Discussion of The Results

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The finding shows that the male respondents contributed to 43%(13) of the
population while, female respondents contributed to 57%(57). 23 respondents were 12 years
old while, 7 were 13 years old. It was also find that majority of respondents were Roman
Catholic 80%(24)while, lowest frequency of religion were 4(13)% Seventh Day Adventist
and 6.6%(2) Pilipinista.

The Figure 4. It shows that (28)93% students can access mobile phone while, there
are (2)6.6% who hardly access mobile phone. 70%(28) of the respondents have their own
mobile phone but, we still have 30%(9) students can only access mobile phone through their
parents in Fig.5 and it shows that majority of the respondents can access to mobile phone and
was recorded in Fig. 7 that, 80%(24) of respondents used their mobile phone for facebooking
with the lowest frequency were the respondents usually use are for gaming and browsing,
having 10%(3) each.

As reflected in Fig.8, there was 73%(22) respondents spend too much time
facebooking, gaming and browsing while in Fig.9 we have 30%(9) good students that use
their mobile phone to get their assignment done but, we still have 6%(2) students never use
their mobile phone to get their assignment done and 56%(17) of the respondents sometimes
while, there are 6%(2) who seldom.

The illustrative graph above in Fig.10,shows that, 33.3%(10) stated that using of
mobile phone in the school premises is probihited but, we still have stubborn 66.6%(20) who
use mobile phone in the school. However, in Fig.11, 66%(20) respondents have been using
mobile phone for more than one(1) year while, there are 10%(3) between three(3) months and
one(1) year and 26%(18) are just recently using mobile phone.

The Fig.13-14 shows that, the highest average score was found that the students can
easily contact their teachers and classmate for study purposes and can sometimes lead them to
high performance in the school. It was based in the data above and in Fig. 15, respondents
were asked whether their academic performance has increase with the use of mobile phone,
the results showed that 63% of the students stated that it has partiay increased, 13% said that
it has not increased and the other 26.6% suggested that their academic performance has
definitely increased, and 13% respondents disagree the idea of mobile phone dependcy to
their academic performance. It has been proved that mobile phone have helped students
increased their academic performance, even though it is not in a huge way, but it increases

The Fig.17, shows that, the highest average score was found 43.3% sometimes stated
that mobile phone are used to their study and in Fig.18, also stated that mobile phone is most
useful to students when they are researching that can help to their study while, in Fig.16,
shows that the highest average score was found that the students uses dictionary/thesaurus,
and calculator in class and sometimes lead them to high performance in the school.
It was based in the data above but, In Fig. 15, 56.6% was found that the respondents don't use
their mobile phone in class to enhance their understanding about a topic.

In the Fig.19, the finding shows that the highest score was found that the students
don't use mobile phone during class hours that means majority of respondents have a good
academic performance and attitude on how they handle using mobile phone. Also, in Fig 20,
56% of the respondents never been distracted of mobile phone during class hours while, in
Fig.21, the 83% respondents are distracted from facebook with the highest average score.

As the data were gathered, the researcher can say that grade-7 students of
Concepcion National High School are sometimes active in using mobile phone for
educational purposes like researching and answering assignments because of their overall
total in the Fig.17, and sometimes the students uses dictionary/thesaurus, and calculator that
is proven in Fig. 16.it shows that they are capable of handling and managing the right way in
using mobile phone.

As for the distraction of mobile phone during class hours, student's opinion is
divided according to the Fig.19, some says it is not and some says otherwise and there are
circumstances that students often distracted in facebooking that is one of the application of
their mobile phone according to the Fig.7 and 21.

In our research we proved that the effectiveness of mobile phone towards grade 7
students of Concepcion National High School in relation to their academic performance can
both be helpful and distraction it all depends on their attitude and how should mobile phone
be used. Their academic performance depends to their attitude if they will let themselves be
out of control in using mobile phone or limit themselves to important things to avoid
distraction but, as the data were gathered, the respondents are good student's according to the
overall total of their responds and the students also proved to us that they know how to
handle themselves in using mobile.

One of the reason why researcher say that the grade-7 student's academic performance in
Concepcion National High is good, is because we gathered the past periodical grades of
students and we found out that there are no respondents who failed in their first periodical
grades they are all passed and also it proved in the Fig.14, that most of the respondents stated
that their academic performance has partially increased, it means they are doing good in their


The case of the mobile phone to student's academic performance at Conception

National High School is seen to be most popular issue. This phenomenological study aimed
to find out the influence of mobile phone to students academic performance; to determine the
level of academic performance of grade-7 students using mobile phone; and to find out the
possible way to help student's use their mobile phone to improve their academic performance.

As the researcher were administered with the adapted questionnaire along with
observation to thirty(30) grade-7 student's of the said school. The respondents, there lie with
some factors that are detrimental to the increase of academic performance of students who
use mobile phone. However, the positive aspect of mobile phone's improve the academic
performance of grade-7 students who used it well.
In conclusion, the finding shows that there are many way that Mobile phone affect
the academic performance of students. This study can conclude with the fact that using
mobile phone made an impact on students both positively and negatively.

This study presents an in-depth understanding on the effectiveness of mobile phone

to grade -7 student's academic performance, in general, need to understand that Mobile phone
improved the social and academic performance and it can also decreased of academic
performance. However, the effective use of mobile phone brings in more advantages than
disadvantages to student's nowadays. This results of this study will enlighten students on the
effects of using mobile phone for multiple aspects.


Based on the conclusion drawn from the study, the following recommendations were

1. Students must discipline and limit themselves on excessively using mobile phone on
unnecessary matters.
2. Academic institution should also implement programs that can restrict students from
using social network site and application while attending lectures.
3. Students are only allowed to used their mobile phone when teachers tells or
recommend them to do so. for example, dictionary/thesaurus, and Calculator.
4. The students need to be oriented to set priorities right. Reorientation by the school
management function with the guardians of the students.

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