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Reflective Activity 7 - P. 23 (Handbook)

Complete the following chart individually on a significant role model of your choice.

My significant role model: Mr. Zekiyos (11th - 12th grade Mathematics teacher)

Characteristics Behavior

Competence and interest in subject area; years of Problem solver, patient, punctuality and
service responsiveness.

Problem solver Good on his knowledge

Advising and smooth approach Respect, treat anyone favorably and

Reflective Teacher Applies the techniques, levels, & principles of

reflective professional.

Model teacher Gives direction to his staffs and others.

Well related with sports Reflects and advices the importance of sport activities.

Sometimes gets pride on himself of his friends Over acting, unfavorably treat, & reacts on their point
of view

Which of the characteristics and behaviors you listed above do you think are particularly important
in influencing student values and conduct? – All except the last.
Reflective Activity 8 - P. 26 (Handbook)

1. What is your best characteristic as a teacher?

✓ I am trying to understand my students view of my lecturing method. In that, I will know if
they are understanding me well and ask to write comments to me. Related to this, thinking
about the way to deliver quality education for them, the university, and the country as well.
2. Which role model characteristic do you want to develop?
✓ I want to develop all the first five except the last one.
3. Write three things you can do to develop the characteristic you identified above.
✓ I am approaching my role model.
✓ Get trainings, attending workshop, and attend any contests from practitioners.
✓ Also Watch any supporting tutorials and practice them personally.
Reflective Activity 9 - P. 28 (Handbook)

1. Is diversity a problem or an opportunity for student learning? Yes/No? Why?

Yes, but to some scope.

The reason in its positive side is, it will allow students to exchange variety of knowledges, cultures,
good behaviors and more. While in some extent, there might exist bad behavior which leads to

2. In your opinion, how fairly do teachers in your university treat students with diverse

I do think that there are teachers with good quality who treat students with diverse background;
culture, religion, behavior and more. Likewise, there are teachers on the negative side. To
conclude, I would say that the negative side weighs. Hence, not too fair.

3. You most probably had the experience of teaching students with different attributes (linguistic,
socio-economic, etc.). How well did you manage the task? If you faced problems in this regard,
how did you resolve them?

Of course, there were students with different attributes. For this, I was not too much faced on an
extraordinary academic issue. While teaching in the class, I treat them in the way the university
principle allows. One of this is teaching learning language is English.

4. How can the issue of diversity and equity be best addressed in your institution? Discuss in
A. Knowing the variety of background behaviors/characteristics.
B. Introducing the variety of backgrounds with their behaviors/characteristics each other.
C. Serving the needs along with the obligations for each diverse background.
D. Addressing/notifying/guiding each diverse background to respect the other.
E. And the last but not the list, organizing an event for a better cooperation, celebrity, and
Reflective Activity 10 - P. 30 (Handbook)
Identify at least three major problems that hinder the education of persons with disability or other
marginalized groups in HEIs and suggest possible solutions.

Observed Problems or Issues Suggested Solutions and Actions

Lack of comfortable services Should organize their HEIs suitable in every

manner; from buildings to academic services
to them.

Feel of inferiority Fill them with full hope that they can do
anything they want. Feed their spirit with
good points.

Miss-treat, poor approach by others Approach and treat them well. Provide a
human force to assist them.
End-of-Module Self-Assessment - Module One

Write a reflective comment on your overall performance and achievements in Module One with
respect to each of the following areas.

1. Reflective activity

I have performed all the major reflective activities requested by our HDPLs.

2. Planning sessions, conducting observations and evaluations

As per planning sessions, I have planned to attend and execute any activities given on time.

3. Contributions to group work

There was a good flow of group work in the class. And my participation/contribution was critical.

4. Carrying out projects

Well, under module one there was not project given to do.

5. Attendance and punctuality

I am punctual. I always try to appear in the class on time. And I do attend the course very well.

How would you evaluate your overall performance in Module One? Circle one.



Signature of candidate:__________________ Date: _2/3/2021_

Higher Diploma Leader/Tutor Assessment - Module One

Observations and comments from Higher Diploma Leader on the Module


1. General comments on achievement in this Module

2. Please comment specifically on areas where you disagree with the self-
assessment. Please comment on what the candidate should do in the next Module to

Overall performance of the candidate in this Module


Signature of candidate: __________________ Date: ____________________

Reflective Activity 1 - P. 39 (Handbook)

Which perspectives of learning were dominant in your personal experience at the different stages
of your education? Give an example in each case.
 (You may consult the following sources to understand the perspectives more fully.
 Weegar, M. A. & Pacis, D. (2012) A Comparison of Two Theories of Learning -
Behaviorism and Constructivism as applied to Face-to-Face and Online Learning. E-
Leader Manila Retrievable from:
 https://www.g
 University of California, Berkeley (2018). Behaviorism. Retrievable from
I would say that social cognition is more dominant. i.e., in my case it comprises about 70% of
constructivism and about 30% of behaviorism. Initially throughout my education period from
lower to higher institution, our teachers are influenced by culture of communities. Hence, they are
subjected to social behaviors and environmental factors. For instance, during my 9th to 10th classes,
I used to experience behaviorism. As I react to situations in some way. And in the upper classes,
became more on social cognition which incorporates both perspectives. Since practical
applications were involved.

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