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Getting Started

This Development Guide has been designed to provide Al Nasser Staff Members with guidance on how
to develop behaviors and skills within specific competency areas, through
a variety of methods including formal training, on the job development, job simulations, observation,
feedback, informal coaching, reading, and audio visual references. The Guide will help you create a
personal development plan tailored to your individual needs. It offers advice on the type of development
activities available to you in your current job, and also helps you to identify how you can develop in
areas that are not tested in your daily work environment.
Staff members at all levels within the Organization may find it useful to use this Guide to help set a clear
development plan following:
• A recent performance review;
• Receiving feedback from a manager, colleague, peer or staff member;
• Input from a coach or mentor;
• A self- evaluation of strengths and weakness, or career aspirations; or,
• Feedback following an interview.

This Guide can also be used by managers as a reference tool to help them support their team members
in setting development plans, or preparing for a career move. It can also be used to help managers give
guidance to their staff members on how they might address any areas of development identified during
performance review. This can help to ensure that the performance review process remains constructive
and focused on building skills for the future.
We hope that you find this Guide to be a valuable aid to your future development, and that it helps you
to fulfill your potential, and achieve your career aspirations in FRG - Al Nasser.

Guidebook Includes
 What are Competencies & why use them?
 Competencies Weightages?
 Competencies Classification?
 Behavioural Competency
 Leadership Competency
 Behavioural Indicator
 Key learning activities to develop the Competencies
 Technical Competencies

A competency is the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge (something you have learned
either from training or from experience), skills (something you can do), and abilities (special talent or
even personal quality that you have) required to successfully perform "critical work functions" or tasks
in a defined work setting.

Selection: For interviewing and testing where appropriate, to screen candidates based on whether
they possess the competency required for that job role.

Training & Development: Development of learning plans for individual or groups of employees based
on the measurable “gaps” between existing competencies and competencies proficiency levels required
for their role.

Performance Management: Assessing competencies as a part of performance management is an

important means of assisting employees in understanding performance expectations and enhancing

Career Paths: Development of stepping stones necessary for promotion and long-term career-growth.

Succession Planning: Careful, methodical preparation focused on retaining and growing the
competency portfolios critical for the organization to survive and prosper.

Foundational Level 1
Has a basic functional, with a simple understanding of terminology and concepts. Has some experience
of practical application, would be able to carry out standard activities to perform his/her job role under
Intermediate Level 2
Has the functional and experience essential to carry out standard activities unsupervised confidently
and consistently. Is likely to need to seek advice before carrying out complex or non-standard activities
to perform his/her job role.
Role Model Level 3
Has the functional and experience of this activity to carry out complex, specialist or non-standard
activities to perform his/her job role confidently and consistently. Is aware of alternative options and
approaches and can provide guidance, instruction and advice.

Behavioural Competencies
Behavioural Competencies are observable behaviors and can be applied to all jobs in an
organization or be specific to a job family, position, or career level. It describes what is required to
be successful in an organization outside of a specific job, these competencies are specific to a
person rather than to a job. Behavioural Competencies are further classified into:
a. Business Orientation
b. Interpersonal Skills
c. Analytical Skills
d. Thinking Skills
e. Managerial Skills

Technical Competencies

Technical Competencies are job-specific competencies that driven proven high-performance,
quality results for a given position. It is a particular skill specifically related to a job. In this case you
will meet the technical competencies to get the job by demonstrating your ability during a test or by
showing competence through work experience.

Moving further to understand Behavioural competencies in detail, and also to have a clear
idea on how to define their weightages/Levels, we need to understand the indicators based
on which the levels can be defined:

Business Orientation - Achievement Orientation

Achievement is about having the sustained energy and determination in the face of obstacles to set and
meet challenging targets, in regards to quality, time and diversity standards, and delivering the required
business results.
Behavioural Indicators Level 1
Clarifies what is expected. Is positive and enthusiastic about the job. Does not give up at the first
 Keeps a “to do” list, and specifies due dates.

 Agrees to achievable goals at the start of each project

 Works according to existing standard/requirement without making any improvement, does what
is required of the job (e.g. what is given by the superior)

 Shows effort and enthusiasm

 Is self-motivated to perform as well as she/he can

 Engages in action at the right time to achieve results.

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Understands and works towards goals set by others. Measures progress against targets. Seeks to
understand reasons for obstacles and finds ways to overcome.
 Plans project before beginning work

 Strives towards targets.

 Generally, sets acceptable standards for quality and quantity

 Consistently achieves established expectations through personal commitment.

 Adjusts activities/processes based on feedback.

 Considers the implication of proposed course of actions

 Takes new initiatives aiming at improving team performance

Behavioural Indicators Level 3
Achieves significant progress in the long term, wider performance of the Company. Sets out to be the
best – has own measures of excellence.
 Works hard to meet/exceed existing standards or beat project deadlines (e.g. meeting quality
requirements, minimal errors in completing job).

 Guides staff to achieve tasks, goals, processes and performance standards.

 Contributes to improvements in work methods and outcomes.

 Finds ways to go around obstacles with minimum guidance

 Makes efforts to optimize process workflows efficiency using technology

 Sees the need for improvement in the organization and makes efforts to enhance its quality

Business Orientation - Customer Orientation

Provides an excellent service to meet internal and external customer. Understands the needs of the
customer and looks for ways to provide added value.

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

Receives customer feedback and responds positively, reviewing own performance.
 Recognizes the importance of high standards of employee’s/customer service

 Is committed to providing an excellent service to all internal & external customers

 Is respectful, courteous and helpful at all times

 Takes pride in own work

 Receives employee’s feedback and responds positively

 Attention to customers, the need for courtesy, sensitivity

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Understands customer needs and provides customer satisfaction. Is able to give timely advice in
response to enquiries from customers.
 Understands needs of employees/customers and provides satisfaction

 Engages with employees/customers to understand needs

 Understands the links between own professionalism and the possible impact on the
Organization's image

 Has a professional attitude that sets an example to colleagues?

 Clarifies important messages to employees/customers, using appropriate language

Behavioural Indicators Level 3:

 Actively seeks customer/employees feedback. Gives advice which leads to valuable outcomes.
Looks to continuously review and improve performance standards of self and team.
 Meets regularly with employees/customers to understand needs

 Actively seeks employee’s/customer feedback

 Has a professional attitude that sets an example to coworkers?

 Encourages others to actively seek employee’s/customer feedback

 Makes presentations which influence and have a positive impact on customers

 Proactively focuses on customer needs and satisfaction

Thinking - Problem Solving

Gathers information from a range of sources to identify problems draws logical conclusions and makes
effective decisions. Can initiate new ideas when required. The ability to detect problems, recognize
important information, and link various data; to trace potential causes and look for relevant details.
Anticipates problems; sees how a problem and its solution will affect other units; gathers information
before making decisions; weighs alternatives against objectives and arrives at reasonable decisions;
adapts well to changing priorities, deadlines and directions; works to eliminate all processes which do
not add value; is willing to take action, even under pressure, criticism or tight deadlines; takes informed
risks; recognizes and accurately evaluates the signs of a problem; analyzes current procedures for
possible improvements; notifies supervisor of problems in a timely manner.

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

Identifies and solves basic, commonly occurring problems when relevant information is readily
available; applies explicit guidelines and procedures
 Works within tried and tested procedures and remains focused on the main issues
 Identifies inconsistencies in information
 Effectively uses resources to resolve issues
 Assesses situations, verifies critical information, considers options and draws logical
 Initiates new ideas to improve own or team performance
 Considers the components of a problem or issue as they pertain to one’s own work and/or area
of responsibility
 Evaluates explicit guidelines to determine exceptions to rules when solving commonly occurring
and at times unique problems; identifies and/or solicits a limited range of alternatives, takes
action to solve problems by gathering and applying information from known and readily
 Demonstrates ability to break down problems into simple lists of tasks or activities

Behavioural Indicators Level 2
Thinks of several possible explanations or alternatives for a situation. Evaluates explicit guidelines to
determine exceptions to rules when solving commonly occurring and at times unique problems.
 Assesses the effect and impact of decisions
 Remains calm, impartial and avoids jumping to conclusions
 Demonstrates sound judgment and can make and justify decisions
 Gathers and makes appropriate use of evidence or information
 Uses previous knowledge and experience to best advantage
 Considers and accurately assesses risks involved in activities and decisions
 sees connections between different problems
 is able to place a problem`s development in time

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

Presents problem analysis and recommended solution to others rather than just identifying or describing
the problem itself. Systematically identifies and addresses problems for which there is frequently no set
guidelines or procedure; identifies dimensions and the overall scope of complex current and/or
anticipated problem areas, collects information from multiple sources pertaining to the assumed cause
of the problem.
 Takes a course of action within appropriate timescales
 Accepts responsibility for decisions and learns from mistakes
 Can be creative when required
 Revises, explains and/or defends decisions effectively
 Recognizes symptoms that indicate more significant problems
 Anticipates obstacles, considers the impact/consequence of decisions Puts a problem in
context, recognizes risks, understands situational variables
 Identifies critical information necessary to analyze problems

Thinking - Decision Making

Identifies issues and takes a proactive approach to dealing with them. Seeks ways to provide added
value. Formulates distinctive strategies emphasizing high levels of creative thinking. Can demonstrate
recognition and development of new ideas and market opportunities. Demonstrates innovation. Is able
to understand, link and analyses information to understand issues, identify options and support sound
decision making.

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

Looks for and suggests ways to improve current work practices and provides information to support
ideas. Sees things through to a high standard, despite obstacles and setbacks.

 Willing to take decisions within role
 Gathers information from appropriate sources to solve routine problems and make routine
 Takes ownership of decisions (Does not blame others for decisions made)
 Makes decisions with the employees/customer in mind
 Considers a range of options when making a decision
 Is able to make a sound decision when under pressure
 Applies guidelines and procedures that require some interpretation when dealing with
 Makes straight - forward decisions based on information that is generally clear and adequate.
 Considers the risks and consequences of action and/or decisions.
 Makes decisions involving minor consequence of error.
 Seeks guidance as needed when the situation is unclear .

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Understands and is aware of the range of options available in new or unfamiliar situations and is able
to select the appropriate course of action to produce a logical, practical and acceptable solution. Is
responsible for decisions of a relatively uniform nature.
 Uses trends and patterns in information for evidence based decisions
 Assembles available knowledge to ensure evidence based decisions
 Understands a range of options available in unfamiliar situations
 Is able to select the appropriate course of action to produce a logical, practical and acceptable
 Is responsible for decisions of a relatively uniform nature
 Discusses options with stakeholders in new or unfamiliar situations
 Is able to analyses a situation, identifying key issues and offering a range of solutions
 Communicates decisions made to relevant stakeholders
 Makes prompt, clear decisions which may involve tough choices or considered risks
 Makes decisions by weighing several factors, some of which are partially defined and entail
missing pieces of critical information.
 As needed, involves the right people in the decision-making process.
 Balances the risks and implications of decisions across multiple issues.

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

 Ability to analyses situations and to make more complex decisions, where problem solving is
not straight forward.
 Assesses the impact of decisions on the employees/customer/organization
 Identifies causes rather than just symptoms to inform solutions
 Thinks through the implication of decisions
 Breaks down highly complex information into workable components for others
 Facilitates others to generate and solve problems
 Takes measured risks as appropriate
 Ensures decisions are evidence-based drawing on available knowledge and past lessons
 Effectively explains the reason for a decision to others
 Effectively uses problem solving tools/methodologies to help make decisions
 Takes initiative, acts with confidence and works under own direction
 Simplifies complex information from multiple sources to resolve issues.
 Makes complex decisions for which there are no set procedures.
 Considers a multiplicity of interrelated factors for which there is incomplete and contradictory
 Balances competing priorities in reaching decisions.

Interpersonal Skills - Team Work

Works co-operatively and flexibly with other members of the team with a full understanding of the role
to be played as a team member, to achieve a common goal.
Behavioural Indicators Level 1
Has the ability to work effectively as part of a team. Covers others and has consideration of others’
needs and skills. Acts in a supportive manner to the team.
 Reacts constructively to others’ suggestions and requests
 Asks for help when necessary
 Is aware of the impact of one’s own behavior on others
 Recognizes strengths of each team member
 Understands the goals of the team and each team member’s role within it.
 Deals honestly and fairly with others, showing consideration and respect.
 Willingly gives support to co-workers and works collaboratively rather than competitively.
 Shares experiences, knowledge and best practices with team members.

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Effective delegation, performance monitoring and motivation of the team. Seeks ideas and input of
colleagues in own and other teams to make best use of team expertise and improve team performance.

 Delegates tasks appropriately to ensure team objectives are achieved
 Motivates team members towards achievement of objectives
 Recognizes potential value of others’ viewpoints and actively seeks their contributions
 Looks beyond boundaries of own job to support others, sharing knowledge and contributing to
a positive team spirit.
 Clearly communicates team objectives avoiding confusion.
 Suggests or develops methods and means for maximizing the input and involvement of team

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

Ensures team is appropriately skilled, managed and resourced. Discusses problems/issues with team
members that could impact on results. Communicates expectations for teamwork and collaboration.
Gives credit and acknowledges contributions and efforts of individuals to team effectiveness.
 Ensures team is appropriately skilled, managed and resourced
 Takes action to prevent/minimize issues that could impact on team results
 Investigates underlying reasons for poor performance of individual team members
 Actively seeks and supports relationships across the Organization
 Communicates expectations for teamwork and collaboration
 Gives credit and acknowledges contributions and efforts of individuals to team effectiveness
 Considers the whole ‘Organization team’ when appropriate (and collaboration of this when
 Generates an atmosphere of collegiality
 Manages emotions so as to minimize negative impact on others.
 Builds relationships with team members and with other work units.
 Fosters team spirit and collaboration within teams
 Communicates expectations for teamwork and collaboration.
 Facilitates the expression of diverse points of view to enhance teamwork.
 Capitalizes on the strengths of all members.
 Gives credit for success and acknowledges contributions and efforts of individuals to team

Interpersonal Skills - Presenting & Communicating Information

Demonstrates an understanding of the views of others and communicates in a realistic and practical
manner using verbal and non-verbal proficiency. Selects appropriate methods of communication for
each situation (presentation, public speaking, etc.)

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

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Is able to exchange basic information in a courteous and effective manner to peers, line managers and
customers using English language.
 Exchanges information effectively in written and e-mail communications
 Shares information in an open and honest way
 Shows pleasant facial gestures during face to face communication
 Communicates in a way that is accurate, timely and easy to understand
 Provides updates on work assignments/ status of the tasks to immediate supervisors and others
as directed.
 Makes oral presentations clearly and concisely

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Is able to exchange detailed and more complex information to a broader range of staff and customers
using English and official local language. Develops and produces informative presentations.
 Communicates with the employees/customer in mind at all times
 Understands and adapts to different people
 Prepares reports, presentation and complex documents, using clear terminology and a concise
 Listens with sensitivity and responds adequately to questions from the audience
 Keeps the audience engaged through use of techniques such as analogies, illustrations, humor,
charisma, body language, and voice inflection.
 Delivers well-organized, impactful presentations
Behavioural Indicators Level 3
Is able to effectively transfer key and complex information to all levels of staff, adapting the style of
communication as necessary and ensuring that this information is understood. Excellent and accurate
standard of verbal and non-verbal communication with strong Public speaking skills.
 Seeks to understand others from their own frame of reference
 Understand non-verbal communicate effectively
 Takes a lead role in delivering presentations and briefings for high-level internal and external
 Presents difficult or sensitive information respectfully (e.g., constructive feedback), focusing on
the issue rather than the person.
 Observes the audience and uses variation in his/her intonation and non-verbal behavior
 Public speaking is performed with confidence
 Carefully listens to others’ ideas and concerns and appropriately responds to questions
 Plans communications in advance with specific employee’s/customer requirements in mind

Analytical Skills - Innovation & Creativity

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The action or process of innovating and the use of imagination or original ideas to create something;

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

Refers to innovation which aims at helping the company stay competitive within existing categories,
primarily using existing capabilities and exploiting existing business models
 Has above average imagination and suggests new ideas periodically. Occasionally makes real
 Offers new and different options to solve problems or meet client needs
 Is not bound by current thinking or traditional approaches
 Seeks out new challenges that require risk taking, keeps responding to the challenge in spite
of obstacles and setbacks
 Seeks out, reviews and implements new ways of working to improve delivery of service

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

 Usually suggests new ways of doing things. Thinks independently and is usually ahead of
 Describes future scenarios and related opportunities
 Reviews, tests and implements new concepts, models and approaches to practice in support
of service development and delivery

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

 Highly imaginative, yet practical. Always seeks new and better ways of doing things.
 Actively seeks to improve programs or services
 Takes an interest in new ideas and new ways of doing things
 Takes calculate risks on new and unusual ideas; think “outside the box”
 Develops and implements new concepts, models, approaches to practice and products that
have a significant impact on the longer term success of the University. Drives strategic thinking.

Analytical Skills: Execution Excellence

Bringing an act to successful accomplishment for work

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

 Actively executes the Tasks and completes as directed.

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

 Executes directives religiously and completes the Tasks with a sense of urgency.

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Behavioural Indicators Level 3
 complete ownership on the Tasks, monitor till the end and ensures the results are achieved
without any deviations

Managerial Skills - Leadership

Develops the potential in others by identifying strengths and providing opportunities for others to take
on leadership roles. Delegates effectively and inspires, motivates, and guides others to take initiative
and achieve desired results.
Behavioural Indicators Level 1:
Leads the team, establishing support and trust from the members, delegating the necessary
 Steps forward to lead as needed
 Is thoughtful, fair and leads by example
 Gives clear and concise instructions
 Is trusted by members of the team
 Considers the thoughts and opinions of others
 Ensures that team members have the necessary information to operate effectively.
 Credits individual contributions/acknowledges team accomplishments

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

A mentor with ethical and moral values capable of motivating and empowering people by being biased,
encouraging their input and suggestions.
 Steps forward to lead
 Is thoughtful and fair by being an effective mentor
 Considers the moral and ethical consequences of actions
 Creates an environment where people can learn from mistakes
 Tends to motivate and empower employees
 Ensures that the team’s tasks are completed
 Accepts responsibility for the team’s actions and results, resolves conflict among team
members sensitively and fairly

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

Improves team performance and productivity by creating an environment where team members
consistently learn to perform efficiently in alignment with the company vision, mission and objectives.
 Encourages supervisors to develop their leadership skills, giving guidance and support and
leads by example

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 Is thoughtful, fair and not afraid to take risks or admit mistakes
 Creates an environment where people can learn from success and failure
 Displays self-confidence with a drive to succeed
 Takes command and gives clear and strong direction.
 Supports others in taking independent action
 Stimulates constructive discussion of different points of view, focusing on the organization’s
strategic objectives, vision or values.

Managerial Skills - Negotiating & Influence

Negotiation is a problem-solving process in which two or more people voluntarily discuss their
differences and attempt to reach a joint decision on their common concerns and try to influence with
their decision

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

Identifies genuine interests and key players before commencing negotiation.
 Involves and engages internal and external contacts to enhance the
 effectiveness of proposals and to build support.
 Anticipates the reactions of key participants and develops negotiation
 strategies for responding to these effectively.
 Balances conflicting priorities and agendas by achieving acceptable
 solutions, without damage to long-term relationships

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Successfully persuades and influences at senior management level through
building support amongst colleagues.
 Negotiates satisfactory solutions on broad or complicated issues with
 stakeholders.
 Gains support before presenting proposals.
 Involves people who have positive attitudes to help secure the commitment
 of others
 Anticipates possible issues, objections and consequences.

Behavioural Indicators Level 3:

Persuades and influences peers and managers through consideration of them
interests, involvement and consultation.
 Canvasses opinion and builds support amongst colleagues.
 Promotes the benefits of a decision or situation to others.

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 Identifies clear aims in negotiations and achieves satisfactory outcomes.
 Handles objections by acknowledging issues and suggesting alternatives.
 Ensures that everyone involved is satisfied with agreements that have been
 reached.
 Shows willingness to compromise where appropriate to achieve an
 acceptable solution.

Managerial Skills - Change Management

The management of change and development through particular methodologies, tools and techniques
to implement strategic changes within the Organization and managing change communication to shift
the mind-set of the workforce.

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

Clearly understanding the potential impact and consequences of change initiatives on the day-to-day
operations of a work group or department by providing assistance to reinforce change initiatives.
 Provides personal insight to work group members on adapting to change in the workplace.
 Seeks clarification on the potential opportunities and consequences of proposed changes.
 Identifies and accepts the need and processes for change.
 Collects and analyzes feedback on impact of change on day-to-day operation,
 Explains the process, implications and rationale for change to those affected by it.
 Builds acceptance and commitment to change by involving those impacted by the change early
in the process.
 Assesses the impact that the change will have on people, processes and systems and develops
and adapts these areas to support the change.

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Managing change initiatives of multiple work groups or a single large department, assisting in
developing and implementing organizational wide change management strategy.
 Provides direction and steering for successful performance during the transition and in the new
 Performs early stage diagnoses of resistance to change
 Clarifies the potential opportunities and consequences of proposed changes.
 Manages the ambiguity associated with change initiatives by continually identifying and
addressing evolving implications.
 Helps others cope with the stress and uncertainty of change through appropriate coaching or
use of change management techniques.
 Manages risks associated with change through appropriate contingency planning which builds
on lessons learned through previous change experiences.
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Behavioural Indicators Level 3
preparing for and managing a multitude of change initiatives throughout multiple
departments/operations and/or an entire organization that have far-reaching impact on overall
organizational effectiveness, defining change management strategies, assembling change
management team(s) and developing a change sponsorship model to ensure business changes are
implemented and realized to their full potential
 Articulates positive values about change and provides coaching to employees to overcome fear
of, or resistance to change
 Develops processes for staff and/or customer input into proposed changes as appropriate
 Understands and applies strategies for handling negative responses to change.
 Involves staff in planning and implementing change
 Keeps employees and customers informed of progress on proposed changes
 Communicates change in a manner that invites support
 Links projects/objectives to department’s/public service’s change initiatives and describes the
impact on operational goals.
 Presents realities of change and, together with staff, develops strategies for managing it.
 Creates an environment that promotes and encourages change or innovation.
 Shares and promotes successful change efforts throughout the organization.
 Personally communicates a clear vision of the broad impact of change.

Managerial Skills - Project Management

Ensuring successful project completion by establishing a systematic course of action for self and other
members of project team; the ability to monitor progress toward a goal and make adjustments

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

 Gather and analyze relevant information to plan a course of action
 Use appropriate resources for information and expertise
 Alerts appropriate parties immediately about potential problems
 Anticipates obstacles and develops contingency plans
 Monitors and tracks project plan implementation to ensure timely completion
 Documents project progress, changes, decision points as necessary
 Meets project management commitments with minimal supervision

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

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Consistently focuses on the critical few priorities and manages those to achieve expected results
 Provides direction to other team members on how to successfully manage multiple priorities
 Establishes key milestones, adequately monitors progress toward milestones, and takes
action to ensure timelines are met or exceeded.
 Modifies project work plans as appropriate and communicates those changes to the team to
ensure the project is not derailed.
 Provides on-going project updates regarding progress to keep others informed of status and
outstanding issues

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

Provides direction to other team members on how to successfully manage multiple priorities
 Accurately anticipates resource requirements even when faced with the most complex
 Consistently drives the project team toward exceeding expectations on the completion of
project milestones and ultimately the overarching project timeline
 Develops contingency plans during the planning phase of a project by anticipating the most
likely risks to the project work plan; implements those contingency plans quickly when the
need arises
 Teaches others on how to provide effective on-going project updates

Managerial Skills - Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an Organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy
and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working
toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust
the organization's direction in response to a changing environment. Is able to organize own time
effectively, creates own work schedules, prioritizes, prepares in advance and sets realistic timescales.
Has the ability to visualize a sequence of actions needed to achieve a specific goal and how to estimate
the resources required.

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

Provides work on time and to required standard. Planning a wide range of simple tasks, or a small
number of complex ones.
 Sees tasks through to completion whenever possible
 Meets agreed performance standards
 Asks questions to clarify expectations
 Keeps relevant parties informed on the progress of a plan
 Manages own work to deliver on time

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 Prioritizes work to deliver objectives
 Plans a wide range of simple tasks or a small number of complex ones
 Considers the most effective method of getting the job done

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

Workload delivered within deadlines and to agreed standards. Making medium plans for a whole
specialist function or project.
 Ensures delivery against plan, and forecasts accurately
 Ensures workload is delivered within deadlines and to agreed standards, to ensure
employees satisfaction
 Makes medium term plans for the department
 Makes medium term plans for a project
 Plans ahead, organizes work in advance
 Seeks help if workload becomes unmanageable
 Uses initiative to report issues that arise that impact on others
 Looks at ways to improve planning/organizing as required
 Highly effective at working strategically to realize the Company’s goals
 Highly effective at setting and developing strategies
 Enthusiastically identifies and develops positive and compelling visions of the Company’s
future potential

Behavioural Indicators Level 3:

Completion of work within area for which responsible within deadlines and to agreed standards. Making
long-term plans, which affects a function or the wider organization.
 Ensures completion of work within area for which responsible within deadlines and to agreed
 Makes longer term plans which impact a function or the wider organization
 Recognizes and rewards good planning/organizing and tackles poor performance in this area
 Ensures appropriate resources and levels of capability to deliver to plan
 Sets realistic timescales for self and others
 Has the ability to visualize a sequence of actions needed to achieve a specific goal

Managerial Skills - Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one’s own feelings. It also provides great
insight on how emotion influences motivation and behavior. Emotional intelligence is essentially the way
you perceive, understand, express, and manage emotions. And it’s important because the more you
understand these aspects of yourself, the better your mental health and social behavior will be

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Behavioural Indicators Level 1
 Occasionally maintains control over their emotions keeping disruptive impulses in check
 Adaptable occasionally when recovering from emotionally intense situations
 Sensing and understanding other’s emotions, needs, and perspective.
 Listens and speaks effectively enhancing interpersonal trust and influence
 Medium Level of depression and are sometimes more likely to react.

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

 Often maintains control over their emotions keeping disruptive impulses in check
 Often Adaptable when recovering from emotionally intense situations
 Takes an active interest in others emotions, needs and perspective.
 Manages and resolves conflict well
 Low Level of depression and rarely react to problems

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

 Always maintains control over their emotions keeping disruptive impulses in check
 Always Adaptable and even flexible when recovering from emotionally intense situations •
Political awareness, reading emotional currents and power relationships
 Builds bonds that nurture helpful relationships, Promotes collaboration and cooperative team
 able to recognize negative emotions in yourself and see difficult situations as a challenge—
focusing on the positives and persevering
 Low Level of depression and giving themselves the time to weigh up the pros and cons of a
situation and really thinking things through.

Managerial Skills - Critical Thinking Analysis

Critical thinking is that mode of thinking — about any subject, content, or problem — in which the
thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing

Behavioural Indicators Level 1

 Looks at things carefully and meticulously
 Spends majority of time on research

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 Concerned about doing things correctly and fixing problems

Behavioural Indicators Level 2

 Good at looking at all sides of a problem and identifying the key issues
 Is very curious and adventurous
 Looks for new ideas and approaches to problems

Behavioural Indicators Level 3

 Looks at the big picture and the future
 Good at guiding others through the issues
 Spends majority of time on planning


Administration HR
Telephone Skills Understanding of the local labor law
MS. Office Performance and reward Management
Communications Skills Recruitment, Selection & Interviewing Skills
Knowledge of local rules and regulations Compensation and Benefits Knowledge (C&B)
Maintains adequate parts and supplies Employee Relations
Ensures repairs are performed promptly Workforce Planning and Employment
Improving Business Processes Budget management
Performs preventative maintenance Learning & Development
Resource management Competency Management (Talent Management)
Budget Management Career Development & Succession Planning
Project Risk management Improving Business Processes
Change Management Project Management
Supplier Relations Management Cost & Benefit Analysis
Conflict Management Conflict Management
Policy Design and Development
Social Media Knowledge

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Budget Management Logical and Analytical skills

Financial Systems IT Support Troubleshooting
Detail Oriented Telecommunications (Data and Voice) Network
Forecasting & Reporting Information protection and security procedures
Economic Analysis Database Design and Management
Risk taking Service management
Improving Business Processes Integrating systems
Execution Excellence Budget Management
Business Performance Analysis IT Procurement and Asset Management
Financial Risk Management Product /IP Management in IT
Planning & Budgeting Quality Control & assurance for IT
Auditing Infrastructure & platforms
Revenue and Profitability Management Security/Information and Application Protection
Debt Management Application Development/Support and
Processing and Recording Financial Application Development/Support and
Transactions Maintenance
Profit and Loss Analysis Understanding existing and emerging
Financial Policy Development, Interpretation Understanding existing and emerging
and Application technologies
Corporate Finance
Credit Management
Strategic Business Development
Project Finance, Risk and Cash Management
Project and Operations Insurance

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Strategic Business Development Telephone Skills

Market Research and Business Performance MS. Office
Sound financial perspective Communications Skills
Project Risk Management Knowledge of local rules and regulations
Budget Management Maintains adequate parts and supplies
Ensures repairs are performed promptly
Improving Business Processes
Performs preventative maintenance
Resource management
Budget Management
Project Risk management
Change Management
Conflict Management


Marketing Communications Product Knowledge

Public Relations Sound Financial Perspective
Positioning & Branding Range Planning
Media Relations Assortment Planning
Event Management Numerical Skills
Market Research & Analysis Product Planning
Budget Management Product/Stock Liquidation
Channel Management Budget management
marketing strategy and planning Sales Monitoring

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Market Research & Consumer Behavior Product and Service Design
Marketing Metrics Product/Stock Ageing
Multi-channel Marketing Data Analysis
Pricing Concepts & Methods Supplier Relations Management
Customer Relationship Management Commercial Awareness
Customer Experience Management Space Planning
Corporate Advertising Operations Analysis
Measurement & Control Cost & Benefit Analysis
Graphic design skills Managing Project Execution


Inventory Management Alertness and quick reflexes

Logistics and Transportation Management MS. Office
Safety Procedures Security & CCTV System
MS Office Self-defense technique
Strong Conceptual Knowledge Investigations
System Knowledge Detail oriented
Documentation skills Improving Business Processes
Warehouse Management System Internet/Administrative work
Warehousing knowledge Budget Management
Budget Management Change Management
Performance/KPI Management Fraud Detection & Control
Supervision & Administration Risk Management
International Regulations knowledge
Distribution requirement planning
Customs Clearance and Freight Forwarding


Fraud Detection and Control Budget Management

Internal Controls
Internal Audit Financial Risk Management

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Corporate Governance - Audit
Budget management
Analytical skills and result orientation
Quantitative and qualitative analysis
Budget Management


Sales process Sound Financial Perspective

Product Knowledge Visual Merchandising
Understanding of Store Operations Concepts Area Inventory Planning
Consumer Analysis Financial Awareness
Industry Knowledge capacity &resource planning
Customer Service Excellence Layout Planning
Commercial Orientation Performance/KPI Management
System Knowledge Sales Management
Handling tough customer Customer Relationship Management
Stock-take Risk Management
Sales process Cost Control
Product Knowledge Territory Management
Understanding of Store Operations Concepts Merchandising/Retailing
Consumer Analysis Product and Service Advice and Support
Industry Knowledge Competitive Knowledge
Customer Service Excellence Operations Strategy Development
Sales process Revenue and Profitability Management
Product Knowledge Customer Value Management
Understanding of Store Operations Concepts Strategic Sales Planning
Consumer Analysis Competitor analysis
Industry Knowledge Marketing Intelligence

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Customer Service Excellence Sound Financial Perspective
Commercial Orientation Visual Merchandising
System Knowledge Area Inventory Planning
Handling tough customer Financial Awareness
Stock-take capacity &resource planning
Quality Orientation Layout Planning
Driving Sales Performance/KPI Management
Higher System Orientation Budget Management
MS. Office AX Dynamics Preferable

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