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Information Technology (IT) is the use of computers to create,

process, store, retrieve, and exchange all kinds of electronic data and information.

IT SYSTEMS are used in daily transactions to make classification and processing of information much easier and faster.
They are applied in areas like:

IT Systems had without a doubt To be honest, IT Systems helped
helped businesses to progress. IT a lot in the process of
systems provided a more communicating. Be it for personal
systematic way of looking at a transactions or business ones,
businesses’ progress and so in a because IT Systems provided an
daily basis, business owners rely on avenue that enables everyone to
these information systems to keep communicate with one another, it
in track the growth of their ONLINE LEARNING helped the transfer of data a lot
BANKING businesses and at the same time easier and faster.
be able to make appropriate In the advent of the new normal, IT
Financial institutions, and banks, in decisions when things aren’t looking systems had helped both the
particular, are one of the largest well. students and the teachers in coping
investors in information systems up with the new method of learning.
(IS) and information technologies Now that day to day classes are held
(IT). IT systems have made online, IT systems had helped provide
transactions in banks more students and instructors a space
organized and systematic. Aside where the exchange of information
from that, IT helps save the time and ideas are more organized and
of the customers and the easier to track
employees whe transacting and
help cut down the expenses.
IT plays various roles in our Society. Because of the various advancements in Information
Technology, our society becomes a lot more:


IT gave birth to various ways on
how we can make the process of
data and information faster and IT also inspired individuals to be
systematically that’s why it more productive and produce
made our society more better outputs. It made
organized and updated. collaboration with others
PROGRESSIVE possible and transactions a lot
Advancements in IT made easier with less hassles that
everything a lot easier to also aided in the progress of
accomplish, hence IT became one our society.
of the driving forces for our
society to continuously progress.

Good contributions of Social Media

Social media had been advantageous in health and business because it helped in widening their reach. As a known fact, the wider the reach, the more likely a
business is to succeed and in the case of healthcare facilities, the wider its reach, the more people can be catered and treated. In the aspect of education,
social media contributed goodness as it became one of the platforms by which teachers can communicate with their students. Social media became an avenue
by which teachers can relay announcements and reminders to students and vice versa in our new normal situation. As a whole, Social Media brought about many
positive contributions to the society as it made the exchange of data faster, made information easily accessible, and became one of the drivers of progress.

Bad Effects of Social Media

Social media can bring about bad effects to health, business, education, and the society when used in an inappropriate way. Bad effects of social media in the
aspect of health may include eye-strain and poor posture due to long hours of engagement. In the aspect of business and education, bad effects of social media
includes the rise of unwanted or unnecessary competition between businesses and students because of online peer/social pressure. Another bad effect of social
media to education is that when a student gets too immersed in using social media applications, he may forget and neglect his studies. As a whole, social media
can only bring about bad effects to the said areas if used in a bad manner. As responsible netizens, we should always remember that we should be mindful of
what we consume online. Social media is also a platform by which fake news is widely spread so we should always fact-check what we see before reacting and
before clicking any buttons online. We are what we consume online, so therefore, we should be smart in managing our usage of social media applications to avoid
experiencing any bad effects of it.

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