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Delivery of Healthcare in the US

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Delivery of Healthcare in the US

A quad-functional model is used to categorize the four parts of the healthcare structure of

the Country (Shi & Singh, 2014). Health care delivery in the United States is complicated by the

involvement of innumerable organizations and individuals, both public and private. A network of

interconnected components, the United States' health-care system does not function in an orderly

or efficient way. Certain components may overlap with one another, which is possible. The

finance, insurance, delivery, and payment components of the quad-function model make up the


Health care funding is a crucial component of the United States' health care delivery

system. This section discusses how to pay for costly diagnostic tests, surgeries, hospital visits,

and therapy sessions. The model's second component is the insurance component. Individuals

who have health insurance are shielded financially from the costs associated with medical

conditions. Additionally, insurance policies outline the kind of medical treatment to which

insured individuals are entitled in specific conditions. The quad-functional delivery model

includes both the provision of health care services and the receiving of insurance reimbursement

for those services (Barnes et al., 2021). Vendors of medical products and services are paid for

their services. Funding is provided for physicians, therapists, hospitals, diagnostic and imaging

clinics, and health-care equipment makers. Payment is the model's fourth and final component.

The payment function is responsible for reimbursing vendors for services rendered. When the

process of determining the cost for certain service is conducted, it is referred to as


A critical role for the federal government in the health-care sector is to bring the

industry's many components together into a coherent whole. It may accomplish this job by

setting and enforcing national health-care standards, designing national programs that meet the

country's needs, and allocating sufficient funding to providers and programs that plan, monitor,

and deliver health-care services to the population. Authorities have a critical role in ensuring that

health care systems are accessible, preventive, efficient, and comprehensive. Additionally,

establishing a national program to monitor supply and demand for health care professionals, as

well as enacting legislation to protect health care workers, is critical in ensuring that nations have

an appropriate supply of medical specialists. Governments have a critical role in establishing a

vision for health care and ensuring that goal is implemented.

Due to the very high cost of health care in the United States, a sizable portion of the

uninsured population is unable to get health care services for themselves. Patients without

insurance may seek treatment in county hospitals and government facilities, but the quality of

service is much worse. Private health insurance in the United States provides financial assistance

for medical treatment obtained at private hospitals. The health care system in the United States

should be converted from a multi-payer system to a single-payer system called a national health

system, or NHS, in order to enhance people's quality of life. In comparison to Australia, even

though private health insurance is completely optional in Australia, the government aggressively

encourages it by providing tax benefits to those who buy it and imposing penalties on those who

choose not to acquire it.

Not all residents should be required to purchase health insurance. Even if the requirement

were popular and legally permissible, it would be a terrible idea. It will result in fee increases,

expense shifting, and government rationing, all while promoting irresponsibility. The

requirement would increase rates for families who do not already have coverage, and tens of

millions more will be compelled to acquire extra coverage to comply with the mandate. The

mandate will push insurers to reduce rates for sick people, and the mandate will enhance that

impact. However, the same government pricing restrictions would result in higher costs for

healthier customers—an effect that will be exacerbated by the mandate. Both of these effects are

negligible. These policies, on the other hand, incentivize healthy people to forego coverage,

driving average rates even higher (Ruggles et al., 2019).

Health status is a broad word that involves a plethora of signs and processes to be

evaluated accurately. Health surveys often include a number of indicators of health status,

including summary measurements, questions regarding disease incidence and prevalence, and

questions on physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning or impairment. The general

health of the United States population is assessed by tracking: self-assessed health status, life

expectancy (in comparison to international standards), healthy life expectancy, physical activity

limitations, years of potential life lost (YPLL) (in comparison to international standards),

physically and mentally unhealthy days, and chronic disease prevalence (Vindrola-Padros,


Numerous persons in the United States go without critical health care due to the country's

health-care delivery system's complexity and inefficiency. The government will oversee the

whole health system's infrastructure. All enterprises that pursue financial gain for themselves

will be excluded from the NHS. This reform will remove the bulk of the components that

contribute to the injustice experienced by excluded citizens, the majority of whom are

unemployed. The US economy is fueled by capitalism, in which actions are motivated by the

desire for monetary gain. Numerous organizations and people pursue financial gain within a

loosely structured system, with little respect for or concern for human life. Establishing a

national health care system modeled like Australia's will foster ethical conduct and equality for

all Americans.


The four components of health care delivery in the united states, finance, payment,

delivery and insurance tend to overlap with each other. These has led to the US healthcare

service becoming complex and ineffective. In my opinion, creating a single system, under the

government, the NHS, will remove the bulk of the components that contribute to the injustice

experienced by excluded citizens, and make healthcare more accessible to citizens.



Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2014). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach. Jones &

Bartlett Learning.

Ruggles, B. M., Xiong, A., & Kyle, B. (2019). Healthcare coverage in the US and Japan: a

comparison. Nursing2021, 49(4), 56-60.

Barnes, M., Bauer, L., Edelberg, W., Estep, S., Greenstein, R., & Macklin, M. (2021). The Social

Insurance System in the US: Policies to Protect Workers and Families. The Hamilton

Project, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC.

Vindrola-Padros, C., Johnson, G. A., & Pfister, A. E. (Eds.). (2018). Healthcare in motion:

Immobilities in health service delivery and access (Vol. 5). Berghahn Books.

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