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GBSS Weekly Maintenance Guidelines

1. Performing NE Health Check

1. Create an NE health check task.
a. On the M2000 client, choose Trace and Maintenance > Monitor > NE Health
Check (application style) or Maintenance > Network Health Check > NE Health
Check (traditional style).

b. In the NE Health Check window, click on the upper left. The Create Task dialog
box is displayed.
c. In the displayed dialog box, choose Maintenance from the Scenario Management
drop-down list. The Task Name text box will be automatically filled by the system
based on the application scenario and the task creating time (accurate to seconds).
d. Select target NEs for health check in the Select NE area.
e. In the Time Setting area, select Scheduled.
f. Click Next. In the displayed dialog box, specify Start Time and Run Times, and set
Period to Week. Then, Click Finish.

The executed health check task is listed under the Finished Tasks node in the navigation tree
on the left side.

2. Check the NE health check result.

a. Expand the Finished Tasks node in the navigation tree on the left side. Right-click a
finished task and choose View Report from the shortcut menu.
b. In the displayed Health Check Report dialog box, click HTML Format or DOC
Format to open the report.

If... Then...

The HTML format is selected Select the report from the report list and view the report in one
of the following ways:
 Click Open to directly open the report in HTML format.
 Click Save As and select the path for saving the report in
the displayed Save dialog box to save the report in HTML

The DOC format is selected Select the report from the report list and view the report in one
of the following ways:
 Click Open to directly open the report in DOC format.
 Click Save As and select the path for saving the report in
the displayed Save dialog box to save the report in DOC

The health check report is compressed as a .zip file. To view the report, double-click
the .zip file, and double-click the report file "index.html" in the zip file browser.
2. Checking the Running Status of the OMU
1. On the M2000 client, choose Trace and Maintenance > Maintenance > MML Command
(application style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML
Command window is displayed.
2. Select the BSC6900/BSC6910 in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of
BSC6900/BSC6910 MML commands is displayed.

If this method is used for the first time, you will be prompted with a message The MML
command file of the current version does not exist. Are you sure you want to download
this file from the server?. Click Yes to start downloading the file. Click OK when the
download is complete.

3. Run the DSP OMUSRV command to query the OMU running status.
Expected result: Free space of each partition on the OMU hard disk is at least 20%.
4. Run the DSP OMU command to query the basic configuration information, operational state,
and data synchronization status of active and standby OMU subsystems.
Expected result:
a. Computer name, Internal network fixed IP, External network fixed IP, Internal
network virtual IP, and External network virtual IP in query results are the same
as planned.
b. The values of Operational state for active and standby OMUs are Active normal
and Standby normal, respectively. For an independent OMU, the value of
Operational state is Normal. The values of Internal network virtual IP state,
External network virtual IP state, Internal network link state, External network
link state, and Backup network link state are all Normal.
c. The value of Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful.
5. Run the DSP OMUMODULE command to query the running status and startup types of the
modules of active and standby OMUs.
Table 1 provides the expected results.

Table 1 Expected results of checking running status of service modules of the OMUs

Check Item Expected Result

Status of the active  The value of State of all service modules is Started.
OMU  The value of Startup Type is Automatic.

State of the standby For debug_log, ftp_server, omu_manager, sntp, and software:
OMU  The value of State is Started.
 The value of Startup Type is Automatic.
For other services rather than debug_log, ftp_server, omu_manager, sntp, and
 The value of State is Stopped.
 The value of Startup Type is Disabled.
6. Optional: When the OMU works in active/standby mode, run the CHK PEERCFG command
to query the configuration information about the active and standby OMUs.
Expected result: Values of the configure items of active and standby OMUs are Consistent.

3. Checking the Running Status of a GBAM Server

1. On the M2000 client, choose Network Monitor > Maintenance > MML Command
(application style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML
Command window is displayed.
2. Select the BSC6900 in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of BSC6900 MML
commands is displayed.
3. Run the DSP OMUSRV command to query the OMU running status.
If the available space of any partition on the OMU hard disk is less than 20%, perform the
following operations:
a. Run the SSH terminal (for example, PuTTY) on the PC and enter the OMU IP
address to log in to the OMU by referring to Logging in to the OMU.
b. Run the cd target directory command to go to the directory where the file to be
deleted is located.
c. Run the rm file name or rm -r folder name command to remove unnecessary files in
this folder.

4. Checking the BSC6900/BSC6910 Board Status

1. Checking the status of the board or board subsystem using an MML command on the M2000
a. Choose Trace and Maintenance > Maintenance > MML Command (application
style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML Command
window is displayed.
b. Select the BSC6900/BSC6910 in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of
BSC6900/BSC6910 MML commands is displayed.

If this method is used for the first time, you will be prompted with a message The MML
command file of the current version does not exist. Are you sure you want to
download this file from the server?. Click Yes to start downloading the file. Click OK
when the download is complete.

c. Run the DSP BRD command with Status set to FAULT(FAULT) to query all the
faulty boards.
Expected result: No board Status is FAULT(FAULT).
d. For a BSC6900, run the DSP DSP command with Subrack No. specified to query
the DSP status of the DPUa/DPUc/DPUd/DPUf/DPUg board in a specific subrack.
Expected result: DSP operational state is Normal.
e. For a BSC6910, run the DSP SUBSYS command to query the DSP status of the
faulty board in a specific subrack. In this step, set Operator Type to BYPOS(By
Position) and Status to FAULT(FAULT), and specify Subrack No..
Expected result: No DSP State is FAULT(FAULT).
2. Checking the board status using the LMT GUI
a. On the LMT, click Device Maintenance. The Device Maintenance tab page is
b. On the BSC Maintenance tab page, choose BSC Maintenance > Maintain Device
> Query BSC Board Information. The Query BSC Board Information dialog box is
c. Set parameters in the Query BSC Board Information dialog box and click Query to
query the board information.

You can also query the board status in the following way: right-click a board on the BSC
device panel and choose Query BSC Board Information from the shortcut menu.

Expected result:
i. For a BSC6900, if the board works in independent mode, CPU status is
Normal; if the board works in active/standby mode, CPU status of the active
board is Active normal and CPU status of the standby board is Standby
ii. For a BSC6910, if the board works in independent mode, Board status is
Normal; if the board works in active/standby mode, Board status of the
active board is Active normal and Board status of the standby board is
Standby normal.

5. Checking the Base Station Board Status

1. Checking the GBTS board status using an MML command on the M2000 client
a. Choose Trace and Maintenance > Maintenance > MML Command (application
style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML Command
window is displayed.
b. Select the BSC6900/BSC6910 in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of
BSC6900/BSC6910 MML commands is displayed.
c. Run the DSP BTSBRD command to query the status of a board in a specific subrack.
2. Checking the status of an eGBTS board using an MML command on the M2000 client
a. Choose Trace and Maintenance > Maintenance > MML Command (application
style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML Command
window is displayed.
b. Select the target in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of MML commands is
c. Run the DSP BRD command to query the status of a specific base station board.
3. Checking the status of a GBTS board using the GUI on the LMT
a. Click Device Maintenance. The BSC Device Panel tab page is displayed in the
Device Maintenance window.
b. In the Device Navigation Tree, expand BSC and click a base station. The device
panel of this base station will be displayed in the BTS Device Panel tab page.
c. In the BTS device panel, right-click a board that can be detected, and choose Query
Board Information from the shortcut menu. The Query Board Information dialog
box is displayed.
4. Checking the status of an eGBTS board using the GUI on the LMT
a. Click Device Maintenance. The Device Maintenance window is displayed.
b. On the Device Panel tab page, select the target base station from the left pane. The
device panel of the base station is displayed on the Device Panel tab page.
c. In the BTS device panel, right-click a board that can be detected, and choose Query
Board Information from the shortcut menu. The Query Board Information dialog
box is displayed.

6. Checking the BSC6900/BSC6910 Clock Status

1. Checking source clock status using an MML command on the M2000
a. Choose Trace and Maintenance > Maintenance > MML Command (application
style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML Command
window is displayed.
b. Select the BSC6900/BSC6910 in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of
BSC6900/BSC6910 MML commands is displayed.

If this method is used for the first time, you will be prompted with a message The MML
command file of the current version does not exist. Are you sure you want to
download this file from the server?. Click Yes to start downloading the file. Click OK
when the download is complete.

c. Run the DSP CLK command to query the status of clock boards in the MPS. In this
step, set Subrack No. to MPS Subrack No. and specify Slot No..
2. Checking the source clock status using the LMT GUI
a. Click Device Maintenance. The Device Maintenance window is displayed.
b. Right-click a board on the BSC device panel and choose Query BSC Board Clock
Status from the shortcut menu to query the BSC board clock status.

7. Checking the Base Station Clock Status

1. Checking the GBTS clock status using an MML command on the M2000 client
a. Choose Trace and Maintenance > Maintenance > MML Command (application
style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML Command
window is displayed.
b. Select the BSC6900/BSC6910 in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of
BSC6900/BSC6910 MML commands is displayed.
c. Run the DSP BTSATTR command to query the clock attributes of a base station. In
this step, set BTS Attribute to CLKATTR.
2. Checking the status of an eGBTS clock using an MML command on the M2000 client
a. Choose Trace and Maintenance > Maintenance > MML Command (application
style) or Maintenance > MML Command (traditional style). The MML Command
window is displayed.
b. Select the target in the left navigation tree. The navigation tree of MML commands is
c. Run the DSP CLKSTAT command to query the clock status of a specific base
3. Checking the status of a GBTS clock using the GUI on the LMT
a. Click Device Maintenance. The Device Maintenance window is displayed.
b. On the BTS Maintenance tab page, choose BTS Maintenance > Query BTS
Attribute. The Query BTS Attribute tab page is displayed.
c. On the Query BTS Attribute tab page, select Clock Attribute in the Select
Attribute drop-down list box and click Query to query the clock attribute of a base
station clock.
4. Checking the status of an eGBTS clock using the GUI on the LMT
a. Click Device Maintenance. The Device Maintenance window is displayed.
b. On the Device Panel tab page, select the target base station from the left pane. The
device panel of the base station is displayed on the Device Panel tab page.
c. In the BTS device panel, right-click the main control board and choose Query Clock
Current Status from the shortcut menu. The Query Clock Current Status dialog
box is displayed.

8. Backing Up and Restoring the GBSS System Data

8.1. Creating a Scheduled Backup Task (on the M2000)
1. On the M2000 client, choose System Settings > Task Schedule > Task Management
(application style) or Maintenance > Task Management (traditional style). The Task
Management window is displayed.
2. Click New. The New Task dialog box is displayed.
3. Set the basic information about the task as follows:
3.1. Enter a name in the Task Name text box.
3.2. Set Task Type to NE Backup.
3.3. Set Execution Type to Periodic.
4. Click Next, and set Start Time and Period Settings. In the Period Settings area, specify
Repeat times or End time based on the actual requirement.
5. Click Next and select All NEs, By NE Type, or By NE for Backup Type.
6. Click Finish. The settings are complete.

8.2. Manually Backing Up NE Data (on the M2000)

1. On the M2000 client, choose Software Management > NE File > NE Backup (application
style) or Maintenance > Backup Management > NE Backup (traditional style). The NE
Backup window is displayed.
2. Expand the navigation tree and select an NE.
2.1. You can press and hold Ctrl and click the root node to select multiple NEs at a time. To
select all the NEs, click the root node.
2.2. If the selected NEs contain sub-NEs, a dialog box will be displayed, informing you
whether to back up the data of all the sub-NEs under the selected NE. You can also
select some of the sub-NEs whose data need to be backed up.
3. Click Backup, and then click Yes in the displayed Confirm dialog box.
8.3. Restoring NE Data (on the M2000)
1. On the M2000 client, choose Software Management > NE File > NE Backup (application
style) or Maintenance > Backup Management > NE Backup (traditional style). The NE
Backup window is displayed.
2. Expand the navigation tree and select an NE.

2.1. You can press and hold Ctrl and click the root node to select multiple NEs at a time. To
select all the NEs, click the root node.
2.2. If the selected NEs contain sub-NEs, a dialog box will be displayed, informing you
whether to back up the data of all the sub-NEs under the selected NE. You can also
select some of the sub-NEs whose data need to be backed up.

3. Select a backup file from the NE Backup List.

4. Click Restore, and then click Yes in the displayed Confirm dialog box.

8.4. Manually Backing Up and Restoring NE Data (on the LMT)

1. Backing up the system data by running an MML command
1.1. Run the BKP DB command with Path of Backup File and Backup File Name specified
to back up the data in a specified directory on the OMU hard disk.
1.2. Obtain the backup data file from the specified path.

Expected result: After the backup is completed, you can obtain the specific system backup file in
the specified directory.
2. Restoring the system data by running MML commands
2.1. Run the RTR DB command with File Name specified to restore the system data on the
OMU server.
2.2. Run the RST BSC command so that the restored configuration data takes effect.

Expected result: After the system data is restored, the NE is working correctly and services are

9. Backing Up License Information

1. Automatically backing up BSC6900/BSC6910 license information on the M2000
a. On the M2000 client, choose System Settings > Task Schedule > Task
Management (application style) or Maintenance > Task Management (traditional
style). The Task Management window is displayed.
b. Click New. The New Task dialog box is displayed.
c. Set the basic information about the task as follows:
i. Enter a name in the Task Name text box.
ii. Set Task Type to NE License Backup.
iii. Set Execution Type to Periodic.
d. Click Next, and set Start Time and Period Settings. In the Period Settings area,
specify Repeated times or End Time.
Set Start time to a time later than the current time displayed on the server.

e. Click Next and select Backup Type and a target NE.

f. Click Finish.

Expected result: After the automatic backup is completed, you can obtain the backup file of the
target NE in a specified directory.
2. Manually backing up BSC6900/BSC6910 license information on the LMT
a. Log in to the BSC6900/BSC6910 LMT and click FTP Tool at the upper right corner to
start the local FTP server.
b. Run the BSC6900/BSC6910 command ULD LICENSE to upload the
BSC6900/BSC6910 license file to the PC through FTP. In this step, enter the IP
address of the local PC in IP Address, a directory for saving the backup file in
Directory, and a file name in File Name.

The file name must contain .dat, for example, BSC01LIC.dat.

3. Expected result: You can obtain the backup file of the target NE in the specified directory.
4. Backing up eGBTS license allocation information
a. On the M2000 client, choose Software Management > NE License > eGBTS
(application style) or License > NE License Management > eGBTS (traditional
style). The eGBTS License Management window is displayed.
b. In the left navigation tree in the eGBTS License Management window, click an
eGBTS. The operator and license information about the eGBTS is displayed in the
right pane. Set a local path and file name for saving the backup file. Then, click OK.

After the file export starts, you can check the progress on the FTP Task tab page in the
eGBTS License Management window. After the export is completed, you can check the
exported information locally.
The eGBTS license allocation information is exported as in the .csv format.

5. Expected result: You can obtain the backup file of the target NE in the specified directory.

10. Analyzing Performance Measurement Results

1. On the M2000 client, choose Performance > Result > Query Result (application style) or
Performance > Query Result (traditional style). The Query Result window is displayed.
2. In the lower area of the Query Result window, click New Query.
3. In the displayed New Query dialog box, perform the following operations:
a. Select the object type or function subset in the left navigation tree.
b. On the Object, Counter, and Other tab pages on the right pane, specify the object,
counter, and period for measurement.
c. Click Query. The query result is displayed.

The query result can be displayed in three forms: table, line chart, and bar chart.

4. Compare the performance counter values with those required for the office. If the values are
inconsistent, contact the related engineers for handling.

11. Collecting Statistics on Historical Alarms and Events

1. Collecting alarm statistics according to statistical conditions
a. On the M2000 client, choose Fault Management > Browse Alarm > Alarm Log
Statistics (application style) or Monitor > Alarm Log Statistics (traditional style). The
Filter dialog box is displayed.
b. In the displayed Filter dialog box, set fault alarm statistical conditions, and then click OK.

The statistical results are displayed on the Table and Pie tab pages.
i. On the Table tab page, the results are displayed in a table.
ii. On the Pie tab page, the results are displayed in pie charts.

2. Collecting alarm statistics according to template

a. Choose Fault Management > Browse Alarm > Alarm Log Statistics (application style)
or Monitor > Alarm Log Statistics (traditional style).
b. In the displayed Filter dialog box, click Cancel.
c. In the Alarm Log Statistics window, click Template. If no template is available, select
Add to create a template.
d. In the Add Template dialog box, specify Template name and Description, and set
Share to Yes. Then, click Next.
e. In the Filter Criteria dialog box, set alarm statistical conditions and click Finish.
f. In the Confirm dialog box, click Yes. The statistics of historical alarms are displayed.

12. Checking Communication Between NEs and the M2000

1. Log in to the M2000 and choose Topo View > Topology > Main Topology (application style)
or Topology > Main Topology (traditional style) to check the status of all NEs in the topology.

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