century to the early 18th century. They will
develop their critical reading, writing, and thinking skills through the analysis of selected texts and
their cultural and intellectual significance.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, students will be able to:

• Understand the major literary movements, genres, themes, and authors of French Classical
• Analyze and interpret literary texts in their historical, social, and cultural context
• Evaluate the cultural and intellectual significance of French Classical Literature
• Develop critical reading, writing, and thinking skills

Course Requirements:

• Attendance and participation in class discussions (20%)

• Written assignments (40%)
• Midterm exam (20%)
• Final exam (20%)

Lesson 1: Introduction to French Classical Literature Objective: To provide an overview of French

Classical Literature and its cultural and historical context.


• Discuss the historical, cultural, and artistic context of French Classical Literature, including
the reign of Louis XIV, the rise of the absolutist state, and the emergence of the classical
• Read and analyze selected texts, such as La Fontaine's Fables or Racine's Phèdre, in their
historical and cultural context.
• Examine the cultural and intellectual significance of French Classical Literature, such as its
contribution to the formation of a national identity and its influence on European literature
and culture.
• Assign homework: Read a French Classical text and write a reflection on its themes and

Lesson 2: The Classical Style and Its Characteristics Objective: To examine the classical style and
its characteristics in French literature.

• Discuss the characteristics of the classical style, such as balance, proportion, clarity, and
• Read and analyze selected texts, such as Molière's Tartuffe or Boileau's Art of Poetry, in
their formal and stylistic features.
• Examine the cultural and intellectual significance of the classical style in French literature
and society.
• Assign homework: Read a French Classical text and write a critical analysis of its style and

Lesson 3: The Classical Theater Objective: To explore the classical theater in French literature and
its cultural and historical context.


• Discuss the characteristics of the classical theater, such as the unities of time, place, and
action, the representation of the human condition, and the use of classical myths and
• Read and analyze selected plays, such as Racine's Andromaque or Corneille's Le Cid, in
their formal and thematic features.
• Examine the cultural and intellectual significance of the classical theater in French literature
and society.
• Assign homework: Attend a performance of a French Classical play online or in person and
write a review of its performance and adaptation.

Lesson 4: Enlightenment and the Rise of Reason Objective: To examine the Enlightenment and the
rise of reason in French literature and its cultural and historical context.


• Discuss the characteristics of the Enlightenment, such as the pursuit of reason, progress, and
human rights, and the critique of tradition, authority, and superstition.
• Read and analyze selected texts, such as Voltaire's Candide or Montesquieu's The Spirit of
the Laws, in their cultural and intellectual significance.
• Examine the role of the Enlightenment in shaping French literature and society during the
18th century.
• Assign homework: Read a French Enlightenment text and write a critical analysis of its
themes and style.


• Class participation and attendance (20%)

• Written assignments (40%)
• Midterm exam (20%): A midterm exam will be given to assess students' understanding of
the major themes, genres, and authors of French Classical Literature covered in the first half
of the course.

• Final exam (20%): A final exam will be given to assess students' overall understanding of
French Classical Literature and its cultural and historical significance.

Conclusion: This course provides an in-depth study of French Classical Literature, including its
major literary movements, genres, themes, and authors, as well as its cultural and historical context.
Through the analysis of selected texts and their cultural and intellectual significance, students will
develop their critical reading, writing, and thinking skills and gain a deeper appreciation for the
richness and complexity of French literature.

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