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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
San Pedro National High School
San Simon, Pampanga

Blended Learning: Challenges and Issues Experienced by the Selected Senior

High School Students of San Pedro National High School

A Baby Thesis Presented to

Renzy Russel D. Reyes

In Partial Fulfillment in the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1

Andaya, Billy
Alfaro, Catlynn
Eduardo, Ace Paul
Guevarra, Alexa Mae
Mahusay, Isaac John
Reyes, Jerick
Reyes, Mark Anthony
Rivera, Joanna Marie
Tayupon, Danny Rey

June, 2022


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Table of Contents

Background of the Study....................................................................................................
Review of Related Literature..............................................................................................
Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................................
Statement of the problem....................................................................................................
Significance of the Study....................................................................................................
Scope and delimitation........................................................................................................
Definition of Terms.............................................................................................................
Research design..................................................................................................................
Participants and Sampling Techniques...............................................................................
Ethical Consideration..........................................................................................................
Research Instrument............................................................................................................
Data Collection Procedure..................................................................................................
Treatment and Analysis of Data.........................................................................................
Summary of Findings..........................................................................................................
List of References.............................................................................................................


In the past three years, the world has experienced a global pandemic that affects the

life of every individual. It is very tough and complicated for everyone to communicate and to

interact with each other because of the infectious disease caused by pandemic. In this case,

education is one of the most affected. The schools from primary up to senior high, even the

colleges and universities are temporarily closed. As a result, it became difficult for students to

access learning that came from the school.

In today's generation blended learning is the most appropriate way that the schools

adopting right now. (Horn and Staker, 2011) define blended learning as “any time a student

learns at least in part at a super viced brick and mortar location away from home and at least

in part through online delivery with some element of students control over time, place, path,

and or pace”. This kind of educational set-up is very crucial. As a result, students and

teachers need to be more flexible and skilled in different aspects of learning. This may be

difficult for them to know everything that they need to learn and accomplish because of the

emerging environment of learning.

Background of the Study

Blended Learning, as defined by Department of Education (Dep Ed), refers to face-to-

face with any mix of online distance learning, modular distance learning, and TV/Radio-

based Instruction. It is designed to enable the schools to limit face-to-face learning, ensure

social distancing, and decrease the volume of people outside the home at any given time.

Higher education, as well as middle and secondary education, have all embraced

blended learning. Many experts and teachers praised blended learning because it blends the

benefits of face-to-face classroom learning with online learning to provide the most effective

learning environment. Blended learning, according to researchers, can improve students'

learning outcomes, increase their motivation, and help them achieve their learning goals.

Blended learning also improves the learning experience for student.

According to (Bouilheres et al., 2020), peer engagement, lectures and contents, and

the overall learning experiences revealed that the blended learning environment positively

impacts the students. In support of this, the University of Dandee (n.d., as cited by OSullivan,

2020) found that blended learning is more convenient than a classroom setting. It manifests

positive effects on the students’ performance in reading, writing, critical thinking, arts, music,

and health. However, (National Indian Students and Alumni Union [NISAU-UK] UK, 2020)

found that almost 40 percent of Indian students expressed dissatisfaction and desire that the

teaching process will be amended as further arrangements are made.

In this study, the researchers aim to determine the challenges and issues experienced

by the students in blended learning.

Review of Related Literature

Formation of Blended Learning

Even before the crisis arises in the Philippines, blended learning already exists in our

country (Morales, 2013) stated that it started in the Center for Blended Learning in Cubao

way back in 2007. It offered enhancement and different activities to their students. They

discover the effectiveness of blended learning and turn it into regular classes as requests by

Joanne Tupas-Parsons, the after-school center's pioneer. Therefore, it leads to the creation of

a combined classroom and homeschooling arrangement that is now called blended learning.

Definition of Blended Learning

It is vital to know the Philippine context's features and definitions to understand

Blended Learning clearly. In the article of (Aguinaldo, 2013), 20th century blended learning

was expressed through employing the union of both online and face-to-face learning.

Wherein it will be an authentic engagement of technology to education to gain learning.

Moreover, the Department of Education (as cited by Custodio, 2020) gives a viewpoint on

blended learning as a merging of printed materials and online distance learning that can be

done in learners' homes and with the help of barangays.

The Department of Education (as cited by Llego, 2020) gives blended learning

features that can be characterized through a combination of face-to-face and online learning

that can be done using modules, worksheets, activity sheets, and gadgets. Furthermore, they

also employ television and radio-based instructions. These methods of Blended Learning

values the education technology tools which prove to help learners and teachers turn

classroom setting through the use of its features and make the learners student centered and

constructivist (Brioso, 2017). Blended Education was already used a long time ago, as the

DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones said (2020, as cited by Rodriguez, 2020). Thus, it is

adopted by applying learning tools, methodologies, online and offline tools, and the DepEd

Commons, which was their digital platform, to attain a particular goal. Also, (Tus, 2020)

elaborated that the school with its teachers must keep them motivated and challenge them to

do their best despite of the circumstances on blended learning.


Challenges in Blended Learning

Blended Learning offered opportunities for the uplifted access to knowledge, social

interaction, richness and flexibility, cost efficiency, personal agency, and improved

outcomes. However, the funders and the people and organizations or groups behind its

implication have little awareness about the related challenges ahead (Gilmour, 2020). One of

the critical problems is the literacy in using technology as not all digital resources are easy to

use and reliable (Hunt, 2016). Also, (Shraim and Khlaif, 2010) found in their research that

the failure of 72% of teachers and 75% of students in e-learning and blended learning are due

to the inadequacy in skills and experiences to ICT based learning using computer and internet

applications. Yet, it is essential to note that time management and computer literacy are

pivotal and meaningful in the context of distance learning and online classes (Rovai, 2014).

Also, (Priscila, 2020) said that workload in the early stage of blended learning is another

problem, given that the process of switching to a new method when a learner is accustomed

to the traditional approach is very complicated. Correspondingly, family responsibilities, and

learners' hours of employment interfere with the learners' learning process (Cohen et al.,

2012). In addition to that, (Packham et al., 2004) observed that time conflict regarding family

issues,management support, and employment status turned out to be a common factor why

students fail and dropout. Thus, esteem needs and personal worth would help them do their

best to surpass this new curriculum's challenges (Tus, 2020).

Also, poor internet connection has to lead to frustrations and negative impacts on

students' learning as it inhibits students' ability to engage in online discussions (Akpan,

2015). According to the (Challenges of Blended Learning Models, 2015), blended learning

requires using a computer, tablet, or laptop that needs an internet connection. However, the

implementation and maintenance of this program are expensive for everyone. Moreover,

various countries still report a digital divide wherein, when considering the internet

connection, several children do not have enough means to access the internet, especially

those in the rural areas or areas with a high poverty rate (Barbour et al., n.d).

Another is pushing students to work independently using computers, but the problem

is how to ensure that students really learned. Numerous computer-based projects permit the

students to speed through the prerequisites without genuinely acing the substance or aptitudes

they need to succeed (Barnett & Farrah, 2019). Also, (Winstead, n.d) said that learners fall

behind the course flow as of the use of lecture recording as the means of teaching. In an

article entitled Disadvantages for Blended Learning (n.d), research was conducted across four

different universities. The result showed that not all students put an effort to watch the video

of their lessons or follow the right schedule of watching the videos sent to them. In fact, only

half of the students watched the lecture videos regularly, and nearly 40% of students watched

several videos in one sitting when, in reality, it must be done for several weeks. Furthermore,

(Kenney & Newcombe, 2010) said that another challenge was getting students involved in

the new format as some of the doubts and not used to self-paced learning. So, to keep up and

learn effectively, learning needs to seek conducive support from teachers and peers through

email, chats, and face-to-face meetings (Lynch & Dembo, 2004).

Theoretical Framework

Engagement Theory

The fundamental idea underlying engagement theory (Shneiderman,

1994;Shneiderman, Alavi, Norman, and Borkowski, 1995; Kearsley, 1997) is that students

must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and

worthwhile tasks. By engaged learning, they mean that:


“social interaction and collaboration are essential; that learners become involved in a

“community of practice”; and that all students should engage in activities that involve active

cognitive processes such as creating, problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, and

evaluation. In addition, students are intrinsically motivated to learn as a result of the

meaningful nature of the learning environment and activities.”

Although engagement could occur without the use of technology, they believe that

technology can facilitate all aspects of engagement in ways which are difficult to achieve

otherwise. The use of email, chat, online discussions conferencing, and videoconferencing

can significantly increase the extent, and ease of interaction and the kind of creativity and

communication needed to nourish engagement amongst all participants.

This theory is associated in this study because it emphasizes the positive role that

technology can play in students’ learning. Technology plays a vital role in obtaining the

benefits of blended learning since it is employed in the method of online learning.

Stress Theory

This theory states that stress leads to less well-being and an increased likelihood of

developing anxiety or depression. Additionally, students who have academic stress tend to do

poorly in school. This shows how this stress can keep students from doing as well as they

could (Pascoe, 2019). Moreover, different things cause stress in different people. Some of the

things students commonly cite as causes of stress include: examinations; deadlines; returning

to study; changing the learning environment; pressure of combining paid work and study;

difficulty in organizing work; poor time management (University of St. Andrews).

This theory is related to this study because academic stress is one of the common

problems on students of changing the learning modality to blended learning.



The focus of this study is the challenges and issues experienced by the selected Senior

High School students of San Pedro National High School.

The following assumptions were made:

1. Students have different reactions and ways in handling the challenges of blended


2. The students’ performance can be affected by the ways and mode of having blended


3. Blended learning can cause more difficulties and problems for students.

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the challenges and issues experienced by the

selected Senior High School students of San Pedro National High School.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the personal experiences of selected Senior High School students in Blended

Learning Modality?

2. What are the challenges and issues experienced in Blended Learning by the selected

Senior High School Students?

3. How do students overcome the challenges and issues in blended learning modality?

Significance of the Study

This study will be conducted to determine the challenges and issues experienced by

the selected Senior High School students of San Pedro National High School.

The results of the study will be beneficial to the following:


This study will provide hands on information about the effects on blended learning

upon the lives of his/her student and somehow help the teacher find ways on how to assist,

encourage, and motivate him/her student.


This study will provide a vivid view of what the students will go through out their

learning journey in education not to discourage them but to give a challenge to do the best of

their abilities never to give up but keep on striving hard to get high grades.


This study will help parents understand better their role as parents-teacher to their

children and their obligation to provide financial, moral, and intellectual support especially in

this season of blended learning.

Future Researchers

This study will serve as a body of information that will be significant for the future

researchers as their guide and related literature.

Scope and delimitation

This study aims to determine the challenges and issues experienced by the selected

Senior High School students of San Pedro National High School.


The data that the researchers are going to gather, through questionnaire are the personal

experiences of students in blended learning modality. This examination will be given to the

chosen ten (10) grade 11 Senior High School students of San Pedro National High School.

Definition of Terms

Academic Stress - the body's response to academic-related demands that exceed adaptive

capabilities of students (Wilks, 2008).

Blended Learning - Blended learning is a hybrid of traditional face-to-face and online

learning so that instruction occurs both in the classroom and online, and where the online

component becomes a natural extension of traditional classroom learning (Colis & Moonen,


Face-to-Face Learning - learning delivery modality where the students and the teacher are

both physically present in the classroom, and there are opportunities for active engagement,

immediate feedback, and the socio-emotional development of learners (Llego, 2020).

Modular Learning - Modular Learning is learners‟ learning at their own pace, in their own

way and using self-learning modules (Llego, 2020).

Online Learning - It features the teacher facilitating learning and engaging learners’ active

participation using various technologies accessed through the internet while they are

geographically remote from each other during instruction (Llego, 2020).


Technology - (Carl Mitcham, 1978) defined technology as “human making or using of

material artifacts in all forms and aspects”.



Research design

This research employs the qualitative phenomenological design. Qualitative research

design is the study and collection of a variety of empirical materials-case study, personal

experience, introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and

visual texts that describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in people's lives

(Aspers, 2019). Phenomenology aids in the comprehension of people's lived experiences. A

phenomenological study explores what people experienced and focuses on their experience of

a phenomena. This design will be used since the main purpose of the study is to determine the

challenges and issues experienced by the selected Senior High School students of San Pedro

National High School.

Participants and Sampling Techniques

Purposive sampling will be used in this study. The respondents of the study will be

the chosen ten (10) grade 11 Senior High School students of San Pedro National High School

enrolled for the academic year 2021-2022.

The student-respondents will purposely be chosen because the researcher believes that

through purposive sampling, she can obtain a representative sample by using a sound

judgment, which can also result in saving time and finances (Black, 2010). In addition, the

Senior High School students have more personal experience with blended learning.

Ethical Consideration

This study will consider respondents' rights by making sure their participation is

thoroughly explained by using questionnaire. It is important to include ethical considerations

when conducting both in research and in interview, such as protecting and valuing

respondents' privacy, being unharmed, respecting participants' dignity, and giving their full

consent in their participants prior to the conduct of the study.

Research Instrument

The instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire checklist to gather the

needed data for the student's profile. The researcher's readings, prior studies, professional

literature, and published and unpublished thesis related to the subject were used to create a

draft of the questionnaire. The prerequisites for constructing a good data gathering instrument

were taken into account when creating the instrument. For example, statements describing

circumstances or difficulties were toned down to match the respondents' knowledge

readiness. Open-ended questions were included to allow for freely formatted opinions on the

themes or issues. The instrument is thus permitted to collect legitimate responses from


Data Collection Procedure

Since there is critical importance of methods, analyzing all the responses from the

respondents must include a description of the procedures used to produce the necessary data

to permit reviewers and readers to evaluate not only the validity of the data but also the

reliability of the methods used to derive those data. If data is captured inaccurately or hastily,

these approaches will be ineffective. The requirements for data collection differ among

disciplines and research groups, but researchers have a fundamental obligation to create and

maintain accurate, accessible and permanent record of what they have done in sufficient

detail for others to check and replicate their work.

Moreover, the interview process was made one by one to give respondents privacy

and time to ensure that they could comfortably answer the questions and tell their

experiences/stories. The process was to give them some questionnaires for the respondents to

answer. This method enables the researchers to collect the selected senior high school

students' lived experiences in blended learning modality amidst pandemic.

Treatment and Analysis of Data

The researchers will consider and examine the information acquired. Afterwards,

researchers will use these obtained data to discuss and interpret every part of information

provided by the respondents. The collected data will be analyzed using a thematic analysis

approach. These gathered data will undergo to deductive approach. The main points emerging

from the interview were represented in narrative form.



After gathering all the data on the respondents' personal experiences in blended

learning modality, the summarized responses are presented.

Positive Experiences

This theme discusses the desirable aspect of blended learning that the respondents had

experienced. Most of the selected senior high school students shared how blended learning

positively affects them, and indicated in their lived experiences with the amidst of pandemic.

This includes being able to access internet, improving their critical thinking, time

management, and self-reliant.

Challenges and Issues

This theme discusses the problematic aspect of blended learning that they

experienced. Although the purpose of implementing blended learning is to continue education

regardless of the hardship brought by the pandemic, the road of involving digitalization in

education and lack of presence of the necessary person like teachers and classmates has not

been easy, nonetheless. This includes difficulties in general, unstable communication,

academic dishonesty, cultural shock, lacking in internet connection, and being distracted in

social media.

Overcoming Strategies

This theme presented the selected senior high school students' strategies on how they

overcome their challenges and issues in blended learning modality. These shows the

subordinate themes observed in the questionnaires the respondents' answers, which includes:

being time conscious, taking rest to relieve themselves from overexertion and stress, being in

touch with the family, and being determined to finish all the outputs their studies required.


Summary of Findings

A sudden change of learning system due to the emergence of the pandemic severely

impacted the way students learn became never easy, according to most of the respondents.

For students this change made it even harder for them to deal with different challenges beside

this. Thus, all students needed to adjust themselves to cope with these challenges brought by

the sudden changes.

Regardless, several unpleasant experiences still occurred. On their engagement in

blended learning, most students had a hard time comprehending with this adjustment.

According to the respondents, there were moments that they can't catch up with the

lessons due to lack of communication, having distractions in house chores, and in some cases,

being distracted in social media.

All of the respondents had diverse lived experiences on their engagement in blended

learning amidst pandemic. On the bright side, blended learning allowed them to do things

beyond their capabilities, such as relying on their own understanding, confidently able to

make their own decisions for their studies, and to be motivated.



The study's findings determined the following conclusions: (1) This proves that

Blended Learning Modality's implications are mostly negative; (2) Senior High School

students are challenged more in adapting in this situation; (3) Due to sudden changes,

students are resorted to adjustments, but not having enough resources necessary for blended

learning requirements still emerged.


The researchers recommend government and private institutions to implement better

education orderliness and assistance. It will help students effectively adapt to the

environment of blended learning and provide the necessary requirements needed through the

assistance given. Teachers must strengthen student-to-teacher communication to avoid

weakening the relationship primarily stabilized in school. Parents need to support their

children's school performance. This may help the student to easily cope with the new

environment given by blended learning. Lastly, the students must exert effort to understand

the current situation. Indeed, studying amidst pandemic is hard, however, looking beyond the

difficulties and focusing on the opportunities and personal growth it brought is better.

List of References

A.P. Rovai, H.M. Jordan (2004), International Review of Research in Open and Distance


Aguinaldo, B.E. (2013). Implementing Blended Learning in an Impoverished Academic Insti-

tution Using a Bricolage Approach Model. International Journal of Information and Educa-

tion Technology.

Akkoyunlu, M.Y.Soylu, J.(2008) Educational Technology & Society.

Brioso, J.O.P. (2017). An E-classroom Management System Implementation: Contextualiza-

tion, Perception, and Usability. Semantic Scholar.

Christensen, C., Horn, M., & Staker, H. (2013). Is K–12 blended learning disruptive? An In-

troduction to the theory of hybrids. The Christensen Institute.

Custodio, A. (2020, July 24). Blended learning is the new normal in Philippine education.

The Manila Times.

Gilmour, J. (2020). What are the challenges of implementing blended learning in adult educa-

tion? Proliteracy.

Hunt, V. (2016). Pros and cons of blended learning at college. eLearning Industry.

I. S. Utami (2018) The effect of blended learning model on senior high school students’

achievement. Universitas Bung Hatta.

Llego, M.A. (2020). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2021-2022.

Morales, I. (2012, July 18). Blended Learning: Education Beyond the Classroom. Rappler.

Packham, G., Jones, P., Miller, C., & Thomas, B. (2004). E-learning and retention key factors

influencing student withdrawal. Education and Training, 46(6–7), 335–342.

Patrik Aspers and Ugo Corte (2019). What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research

Priscila. (2020, July 8). Blended learning—the best of both worlds? Advantages and disad-

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Rodriguez, A.R. (2020, June 9). DepEd adopts blended learning. Philippine Information


Rovai, A. P. (2003). In search of higher persistence rates in distance education online pro-


Shraim, K. & Khlaif, Z. (2010). An e-learning approach to secondary education in Palestine:

Opportunities and challenges. Information Technology for Development.


Tus, J. (2019). Students’ Personality, Self-Efficacy, and Its Impact on the Academic Perfor-

mance of the Senior High School Students. Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences

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