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Presentation Outline
• Sources of Islamic Jurisprudence: The Quran, Sunna, Ijma’and Qiyas
• Istihsan (Juristice Preference)
• Istislah (Consideration of benefits) and Al-Masalih al-Mursalah (Unrestricted
• Ürf (Custom): The Literal & Technical Meaning, Significance, Shariah Proof,
Relevant Legal Maxims and examples
Sources of Information



Sources of Islam

• Aqaid (Ilm ul Kalaam)

)‫• عقائد (علم الکالم‬
• Akhlaq (Tasawwuf)
)‫• اخالق (علم التصوف‬
• Activities and practices (Jurisprudence)
)‫• شریعت (علم الفقہ‬
Sciences of beliefs ‫علم الكالم‬

Related to beliefs

• Like there are angels assigned different jobs

• The life in graves
• There will be a day of resurrection etc
Ilm ut Tasawwuf ‫علم التصوف‬

• Balance of Attributes
Jurisprudence ‫علم الفقه‬

The fiqh rulings are of seven categories:

1. Íbadaat
2. Family rulings: marriage, divorce, affinity (nasab), maintenance,
bequests, inheritance, etc. These are personal statutes.
3. Muámalaat: pertaining to earning activities, contractual relationships,
use of judiciary to settle disputes. (Civil Laws)
4. Rulings pertaining to ruler and his subjects. These are called al-
ahkaam-as-sultaniyyah. (Administrative laws and constitutional laws)
5. Rulings pertaining to penalizing criminals.
Jurisprudence ‫علم الفقه‬

6. Rulings pertaining to relationship of Islamic State with other states.

7. Rulings pertaining to morals, values, virtues, vices and known as al-
aadaab (morals.
A big picture

A perfect combination is required by Islam

Shariah ‫الشريعة‬

Then We have put you (O prophet) on a plain

way of (our) commandment. So follow it and
do not follow the desires of those who do not
know. (45:18)

Shariah ‫الشريعة‬
• Lexically, a plain way. ‫الصراط المستقیم‬

• Terminologically, shariah is the body of Islamic
religious law.

• But its scope extends beyond law as it regulates

both public and private aspects

• Shariah is the totality of religious, political, social,

domestic and private life.

Shariah ‫الشريعة‬

These four are the fountainheads from which the spring of

Jurisprudence flow:
• Quran

• Hadeeth

• Ijma

• Qiyas
Quran ‫القران‬

• It performs same role as the constitution in the positive

laws of nations.
• Being constitutional in nature, its texts are usually
• Consists of command of offering Salah and paying
Zakah without discussing the method and quantity.
• Commands fulfillments of contract, but does not
explain the detailed characteristics of valid and void
• Sometimes it goes into details. Like inheritance,
invoking curse )‫(لعان‬, some criminal punishments, and to
whom one cannot marry.
Quran ‫القران‬

• The generality attribute of quran deals with the

requirements of the changing societies.
• In any case these general texts of quran need an
elaboration by the Sunnah.
• Allah says: “and whatever the Messenger gives you,
accept it; and from whatever he forbids you, keep
back”. (Al-Hashr, 59:7).
Hadeeth ‫الحديث‬

• Literally, Sunnah means sayings.

• Terminologically, it includes the narration of sayings,

actions, and even silence on a certain act by the Holy
Prophet Muhammad ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬.

• It also includes the description of personality of the

Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫صلي ہللا علیه وسلم‬.

• From one hand, it is an independent source. It may

include some rulings that are not contained in the
Hadeeth ‫الحديث‬

• For example, the inheritance of grandmother of


• On the other hand, Hadeeth is always subordinate to

Quran in a sense that it does not go against Quranic
principles and general rules.

• Since the sunnah now is just reported narrations,

therefore only authentic narrations are accepted as
source of legislation.

• There are levels of authenticity in hadeeth.

Forms of Hadeeth ‫الحديث‬
• Mutawatir )‫(الحدیث المتواتر‬:
• Several chain of narrations
• Number of narrators is so high that it is not
possible for them to lie collectively.
• Every chain consists of several narrators at every
1. ‫من كذب علي متعمدا فلیتبوأ مقعده من النار‬. Narrated by more
than 70 Sahaba. (Mutawatir e Lafzi)
2. Raising hands during dua (Mutawatir e Manawi)
3. Transfer of Holy Quran (Mutawatir e Tabqa)
4. Act of masses from the outset. Like Miswak.
(Mutawatir bil Amal‫)متواتر بالعمل و التوارث‬
Forms of Hadeeth ‫الحديث‬
• Mashhoor )‫(الخبر المشهور‬:
• The narrators at every level are three or more
than three. But are less than the extent of

1. ‫إن ہللا ال یقبض العلم انتزاعا الخ‬
‫الحديث ‪Forms of Hadeeth‬‬

‫‪(:‬الخبر العزیز) ‪• Al-Azeez‬‬

‫‪• The narrators at every level are just two.‬‬

‫ال یومن أحدكم حتي أكون أحب إلیه من والده و ولده و الناس أجمعین‬
Forms of Hadeeth ‫الحديث‬

• Al-Ghareeb )‫(الخبر الغریب‬:

• If a narration has only one narrator either in the

whole chain or at a particular level.

‫إنما األعمال بالنیات‬
Forms of Hadeeth ‫الحديث‬

• Hadeeth Mashhoor, Ghareeb and Azeez are further

classified into Sahih , Hasan , and Zaeef.

• Sahih is the narration whose chain of narrators is

integrated, and the narrators are authentic and have
sound memory. Moreover, the text of the narration
does not have any inconsistency with Quran, Hadis e
Mashhoor, and the preliminary era of Islam )‫(خیر القرون‬.

‫حدثنا عبد ہللا بن یوسف قال أخبرنا مالك عن ابن شهاب عن محمد بن جبیر بن مطعم عن‬
.‫أبیه قال سمعت رسول ہللا صلى ہللا علیه وسلم قرأ في المغرب بالطور‬
‫الحديث ‪Forms of Hadeeth‬‬

‫‪• Hasan is the narration whose one or more narrator‬‬

‫‪does not have sound memory.‬‬

‫حدثنا قتیبة حدثنا جعفر بن سلیمان الضبعي عن أبي عمران الجوني عن أبي بكر بن أبي‬
‫موسى األشعري قال سمعت أبي بحضرة العدو یقول قال رسول ہللا صلى ہللا علیه وسلم إن‬
‫أبواب الجنة تحت ظالل السیوف‪.‬‬

‫‪Jafar Ibn Suleman Adhabuí is not of sound memory.‬‬

Forms of Hadeeth ‫الحديث‬

• Zaeef )‫ (الضعیف‬is the narration which is weak because of

disintegrated chain or dishonest narrator.

• There are so many books written on Zaeef and fictitious

Ijma’ ‫االجماع‬

Consensus of the Islamic Jurists, be them Sahabah or

generations that came after, on a particular problem
after the demise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫صلی‬
‫ ہللا علیہ وسلم‬is called Ijma’.

Same as Wahy in authority

‫االجماع ’‪Ijma‬‬

‫سر ِبي ِل ا ْل ُم ْرْ ِم ِِ َ‬

‫ين ُِ َو ِلِّر ِه َمرا‬ ‫سو َل ِم ْن بَ ْع ِد َما تَبَيَّ َن لَهُ ا ْل ُهدَى َويَت َّ ِب ْع َ‬
‫غ ْي َرر َ‬ ‫الر ُ‬
‫ق َّ‬‫َو َم ْن يُشَا ِق ِ‬
‫ص ِل ِه َج َهَِّ َم َو َ‬
‫سا َءتْ َم ِص ً‬
‫يرا (الِساء ‪)۱۱۵‬‬ ‫ت َ َولَّى َوُِ ْ‬

‫اور جو شخص اپنے سامنے ہدایت واضح ہوونے ےوے بعود بهوی رسوول ےوی مخالفوت‬
‫ےرے‪ ،‬اور مؤمنوں ےے راستے ےے سوا ےسوی اور راسوتے ےوی پیورو ےورے‪ ،‬اس‬
‫ےو ہم اسی راه ےے حوالہ ےردیں گےجو اس نے خود اپنوائی ہوے ‪ ،‬اور اسوے دوزخ‬
‫میں جهونکیں گے‪ ،‬اور وه بہت برا ٹهکانہ ہے۔‬

‫ال تجتمع أمتي علي الضاللة (أبو داود)‬

Ijma’ ‫االجماع‬

• Consensus must rest on proof, even if this proof is

not mentioned with the consensus.

• But present scholars only need to investigate its

presence and authenticity, but not its proof.

• Otherwise, the proof will be an authority and not

the Ijma’.
‫االجماع ’‪Ijma‬‬
‫‪ .1‬محصن (شاد شده)مرد یا عورت سے زنا سرزد ہوونے ےوی صوورت مویں رجوم‬
‫(سنگسار )پر صحابہ ےا متفق ہونا ۔‬
‫‪ .2‬قوور ن ےووریم ( ل عمووران‪ )۲۳ :‬موویں ہللا تعووالی نووے ان رشووتہ دار خووواتین ےووا ذےوور‬
‫فرمایا ہے جون سوے نکوار ےرنوا حورام ہوے‪ ،‬اس یوت مویں داد ‪ ،‬نوانی‪ ،‬پووتی اور‬
‫نواسی وغیره ےا ذےر نہیں ہوے‪ ،‬لویکن تموام صوحابہ ےوا اتفواق ہوے اس بوات پور ےوہ‬
‫داد ‪ ،‬نانی‪ ،‬پوتی اور نواسی وغیره سے بهی نکار ےرنا حرام ہے‪،‬یہ بهی اجماع‬
‫ےی ایک مثال ہے۔ اس میں سند اجماع قرآن ہے۔‬
‫‪3. Eligibility of grandfather of the deceased to take‬‬
‫‪the share of inheritance, If the son of the‬‬
‫‪deceased is alive.‬‬
Qiyas ‫القياس‬

To apply any Ruling of Shariah mentioned in Quran or Sunnah to a similar

thing or situation by way of finding illah (Actual reason and basis).

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “O Muaz, How will you decide cases?”. Muaz
replied: “ according to Allah’s Book.” The Prophet (SAW) asked: “ and if you
don’t find them there?”. Muaz replied: “ Then according to your Sunnah”. The
Prophet (SAW) asked: “ and what if you don’t find in Sunnah?”. Muaz replied:
““I will do ijtihad (and extract the judgement with my opinion”. The Prophet
(SAW) said: “Praise belongs to Who caused the envoy of Allah’s Messenger to
conform to what pleases Allah’s Messenger. (Abu Dawood)
Examples of Qiyas ‫القياس‬
1. Trading after call for Juma prayer is prohibited by
Quran. Other contracts like Ijarah is also
prohibited by Qiyas. Common Characteristic:
Distraction from preparing for jumuáh.
2. Narration related to Sale contract are far more
than those related to Ijarah contract. Rulings of
Ijarah was deduced by qiyas. Common
Characteristic: Leasing is also a form of selling.
Sale of utility is lease.
3. Option to terminate sale contract unilaterally to be
exercised by the purchaser is made permissible in
a narration )‫(خیار الشرط‬. This ruling is deduced for
the seller as well through Qiyas. Common
Characteristic: Termination of contract due to
Examples of Qiyas ‫القياس‬
4. Option to terminate contract due to non payment
by the purchaser )‫ (خیار النقد‬is also deduced through
Qiyas on ‫خیار الشرط‬. Common Characteristic:
Termination of contract due to necessity.

Qiyas cannot be displaced by the generality of some

texts because:

• General text covers the component that fit in its

• Qiyaas renders the texts inclusive of all what does
not fit in its meaning through the method of
deducing common characteristic. )‫(العلة‬
Qiyas, An Important note:
The Shariah ruling is dependent on Íllat )‫ (العلة‬and not
Hikmah )‫(الحكمة‬

Íllat )‫ (العلة‬is the real reason of the existence of a

particular Shariah law.

Hikmah)‫(الحكمة‬ are the secondary benefits to be

achieved through the ruling.

A particular Shariah Law/ruling exists because of Íllat

)‫ (العلة‬and not because of Hikmah)‫ (الحكمة‬.
Qiyas, An Important note:
• Íllat )‫ (العلة‬of the prohibition of fornication/adultery is
the Quranic verses or narrations of the Messenger
‫صلي ہللا علیه وسلم‬.

• Hikmah )‫ (الحكمة‬of its prohibition is existence of

doubts in the chain of descents )‫(خلط النسب‬

• If a scenario comes, where due to scientific

technologies, there is no doubt in the chain of
descents, fornication will still be prohibited.

• Because Íllat )‫ (العلة‬of this ruling, which is Quran or

Hadeeth, still exist.
Qiyas, An Important note:
• Íllat )‫ (العلة‬may be metaphorically understood as a
traffic red light signal.

• Hikmah )‫ (الحكمة‬is to avoid the collision of cars.

• If there are no cars on road, and red light glows,

then there seems no hikmah in stopping as collision
is already avoided.

• Still, the ruling is to stop your car as Íllat )‫ (العلة‬does

exist. Red light.
Qiyas, An Important note:
• Íllat )‫ (العلة‬may be metaphorically understood as a
traffic red light signal.

• Hikmah )‫ (الحكمة‬is to avoid the collision of cars.

• If there are no cars on road, and red light glows,

then there seems no hikmah in stopping as collision
is already avoided.

• Still, the ruling is to stop your car as Íllat )‫ (العلة‬does

exist. Red light.
Qiyas, An Important note:
• Íllat )‫ (العلة‬may be metaphorically understood as a
traffic red light signal.

• Hikmah )‫ (الحكمة‬is to avoid the collision of cars.

• If there are no cars on road, and red light glows,

then there seems no hikmah in stopping as collision
is already avoided.

• Still, the ruling is to stop your car as Íllat )‫ (العلة‬does

exist. Red light.
Secondary Sources of Shariah
ISTIHSAN (Juristic Preference)
Istihsan is the diversion from the ruling of qiyas to
another ruling due to another reason which requires
that departure.

This another reason may be a narration, Ijma’,

necessity or another qiyas.
ISTIHSAN: Examples

• Salam transaction is against the basic laws of sale.

It is allowed due to a narration.

• Ajeer e Mushtarak )‫ (االجیر المشترك‬indemnifies even

without negligence. This is against general rule of
fiduciary capacity. This rule is discarded here due to

• Fees on taking bath in Hammaam is permissible

due to customary practice. Otherwise the amount
of water consumed is uncertain.
ISTIHSAN: Examples

• The leftover food of the hunting birds is pure. This

is against the general rule of impermissibility of the
leftover of the beasts whose meat is prohibited.
The reason is another hidden qiyas.

• Ajeer e Mushtarak )‫ (االجیر المشترك‬indemnifies even

without negligence. This is against general rule of
fiduciary capacity. This rule is discarded here due to
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬

• Istislah is the establishment of the rules of fiqh on

the basis of Al-Masliha Al-Mursala )‫(المصلحة المرسلة‬

• Al-Masliha Al-Mursala )‫ (المصلحة المرسلة‬is every benefit

that has not been specifically discussed in the text
of Shariah.
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Literal Connotation

• Literally, Maslaha )‫ (المصلحة‬is antonym of Mafsadah

• Absolute benefit is Maslaha )‫ (المصلحة‬and absolute
harm is Mafsadah )‫(المفسدة‬.
• Knowledge, profit, enjoyment, comfort,
amusement, health are Masalih )‫(المصالح‬
• Ignorance, loss, pain, fatigue are Mafasid )‫(المفاسد‬
• But it is a narrow vision
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Literal Connotation

• Pain of healing and treatment is not harmful

• Pleasure of drinking wine may consequently lead to
pain or detriments to soul
• Thus apparent pain and pleasure cannot be the
basis of legal rulings.
• Another criterion is thus needed for establishing
that a particular matter is Maslaha )‫ (المصلحة‬or
Mafsadah )‫(المفسدة‬
• This criterion is the terminological connotation of
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Terminological Connotation

1. Necessities (Zarooriyyaat) )‫(الضروریات‬

These are the deeds and behaviors on which the

protection of five essential elements is dependent.

Religion, self, intellect, offspring and wealth.

ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Terminological Connotation

2. Needs (Hajiyyaat) )‫(الحاجیات‬

These are the deeds and behaviors on which the

protection of five essential elements is not

E.g. Legitimizing of contracts.

ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Terminological Connotation
3. Supplements (Tahsiniyyat) )‫(التحسینیات‬

Observing them is part of good morals or beautiful


Some of them are just preferred like etiquettes of

dining, speaking etc.

Some of them are mandatory like covering the

private parts.
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Terminological Connotation
Rulings that legitimize for the protection of the
Zarooriyyaat are the most important rulings.

2nd level is of those rulings that pertain to hajiyyat.

3rd level of rulings are those that pertain to


Example: exposure of private parts for sake of

ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Factors that call for Istislah

1. Acquiring benefit )‫(جلب المصلحة‬

Imposing fair taxes

1. Averting harm )‫(درأ المفاسد‬

Legal restrictions
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Factors that call for Istislah

3. Blocking the means )‫(سد الذرائع‬

Some acts are not inherently forbidden, but they are
potential path to illegal actions.

Any action that may lead to illegal action is


Do not revile those whom they invoke other than Allah, lest they should revile
Allah in transgression without having knowledge.(6:108)
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Factors that call for Istislah
4. Change of time
Ijtihadi rulings may change with the change in time.

i. Contrary to original Hanafi school, now the
coercion is considered as an excuse for coerced
ii. Waqf estates, if constructed shops and houses,
are now prohibited to be given on rent for more
than one year. And for more than three years, if
agricultural lands. Previously it was allowed by
the Hanafi Jurist.
ISTISLAH )‫(االستصالح‬
Factors that call for Istislah
4. Change of time
Ijtihadi rulings may change with the change in time.

i. Contrary to original Hanafi school, now the
coercion is considered as an excuse for coerced
ii. Waqf estates, if constructed shops and houses,
are now prohibited to be given on rent for more
than one year. And for more than three years, if
agricultural lands. Previously it was allowed by
the Hanafi Jurist.
Urf )‫(العرف‬

Literally, it means knowledge.

Technically, it is customary practice of a large number

of people in a community.

It is also called Taámul )‫(تعامل االمت‬

‫ ما رأه المسلمون حسنا فهو عند ہللا حسن‬:‫أن ابن مسعود رضي ہللا عنه قال‬
What the Muslims deem good, then it is also good in
the sight of Allah.
Urf )‫(العرف‬: Examples
Following are referred to Urf:

1. How much dowry is advanced and how much is

deferred, if not decided in the contract, will be
referred to Urf.

2. What is considered a defect in the commodity that

activates the option of defect?

3. How to preserve Wadeeáh )‫?(امانہ‬

4. What are the responsibility of an employee?

‫‪Derived Rulings from the above‬‬

‫فرض‬ ‫•‬
‫واجب‬ ‫•‬
‫مستحب‬ ‫•‬
‫سنت موےده‬ ‫•‬
‫غیر‬ ‫سنت‬ ‫•‬
‫حرام‬ ‫•‬
‫مکروه‬ ‫•‬
‫مکروه‬ ‫•‬
‫جزاكم ہللا خیرا ً‬

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