Job Description and KRA For Recruiting Manager

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Job Description for Recruiting Manager

Evaluate and rebuild the team. Meet with all key team members to determine each person's
ability to handle the challenges of the job. From this, develop and implement an action plan to
strengthen the Team to meet the Clients aggressive hiring needs.

Identify the real hiring problems. Quickly understand the hiring challenges the client is facing,
and put together an aggressive recruiting plan. Determine budget needs, additional resource
requirements, and obtain Management buy-in and approval.

Prepare a process flow chart of the hiring process. Working with the team and, prepare an end-
to-end process map of the Client hiring process. Identify key bottlenecks and problems.
Implement short-term fixes as necessary to improve performance.

Reorganize the recruiting Team. Evaluate different organization approaches considering

centralized vs. decentralized, process vs. function, and high volume vs. high value. Any then
Reorganize the team accordingly

Establish a workforce-planning process. Put together a workforce plan based on the sales
forecast and the company business plan. This plan needs to identify key hiring needs by job type
for the next four quarters. Revise recruiting plans and processes to reflect key hiring
requirements. Establish a means to update this rolling 12-month plan on a quarterly basis, based
on forecasts from key Clients

Upgrade technology. Lead the effort to evaluate existing technology for adequacy. Determine if
problems are due to user competency or weak technology. Implement training programs as
necessary to improve performance. Review the technology platform to improve both productivity
and hiring performance by at least 50 percent.

Completely revamp the sourcing process for active candidates. Rebuild the career website to
reflect the needs of good people who don't have time to look. Rewrite every online job
description to ensure that each one is exciting, compelling, and easy to find. Create a "wow!"
experience for all candidates at every step in the hiring process - including online and onsite. Cut
the time to process candidates by 50 percent.

Develop and implement a passive-candidate sourcing program. Develop a small, in-house strong
team to handle all critical positions. Staff as needed to ensure that candidate quality is the
primary objective. Hire a top-notch research team in combination with executive recruiters who
can network with senior-level executives and key technologists.

Get hiring managers totally involved. Quickly determine the general ability of hiring managers to
both assess candidate competency and recruit top performers. Begin the implementation of
necessary training. Work with the senior executive team to upgrade the importance of hiring to
ensure line manager buy-in and commitment.

Convert the recruiting department into a line function using performance-based metrics.
Develop a series of metrics to track real-time performance of all critical steps in the hiring
process. Develop a that all managers and recruiters can use to track the status of each search.
Specifically monitor incoming candidate quality by sourcing channel, time-to-fill, recruiter vs.
hiring manager quality and send outs per hire. Set up improvement programs for all critical

Meeting the Target. Review your and team members target weekly and make the corrective step
to overachieve the Target Consistently. Personally involve in to hiring the BIG Ticket or mission
Critical positions with the team members.

Sourcing Channels. Regularly study and use the social media network to do research and identify
the passive candidate. Encourage the team to use the various channels for the sourcing like
LinkedIn, Twitter, Headhunting, Reference…etc

Research and Mapping the Industries. Need to regularly research and map the industries and do
the competitive analysis of the market and take the corrective steps accordingly. Keep on
updating your knowledge about the Recruitment Industry thru reading newspapers, Book, visiting
Seminars, Forms and networking events

Team Management. Need to take care of the various aspects of People Management. Like
Motivation, Career Advancement, Grievance Handling, Conflict, Goal alignment, Leave
Management, and all other aspects of the team.

KRA of Recruiting Manager

1) Financial Results
2) Customer Satisfaction
3) Operational / Client Excellence
4) Candidate Offer Drop out Ratio should not be more than 10%
5) Candidate Schedule v/s Attended Ratio should be more than 80%
6) Bad Debt provisions of Rs 0
7) Role Model Company’s Values and Behaviors
8) Compliance with company’s Policies and Procedures expenses/Phone/leave/Reports
9) Take accountability of Own Development Plan
10) Actively participate in learning initiatives / training Programs
11) Develop positive relationship with Company’s colleague and Positive Contribute to Team
Establish a working / knowledge sharing relationship with a colleague in another business lines.
12) Make the Process Document to Pre-qualified the Client's Recruitment
13) Evaluate each client every week and take the corrective step for the same
14) Improve the Communication with the Client’s
15) Deal with the Decision makes to understand the Pulse of the Company
16) Get involved in to the recruitment as Recruiter for the BIG Tickets and Mission critical positions
17) Understand Client and gather as much as Information before working on any Client/Recruitment

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