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A Pragmatic Study of the Flouted Grice’s

Conversational Maxims in the Dialogues of Lucifer

TV Series First Season


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd.) Degree in English Department
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Mataram University


NIM. E1D 014 024


A Thesis Entitled :

A Pragmatic Study of the Flouted Grice’s Conversational Maxims in the

Dialogues of Lucifer TV Series First Season


Jam’al Fawa’id

Has been approved in Mataram on 2019 by:

First Advisor, Second Advisor,

Prof. Drs. Mahyuni, M.A., Ph.D. Muh. Isnaini, S.S., M.A.

NIP. 196312311988031023 NIP. 197908202005011002

Acknowledged by:

Head of Language and Art Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Mataram University

Dra. Siti Rohana Hariana Intiana, M.Pd.

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Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Telp. (0370) 623873 Fax. 634918 Mataram 83125


This thesis entitled:

A Pragmatic Study of the Flouted Grice’s Conversational Maxims in the

Dialogues of Lucifer TV Series First Season

Has been approved on 2019


Jam’al Fawa’id

Has been accepted by the board of examiners as the requirement to achieve the
Sarjana Degree (S.Pd.) in English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Mataram University

The Board of Examiners


Prof. Drs. Mahyuni, M.A., Ph.D.

NIP. 196312311988031023

First Member Second Member

Muh. Isnaini, S.S., M.A. Dr. Lalu Muhaimi, M.Pd.

NIP. 197908202005011002 NIP. 196004161987031002

Acknowledged by:
The Dean of FKIP UNRAM

Prof. Dr. H. A. Wahab Jufri, M.Sc.



I hereby declare that this thesis entitled “A Pragmatic Study of the Flouted

Grice’s Conversational Maxims in the Dialogues of Lucifer TV Series First

Season” is submitted as a partial fulfillment of requirement for the bachelor of

education’s degree and it is the result of my own work, except for the parts where

references are given and it has not been submitted to any other university or


Mataram, January 2019

Jam’al Fawa’id



“The reward of goodness is nothing but goodness”

(Ar-Rahman: 60)


This thesis is dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents who have never stop loving and supporting for my life

in world and my life in hereafter.

2. My brothers who have been trying my patience.

3. My lectures who have gave me valuable knowledge.

4. My friends and everybody that cannot be mentioned who help and support

me for my study.


First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given us a great

life so that I could finish this thesis. Secondly, may Sholawat and Salam to our

Greatest prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the

brightness. In this beautiful opportunity, the writer also would like to send his

gratitude and thankfulness to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Lalu Husni, SH., M.Hum, The Rector of University of


2. Dr. H. A. Wahab Jufri, M.Sc., The Dean of The Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education, University of Mataram.

3. Dra. Hj. Siti Rohana Hariana Intiana, M.Pd., The Head of Language and

Art Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University

of Mataram.

4. Dr. Muhammad Amin, S.Pd., M. Tesol., The Head of English Department

of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram.

5. Dra. Hj. Henny Soepriyanti, M.A., Ph.d., The Academic Advisor of The

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram.

6. Prof. Drs. Mahyuni, M.A., Ph.D., the first advisor who has supported,

suggested, and recommended me in writing this thesis from the beginning

until the end.

7. Muh. Isnaini, S.S., M.A., the second advisor who has educated, given me

advice and suggestion for the improvement of this thesis.

8. Dr. Lalu Muhaimi, M.Pd., the examiner for his advice and crucial

contribution in the improvement of the result of this thesis.

9. My beloved parent and my family who always support, love and pray to

my success.

10. All the lectures of English department of Faculty of teacher Training and

Education, University of Mataram.

11. All my friends of B class English Department (Alam, Amry, Reza, Kikin,

Azhar, Wahyu, Atik, Wajhah, Nadnad, Natul, Nining, Esti, Sara, Ika,

Nadifa, Lilik, and Gita) who have struggled together until we meet again.

12. My KKN group (Deni, Dedy, Roby, Murdani, Akyun, Sukma, Jumi,

Debby, Mila and others) and PPL squad (Romy, Rizky, Hana, Juwita and

Eva) and all my friends that I cannot mention who helped and supported

me to finish this thesis.


Cover……………,……………………………………………...……………… i

Approval ………………………………………………………...……………. ii

Ratification……………………………………………………….…………… iii

Candidate Declaration……………………………………………………….. iv

Motto and Dedication………………………………………………………… v

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………. vi

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………… viii

Abstract……………………………………………………………………….. x

Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Research Questions

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.4.1 Theoretical Significance...........................................................................6

1.4.2 Practical Significance................................................................................6

1.5 Limitation of the Study

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Chapter II Review of Related Literature

2.1 Previous Related Studies

2.2 Related Theories

2.2.1 Pragmatics

2.2.2 Implicature

2.2.3 Grice’s Cooperative Principle9

2.2.4 Flouted Maxim

2.3 Theoretical Framework8

Chapter III Research Methods

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Data and Source of Data30

3.3 Methods of Collecting the Data31

3.4 Methods of Analyzing the Data31

Chapter IV Findings and Discussion

4.1 Findings33

4.2 Discussion35

4.2.1 The Type of Flouted Maxim and Type of Implicature of the Flouted
Maxim in Lucifer TV Series35

4.2.2 The Implicature of the Flouted Maxim in Lucifer TV


Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion

5.1 Conclusion51

5.2 Suggestion52




A Pragmatic Study of the Flouted Grice’s Conversational

Maxims in the Dialogues of Lucifer TV Series First Season


Jam’al Fawa’id

This study is aimed at examining and analyzing the flouted maxims in

Lucifer tv series first season. In specific terms, this study aims to examine and
describe types of implicature in the flouted maxim in the dialogue of the series of
Lucifer. Grice’s theory of cooperative principle and theory of implicature are used
to analyze the utterences which contain conversational implicature that found from
dialogue in Lucifer. Descriptive qualitative method was used to examine and
analyze the data gathered in this sudy. The data were collected by watching and
transcribing the utterences of dialogue from the series. The data found were
analyzed by using the theory of Grice’s Cooperative Principle and theory of
Implicature by classifying and describing the data. The results of this study show
that 5 existence of flouted maxim of quantity, 1 existence of flouted maxim of
quality, 3 existence of flouted maxim of relevance and 1 existence of flouted maxim
of manner.

Keywords: Pragmatics, Implicature, Flouted Maxim, Cooperative Principle


This chapter describes background of the study, research questions, objectives of

the study, significances of the study, limitation of the study and definition of key terms

which are closely related to the main topic of this study.

1.1 Background of the Study

Language, in any aspect of human life, plays an important role. People

use language in communication to express feelings, share ideas and knowledge,

and also keep in touch with each other. Communication refers to the transmission

and reception of information between a source and a receiver using a signalling

system: in linguistic contexts, source and receiver are interpreted in human term,

the system involved is a language (Crystal, 2008: 89). In the daily interactions,

communication among people does not always run well. Sometimes, we find

ambiguity, irrelevant or uninformative conversation which can cause a problem,

confusion, even misunderstanding among the participants.

The participants in conversation sometimes do not create clear

conversation or effective communication among them. The speaker and hearer

may not understand each other which cause misinterpretation between them. To

be successful in communicating through conversation, speaker and hearer as the

participants of a conversation should be able to cooperate in order to avoid

misinterpretation and misunderstanding in the conversation. The speaker can lead

listener to get the points in the conversation clearly and the listener can

understand the meaning, even a hidden meaning, in the speaker’s utterance.

A good communication can avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation

of utterances between the speaker and hearer. In communication, there is a theory

known as Cooperative Principle as a principle of conversation that was proposed

by Grice. Grice (1975: 26) states that participants will contribute in a

conversation such as is needed when the conversation occurs and each of them

can accept the purpose of the conversation or the talk exchange. The Cooperative

Principle explains how people interact with others in a concersation. People who

obey the principle will make sure what they say in their conversation gives

suuficient information about their talk exchange. Grice proposes four types of

Cooperative Principle that is called Conversational Maxims. Those kinds of

maxims are Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relevance, and

Maxim of Manner.

When we notice a communication around us, we may find that many

people do not satisfy the Grice‘s Maxims appropriately because speaker and

hearer sometimes break the rule of maxim quality, quantity, relevance or even

manner in a conversation. Breaking the rule of the maxims can be called as

flouting. By flouting maxims, people seem to be uncooperative in conversation

but actually they are cooperative. Flouting maxim is not only found in daily

conversation but also it can be found in a movie dialogue. In dialogues of a

movie, flouting is often used by the characters to make dialogue in a movie be

colorful and to make people guess what the speakers’ purposes actually are. The

theory of flouting maxim is suitable for analyzing a movie that contains flouting

of conversational maxim.

Movie, also known as film, is a type of audio-visual storytelling which

uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories or inform. It can be a reflection of

human for understanding human conversation or communication since it

resembles real world of human languages. As Graham (2005: 117) states that a

movie or film has the ability to record real people and events around the

characters in a movie. It differs from a novel or written story in which we have to

imagine and visualize all narrations, conversations and circumstances that happen

in that story. As a result, by analyzing the flouted maxim in a movie, it can

represent an analysis of flouted maxim in the real world.

This study focuses on the conversations among the main characters of the

Lucifer tv series, therefore the object of this study is not the film but the

dialogues of the series. In IMDb website, Lucifer tv series is described as an

American fantasy police procedural comedy-drama television series. The series

focuses on Lucifer Morningstar, the Devil, who is bored and unhappy as the lord

of hell, and resigns his throne and abandons his kingdom for Los Angeles.

Lucifer runs a nightclub in Los Angeles called "Lux" with the assistance of his

demonic ally Mazikeen aka Maze. Lucifer becomes involved with the LAPD

when he began to assist Detective Chloe Decker in crime cases. He becomes

fascinated with Chloe when she appears to be immuned to his powers. Lucifer's

mother later escapes hell, and Lucifer's punishment for her is to stay on Earth,

and the celestial families are forced to deal with that ramifications. And also there

are Amenadiel and Dr. Linda Martin as supporting character in very first episode

but they by the time become important characters. Several conversations in the tv

series indicate to flout the conversational maxims. By Grice’s theory, person who

flouts the maxims of conversation or does not give the information as informative

means that she or he keep a hidden meaning which wants to be expressed. For

instance, it is found that the existence of flouted maxim of quantity in the

conversation of the tv series as shown in the following dialogues:

A : Jimmy Barnes! Remember me?

B : Hay man this is a private event.

On the conversation above, the utterances of speaker B is absence of

answering speaker A’s question. The speaker B does not want to talk about the

problem and B’s response is irrelevant to the topic in hand. Therefore, speaker B

changes the topic blatantly in that context of situation. It means that the maxim of

relevance is flouted by speaker B by looking at B’s answer.

The second dialogues below, one of the examples of the flouted maxim of

quality because the second speaker, B, is not giving the true answer when

replying the question of first speaker after A getting a shot, as follows:

A : How long have I been out?

B : Three years

Based on the example above, it can be concluded that flouted maxim

exists in the tv series entitled Lucifer. Therefore, this study is interested in

analyzing flouted maxims in tv series entitled Lucifer. Lucifer is chosen as the

object of study because of two reasons: first, the dialogues used by the characters

in the tv series contains the flouted maxim; second, the transcript of the tv series

can be used as a material of learning, especially pragmatics. In communicating,

people tend to convey what is in their mind without paying attention to the rules.

So, the flouted maxim is the interest of study, which is the result of conversation

based on the context and the Grice’s Cooperative Principle is also intended to

apply toward Lucifer tv series.

In accordance with the explanations above, this study is interested in

studying the flouted of Grice’s Conversational Maxims. Therefore, according to

preceding statement, this study is conducted under the title “A Pragmatic Study

of The Flouted Grice’s Maxims in the Dialogue of Lucifer TV Series First


1.2 Research Questions

This study attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What types of maxims are flouted in the dialogues of the tv series Lucifer?

2. What are the implicatures in the flouted maxims of the tv series Lucifer?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

In line with the research questions, the objectives of writing as follows:

1. To examine and describe types of flouted maxims in the dialogues of the tv

series Lucifer. This will be conducted by using Grice’s theory of Cooperative


2. To identify and analyze the implicature in the flouted maxims of the tv series

Lucifer. This will be elaborated through the theory of Conversational

Implicature by Grice.

1.4 Significance of the Study
1.4.1 Theoretical Significance

a. This study is expected to give contribution to language use, in which the

cooperative principle theory is not always relevant in daily conversation,

even in the made up world. It will also be beneficial for the development of

analysis theory, in particular discourse analysis.

b. This study can be used as a reference for the other researchers who have the

same interest in Grice’s Conversational Maxims and its principle. This

research also provides data that can be used for further investigation.

1.4.2 Practical Significance

a. This study is expected to give understanding to readers about the concept of

cooperating with or without observing the Cooperative Principle.

b. This study informs the strategy for teachers who want to improve their

qualities and abilities in providing information and making effective

communication during learning process based on Grice’s Maxims.

c. This study can help readers to understand more the exact meaning of each

utterance of the characters in the movie.

1.5 Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study is restricted to analyze the conversations that found

in Lucifer tv series based on Grice’s Conversational Maxims and its principles.

This study focuses on conversational implicature which is used to analyze the

flouted maxims in the tv series. The flouted maxims occurs when one of the

participants in a conversation fails to observe the Grice’s Conversational Maxims

by giving less, much, irrelevant or unclear information. Furthermore, this series

consists of some seasons and episodes. So, the data of this study is restricted by

taking the early episode of Lucifer, the first episode of season 1, because his

utterances indicate that he flouts one of the maxims while having conversation

with a police officer and there is interested story development and also there are

some situation in which the flouted maxim happens.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

1.6.1 The maxims, in this current study, are general principle which are thought to

underlie the efficient use of language, and which together identify a general co-

operative principle (Crystal, 2008: 298).

1.6.2 In this study, flouting maxims refers to breaking maxim on purpose, when a

speaker appears not to follow the maxim but expect the listener to appreciate the

meaning implied (Cutting, 2002: 37). Thus, when a maxim is not followed by

speakers that means the maxim is flouted.

1.6.3 In this study, Cooperative Principles is described as a general principle of

conversation which has definition as ‘Make your conversational contribution

such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or

direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged’ (Grice, 1975: 26).

1.6.4 Implicature, in this study, is meant to be something implied and meant from
what is said (Grundy, 2000: 273)


This chapter comprises previous related studies. Furthermore, it also comprises

related theories which consists of pragmatics, implicature, Grice’s Cooperative

Principle, flouted maxim and theoretical framework.

2.1 Previous Related Studies

In completing this study, this study is consulted with some studies related

to pragmatics. These related studies are kind of library research and presented on

the similar approach. Iskandar (2010) investigates Gricean Maxim in the scripts

of the Simpsons season 5. The purpose of his research is to find out the types of

the maxims which were written in the scripts and to categorize the violations or

deviations toward those maxims. In that study, he uses a qualitative method by

collecting and studying the data which are taken from many sources and using the

relevant theory to his study.

The result shows that the Griceans Maxims were applied and violated.

Most of the time, in the dialogues from the scripts, the speakers have fulfilled the

maxims. Nevertheless, they sometimes have unconsciously or deliberately defied

those maxims in their conversation. This fulfillment and violation happen due to

the speaker willingness whether they decide to use the maxims or defy it. In

addition, the violations toward those maxims are done by deliberately and

unconsciously giving misleads information, inability to fulfill one maxim without

violating the second maxim, and unwillingly to cooperate.

Meanwhile, Huzaiziah (2014) analyzes conversational implicature in John

Grisham’s novel entitled The Street Lawyer based on Gricean maxims of

conversation. Three points are discussed, description of the four maxims, the

conditions where the four maxims occurred, and the domination of certain

maxims found in the novel. The method used in her study is kind of descriptive

qualitative. In collecting the data, documentation method is used which consists

of three steps: reading, note taking, and mapping. In analyzing data, the research

also uses some steps. Five steps are done chronologically, identification,

classification, description, explanation, and conclusion.

The conclusion of the study is that there are some conversational

implicature found in the novel. The speakers mostly violates maxims of

conversation. Indeed, they infringed two or more maxim in same time. The

violation occurs in certain conditions. It is due to the aim of the speakers when

the conversation happened. Sometimes, the speaker infringes the maxim in order

to convey some other intention indirectly and politely. Besides, of those four

maxims, there are two types of maxims dominantly used in the novel. They are

maxim of quantity and manner. It is affected by the topic of the novel and the

writer’s purposes.

Another study was done by Nugraha (2013), her study discusses about the

violation of Grice Maxim of Cooperative Principle among the characters in Real

Steel Movie. The type of her study is descriptive qualitative, in the study, the data

were collected from the conversation in the movie which contains conversational

implicature in the character’s utterances. There are several steps are done in

analyzing the implicature. The steps were describing the data in the form of

dialogue and describing the context of conversation and the implicature of

speaker utterance. In order to know the kinds of maxims which are violated, the

steps were describing the data in the form of dialogue, describing the context and

analyzing how the characters used cooperative principle in their dialogue. The

result shows that the characters often violate the maxim of cooperative principle

by generating a conversational implicature. The first is violation that occurs in the

maxim quality with 5 occurrence which is generated by ignoring truthfulness in

the character’s utterance. The second kind of violation occurs by ignoring the

sufficiency of conversation which violates maxim of quantity with 1 occurence.

The third kind of violation occurs in maxim of manner with 7 occurence, the

characters ignoring the relevance of their utterance. The fourth is maxim violation

of manner with 7 occurence that is generated by ignoring perspicuous

conversation, in the violation of maxim manner the writer found 7 data. The

conclusion oh her study is that the characters often generate conversational

implicature by giving unrelated answer and unconnected answer in their


However, this study is different from those related studies where those

studies analyze kind of breaking maxim in terms of violation. Moreover, the

object of both studies were in the form script and a novel. So, the differences of

this study are in term of objectives which examine breaking maxim by flouting.

Moreover, this study also discusses the types of conversational implicatures based

on Grice’s theory of conversational implicature, generalized conversational

implicature and particularized conversational implicature, and in term of object of

study which is directly transcribed from the source of data.

2.2 Related Theories

2.2.1 Pragmatics

Semantics and pragmatics are the two main areas of linguistic study that

concerns with the knowledge we use to interpret meaning when we hear or read,

and to convey meaning when we speak or write. However, Peccei (1999:2)

states that semantics focuses on meaning that comes from purely linguistic

knowledge, while pragmatics concentrates on those aspects of meaning that

cannot be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone and takes into account

knowledge about the physical and social world.

Additionally, Yule (2010: 127) states that pragmatics is the study of what

speakers mean, or “speaker meaning”. Communication clearly depends not only

on recognizing the meaning of words in an utterance, but also recognizing what

speakers mean by their utterances. This type of study necessarily involves the

interpretation of what people mean in particular context and how context

influences what is said. It also involves the context or the circumstances in

accordance with what, when, where and with who they are talking to. For that

reason, Yule (1996: 3) describes that pragmatics is a study of contextual


Yule (1996: 4) states that there is a distinction between pragmatics with

syntax and semantics in the way of pragmatics concerns about the relationships

of linguistic forms and the users of those forms. From that distinction, only

pragmatics allows human into analysis. The advantage of studying language via

pragmatics is that one can talk about people’s intended meaning, their

assumptions, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of actions that are performed

when they are speaking.

In line with Yule, Paltridge (2008: 53) states that pragmatics is the study

of meaning in relation to the context in which a person is speaking or writing.

This includes social, situational and textual context. It also includes background

knowledge context; that is, what people know about each other and about the

world. Pragmatics assumes that when people communicate with each other they

normally follow some kinds of principle; that is, they have a shared

understanding of how they should co-operate in their communications

According to Fromkin et al (2011: 207), pragmatics concerns with our

understanding of language in context. Two kinds of contexts are relevant. The

first is linguistic context—the discourse that precedes the phrase or sentence to

be interpreted; the second is situational context—virtually everything

nonlinguistic in the environment of the speaker. Speakers know how to combine

words and phrases to form sentences, and they also know how to combine

sentences into a larger discourse to express complex thoughts and ideas.

Based on the given definitions above, there are three important

components in pragmatics that have been concluded, namely; how speakers use

and understand what is being talked; how the interpretation and use of language

depends on the common knowledge between the speaker and the hearer; and

how the interpretation of language counts on the users, context and language.

2.2.2 Implicature

The term of ‘implicature’ is derived from the verb ‘to imply’, as is its

cohnate’ implication. Originally, ‘to imply’ means ‘to fold something into

something else’ (from the Latin verb plicare ‘to fold”); hence, which is implied

is ‘folded in’ and has to be ‘unfolded’ in order to be understood (Mey, 2001:

61). Grice cited in Brown and Yule (1988: 31) states that implicature does

account for what a speaker can imply, suggest, or mean, as distinct from what

the speaker literally says. According to Gazdar (1979: 38), an implicature is a

proposition that is implied by the utterance of a sentence in a context even

though that proposition is not a part of nor an entailment of what was actually

said. Meanwhile, Yule (2010: 149) says that implicature is an additional

meaning which is conveyed by a speaker in order to maintain the cooperative

principle. Grice makes a distinction between what is said by speaker of a verbal

utterance and what is implicated. Based on Grice (1975: 24), “implicature” can

be described as an inferred meaning, typically with a different logical form from

the original utterance. Implicature is something implied and meant from what is

said (Grundy, 2000: 273). Implicature is generated intentionlally by the speaker

and may or may not be understood by the hearer (Thomas, 1995: 58).

Hearer in a conversation does not always understand what speaker says

because his utterance is different from what he means. It depend’s on the

interpretation and awareness of the hearer to imply the meaning. Levinson

(1983: 126) makes a distinction between kinds of implicature on another

dimension; they are conventional implicature and conversational implicature. Conventional Implicature

Conventional implicature is not based on the cooperative principle. It

does not have to occur in conversation, and it does not depend on special context

for their interpretation. Conventional implicature are not derived from the

maxims of conversation but simply attached by convention to particular

expressions (Crystal, 2008: 238). English conjunction “but” is one of these

words. Other English words such as ‘even’ ‘yet’ also have conventional

implicature. It does not depend on special context for their interpretation.

Furthermore, conventional implicature is associated with specific words and

results in additional conveyed meaning when those words are used. An example

is but in ‘He is poor but happy.’ The interpretation of this utterance will be he is

poor and he is happy plus an implicature of ‘contrast’ between the information.

Contrast is the conventional implicature of but. The sentence implies poverty

and happiness are not compatible but in spite of this he is still happy. So he is

poor but happy will always necessarily imply “Surprisingly he is happy in spite

of being poor”.Then, happiness is considered to be the opposite of having no

money. Conversational Implicature

Conversational implicature which is based on cooperative principle. It

refers to the implications which can be deduced from the form of an utterance,

on the basis of certain co-operative principles which govern the efficiency and

normal acceptability of conversations (Crystal, 2008: 238). A conversational

implicature is, therefore, something which is implied in conversation, that is,

something which is left implicit in actual language use (Mey, 2001: 61). The

meaning of an utterance in conversational implicature is indirectly stated in the

utterance. However, conversational implicature is based on the cooperative

principle. It usually occurs in conversation. Copperative principle is a principle

which is used by the participants in a communication to be cooperative.

Cooperative principle includes four maxims, maxim of quantity, maxim of

quality, maxim of relevance and maxim of manner. These four maxims are

called maxim of conversation. Conversational implicature arises when

participants in a conversation break the maxims.

Conversational implicature deals with utterance meaning which is the

study of extra linguistics. According to Hurford et al (2007: 3), utterance

meaning is what speaker means or intends to convey when she or he uses a piece

of languge. Utterance meaning is also called pragmatics meaning that means the

meaning of a sentence when it is produced by the speaker. Then, sentence

meaning is the study of intra linguistics. Sentence meaning is what a sentence

means, it counts as the equivalent of in the language concerned (2007: 3).

Furthermore, conversational implicature can be described as an additional

pragmatics meaning of an utterance with respect to the literal meaning expressed

by that utterance (Mey: 2001: 46). This different meaning is intended by the

speaker and expected to be understood by the hearer. The basic assumption in

conversation is that the participants stick to the cooperative principle and

maxims of conversation.

Conversational implicature occurs when one of the Grice’s maxim is

flouted. Flouting maxim takes place when speaker blatantly fails to fullfil the

maxims while still being cooperative (Grice, 1975: 49). In other words, flouting

maxim happens when the speaker conveys implicit meaning in addition to the

literal meaning of his utterance, and his implicit or additional menaing known as

conversational implicature. When flouting a maxim, the speaker does not intend

to mislead the hearer but wants him to lok for the conversational implicature,

that is, the meaning of the utterance not directly stated in the words uttered.

Besides, it is worth nothing that, in order to arrive at the implicature, the speaker

and the hearer have to recognize the context where the exchange occurs, and

know certain facts about the world is important too (adapted from Brown and

Yule, 1983: 32).

From the ways in which implicatures are calculated. Levinson (1983:

114-117) states that the properties of conversational implicatures are

distinguished into five. The first important property is that implicatures are

cancellable means they can be cancelled explicitly or contextually if it is

possible to add some additional premises to the original ones. Second property

of implicatures is that implicature are non-detachable. Implicatures cannot be

detached from an utterance simply by changing the words of the utterance for

synonyms because implicature is attached to the semantic content of what is

said, not to linguistic form. The third distinguishing feature of implicatures is

that they are calculable. For every implicature it should be possible to construct

an argument from the literal meaning or the sense of the utterance in

combination with contextual imformation and the maxims. Fourthly,

implicatures are non-conventional, that is, not part of conventional meaning of

linguistic expressions.

The implicature which has been resulted by breaking the cooperative

principle is conversational implicature. To grasp the meaning of

conversational implicature, it should be related with situation or

context where it’s happening. Conversational implicature is distinguished into

two types, generalized conversational implicature and particularized

conversational implicature Levinson (1983: 126).

1. Generalized Conversational Implicature

Yule (1996: 41) states that generalized conversational is a conversational

implicature which does not require special knowledge in the context to calculate

additional conveyed meaning. In line with Yule, Levinson (1983: 126) states that

generalized conversational implicature arise without any particular context and

special scenario being necessary. Look at the example below:

A : Did you bring pencil and eraser?

B : I brought pencil.

By the example above, it means that the speaker B does not bring eraser and it

can be understood although the speaker B does not give information about that.

There is no special background knowledge of the implicature needed to

understand the meaning.

2. Particularized Conversational Implicature

Particularized conversational implicature is the one of dimension of

kind of Grice’s conversational implicature. The particularized

conversational implicature does require such specific knowledge

of any particular context (Levinson, 1983: 126). Particularized conversational

implicature arises because of some special factor inherent in the context of

utterance and are not normally carried by the sentence used. Look the example:

Context: A and B are talking about game Pokemon GO in android phone.

A : Have you tried playing Pokemon GO in your android?

B : It is only Gingerbread.

B’s answer implicates that B cannot install Pokemon GO in B’s android phone.

Special knowledge is needed to understand the implicature of the utterance

above. Knowledge about the minimum operating system of android platform for

running application like Pokemon GO. However, because the operating

system android of B’s phone is still the old type Gingerbread, so it is indirectly

answered the A's question.

In conclusion, conversational implicature is used by hearer to imply

hidden meaning behind the speaker’s utterance. In this case, the speaker‘s

intention is to convey certain meaning through his utterances based on a certain

common knowledge and context of situation.

2.2.3 Grice’s Cooperative Principle

The success of a conversation depends on the various speakers’

approaches to the interaction. One of the most basic assumptions we must make

for successful communication is that both people in a conversation are

cooperative. The way in which people try to make conversation work is

sometimes called Cooperative Principle. Cooperative Principle makes the

conversational contribution is in the right size and agrees with the accepted

purpose of the conversation in which a speaker is connected to. Grice (1975: 45)

states that make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the

stage at which is occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk

exchange in which you are engaged. The Cooperative Principle can be explained

by four underlying rules of maxims; maxims of quality, quantity, relevance, and

manner. Grice’s four maxims can be expressed in synopsis as be brief, be true,

be relevant, and be clear (Grundy, 2000: 97).

The conversational maxims which support this principle are as follows:

a. Maxim of Quantity

This maxim requires that we offer the appropriate amount of

information. The maxim of quantity provides that, in normal circumstances,

speakers say just enough, that they supply no less information—and no more

—than is necessary for the purpose of the communication: Be appropriately

informative (Finnegan, 2008: 288).

1. Make the contribution as informative as is required for the current purpose

of the exchange.

2. Do not make our contribution more informative than is required.


A : Hi, what are you doing?

B : I am fixing my car.

In this case, A needs information about what kind of activity that B doing at

the time. B gives sufficient information without leaving a crucial piece of

information and does not give information more than is required as well. B’s

remark makes A understands that B is fixing his car.

Another example :

A : Are you going to hang out this evening?

B : Yes, I’m going to watch a movie at the cinema.
A : With whom you’ll go there?
B : With Andy and and Ivy.

The maxim of quantity proposes a speaker to contribute as informative as a

required and not to contribute too much or too little information than is

required. As Black (2006: 29) states that this maxim requires that we offer the

appropriate amount information.

b. Maxim of Quality

Speakers should tell the truth. They should not say what they think is false, or

make the statement for which they lack of evidence: Be truthful (Finnegan,

2008: 289).

1. Do not say what you believe to be false.

2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.


A : You look tired. What have you been doing?

B : Shooping for some new outfits.

A : Can I see them?
B : Sure. You can see them in my room.
A : Wow! This one looks expensive.

In the example above, B gives the answer correctly. It can be seen from B’s

answer at the end of the conversation by letting her friend to see the outfits in

her room. As Black (2006: 30) states that this maxim has to do with the truth

of falsity of an utterance. The maxim of quality suggests a speaker to say

what he believes to be true and not to say something with lack of evidence.

Another example :

A : Where is my coat?
B : It is in the wardrobe.

In this case, B put the coat in the wardrobe. So that, when A asks where his

coat is, B can answer it truthfully because he can prove it.

c. Maxim of Relevance

In this maxim, the rule is being relevant (Leech, 1983: 93). The meaning of

“relevance” is the connection between what the speaker says and the

addressee hears are related each other. Moreover, this maxim directs speakers

to organize their utterances in such a way that they are relevant to the ongoing

context: Be relevant at the time of the utterance (Finnegan, 2008: 288).


A : Where is my box of chocolates?

B : It is in your room.

In these utterances, what the hearer answers is related with what the speaker

asks about place of his box of chocolates. The answer and the question are

relevant, and it fulfills the maxim of relevance.

Another example :

A : Where are you from?

B : I’m from Mataram.
A : Can I see your driver license?
B : Yes sir. Here it is

The conversation above shows that B always gives relevant answer to A’s

questions. When someone’s responses are related to every question asked that

means he follows the rule of maxim of relevance.

d. Maxim of Manner

Maxim of manner suggests speakers to be clear. It refers not to what is said,

but to how it is expressed. This maxim dictates that speakers and writers

avoid ambiguity and obscurity and be orderly in their utterances: Be orderly

and clear (Finnegan, 2008: 288).

The rules are:

1. Avoid obscurity of expression.

2. Avoid ambiguity.
3. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity).
4. Be orderly.

A : Where were you yesterday night?

B : I went to Laila’s house and borrowed her some money.

The example above shows that the maxim of manner is obeyed. B gives clear

explanation since he can explain orderly where he was yesterday.

Another example:

A: Where is my phone?
B: It is on the table in my bedroom.

The conversation is clear without the appearance of misunderstanding. It was

perfectly brief and well ordered. The maxim theory can be beneficial for the

speakers and addressees who are obeying the rules of cooperative principle.

So, if they obey these maxims, the communication runs well and smoothly.

2.2.4 Flouted Maxim

The flouted maxim occurs when a speaker blatantly fails to observe a

maxim, not with any intention of deceiving or misleading, but because he or she

wants the hearer to look for the meaning of expression which is different from

the expressed meaning. It takes place when individuals deliberately cease to

apply the maxims to persuade their listeners to find the hidden meaning behind

the utterances; that is, the speakers employ “implicature” (Levinson: 1983: 104)

Implicature often happen in a conversation when the speaker are not

confidence to say in straight way. Grundy (2000: 78) states that flouting is a

particularly silent way of getting an addressee to draw an inference and hence

recover an “implicature”. It is also said by Cutting (2002: 37) that flouting the

maxims is when the speakers appear not to follow the maxims but expect hearers

to appreciate the meaning implied. Cutting (2002: 37-39) determined flouting of

maxims as follows:

a. Flouted Maxim of Quantity

Flouting maxim of quantity occurs when a speaker blatantly give more or

less information. Cutting (2002: 37) stated that “the speaker who flouts the

maxim of quantity seems to give too little or too much information. It means that

the speaker may give information not as it requires. Here, Cutting gives his


A: Well, how do I look?

B: Your shoes are nice.

B’s answer is not giving all the information that A needs in order to fully

appreciate what is being said. B does not give his opinion about the whole

appearance of A, but B knows A will understand that implication, because A

asks about his whole appearance and only gets told about part of it.

Yule (1996: 40) provides another example of flouted maxim of quantity.

This example is a conversation between Charlene and Dexter in which the

requirements of quantity maxim is flouted:

Charlene : I hope you brought the bread and the cheese.

Dexter : Ah, I brought the bread.

In the second example, Charlene has to assume that Dexter is

cooperating and not totally unaware of quantity maxim. But he did not mention

the cheese. He tries to say that what is not mentioned is not brought. He

intentionally gives too little information in responding to Charlene’s utterance so

Charlene, as the hearer, is expected to understand the unimplied meaning of ‘Ah,

I brought the bread.’ By saying that utterance, Dexter has flouted maxim of

quantity because he does not give the required information.

Two examples above are showing that the maxim of quantity is flouted

because the information that is expected is not sufficient, B’s answer and

Dexter’s response are not complete, but A and Charlene of each example can

catch the meaning implied.

b. Flouted Maxim of Quality

The interlocutors can be mentioned as flouting the maxim of quality

when he or she implies the information which it is not suitable with the fact. The

maxim of quality is flouted when the speaker says something which blatantly

untrue or for which he or she lacks adequate evidence (Thomas, 1995: 67).

When we communicate there is an assumption that each communicant says or

writes something that will be truthful. For instance, speaker B flouts the quality

maxims by giving untrue information:

John : Winter is coming.

Bruce : You’re right and my house is a refrigerator now.

Here, John and Bruce is talking about the weather. The utterance of

Bruce, my house is a refrigerator, indicates that maxim of quality is flouted. It is

because he says something that is not suitable with the fact. Bruce is

exaggerating the condition of winter by saying his house is a refrigerator. In

terms of conveying unstated message, Bruce tries to express his agreement and

inform John that his house is very cold by saying that expression.

Another example, flom Levinson (1983: 110), of a maxim flouting of

quality is also provided as below. It is an example that breaks the maxim

requiring a speaker to say something is true and has adequate evidence.

A : Teheran’s in Turkey isn’t it, teacher?

B : And London’s in Armenian I suppose.

The example shows that the speaker of the conversation flouts maxim of

quality. Speaker B flouts maxim of quality by saying thing that

lacks adequate evidence. It makes his contribution one that is not true.

Actually, this answer is false because London is not in Armenia but in England.

In this case, B's answer serves to suggest that A's utterance is absurdly incorrect.

c. Flouted Maxim of Relevance

The maxim of relevance (be relevant) is exploited by making a response or

observation which is very obviously irrelevant to the topic in hand (Thomas,

1995: 70). So, the speaker flouts the maxim of relation when he or she does not

give a response within the topic which is being discussed. However, being

irrelevant does not mean that the speakers do not want to be relevant.

Sometimes, speakers are being irrelevant because they want to hide something

or to say something indirectly as in the example below:

A : So what do you think of Mark?

B : His flat-mate’s a wonderful cook

B does not say that she was not very impressed with Mark, but by not

mentioning him in the reply and apparently saying something irrelevant.

Precisely B changes the topic by saying flat-mate which it is not relevant with

question that asked by A.

Another example of maxim flouted of relevance, from Yule (1983: 43), is

in the following exchange:

Bert : Do you like ice-cream?

Ernie : Is the Pope Catholic?

In this conversation, Ernie is being irrelevant. Ernie’s response does not provide

a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Bert must assume that is being cooperative, so he

considers Ernie’s ‘Pope’ question and clearly the answer is “Yes”. The maxim

of relevance is flouted to emphasize her answer of ‘yes.’ Here, by being

irrelevant, Ernie flouts maxim of relevance and successful in conveying her

unstated meaning.

Next example of flouted maxim of relevance comes from Holmes (2013:

366). This example is a conversation between Harry and Joyce in which the

requirements of relevance maxim is flouted. The context of this conversation,

Harry does not like lending the family car to the children. Joyce knows this but

she has just lent their car to their son Dan:

Harry : Where’s the car?

Joyce : Dan needed to do some shopping

Joyce’s answer does not follow Grice’s conversational maxim of relevance, and

hence it generates a conversational implicature (i.e. we can infer more than is

literally said). Again the addressee infers, on the basis of logic and knowledge of

the world, that something additional is being conveyed to what is explicitly


d. Flouted Maxim of Manner

The speaker flouts the maxim of manner because he or she appears

utterances which to be obscure ambiguous. According to Cutting (2002: 39),

those who flout the maxim of manner may appear to be obscure. Here, the


A: Where are you off to?

B: I was thinking of going out to get some of that funny white stuff for
A: Ok, but don’t be long, dinner’s nearly ready.

Cutting (2002: 39) analyzes that B speaks in an ambiguous way, saying “that

funny white stuff” and “somebody” because he is avoiding saying ‘ice-cream’

and ‘Michelle’ so that his Michelle does not become excited and ask for the ice

cream before her meal. Sometimes writers play with words to heighten the

ambiguity in order to make a point.

A further example of manner maxim flouting, from Yule (1983: 43) is in

the following conversation. The speaker is flouting the maxim by being

ambiguous, ambiguity occurs whether the speaker intends to make it or not.

Sam : Where are you going with the dog?

Ann : To the V-E-T.

In this conversation, Ann answers Sam’s question ambiguously. Instead of

saying ‘vet’ directly, he spells the word ‘vet’ by its letters. Here, maxim of

manner is flouted since Ann’s utterances contain obscurity of expression.

Related to the meaning and the reason for Ann saying that, context is an

important aspect to observe.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

Maxim flouting is a part of pragmatics concept that involve an act of

disobeying the rules of being cooperative in a conversation. Disobeying the rules

by flouting maxim is different from disobeying the rules by violating it.

Disobeying by flouting happens when speakers appear not to follow the maxims

but expect hearers to appreciate the meaning implied. While, disobeying the rules

by violating occurs when speakers intentionally generate a misleading

implicature and know that the hearer will not know the truth and will only

understand the surface meaning of the words (Cutting, 2002: 37-40). This study

focuses on utterances that indicate flouted maxim conveyed by main characters in

Lucifer tv series.

In flouting maxims, people are intentionally breaking the rules of

Cooperative Principle to convey unstated meaning. People have possibilities to

flout one or more maxims of Cooperative Principle. Grice’s theory of

Cooperative Principle is used to answer the first objective of this study than

related to flouted maxim. Grice states that there are four types of maxim:

quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. Those maxims are explained orderly

and shortly as to be brief of form and informative in meaning, be truthful and

factual of information, be relevant with current context, and be clear and explicit

of expression. In a conversation, speaker may say something indirectly wich

means that his utterance carries more information than what is said. That

additional conveyed meaning is called an implicature and should be implied to

grasp the contextual meaning. Therefore, Levinson’s theory of conversational

implicature is used to answer the second objective of this study.

In sum, maxim flouting is a social phenomenon in linguistics. In this study,

two theories mentioned above are taken into account for the analysis. By

combining those theories, this study is hopefully able to present the appropriate

comprehensive findings of flouted maxim in Lucifer tv series.


This chapter discusses the method of study which includes research design, data

and source of data, methods of collecting the data and methods of analyzing the data.

3.1 Research Design

This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The use of descriptive

qualitative method is to describe the phenomena in the conversation which

related to the flouting of Gricean conversational maxims. The conversations

among characters in Lucifer tv series were described based on Grice’s maxims.

This study focused on conversational implicature and flouted maxims of

conversation which is found in the tv series. It is aimed to examine and describe

the types of flouted maxim in the tv series and to identify types of implicature

and analyze the conversational implicature in the flouted maxim of tv series


3.2 Data and Source of Data

The source of data of this study was from drama television series entitled

Lucifer from season 1 episode 1 and the data were gained from the conversation

among the characters in Lucifer. Lucifer is an American fantasy police

procedural drama television series directed by Len Wiseman and developed by

Tom Kapinos that premiered on Fox on January 25, 2016. This tv series is

adapted from comic book series entitled The Sandman written by Mike Carey.

The duration of this episode is about 44 minutes. The data of this study were the

utterances which contain conversational implicature expressed by Lucifer,

Chloe, Maze, Amenadiel, and other main characters in the tv series.

3.3 Methods of Collecting the Data

In collecting the data of this study, documentation method was applied.

Furthermore, the process of collecting data follows some steps below.

1. Downloading Lucifer tv series along with its script.

2. Watching the selected episode for several times. In the process of watching,

attention is given to the utterances in the tv series which contain flouted

maxim of conversation.

3. Transcribing the utterances produced by main characters of tv series Lucifer.

It helps to remember the scene where flouted maxim occurs and is useful in

analyzing the implicature of utterances.

3.4 Methods of Analyzing the Data

Data in this study were examined by using the theoretical framework of

Grice’s conversation maxims and its principle to investigate whether the

conversation in the tv series obey or disobey the principle of maxims of quantity,

quality, relevance and manner. Furthermore, the data also were analyzed by using

theory of implicature to find out the implicature and type of implicature.

Descriptive method was used to describe the whole events that occur to seek out

the answer of the research questions. In analyzing data, some steps were applied.

These steps are done chronologically, as follow:

1. Classifying

The first step is classifying the flouted maxim based on Grice’s

Concersational Maxims and its principle. As stated before, there are four

maxims of conversation. In this study, the data were classified in terms of the

types of maxim.

2. Describing

After classifying, the data were analyzed in order to describe the situation

where flouted maxim occurs and the context of the conversation is also

considered in order to obtain its background knowledge of the conversation.

Moreover, the conversation in the flouted maxims of tv series Lucifer were

interpreted to obtain the implicature and its type.


This chapter presents the data description and analysis. In this chapter, the data

were analyzed based on Grice’s theory of Cooperative Principle and its maxims. To

answer the problems, the data are classified and analyzed into flouted maxim and

conversational implicature.

4.1 Findings
After reading and highlighting the Lucifer’s script dialogue, the flouted

maxim and conversational implicature were found. The data were obtained by

watching the selected episode several times and by reading the Lucifer’s script

dialogue. Additionally, some notes were made to mark the utterances of the

characters in the movie that contain conversational implicature. In this case, the

Cooperative Principle is the focus of attention which has four maxims, Maxim of

Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relevance, and Maxim of Manner.

This section provides the data that have been gathered to accomplish the

objectives of the study. Then, the results of analysis are presented which are

related to the objectives of the study by using table that covers number of data,

types of maxim, types of implicature and the utterance.

No. The Type of The Conversational

The Utterance Found
Extract Flouted Maxim Implicature

Extract 1 Quantity Particularized Obviously you felt the need

to exercise your limited
power and punish me for
ignoring the speed limit…
Holed up at the Chateau.
Extract 2 Quantity Generalized Copulating with a young
woman named Faith…
Your return to The
Relevance Particularized Underworld has been
Oh, right, okay, let me just
Extract 3 check my calendar. Yeah,
here it is. Uh.. The seventh
Manner Generalized
of Never through to the
fifteenth of Ain’t Gonna
No. But we did have an
Extract 4 Quantity Generalized interesting little chat just
before he kicked off…
Hay man this is a private
Extract 5 Relevance Particularized event. How did you get in
here? (yoire not invited)

Extract 6 Quality Generalized Three years

Jimmy? Jimmy got what he

Extract 7 Quantity Particularized

Wildly irritating as well, but

Extract 8 Quantity Generalized

I’ve been watching you,

Extract 9 Relevance Generalized

4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 The Type of Flouted Maxim and Type of Implicature of the Flouted Maxim
in Lucifer TV Series

After classifying the data based on their flouted maxim, the explanation

of the data classified is presented in this section. Additionally, the situation

where flouted maxim occurs is described by considering the context of the

conversation in order to obtain its background knowledge of the conversation.

Moreover, the utterances in the flouted maxims is classified into its type of


a. The Flouted Maxim of Quantity

Extract 1

Context : This conversation is between Lucifer and an officer. It happens when

Lucifer was speeding up his car and turning on music on high volume

and a cop approached to pull over his car.

00:00:59 - 00:01:21
Officer : Turn the music down, sir. Hey, cut the music.
Lucifer : I’m sorry.
Officer : You know why I pulled you over?
Lucifer : Obviously you felt the need to exercise your limited power
and punish me for ignoring the speed limit. It’s okay. I
understand. I like to punish people too. Or at least I used to.

Based on the conversation above, the maxim of quantity is flouted since

Lucifer tells the cop more information than required. It is enough for Lucifer to

answer cop’s question by replying “yes or no” but he does not say so. He also

says more about what he loved to do. In this case, Lucifer does not observe the

maxim of quantity, so the response he gave is more informative than that is

required in the exchange then the quantity maxim is flouted. In order to fulfill

the maxim of quantity, he could answer the question by giving alternative

possible answers, such as, because I was driving at excessive speed, the music

was too loud or I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.

Lucifer’s utterance, obviously you felt the need to exercise your limited

power and punish me for ignoring the speed limit. It’s okay. I understand. I like

to punish people too or at least I used to, is interpreted as Particularized

Conversational Implicature because special knowledge is needed to draw the

implicature. And the utterance also does occur in a particular situation or

particular context, so the implicature cannot be generated from the utterance


Extract 2
Context : This conversation is between Maze and Lucifer and happens in the

LUX bar. When Lucifer came in to the bar and he was asked by

Maze about his temporary disappearance.

00:03:29 - 00:03:35
Maze : Where’ve you been?
Lucifer : Holed up at the Chateau. Copulating with a young woman
named Faith. It’s Ironic, isn’t it?

In the conversation above, it can be seen that maxim of quantity is

flouted by Lucifer. He gives too much information to Maze by answering the

question with too informative response. In answering the question, Lucifer just

need to mention the place where he has been. However, he is more informative

than that is required in that exchange. He does complete his answer by

mentioning the place where he has been while actually Maze does not need to

know what he was doing at that time. The first sentence of this conversation is

the required information. Meanwhile, the second sentence is not the required

information. By conveying the second sentence, Lucifer fails to fulfill the

maxim of quantity. The quantity maxim is flouted by Lucifer because he breaks

the requirement of quantity maxim, make a contribution as informative as is

required for the current purpose of the exchange.

If Lucifer observed maxim of quantity, he would stop after the first

sentence is finished. The second sentence should be omitted in order to make a

contribution as informative as is required for conveying the purpose, then the

maxim of quantity would not be flouted. For generating the implicature, we do

not need to relate the utterance with the context because there is no relation

between the contexts for generating implicature from the utterance. The

utterance is not in the particular context, so the implicature is classified as

generalized conversational implicature.

Extract 4

Context : This conversation is between Lucifer and Chloe in the LUX club. It

happens after he and Delilah, victims, were riddled with bullets but

only him who got survived without any scratch. Chloe, homicide

detective, was questioning Lucifer as a witness for that accident.

00:11:14 - 00: 11:38

Lucifer : You look familiar. Have we met before?

Chloe : Yeah, five minutes ago and I’m asking the question. Talk to
me about your relationship with the victim.

Lucifer : She used to work here a few years back. I would occasionally
accompany her while she sang. Then she became a big star and
someone decided to end her life.
Chloe : Do you know the shooter?
Lucifer : No. But we did have an interesting little chat just before he
kicked off. I asked him why he did it.

The conversation above, the maxim of quantity is flouted by Lucifer. He

gives more information to the detective by responding the question with a long

response. In answering the question, it is enough for Lucier replying “no”, but he

does not. Hence, his information is more informative than that is required in that

exchange. Lucifer’s reply “no” from the utterance is the required information.

Meanwhile, the utterance after that sentence is not the required information. By

uttering a long response, Lucifer fails to fulfill the maxim of quantity. The

quantity maxim is flouted by Lucifer because he breaks the requirement of

quantity maxim, do not make our contribution more informative than is required.

For generating the implicature, we do not to relate the utterance with the

context because there is no relation between the context and the utterance to

generate an implicature. The utterance is not in the particular context, so the

implicature is classified as generalized conversational implicature.

Extract 7

Context : This conversation is between Chloe and Lucifer. It happens in a

hospital room, where Chloe had been unconscious for a few hours and

she is taken care after she was shot by Jimmy when trying to arrest a

suspect of a shooting case.

0040:33 - 00: 40:51

Chloe : What happened to Jimmy?
Lucifer : Jimmy? Jimmy got what he deserved.
Chloe : Well, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead if you hadn’t helped me. So,
thank you.
Lucifer : Sorry. What was that? The last bit. I can’t quite get that.
Chloe : I’m sorry.

The situation from this exchange is that Chloe asks Lucifer about what

happen to the suspect, Jimmy, after she was unconscious. Here, Lucifer does not

give an appropriate contribution to the conversation. Lucifer should responds to

the question by giving an informative explanation as expected. However, in this

exchange, Lucifer does not do that. He chooses to give too little amount of


In terms of flouted maxim, the maxim of quantity is flouted because

Lucifer does not make his contribution to be sufficient for the purpose of the

exchange. Lucifer is intentionally breaking the maxim to convey unimplied

meaning. In this case, the implied meaning can be generated by sharing the

common knowledge and knowing the context of the utterance. So the

implicature is generated as particularized conversationa implicature.

Extract 8

Context : This conversation is between Chloe and Lucifer in a new scene. It

happens in a hospital room, where Chloe had been unconscious for a

few hours and she is taken care after she got shot when trying to arrest

a suspect of a shooting case. When she wake up on a bed , she asks

Lucifer why he saved her life from fire of bullets.

0040:57 - 00: 41:07

Lucifer : And besides, you know. You’re far too interesting to let die

Chloe : You saved my life because I’m interesting?
Lucifer : Wildly irritating as well.

In the conversation above, the maxim of quantity is flouted by Lucifer.

He gives more information than required to the detective by giving a little bit

long answer. Lucifer in his utterance is uncooperative by

giving more information than required. Lucifer can simply replies “yes” to

answer the Chloe’s question. Lucifer’s word“yes” from the utterance is the

required information. Meanwhile, the words that before it are not the required


To understand the implicature, we do not must relate it with the any

context because the utterance is presented not in particular situation, so the

implicature can be generated from the utterance itself. When special knowledge

is not exist in an utterances, then type of the conversational implicature must be

a generalized conversational implicature.

b. The Flouted Maxim of Quality

Extract 6

Context : This exchange is between Chloe and Lucifer in a new scene. It

happens in a hospital room, where Chloe had been unconscious for a

few hours and she is taken care after she got shot when trying to arrest

a suspect of a shooting case.

00:39:52 - 00: 40:08

Lucifer : Well, look who’s back
Chloe : How long have I been out?
Lucifer : Three years

In the exchange above, maxim of quality is flouted when Lucifer says

something that he believes is false. Lucifer exaggerated this situation as if Chloe

had been unconscious for a long period of time. Taking a look at the fact that

Chloe has been unconscious for a few hours. When Chloe asked for how long

she had been out, Lucifer replies with an exaggerating utterance by telling her

that she had been out for three years. Of course Lucifer knew that it was not the

truth. He makes a contribution that is not true and intentionally breaks the

maxim of quality to imply how hard his feeling about her current condition.

Lucifer’s utterance, Three years, is classified as Generalized

Conversational Implicature because there is no special knowledge needed to

know the implicature. And the utterance does occur not in a certain context, so

the implicature can be generated from the utterance itself.

c. The Flouted Maxim of Relevance

Extract 3
Context : This conversation is between Lucifer and Amenadiel in a bar. When

Lucifer and Maze are having a conversation, Amenadiel pay a visit to

the bar and time is suddenly slow down because Amanediel, an angel,

has a power to make time runs slowly. He asks Lucifer to go back to

hell for doing his job.

00:03:29 - 00:03:35
Lucifer : Amenadiel! How’s it hanging, big guy? Huh?
Amenadiel : Your return to The Underworld has been requested.
Lucifer : Oh, right, okay, let me just check my calendar. Yeah, here
it is. The seventh of Never through to the fifteenth of Ain’t
Gonna Happen? How does that work for you guys?

In the dialogue above, Amenadiel does not observe the cooperative

principle. Maxim of relevance is flouted by giving irrelevant response than what

Lucifer needs. Lucifer asks about his condition, but Amanediel replies with a

statement about the request of the underworld. He intentionally emphasizes his

main purpose of coming to the club. Instead of stating his intention directly,

Amenadiel can answer Lucifer’s question in order to obey maxim of relevance,

such as by saying “I am fine”.

Amanediels’ utterance Your return to The Underworld has been

requested is not relevant with the question and it rises an implicature. The

special knowledge is needed to infer types of conversational implicature of the

utterance, then the implicature is classified as particularized conversational

implicature. Hence, for generating its implicature we have to know what the

underworld is. In its archaic sense, the term Underworld refers to hell, a deep pit

or distant land of shadows where the deaths are gathered (

Extract 5

Context : Lucifer is visiting to a wedding of his old friend to look for any

information about a homicide case. When he just arrived at the

wedding, he is yelling to disturb the wedding ceremony. In this

conversation, Lucifer asks Jimmy whether he has a connection with

his ex girlfriend’s death.

00:13:59 - 00: 14:08

Lucifer : Jimmy Barnes! Remember me?

Jimmy : Hay man this is a private event. How did you get in
Lucifer : Yeah, and quite a lavish one for a record provider on the

From the conversation above, an implicature is raised from Jimmy’s

utterances. It means that he does not observe maxim well. The maxim of

relevance is flouted by Jimmy. He flouts maxim of relevance by giving an

irrelevant statement where he supposed to answer Lucifer’s question first and

then he can ask a question to Lucifer. In order to satisfy Lucifer’s question he

could answer by saying “of course I remember you” or “yes I do”.

The flouted maxim of relevance occurs when speaker expects listener to

conclude an inference from the previous utterance. And to generate the

implicature, we need to relate the utterance with the context because there is

relation between the context and the utterance. The conversation happens in a

particular context, so the implicature is classified as particularized

conversational implicature.

Extract 9

Context : This conversation happens when Lucifer just arrived at his club and

Amenadiel pays a visit for the second time to talk with him. As ususal,

time is suddenly slow down because Amanediel is using his porew

again. He asks Lucifer to consider his offer for going back to hell for

doing his job.

0042:07 - 00: 41:15

Lucifer : What do you want from me?
Amenadiel : I’ve been watching you, Lucifer.
Lucifer : You perv.

Amenadiel : And I’m not sure I like what I see. You’re showing
restrain, mercy.

In this exchange, the maxim of relevance is flouted by Amenadiel. He

flouts maxim of relevance by stating something which is not relevant. He fails to

fulfill the maxim of relevance which requires a speaker to be relevant in a

conversation. Amenadiel should pays attention to Lucifer’s question when

giving his statement. Moreover, his answer does not answer Lucifer’s question

relevantly. Since his answer does not seem to fulfill the indicator of maxim of

relevance, so Amenadiel has flouted maxim of relevance.

We do not must relate it with the any context in order to understand the

implicature because the utterance is presented not in the particular situation or

we do not need to know the participants, so it could be said that we could

generate the implicature from the utterance itself. When no special knowledge is,

then type of the conversational implicature must be a generalized conversational


d. The Flouted Maxim of Manner

Extract 3
Context : This conversation is between Lucifer and Amenadiel in a bar. When

Lucifer and Maze are having a conversation, Amenadiel, an angel,

pays a visit to the bar and time is suddenly slow down because

Amanediel has a power to make time runs slowly. He delivers a

message from the Father of theirs about asking Lucifer to go back to

hell for doing his job.

00:03:29 - 00:03:35

Lucifer : Amenadiel! How’s it hanging, big guy? Huh?
Amenadiel : Your return to The Underworld has been requested.
Lucifer : Oh, right, okay, let me just check my calendar. Yeah,
here it is. The seventh of Never through to the fifteenth
of Ain’t Gonna Happen. How does that work for you

In the dialogue above, Lucifer does not observe the cooperative

principle. Maxim of manner is flouted by giving excessively long and trivial

response. Since Lucifer breaks the maxim of manner which requires him to be

clear and avoid long utterance. He is being obscure so that Amenadiel cannot

understand his statement directly. Instead of saying “The seventh of Never

through to the fifteenth of Ain’t Gonna Happen”, he may say it clearly that he

will never back to hell so the message can be understood quickly and clearly.

Here, his prolixity is the one that causes the misunderstanding. However, he

flouts maxim of manner by giving long expression but he does not say a lie.

Lucifer’s utterance, The seventh of Never through to the fifteenth of

Ain’t Gonna Happen, has implicature because the utterance does occur not in a

particular situation or particular context and there is no special knowledge

needed to know the implicature. So, the imolicature can be inferred from the

utterance itself and the utterance does occur not in a particular situation or

particular context, so the implicature can be generated from the utterance itself

and interpreted as Generalized Conversational Implicature.

4.2.2 The Implicature of the Flouted Maxim in Lucifer TV Series

After classifying the types of flouted maxim and its types of

implicature. This section presents further information about the interpretation of

meaning that can be implied from utterances in previous section. This section

presents the implicature of the utterences that contains flouted maxim.

a. The Implicature of Flouted Maxim of Quantity

Extarct 1

The Lucifer’s utterance in extract 1 raises a conversational implicature

because he gave too much information than required. Lucifer could say I do or I

don’t. But he replies obviously you felt the need to exercise your limited power

and punish me for ignoring the speed limit. It’s okay. I understand. I like to

punish people too, which implies that Lucifer indirectly admits that he breaks

the speed limit. And also his utterances imply that the cop wants to give him a

fine for violating the traffic rule that can endanger other people. Besides, by his

utterance he wants to convey that he is much more powerful than the cop

because he is devil who ruled the hell and loved torturing souls for their sins

long time ago before he left to earth.

Extract 2

Maxim of quantity is flouted when one of participants in a conversation

gives too much or too less information to other participant. In that occasion,

Lucifer gives too much information rather than gives the answer directly to let

maze find the implicature beyond what is literary said. Lucifer’s utterance,

Holed up at the Chateau. Copulating with a young woman named Faith. It’s

Ironic, isn’t it?, contains implicature. The implicature from the senctence is that

he cannot stand any longer for staying at his place alone. It can be interpreted

from the first and the second sentence which have opposite meaning by what are

said. The first sentence is interpreted as no one wants to be bothered when she or

he exiles themselves in a room or any place, meanwhile in second sentence

Lucifer says that he has a woman as an accompany at his place. Lucifer

indirectly stated his intention by conveying ironic statement.

Extract 4

The utterance of Lucifer in extract 4 indirectly raises conversational

implicature. Lucifer answers Chloe’s question by saying no. But we did have an

interesting little chat just before he kicked off. I asked him why he did it. It

means that Lucifer was introgating the shooter before he is dead, the utterance

before he kicked off is seen not by its literal meaning but its hidden meaning.

Lucifer asks for a reason why he shot Delilah

Extract 7

In the exchange, Lucifer flouts the maxim of quantity where he does not

give informative contribution as required in his utterance. He possibly thought

that Chloe, as a detective, already knew as usual what happens to criminal like

Jimmy. Lucifer replies Jimmy got what he deserved which implies that Jimmy is

not the threat anymore because the police have handled the case and arrested

him in prison. So, the case that has connection between Delilah and Jimmy

which she has been doing is over.

Extract 8

Lucifer flouts the maxim of quantity which means that he gives more

information than what is required, he could answer the question by just saying

yes. Lucifer says wildly irritating as well, but yes which causes an implicature.

Lucifer replies Chloe by indirectly saying that she is not only interesting but also

annoying person because she is different from all person he has met. She is not

easy to persuade like most of people that is why Lucifer compliments her by

saying something opposite instead of saying she is challenging.

b. The Implicature of Flouted Maxim of Quality

Extract 6

Lucifer causes a conversational implicature in his utterance. He does not

give true information about how long she has been unconscious. He flouts the

maxim of quality by saying three years to hide something beyond his answer.

His utterance implicates that he does not want Chloe to know truth. From his

answer he wants to settle down her feeling by making a joke and to entertain her

by shocking her as well. In order to fulfill the question and the maxim of quality,

Lucifer should responds the question with truthful answer as it is supposed to be,

like she has been unconscious for 12 hours.

c. The Implicature of Flouted Maxim of Relevance

Extract 3

Amenadiel has conversational implicature in his utterance because he

does not observe the maxim of relevance. Amenadiel flouts the maxim of

relevance by giving a statement to Lucifer where he should answer Lucifer’s

question first then he can deliver his statement. Amenadiel’s utterance

implicates that Lucifer should stop his business on earth and go back to the hell

for doing his job to punish the dead souls under his surveillance as he did long

time ago when he was a king of hell.

Extract 5

In the talk exchange, Lucifer aks Jimmy whether Jimmy still recognizes

him or not. But Jimmy gives irrelevant answers. Thus, Jimmy’s utterances raise

implicatures because he does not answer Lucifer’s question directly and anlso

his answer also is not relevant with question being asked. What can be implied

from Jimmy’s utterances is that Lucifer should not be in there because the

wedding event is restricted only for close families and he also is not invited to

his wedding ceremony.

Extract 9

In the conversation, Lucifer asks Amenadiel about what he wants, but

Amenadiel responses something else. Amenadiel expresses that he has been

watching Lucifer. In his utterance, he uses a present perfect progressive tense so

the meaning can be interpreted that Amenadiel is watching over Lucifer all the

the time. I’ve been watching you, Lucifer means that Amenadiel has given a duty

to keep Lucifer from involving with humanity. Because if Amenadiel does not

obey the command, he will get a punishment from the Father.

d. The Implicature of Flouted Maxim of Manner

Extract 3

In the conversation, Lucifer flouts the maxim of manner and

intentionally raises an implicature by giving long utterance. Hence, Oh, right,

okay, let me just check my calendar. Yeah, here it is. The seventh of Never

through to the fifteenth of Ain’t Gonna Happen which means that he does not

want to accept the request. Besides, he is not going back to hell forever because

he was sick and tired of doing the same thing time by time that is torturing souls

and playing a part of the Father’s plans. In order to satisfy the question and the

maxim of manner, Lucifer should answers with clear expressions. Lucifer could

say No. It won’t gonna happen or No. I don’t want to back to the Hell.


This chapter presents two sections, conclusion and suggestion, which are drawn

after analyzing and interpreting the data. The conclusion was made based on the

formulated research questions, while suggestion was addressed to give additional

information to the next researchers who are interested in doing further research in the

same field of research in the future.

5.1 Conclusion

According to Grice’s cooperative principle theory, speaker and listener

should follow a set of rules to avoid misunderstanding between them. If the

speaker and the listener do not follow the Cooperative Principle, the non

observance maxims will be generated that cause implicature. According to the

findings and discussion, some conclusions related to the flouted maxim uttered by

main characters Lucifer tv series can be drawn.

Regarding to the data analysis dealing with the types of flouted maxim,

the main characters of Lucifer perform four types of flouted maxim; quantity,

quality, relevance, and manner. The occurrences of each type of flouted maxim are

different in the episode. The most occurring type of flouted maxim is quantity

maxim with 5 occurences. The fouted maxim of relevance is on the second rank

with 2 occurrences. The followed by flouted maxim of Quality and Manner with 1

occurrence of each.

Based on the findings, the existence of two types of conversational

implicatures by Grice theory is found in this movie, generalized and particularized

conversational implicature. In the data analysis, nine implicatures were found from

the main character’s dialogue that are very imbalanced in which there are seven

generalized conversational implicatures and two particularized conversational

implicatures. Most of conversational implicature rised because the maxim of

quantity is flouted by main characters. Furthermore, the main characters make

contribution to be more informative than required. It happens because the

characters want to convince what they exactly meant to another participant of the

conversation and also they expect hearer to find the implied meaning beyond what

is said.

5.2 Suggestion
In this section, some suggestions in regard to the study are provided for

some related parties as follows:

1. For readers, this study is expected to enrich their knowledge about the flouted

maxims and conversational implicature. By reading this study, the readers are

expected to understand and relize more about Cooperative Principle and

implicature in Pragmatics and can interpret the interlocutor’s real meanings

which are frequently uttered by speakers in their utterances.

2. For English learners, this study is expected to be a source of learning to study

about Pragmatics, especially Cooperative Principle in which maxims are flouted

that becomes an important point to be aware of. And also by learning

implicature, learners do not only broaden their knowledge of language but also

improve their sensitivity of producing words.

3. For further researchers, who want to make a betterment study, they can

investigate another issues that related to another topics such as, conventional

implicature, hedging, violating, or speech act from another source such as a

novel or a talkshow.

4. Hopefully, this study is expected be beneficial for everyone who has interest in

the same field of study.


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The Movie’s Script

1 11
00:00:02,104 --> 00:00:04,538 00:00:33,835 --> 00:00:35,263 22
("Ain't No Rest for the ♪ He put a gun up to my head ♪ 00:00:56,829 --> 00:00:58,636
Wicked" ♪ I got bills to pay,
by Cage the Elephant playing) 12 I got mouths to feed ♪
00:00:35,305 --> 00:00:38,286
2 ♪ He made it clear he wasn't 23
00:00:13,831 --> 00:00:15,287 looking for a fight ♪ 00:00:58,711 --> 00:01:00,409
♪ I was walking Turn the music
down the street ♪ 13 down, sir.
00:00:38,391 --> 00:00:39,944
3 ♪ He said, 24
00:00:15,322 --> 00:00:16,921 "Give me all you got ♪ 00:01:00,444 --> 00:01:02,344
♪ When out the corner ♪ There ain't nothing
of my eye ♪ 14 in this world for free... ♪
00:00:39,979 --> 00:00:41,531
4 ♪ "I want your money, 25
00:00:16,956 --> 00:00:19,933 not your life ♪ 00:01:02,379 --> 00:01:04,813
♪ I saw a pretty little thing Hey, cut the music.
approaching me ♪ 15
00:00:41,566 --> 00:00:42,924 26
5 - ♪ But if you try to make a 00:01:04,848 --> 00:01:06,448
00:00:19,968 --> 00:00:21,772 move, (chuckling):
♪ She said, - (siren wailing) I'm sorry.
"I never seen a man ♪
16 27
6 00:00:42,959 --> 00:00:44,523 00:01:06,483 --> 00:01:07,883
00:00:21,807 --> 00:00:22,945 I won't think twice" ♪ (music volume decreases)
♪ "Who looked so all alone ♪
17 28
7 00:00:44,627 --> 00:00:46,129 00:01:07,918 --> 00:01:09,451
00:00:22,980 --> 00:00:26,103 ♪ I told him, You know why I pulled you
♪ Oh, could you use "You can have my cash ♪ over?
a little company?" ♪
18 29
8 00:00:46,164 --> 00:00:47,519 00:01:09,486 --> 00:01:11,920
00:00:26,138 --> 00:00:29,045 ♪ "But first you know Well, obviously, you felt
♪ Not even 15 minutes later, I got to ask ♪ the need to exercise
still walking down the street ♪ 19 30
00:00:47,593 --> 00:00:50,674 00:01:11,955 --> 00:01:13,622
9 ♪ What made you want to live your limited powers
00:00:29,134 --> 00:00:32,234 this kind of life?" ♪ and punish me
♪ When I saw the shadow of a
man 20 31
creep out of sight ♪ 00:00:50,709 --> 00:00:53,960 00:01:13,657 --> 00:01:15,123
♪ He said there ain't no rest for ignoring
10 for the wicked ♪ the speed limit.
00:00:32,416 --> 00:00:33,800
♪ And then he swept up 21 32
from behind ♪ 00:00:54,081 --> 00:00:56,794 00:01:15,159 --> 00:01:17,492
♪ Money don't grow on trees ♪ It's okay. I understand.
00:01:39,983 --> 00:01:42,904 57
33 (chuckles) You people are 00:02:07,077 --> 00:02:08,477
00:01:17,528 --> 00:01:19,828 funny People like to tell me things,
I-I like to punish people, too. about your laws, aren't you?
34 46 00:02:08,512 --> 00:02:12,581
00:01:19,863 --> 00:01:21,329 00:01:43,320 --> 00:01:46,988 those deep, dark, naughty little
Or at least I used to. You break the law sometimes, desires that are on their mind.
don't you?
35 59
00:01:21,365 --> 00:01:23,665 47 00:02:12,616 --> 00:02:14,282
License and 00:01:47,024 --> 00:01:49,424 It's a gift.
registration. ♪ I said, "You're such
a sweet young thing..." ♪ 60
36 00:02:14,318 --> 00:02:16,184
00:01:23,700 --> 00:01:25,467 48 Must be something
(sighs) 00:01:49,460 --> 00:01:51,026 about this face.
Coming right up. Sometimes...
37 49 00:02:17,354 --> 00:02:18,854
00:01:25,502 --> 00:01:27,035 00:01:51,061 --> 00:01:53,028 You're tempted
♪ Man creep out of sight ♪ I put my siren on to keep that, aren't you?
and drive really fast
38 62
00:01:27,070 --> 00:01:28,670 50 00:02:18,889 --> 00:02:21,156
♪ And then he swept up... ♪ 00:01:53,063 --> 00:01:54,696 Well, what are you
for no reason at all, waiting for, permission?
00:01:28,705 --> 00:01:31,106 51 63
Are you trying 00:01:54,731 --> 00:01:56,231 00:02:21,191 --> 00:02:23,225
to bribe me, sir? just 'cause I can. Go on, take it, buy yourself
something pretty.
40 52
00:01:31,141 --> 00:01:32,450 00:01:56,266 --> 00:01:57,232 64
Yes, of course. Right? 00:02:23,260 --> 00:02:24,359
You deserve it.
41 53
00:01:32,485 --> 00:01:35,343 00:01:57,267 --> 00:01:58,800 65
♪ He said, And why wouldn't you? It's 00:02:26,163 --> 00:02:28,864
"Give me all you got..." ♪ fun. But if you don't mind,
I really must be on my way.
42 54
00:01:35,379 --> 00:01:36,344 00:01:58,836 --> 00:02:01,203 66
Is that not enough? It feels good to get away 00:02:28,899 --> 00:02:30,532
with something, doesn't it? Oh, yeah, of course.
00:01:36,380 --> 00:01:38,447 55 67
Take more. It's only money. 00:02:01,238 --> 00:02:03,305 00:02:30,567 --> 00:02:32,934
Yeah. Hey, have a nice evening.
00:01:38,482 --> 00:01:39,948 56 68
It's against 00:02:04,908 --> 00:02:07,042 00:02:32,970 --> 00:02:35,770
the law, sir. Uh, it's okay, You, too, Officer.
45 69
00:02:35,806 --> 00:02:37,339 00:03:16,179 --> 00:03:21,490
- You, too. ♪ Fame lets him loose, 93
- (music volume increases) hard to swallow ♪ 00:03:49,713 --> 00:03:52,714
Now, Lucifer,
70 81 I am a big fan of sex.
00:02:37,374 --> 00:02:40,001 00:03:21,525 --> 00:03:26,537
♪ "You can have my cash, but ♪ Fame puts you there 94
first you know I got to ask ♪ where things are hollow ♪ 00:03:52,749 --> 00:03:53,782
71 82
00:02:40,036 --> 00:02:42,932 00:03:26,572 --> 00:03:29,157 95
♪ What made you want to live ♪ Fame... ♪ 00:03:53,817 --> 00:03:56,685
this kind of life?" ♪ But I didn't leave Hell
83 to be a bartender.
72 00:03:29,192 --> 00:03:31,026
00:02:43,038 --> 00:02:46,448 Where have you been? 96
♪ He said there ain't no rest 00:03:56,720 --> 00:03:58,687
for the wicked ♪ 84 Shouldn't you be spending
00:03:31,061 --> 00:03:32,610 your valuable time
73 Oh, holed up
00:02:46,483 --> 00:02:49,037 in a château, 97
♪ Money don't grow on trees ♪ 00:03:58,722 --> 00:04:01,957
85 doing something
74 00:03:32,645 --> 00:03:34,930 more significant?
00:02:49,141 --> 00:02:52,274 copulating with a young
♪ I got bills to pay, woman named Faith. 98
I got mouths to feed ♪ 00:04:01,992 --> 00:04:03,172
86 (scoffs)
75 00:03:34,965 --> 00:03:36,298
00:02:52,309 --> 00:02:55,306 It's ironic, isn't it? 99
♪ There ain't nothing 00:04:03,207 --> 00:04:05,927
in this world for free ♪ 87 You're the lord of Hell,
00:03:36,333 --> 00:03:39,601 for crying out loud.
76 Thank you, Patrick.
00:02:55,341 --> 00:02:58,554 You can go. 100
♪ Oh, no, there ain't 00:04:05,963 --> 00:04:08,296
no rest for the wicked ♪ 88 I am retired, Maze.
00:03:42,406 --> 00:03:43,705 I've got nothing but time.
77 (chuckles)
00:02:58,589 --> 00:03:01,443 101
- ♪ Until we close our eyes for 89 00:04:08,332 --> 00:04:09,731
good. ♪ 00:03:43,740 --> 00:03:45,240 Thank you.
- Hey, boss. You little devil.
78 90 00:04:13,337 --> 00:04:15,470
00:03:01,478 --> 00:03:04,546 00:03:45,275 --> 00:03:46,274 (music plays in slow motion)
("Fame" by David Bowie What?
playing) 103
91 00:04:18,909 --> 00:04:22,377
79 00:03:46,310 --> 00:03:48,043 (echoing):
00:03:10,741 --> 00:03:16,144 I dropped something. ♪<i> Fame, fame...</i> ♪
♪ Fame makes a man
take things over ♪ 92 104
00:03:48,078 --> 00:03:49,678 00:04:22,412 --> 00:04:24,980
80 Well, I'm sure you did. I think you have a visitor.
105 00:04:54,609 --> 00:04:57,112 129
00:04:31,321 --> 00:04:32,111 because I was sick and tired 00:05:19,936 --> 00:05:21,036
(sighs) of playing a part in his play. What exactly do
you think happens
106 118
00:04:32,146 --> 00:04:35,097 00:04:57,147 --> 00:04:58,313 130
Amenadiel, I'm gonna warn you 00:05:21,071 --> 00:05:22,137
how's it hanging, big guy? when the Devil
119 leaves Hell?
107 00:04:58,348 --> 00:04:59,881
00:04:35,132 --> 00:04:36,169 against disrespecting 131
Huh? our father, Lucifer. 00:05:22,172 --> 00:05:23,963
108 120
00:04:36,482 --> 00:04:39,894 00:04:59,916 --> 00:05:01,583 132
Your return to the Underworld Yeah, well, our father's 00:05:23,998 --> 00:05:26,007
has been requested. been disrespecting me All of those demons,

109 121 133

00:04:39,930 --> 00:04:41,731 00:05:01,618 --> 00:05:02,784 00:05:26,043 --> 00:05:29,210
Oh, right, okay. since the beginning of time, all of those tormented
and tortured souls,
110 122
00:04:41,766 --> 00:04:43,483 00:05:02,819 --> 00:05:05,320 134
Let me just, uh, so pot-kettle, don't you think? 00:05:29,246 --> 00:05:30,578
check my calendar. where do you think they go?
111 00:05:05,355 --> 00:05:09,090 135
00:04:43,518 --> 00:04:45,100 You are a mockery of 00:05:30,614 --> 00:05:33,982
Yeah, here it is. everything divine. Don't know, don't care.

112 124 136

00:04:45,135 --> 00:04:47,068 00:05:09,126 --> 00:05:10,925 00:05:34,017 --> 00:05:35,216
Uh, the seventh of never Thank you. Not my problem, brother.

113 125 137

00:04:47,104 --> 00:04:49,004 00:05:10,961 --> 00:05:13,928 00:05:35,252 --> 00:05:38,353
through to the 15th Thank you, but lately I've been So consider the position
of ain't-gonna-happen. doing a fair amount of officially open.
114 138
00:04:49,039 --> 00:04:50,572 126 00:05:39,623 --> 00:05:41,923
How does that work 00:05:13,964 --> 00:05:15,930 And you, my feathered friend,
for you guys? Now, do you think can go to Hell.
I'm the Devil
115 139
00:04:50,607 --> 00:04:51,914 127 00:05:43,460 --> 00:05:44,726
(sighs) 00:05:15,966 --> 00:05:17,232 (chuckles)
because I'm inherently evil,
116 140
00:04:51,949 --> 00:04:54,574 128 00:05:44,761 --> 00:05:47,328
Look, remind Dad 00:05:17,267 --> 00:05:19,901 Yeah, try it.
that I quit Hell just because dear old Dad
decided I was? 141
00:05:47,364 --> 00:05:49,764 153 I can't believe you almost
You think Father's upset now. 00:06:35,946 --> 00:06:37,412 married that sweaty little imp.
And what's that?
142 165
00:05:49,800 --> 00:05:51,599 154 00:07:05,442 --> 00:07:06,407
(chuckles) 00:06:37,447 --> 00:06:41,449 He produced my album.
Did I... sell my soul
143 to the Devil? 166
00:05:54,571 --> 00:05:59,007 00:07:06,443 --> 00:07:07,809
You know, he will not be 155 You introduced me to him.
merciful for much longer. 00:06:41,485 --> 00:06:44,018
(chuckles) 167
144 Well, that would imply 00:07:07,844 --> 00:07:09,878
00:06:05,649 --> 00:06:07,749 I suggested you work with him,
(music resumes at normal 156 not sleep with him.
tempo) 00:06:44,054 --> 00:06:44,986
the Devil's actually 168
145 interested in your soul. 00:07:09,913 --> 00:07:11,412
00:06:18,628 --> 00:06:20,261 Well, I got confused.
Hey, you. 157
00:06:45,021 --> 00:06:48,356 169
146 Look, all I did 00:07:11,448 --> 00:07:12,580
00:06:20,297 --> 00:06:21,763 was introduce you And then you left him
Remember me? at the altar.
147 00:06:48,391 --> 00:06:50,792 170
00:06:21,798 --> 00:06:24,332 to a few key people who 00:07:12,616 --> 00:07:13,815
- You're famous, aren't you? owed me favors, that's all. Yeah, that was rude of me.
- GIRL: Delilah!
159 171
148 00:06:50,827 --> 00:06:54,028 00:07:13,850 --> 00:07:15,150
00:06:24,367 --> 00:06:26,933 I mean, with all the good No, actually, I quite
- LUCIFER: Delilah, isn't it? came a hell of a lot of bad. enjoyed that bit.
- GIRL: I love you, Delilah!
160 172
149 00:06:54,064 --> 00:06:56,631 00:07:15,185 --> 00:07:16,451
00:06:27,471 --> 00:06:28,603 Oh, right, so the Devil (both chuckle)
Can I have your autograph? made you do it, did he?
150 161 00:07:16,486 --> 00:07:18,686
00:06:28,638 --> 00:06:31,306 00:06:56,666 --> 00:06:59,000 You know, he trapped me
(chuckles) The alcohol and the drugs, in the bathroom at the
If I can have a drink. the topless selfies. Grammys,

151 162 174

00:06:31,341 --> 00:06:33,775 00:06:59,035 --> 00:07:00,769 00:07:18,722 --> 00:07:20,054
LUCIFER: So are you gonna The choices are said he wanted
tell on you, my dear. to get back together.
me why you really came back?
163 175
152 00:07:00,804 --> 00:07:02,737 00:07:20,090 --> 00:07:21,122
00:06:33,810 --> 00:06:35,910 I mean, Jimmy Barnes? Then I hear he's marrying
There's something
I need to know. 164 176
00:07:02,773 --> 00:07:05,406 00:07:21,158 --> 00:07:22,690
a supermodel... 201
this weekend. 189 00:08:56,152 --> 00:08:58,275
00:07:48,718 --> 00:07:51,820 Oh, no, no, no, not yet.
177 'Cause you're wasting
00:07:22,726 --> 00:07:24,359 your talent, your life. 202
And I'm jealous. 00:08:58,310 --> 00:08:59,888
190 (gasps)
178 00:07:51,855 --> 00:07:54,222
00:07:24,394 --> 00:07:26,928 Hmm? 203
Oh, God, I'm a mess. 00:08:59,923 --> 00:09:01,155
191 What did you do?
179 00:07:56,293 --> 00:07:58,860
00:07:26,963 --> 00:07:29,097 You're human, darling. 204
God has nothing to (chuckles) 00:09:01,191 --> 00:09:02,690
do with your mess. I'm sorry.
180 00:07:58,895 --> 00:08:01,095 205
00:07:29,132 --> 00:07:30,832 I'm gonna do 00:09:02,726 --> 00:09:04,692
Look... as you asked. "Sorry."

181 193 206

00:07:32,102 --> 00:07:35,069 00:08:01,131 --> 00:08:03,498 00:09:04,728 --> 00:09:06,794
You didn't sell I'm gonna get Why did you end her life?
your soul, Delilah. it together.
182 194 00:09:06,830 --> 00:09:08,830
00:07:35,105 --> 00:07:36,504 00:08:03,533 --> 00:08:05,800 Why else?
You do owe me a favor. Promise, Lucifer.
183 195 00:09:08,865 --> 00:09:10,265
00:07:36,540 --> 00:07:38,206 00:08:05,836 --> 00:08:07,735 Money.
I'm scared. Look, it's not about me.
184 196 00:09:10,300 --> 00:09:12,233
00:07:38,241 --> 00:07:39,641 00:08:07,771 --> 00:08:11,206 "Money."
You should be. What happens now,
that's up to you. 210
185 00:09:12,269 --> 00:09:15,603
00:07:39,676 --> 00:07:40,975 197 Oh, it's times like this
Because what 00:08:11,241 --> 00:08:13,575 I wish I was still in Hell.
I'm about to ask you - Okay?
- Yeah. 211
186 00:09:15,639 --> 00:09:18,907
00:07:41,011 --> 00:07:42,544 198 All the fun activities
is gonna be 00:08:13,610 --> 00:08:15,043 I'd have planned for you.
quite difficult for you. Come here, you.
187 199 00:09:18,942 --> 00:09:21,476
00:07:43,947 --> 00:07:45,847 00:08:17,948 --> 00:08:19,247 Hey, man, I just
Pull yourself together. (tires squealing) pulled the trigger.

188 200 213

00:07:45,882 --> 00:07:48,683 00:08:33,997 --> 00:08:36,097 00:09:24,180 --> 00:09:26,414
That's it, that's (gasps) (gasps, exhales weakly)
all I'm asking.
214 239
00:09:30,654 --> 00:09:32,587 227 00:10:48,398 --> 00:10:51,466
(siren wails in distance) 00:10:25,809 --> 00:10:28,977 there's gonna be a lot of
Eddie Deacon, he's attention on this one, Chloe.
215 a low-level drug dealer.
00:09:43,400 --> 00:09:45,266 240
(helicopter whirring) 228 00:10:51,501 --> 00:10:53,434
00:10:29,012 --> 00:10:30,411 I wouldn't pick at it too hard.
216 I found these in his pocket,
00:09:45,302 --> 00:09:47,936 241
♪♪ 229 00:10:53,470 --> 00:10:55,069
00:10:30,447 --> 00:10:32,447 Not after Palmetto Street.
217 and I found this
00:09:52,309 --> 00:09:54,375 in Delilah's purse, 242
(indistinct chatter) 00:10:55,105 --> 00:10:58,206
230 I asked for this case
218 00:10:32,482 --> 00:10:33,781 because of Palmetto Street,
00:09:54,411 --> 00:09:57,412 so obviously drug-related. Dan.
(siren whooping)
231 243
219 00:10:33,817 --> 00:10:35,783 00:10:59,364 --> 00:11:02,377
00:10:04,554 --> 00:10:06,821 She probably owed him So, anyway, any witnesses?
(camera beeping, clicking) a bunch of cash or something.
220 232 00:11:02,412 --> 00:11:05,179
00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:09,757 00:10:35,819 --> 00:10:38,419 LUCIFER:
(sirens whooping) She's not exactly selling out Lucifer Morningstar.
stadiums these days.
221 245
00:10:12,295 --> 00:10:14,495 233 00:11:05,215 --> 00:11:07,849
MAN: Want to hear 00:10:38,455 --> 00:10:39,587 "Lucifer
what I've got so far? How do you know Morningstar"?
he's low-level?
222 246
00:10:16,766 --> 00:10:18,833 234 00:11:07,884 --> 00:11:10,885
Lieutenant said 00:10:39,622 --> 00:10:41,689 Is that, uh,
this is my case. Look at his car. a stage name or something?

223 235 247

00:10:18,868 --> 00:10:21,703 00:10:41,725 --> 00:10:43,391 00:11:10,920 --> 00:11:12,754
Yeah, Chloe, Did you look at his watch? (chuckles)
it is your case, God-given, I'm afraid.
224 00:10:43,426 --> 00:10:44,425 248
00:10:21,738 --> 00:10:23,338 That thing ain't cheap. 00:11:12,789 --> 00:11:13,988
but try not to take You know,
too much time. 237
00:10:44,461 --> 00:10:46,461 249
225 MAN: 00:11:14,024 --> 00:11:15,056
00:10:23,373 --> 00:10:24,572 It's probably fake. you look familiar.
It's an easy one.
238 250
226 00:10:46,496 --> 00:10:48,363 00:11:15,091 --> 00:11:16,324
00:10:24,607 --> 00:10:25,773 Look... Have we met before?
That's our bad guy.
251 00:11:41,851 --> 00:11:44,018 00:12:05,675 --> 00:12:08,176
00:11:16,359 --> 00:11:19,060 No, I just like to play Yes, he also said,
Yeah, five minutes ago. in general, Detective. "I just pulled the trigger."

252 264 276

00:11:19,095 --> 00:11:20,294 00:11:44,054 --> 00:11:45,787 00:12:08,211 --> 00:12:10,578
And I'm asking the questions. What about you? Now, don't you think
that's interesting?
253 265
00:11:20,330 --> 00:11:23,031 00:11:45,822 --> 00:11:48,856 277
Talk to me about your So, you had a conversation 00:12:10,613 --> 00:12:12,680
relationship with the victim. with a dead guy? Delilah was shot to death
by a drug dealer.
254 266
00:11:23,066 --> 00:11:25,466 00:11:48,892 --> 00:11:50,158 278
Well, she used to work here Oh, no, he wasn't quite dead. 00:12:12,715 --> 00:12:15,683
a few years back. And looks like Delilah herself
267 kept the guy pretty busy.
255 00:11:50,193 --> 00:11:51,934
00:11:25,502 --> 00:11:27,969 His soul hadn't 279
I would occasionally crossed the threshold. 00:12:15,718 --> 00:12:18,252
accompany her while she sang. You know, it's sad, it's ugly,
268 but it's not rocket science.
256 00:11:52,796 --> 00:11:55,129
00:11:28,004 --> 00:11:31,406 I see. 280
Then she became a big star and Did he tell you why he did it? 00:12:18,288 --> 00:12:20,121
someone decided to end her Something probably
life. 269 went south between them.
00:11:55,165 --> 00:11:56,998
257 Why, money, of course. 281
00:11:31,441 --> 00:11:32,673 00:12:20,156 --> 00:12:21,089
Do you know the shooter? 270 She gets riddled with bullets,
00:11:57,033 --> 00:11:59,267
258 You humans, you love your 282
00:11:32,709 --> 00:11:34,876 money, 00:12:21,124 --> 00:12:23,391
No, but we did have don't you? and a nice little act of God
an interesting little chat takes him out.
259 00:11:59,302 --> 00:12:00,902 283
00:11:34,911 --> 00:11:36,911 Yes. 00:12:23,426 --> 00:12:25,460
just before he kicked off. You know, it doesn't work
272 like that, Detective.
260 00:12:00,937 --> 00:12:02,270
00:11:36,946 --> 00:11:39,047 Yes, we do. 284
I asked him why he did it. 00:12:25,495 --> 00:12:27,361
273 It's quite a neatly wrapped
261 00:12:02,305 --> 00:12:04,405 little present
00:11:39,082 --> 00:11:41,099 And, uh, what planet
Huh, like to play cop, do you? are you from... London? 285
00:12:27,397 --> 00:12:28,896
262 274 for the LAPD, don't you think?
00:11:41,134 --> 00:11:41,816 00:12:04,441 --> 00:12:05,640
(laughs) (laughs) 286
00:12:28,932 --> 00:12:30,698
263 275
Why don't you tell me 00:13:10,340 --> 00:13:12,840
something? 299 - We're not done.
00:12:50,019 --> 00:12:51,085 - Yeah. Yeah, we are.
287 Will they be punished?
00:12:30,733 --> 00:12:32,166 312
How does she end up 300 00:13:19,968 --> 00:13:22,835
00:12:51,121 --> 00:12:52,653 ♪♪
288 Will this be a priority for you?
00:12:32,202 --> 00:12:33,434 313
dying in a hailstorm of bullets, 301 00:13:25,953 --> 00:13:29,609
00:12:52,689 --> 00:12:54,322 ♪ Once in the evening ♪
289 Because it is for me.
00:12:33,470 --> 00:12:35,203 314
and you get away 302 00:13:29,724 --> 00:13:31,649
without a scratch? 00:12:54,357 --> 00:12:55,957 ♪ There was harmony... ♪
You got some balls
290 on you, pal. 315
00:12:35,238 --> 00:12:36,971 00:13:31,684 --> 00:13:34,633
I think that's interesting. 303 If there is anyone here that
Don't you? 00:12:55,992 --> 00:12:58,292 would oppose this holy union,
Oh, thank you very much, but
291 they're really quite average. 316
00:12:37,006 --> 00:12:38,272 00:13:34,669 --> 00:13:36,368
The benefits of immortality. 304 speak now or forever
00:12:58,328 --> 00:12:59,594 hold your peace.
292 I bet.
00:12:38,308 --> 00:12:39,407 317
"Immortality." 305 00:13:36,404 --> 00:13:38,470
00:12:59,629 --> 00:13:01,429 Excuse me. Yeah,
293 Now, are you sure I have a problem.
00:12:39,442 --> 00:12:40,441 that we haven't met?
Mm, of course, uh, 318
306 00:13:38,506 --> 00:13:40,839
294 00:13:01,464 --> 00:13:03,698 Has-has anyone else noticed
00:12:40,477 --> 00:12:42,376 I could swear
you spell that I've seen you naked. 319
with one or two M's? 00:13:40,875 --> 00:13:42,341
307 how incredibly, jaw-
295 00:13:03,733 --> 00:13:04,632 droppingly,
00:12:42,412 --> 00:12:43,711 Have we had sex?
I always forget. 320
308 00:13:42,376 --> 00:13:44,710
296 00:13:06,136 --> 00:13:07,935 loin-stirringly beautiful
00:12:43,746 --> 00:12:46,280 We're done here. this young woman is
What will your corrupt little
organization do about this? 309 321
00:13:07,971 --> 00:13:08,836 00:13:44,745 --> 00:13:46,412
297 Uh, Detective, wait! and how short, sweaty
00:12:46,316 --> 00:12:48,483
Excuse me? 310 322
00:13:08,872 --> 00:13:10,304 00:13:46,447 --> 00:13:48,781
298 Someone out there and altogether fugly
00:12:48,518 --> 00:12:49,984 needs to be punished. this homunculus is?
Will you find
the person responsible? 311 323
00:13:48,816 --> 00:13:50,849 00:14:10,204 --> 00:14:11,704 to get her back recently.
I mean, what is this... Yeah, yeah, I remember you.
a wedding or a kidnapping? 347
336 00:14:31,959 --> 00:14:33,726
324 00:14:11,739 --> 00:14:14,173 I mean, I'd kill someone
00:13:50,885 --> 00:13:52,217 Now, what do you want? if they denied me once.
Do you know what I mean? I'm a little busy.
325 337 00:14:33,761 --> 00:14:35,027
00:13:53,988 --> 00:13:55,721 00:14:14,208 --> 00:14:16,442 Not that that's possible.
Yeah, good luck Well, I can't believe
with that, Padre. that you're getting married 349
00:14:35,062 --> 00:14:37,830
326 338 So, come on,
00:13:55,756 --> 00:13:57,289 00:14:16,477 --> 00:14:19,111 what do you say, Jimbo, huh?
Ooh, why you're at it, the day after your ex-fiancée
say hey for me. and once brightest star 350
00:14:37,865 --> 00:14:39,398
327 339 Did you want her dead?
00:13:57,325 --> 00:13:59,491 00:14:19,146 --> 00:14:20,879
It's been a while. was murdered in cold blood. 351
(chuckles) 00:14:39,433 --> 00:14:42,234
340 Look, stop looking at me
328 00:14:20,915 --> 00:14:22,381 that way, you freak.
00:13:59,527 --> 00:14:01,060 JIMMY: Yeah,
Jimmy Barnes! that's very sad. 352
00:14:42,269 --> 00:14:44,303
329 341 I am not playing that
00:14:01,095 --> 00:14:01,994 00:14:22,416 --> 00:14:24,483 mind game with you.
Remember me? But you know what,
she ruined my wedding once. 353
330 00:14:44,338 --> 00:14:45,471
00:14:02,029 --> 00:14:03,595 342 No, of course not!
Hey, man, 00:14:24,518 --> 00:14:26,185
this is a private event. I'm not about to let 354
that happen again. 00:14:45,506 --> 00:14:46,872
331 I was furious and
00:14:03,631 --> 00:14:04,863 343 I was humiliated
How did you get in here? 00:14:26,220 --> 00:14:27,853
It's hard to be rejected, 355
332 isn't it, Jimmy? 00:14:46,907 --> 00:14:49,174
00:14:04,899 --> 00:14:06,065 when she dumped me,
Yeah, and quite a lavish one 344 but I think, I-I think
00:14:27,888 --> 00:14:29,121
333 Twice. 356
00:14:06,100 --> 00:14:08,567 (chuckles) 00:14:49,210 --> 00:14:50,876
for a record producer I've rebounded pretty well.
on the outs. 345
00:14:29,156 --> 00:14:30,289 357
334 JIMMY: 00:14:50,911 --> 00:14:53,045
00:14:08,602 --> 00:14:10,169 What? Yes, clearly.
You do remember me, don't Respect.
you? 346
00:14:30,324 --> 00:14:31,924 358
335 Well, you tried 00:14:53,080 --> 00:14:54,947
JIMMY: Should go
play your mind games 371 383
00:15:18,672 --> 00:15:20,606 00:15:38,626 --> 00:15:40,667
359 (congregation gasping) ("Devil's Haircut" by Beck
00:14:54,982 --> 00:14:56,081 playing)
with 2Vile. 372
00:15:20,641 --> 00:15:22,441 384
360 Oh, my... 00:15:40,702 --> 00:15:44,337
00:14:56,117 --> 00:14:57,750 ♪ Something's wrong
- The rapper? 373 'cause my mind is fading ♪
- Come on. 00:15:22,476 --> 00:15:23,575
I'm sorry, I... 385
361 00:15:44,465 --> 00:15:48,434
00:14:57,785 --> 00:14:59,551 374 ♪ And everywhere I look,
Delilah dumped me 00:15:23,611 --> 00:15:25,044 there's a dead end waiting ♪
for that lunatic. I can't believe
I just said that. 386
362 00:15:48,569 --> 00:15:52,371
00:14:59,587 --> 00:15:00,853 375 ♪ Temperature's dropping
They were always fighting. 00:15:25,079 --> 00:15:26,879 at the rotten oasis ♪
LUCIFER: Oh, no, no, no.
363 Let's be honest here. 387
00:15:00,888 --> 00:15:02,187 00:15:52,406 --> 00:15:53,919
He slapped her 376 - (doorbell rings)
around a bunch. 00:15:26,914 --> 00:15:28,881 - ♪ Stealing kisses from
I mean, you're not
364 marrying this human stain 388
00:15:02,223 --> 00:15:04,723 00:15:53,954 --> 00:15:56,462
He surrounds himself with 377 the leperous faces... ♪
gun-toting morons 24-7. 00:15:28,916 --> 00:15:30,916
'cause you're actually 389
365 in love with him, right? 00:15:56,844 --> 00:15:58,310
00:15:04,759 --> 00:15:06,692 Good afternoon, sir.
He is the real deal. 378
00:15:30,951 --> 00:15:32,284 390
366 - God no. 00:15:58,345 --> 00:15:59,812
00:15:06,727 --> 00:15:08,560 - No. Yes, I'm here to see the man
379 391
367 00:15:32,319 --> 00:15:33,419 00:15:59,847 --> 00:16:01,513
00:15:09,497 --> 00:15:10,763 Right. sadly known as 2Vile...
Sorry, how rude. is he in?
368 00:15:33,454 --> 00:15:34,887 392
00:15:10,798 --> 00:15:12,664 (claps) 00:16:01,549 --> 00:16:03,549
Allow me to introduce myself. Well, I should get going. I'm sorry, sir.
He's unavailable.
369 381
00:15:12,700 --> 00:15:15,534 00:15:34,922 --> 00:15:36,221 393
Lucifer Morningstar. Ooh! 00:16:03,584 --> 00:16:05,084
He's in mourning, I'm afraid.
370 382
00:15:15,569 --> 00:15:18,637 00:15:36,257 --> 00:15:38,590 394
I really don't want to Best of luck 00:16:05,119 --> 00:16:08,000
have sex with him tonight. with you crazy kids, all right? Right.
I have narcotics for him. "Lucifer Morningstar"? 419
00:17:01,475 --> 00:17:04,476
395 407 Without the blues, there'd be
00:16:08,355 --> 00:16:10,355 00:16:37,651 --> 00:16:39,084 no devil's music whatsoever.
Right this way, sir. (laughs)
396 408 00:17:04,512 --> 00:17:06,478
00:16:10,391 --> 00:16:13,602 00:16:39,120 --> 00:16:40,919 There are, of course,
♪ Hold up, it's the game, Now, that's a good hip-hop many giants in the field.
it chose us ♪ name.
397 409 00:17:06,514 --> 00:17:08,046
00:16:13,637 --> 00:16:16,801 00:16:40,955 --> 00:16:42,221 Just not you...
♪ Pioneers started on my Well, that offends me. am I being clear?
like the Cold Crush ♪ 410 422
00:16:42,256 --> 00:16:45,424 00:17:08,082 --> 00:17:09,615
398 What, you don't like hip-hop? (chuckles) Yeah, you're
00:16:16,836 --> 00:16:19,965 being clear all right.
♪ Had smokers lining up 411
the block like a gold rush... ♪ 00:16:45,459 --> 00:16:46,925 423
No, I most certainly do not. 00:17:09,650 --> 00:17:11,717
399 - Good.
00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:22,234 412 - If you're looking
Here you go, baby. 00:16:46,961 --> 00:16:49,728
Well, that offends me. 424
400 00:17:11,752 --> 00:17:13,152
00:16:22,269 --> 00:16:25,571 413 to get yourself killed.
Can someone please turn down 00:16:51,732 --> 00:16:54,166
this god-awful music! You have a problem 425
with black people? 00:17:13,187 --> 00:17:16,622
401 (guns clicking)
00:16:25,606 --> 00:16:26,738 414
Hello, disc jockey! 00:16:54,201 --> 00:16:55,367 426
No, not in the slightest. 00:17:16,657 --> 00:17:18,824
402 Yes, well, don't waste
00:16:26,774 --> 00:16:28,674 415 your munitions... I'm immortal.
Thank you. 00:16:55,402 --> 00:16:56,468
I just hate your music. 427
403 00:17:19,693 --> 00:17:21,193
00:16:28,709 --> 00:16:30,242 416 Tell me about Delilah.
Who's this clown? 00:16:56,504 --> 00:16:58,203
- (laughs) 428
404 - And when I say 00:17:21,228 --> 00:17:23,028
00:16:30,277 --> 00:16:32,344 You ain't seen the news?
He has narcotics 417
for you, sir. 00:16:58,239 --> 00:16:59,705 429
"your music," 00:17:23,063 --> 00:17:24,830
405 I mean<i> your</i> music. Bitch is dead.
00:16:32,379 --> 00:16:35,514
My name is Lucifer 418 430
Morningstar. 00:16:59,740 --> 00:17:01,440 00:17:26,634 --> 00:17:28,233
Not the music made (others gasping, murmuring)
406 by other black people.
00:16:35,549 --> 00:16:37,616 431
00:17:28,269 --> 00:17:30,269 All right. five times a week on the DL.
444 456
432 00:18:01,835 --> 00:18:03,101 00:18:21,722 --> 00:18:23,589
00:17:31,972 --> 00:17:33,338 With whom? Used a fake name, everything.
Don't shoot, you idiot!
445 457
433 00:18:03,137 --> 00:18:04,436 00:18:23,624 --> 00:18:25,791
00:17:34,575 --> 00:17:36,542 I don't know. Oh, did she now?
- I didn't kill her. I don't know.
- Why should I believe you? 458
446 00:18:25,826 --> 00:18:28,527
434 00:18:04,471 --> 00:18:05,837 Well, thank you for your time.
00:17:36,577 --> 00:17:38,243 She wouldn't tell me,
Because I loved the girl. all right? 459
00:18:28,562 --> 00:18:31,063
435 447 CHLOE:
00:17:38,279 --> 00:17:40,279 00:18:05,873 --> 00:18:07,139 LAPD! Guns down.
People sometimes kill people Said it was a big secret,
with whom they're in love. 460
448 00:18:31,098 --> 00:18:32,197
436 00:18:07,174 --> 00:18:09,608 On the floor, down!
00:17:40,314 --> 00:17:42,181 some-some, uh, rich married
The heart's mysterious. guy. 461
00:18:32,233 --> 00:18:33,665
437 449 You two against the wall.
00:17:42,216 --> 00:17:43,949 00:18:09,643 --> 00:18:11,510
- So I'm told. Well, does she have a friend 462
- Ain't like that. that she might've confided in? 00:18:33,701 --> 00:18:36,134
Detective, welcome to the
438 450 party.
00:17:43,984 --> 00:17:46,318 00:18:11,545 --> 00:18:12,844
Girl made me crazy! She didn't trust no one, man. 463
00:18:36,170 --> 00:18:37,736
439 451 Grab the bucket,
00:17:46,353 --> 00:17:47,553 00:18:12,880 --> 00:18:14,413 collect the guns.
Women can do that. Uh, uh, her therapist.
440 452 00:18:37,771 --> 00:18:39,638
00:17:47,588 --> 00:17:49,188 00:18:14,448 --> 00:18:16,215 Now!
Doesn't mean you should Her therapist is probably
beat them up, does it? the only one who knows. 465
00:18:39,673 --> 00:18:41,573
441 453 You sly dog,
00:17:49,223 --> 00:17:50,689 00:18:16,250 --> 00:18:18,283 you did listen to me.
We worked that out She-she's some, uh, uh,
a long time ago. Dr. Linda 466
00:18:41,609 --> 00:18:42,574
442 454 I ran the dead guy's cell phone.
00:17:50,724 --> 00:17:53,923 00:18:18,319 --> 00:18:19,418
I hit her once 'cause I found in-in Beverly Hills. 467
out she was cheating on me. 00:18:42,610 --> 00:18:43,842
455 2Vile was the last person
443 00:18:19,453 --> 00:18:21,687 he called.
00:18:00,634 --> 00:18:01,800 Saw her, like,
468 make you a suspect. 491
00:18:43,877 --> 00:18:45,811 00:19:27,454 --> 00:19:29,021
Come on, man. 480 Let's just stick to my
00:19:07,835 --> 00:19:10,168 questions, shall we? So...
469 What, so everyone on Eddie's
00:18:45,846 --> 00:18:47,980 phone's a suspect? 492
What I find 00:19:29,056 --> 00:19:30,255
highly interesting 481 The one with
00:19:10,204 --> 00:19:11,403 the famous nude scene,
470 Are you joking?
00:18:48,015 --> 00:18:49,915 493
is how you made the 482 00:19:30,291 --> 00:19:31,456
connection on your own. 00:19:11,438 --> 00:19:13,905 coming out of the hot tub!
You gonna drag
471 half of Hollywood downtown. 494
00:18:49,950 --> 00:18:51,617 00:19:31,492 --> 00:19:33,358
Well, I've been busy, my dear. 483 It was, like, a complete
00:19:13,941 --> 00:19:15,674 <i>Fast Times</i> rip-off.
472 Be like the Oscars or
00:18:52,519 --> 00:18:53,719 something. 495
Talk to me about Delilah. 00:19:33,394 --> 00:19:34,926
484 She was, like,
473 00:19:15,709 --> 00:19:18,076 the new Phoebe Cates!
00:18:53,754 --> 00:18:55,787 Wait, aren't you
We've been over that one, that chick from that film? 496
Detective. 00:19:34,962 --> 00:19:36,395
485 Thanks, I appreciate that.
474 00:19:18,112 --> 00:19:19,611
00:18:55,823 --> 00:18:57,322 Hmm, what's this? 497
And why you called What film? 00:19:36,430 --> 00:19:37,429
the shooter That was quite a nude scene.
475 00:19:19,647 --> 00:19:20,748 498
00:18:57,358 --> 00:18:58,790 You used to be an actress 00:19:37,464 --> 00:19:38,630
two days before or something, right? I have far too many bullets
she was murdered.
487 499
476 00:19:20,783 --> 00:19:21,553 00:19:38,666 --> 00:19:40,032
00:18:58,826 --> 00:19:01,560 Yeah. in this thing
Fine. Yeah, I called Eddie for you to still be talking.
'cause he hooks me up 488
sometimes. 00:19:21,588 --> 00:19:23,415 500
That teen movie... 00:19:40,067 --> 00:19:41,933
477 I forget what it's called. You, we need to have a
00:19:01,595 --> 00:19:02,961 conversation right now.
He met Delilah through me. 489
00:19:23,450 --> 00:19:26,118 501
478 Of course. 00:19:41,969 --> 00:19:43,402
00:19:02,997 --> 00:19:05,197 <i>Hot Tub High School.</i> LUCIFER: That's a waste
Whatever. of time, Detective.
Don't make me a killer, do it? 490
00:19:26,153 --> 00:19:27,419 502
479 That's where 00:19:43,437 --> 00:19:45,304
00:19:05,232 --> 00:19:07,799 I know you from. I've just threatened his life...
No, but it does he's not our guy.
00:20:07,728 --> 00:20:08,860 00:20:28,148 --> 00:20:29,748
503 And you pissed me off. How could you possibly help
00:19:45,339 --> 00:19:46,605 me?
He would've said, trust me. 516
00:20:08,896 --> 00:20:10,395 528
504 Right, I can get 00:20:29,783 --> 00:20:31,016
00:19:46,640 --> 00:19:48,774 out of these, you know? I have a certain skill set.
You did what?
517 529
505 00:20:10,431 --> 00:20:11,663 00:20:31,051 --> 00:20:33,085
00:19:48,809 --> 00:19:50,909 Funny. I can be very persuasive
Yeah, isn't that illegal? with people
506 00:20:13,100 --> 00:20:15,200 530
00:19:50,944 --> 00:19:52,678 How'd you do that? 00:20:33,120 --> 00:20:35,520
Uh, little bit, yeah. and tend to see things
519 that others cannot.
507 00:20:15,235 --> 00:20:16,501
00:19:52,713 --> 00:19:54,046 (sighs) 531
You stay put. Come on, we're wasting time. 00:20:35,556 --> 00:20:37,289
So, you're psychic or
508 520 something?
00:19:54,081 --> 00:19:55,247 00:20:16,537 --> 00:20:18,303
You, you're coming with me. We should be out there 532
solving a homicide 00:20:37,324 --> 00:20:39,758
509 No, I can't read people's minds.
00:19:55,282 --> 00:19:56,848 521 I'm not a Jedi.
What? Ooh. 00:20:18,339 --> 00:20:20,205
(laughs) and punishing those 533
responsible. 00:20:39,793 --> 00:20:41,326
510 People just like
00:19:56,884 --> 00:19:58,583 522 to tell me things.
With pleasure. 00:20:20,240 --> 00:20:21,606
"We"? 534
511 You're insane. 00:20:41,362 --> 00:20:43,095
00:19:58,619 --> 00:20:00,452 Hmm, just-just tell you things?
At least, perhaps now, 523
you'll listen to me. 00:20:21,642 --> 00:20:23,575 535
I'm taking you in. 00:20:43,130 --> 00:20:44,763
512 Get in the car. Just confess their sins,
00:20:00,487 --> 00:20:02,788 just like that?
Although, I'm not quite sure 524
why I'm being arrested. 00:20:23,610 --> 00:20:24,743 536
No, that's boring. 00:20:44,798 --> 00:20:45,864
513 No, not their sins.
00:20:02,823 --> 00:20:05,223 525
Because you're interfering 00:20:24,778 --> 00:20:25,911 537
with a police investigation. Not to mention pointless. 00:20:45,899 --> 00:20:47,332
I have no power
514 526 over people's sins.
00:20:05,259 --> 00:20:07,693 00:20:25,946 --> 00:20:28,113
You've broken I can't Come on, I'll help you. 538
even count how many laws. It'll be fun. 00:20:47,368 --> 00:20:49,034
I actually get
515 527 a bad rap for that.
Mm, it's more like 00:21:52,533 --> 00:21:54,599
539 a gift from God really. Get in the car.
00:20:49,069 --> 00:20:50,235
I have the ability 552 564
00:21:11,458 --> 00:21:13,658 00:21:54,635 --> 00:21:55,934
540 Okay, look. No, no, no, no, no.
00:20:50,270 --> 00:20:52,771 Look.
to draw out people's 553
forbidden desires. 00:21:13,694 --> 00:21:16,094 565
Tell me, Detective, 00:21:55,969 --> 00:21:57,102
541 I know something you don't
00:20:52,806 --> 00:20:54,072 554 know.
The more simple the human, 00:21:16,130 --> 00:21:19,264
what do you desire more than 566
542 anything else in this life? 00:21:57,137 --> 00:21:58,870
00:20:54,108 --> 00:20:55,273 Really? What's that?
the easier it is. 555
00:21:19,299 --> 00:21:22,134 567
543 This is it? 00:21:58,906 --> 00:22:00,472
00:20:55,309 --> 00:20:56,675 This is your big trick? Won't say unless you
The more complex, take me with you on this.
the more challenging 556
00:21:28,108 --> 00:21:29,708 568
544 (sighs) 00:22:00,507 --> 00:22:03,975
00:20:56,710 --> 00:20:58,176 Please, come on.
and exciting, really. 557 I got to 2Vile, didn't I?
00:21:29,743 --> 00:21:32,010
545 I guess, 569
00:20:58,212 --> 00:21:00,612 when I was a little girl, 00:22:04,011 --> 00:22:05,710
But no, the actual sins, Why do you care
the sins are on you people. 558 about this so much?
00:21:32,045 --> 00:21:35,781
546 I... always wanted to be a cop 570
00:21:00,647 --> 00:21:02,114 like my daddy, 00:22:05,746 --> 00:22:06,945
"You people"? About Delilah?
547 00:21:35,816 --> 00:21:40,018 571
00:21:02,850 --> 00:21:04,149 so that... that one day 00:22:08,849 --> 00:22:12,117
I got it. I could help people and... Look, I just... I just do.

548 560 572

00:21:04,184 --> 00:21:05,784 00:21:40,053 --> 00:21:42,491 00:22:12,152 --> 00:22:13,785
I got it! The name? and be taken seriously... Look, if I hadn't meddled
with her career,
549 561
00:21:05,819 --> 00:21:07,018 00:21:42,601 --> 00:21:46,091 573
The whole Lucifer thing? ...when I say to shut up 00:22:13,821 --> 00:22:16,121
and get in the damn car. maybe she wouldn't
550 have died.
00:21:07,054 --> 00:21:08,987 562
And desire's, like, 00:21:50,230 --> 00:21:52,497 574
your superpower. You're not, like, a Jedi 00:22:16,156 --> 00:22:17,122
or something, are you? Okay.
00:21:09,022 --> 00:21:11,423 563 575
00:22:17,157 --> 00:22:18,657 Delilah may have gone
Okay, fine... by Penny Lane. Thanks. 599
but if this 00:23:07,879 --> 00:23:10,146
587 Attractive female cop
576 00:22:49,765 --> 00:22:51,161 struggling to be taken seriously
00:22:18,692 --> 00:22:20,625 Don't look so smug.
little clue thing of yours 600
doesn't pan out, 588 00:23:10,182 --> 00:23:11,815
00:22:51,196 --> 00:22:52,195 in a man's man's world...
577 Nothing's that it?
00:22:20,661 --> 00:22:23,028 panned out yet.
these are going back on, 601
and they're gonna stay on. 589 00:23:11,850 --> 00:23:14,484
00:22:52,231 --> 00:22:53,430 Yeah, something like that.
578 No, no, no, it's not that.
00:22:23,063 --> 00:22:24,765 602
Is that a promise? 590 00:23:14,519 --> 00:23:15,819
00:22:53,465 --> 00:22:55,131 Well, they're
579 It's just that I knew threatened.
00:22:33,548 --> 00:22:35,045 that I recognized you.
CHLOE: <i>Yeah, therapist 603
in Beverly Hills</i> 591 00:23:15,854 --> 00:23:18,755
00:22:55,167 --> 00:22:56,800 You're clearly smart
580 Right. and have notable instincts.
00:22:35,080 --> 00:22:36,213
<i>with the first name 592 604
Linda.</i> 00:22:56,835 --> 00:22:58,468 00:23:18,790 --> 00:23:20,819
Right, you've seen my boobies. Ignore them. Trust yourself.
00:22:36,248 --> 00:22:37,681 593 605
See if Delilah 00:22:58,503 --> 00:22:59,436 00:23:21,526 --> 00:23:22,826
was a client. It's exciting. (cell phone rings)

582 594 606

00:22:37,716 --> 00:22:38,982 00:22:59,471 --> 00:23:00,503 00:23:22,861 --> 00:23:25,495
Ah-ah, actually, What, are you 12? Detective Decker.
she had a pseudonym,
595 607
583 00:23:00,539 --> 00:23:01,638 00:23:25,530 --> 00:23:26,796
00:22:39,017 --> 00:22:40,217 So is the, uh... is the movie All right,
which I also text it to me.
happen to know. 596
00:23:01,673 --> 00:23:03,440 608
584 why you've got such 00:23:26,832 --> 00:23:28,331
00:22:40,252 --> 00:22:41,651 a chip on your shoulder? Thanks.
I'm quite good
at this, aren't I? 597 609
00:23:04,676 --> 00:23:05,909 00:23:28,367 --> 00:23:29,899
585 Uh, it's low on the list What's that?
00:22:41,687 --> 00:22:44,421
- Uh, Penny Lane. 598 610
- Okay. 00:23:05,944 --> 00:23:07,844 00:23:29,935 --> 00:23:30,965
- of things I have to live down, (sighs)
586 I guess.
00:22:44,456 --> 00:22:46,656 - Right. 611
00:23:31,000 --> 00:23:32,869 What? ♪ Yeah ♪
What you were No, absolutely not.
saying stands up. 636
624 00:24:21,488 --> 00:24:25,074
612 00:23:52,891 --> 00:23:55,325 ♪ A sinister kid is a kid who ♪
00:23:32,904 --> 00:23:34,170 My kid got into a fight.
There's a Penny I got to pick her up. 637
Lane who sees 00:24:25,109 --> 00:24:28,310
625 ♪ Runs to meet his Maker ♪
613 00:23:55,360 --> 00:23:57,027
00:23:34,206 --> 00:23:35,905 What, can't she get 638
a Dr. Linda Martin herself home? 00:24:28,345 --> 00:24:31,762
in Beverly Hills. ♪ A drop-dead sprint
626 from the day he's born ♪
614 00:23:57,062 --> 00:23:58,361
00:23:35,941 --> 00:23:38,141 She's seven. 639
Excellent. 00:24:31,797 --> 00:24:34,798
I'll clear my schedule. 627 ♪ Straight into
00:23:58,397 --> 00:23:59,863 his Maker's arms ♪
615 Look, I'm not here
00:23:38,176 --> 00:23:39,337 to help you run errands. 640
(cell phone rings) 00:24:34,833 --> 00:24:38,636
628 ♪ And that's me, that's me ♪
616 00:23:59,898 --> 00:24:01,364
00:23:39,372 --> 00:23:40,477 I'm here to help you 641
Ooh, someone's popular. solve a homicide. 00:24:38,671 --> 00:24:41,943
♪ The boy with a broken halo.
617 629 ♪
00:23:40,512 --> 00:23:41,511 00:24:01,400 --> 00:24:03,166
Please stop talking. Really? 642
00:24:55,087 --> 00:24:57,663
618 630 I don't think you're allowed
00:23:41,546 --> 00:23:43,313 00:24:05,270 --> 00:24:08,204 to smoke in here.
Hello. ("Sinister Kid"
by the Black Keys playing) 643
619 00:24:58,924 --> 00:25:01,324
00:23:43,348 --> 00:23:45,412 631 Oh, dear, what will
What? You're kidding me. 00:24:14,346 --> 00:24:15,512 become of me?
Is she okay? CHLOE:
<i>All right.</i> 644
620 00:25:01,360 --> 00:25:03,393
00:23:46,518 --> 00:23:48,385 632 My mother is
Oh, of course he's not there. 00:24:15,547 --> 00:24:17,080 a police officer.
Wait here.
621 645
00:23:48,420 --> 00:23:49,719 633 00:25:03,428 --> 00:25:05,128
Thanks. 00:24:17,115 --> 00:24:18,381 She could arrest you.
With pleasure.
622 646
00:23:49,755 --> 00:23:51,755 634 00:25:05,163 --> 00:25:06,156
We got to make 00:24:18,417 --> 00:24:19,949 (lighter snaps shut)
a pit stop. Despise children.
623 635 00:25:06,191 --> 00:25:09,328
00:23:51,790 --> 00:23:52,856 00:24:19,985 --> 00:24:21,453 Oh, I think I might
know your mother. 660
00:25:34,426 --> 00:25:36,025 673
648 and used it to 00:26:15,657 --> 00:26:17,691
00:25:09,363 --> 00:25:10,433 make fun of me. (school bell rings)
What's your name?
661 674
649 00:25:36,061 --> 00:25:40,663 00:26:21,239 --> 00:26:22,672
00:25:10,469 --> 00:25:12,135 So... I kicked her in the Hi, Daddy.
Lucifer. no-no-touch-touch square.
650 662 00:26:22,707 --> 00:26:24,007
00:25:12,170 --> 00:25:13,937 00:25:42,134 --> 00:25:44,134 Hi, munchkin.
(whispering): Oh. Oh, I see.
Like the Devil? 676
663 00:26:24,042 --> 00:26:25,175
651 00:25:44,169 --> 00:25:47,036 CHLOE: Wow, shocker,
00:25:13,972 --> 00:25:15,705 Well played. you're late.
664 677
652 00:25:47,072 --> 00:25:48,505 00:26:25,210 --> 00:26:26,342
00:25:15,741 --> 00:25:19,642 Well played, indeed. Come on, give
My name's Beatrice, but me a break.
everybody calls me Trixie. 665
00:25:51,710 --> 00:25:53,449 678
653 Hello, mean girl. 00:26:26,378 --> 00:26:27,644
00:25:19,678 --> 00:25:21,644 I'm putting
That's a hooker's name. 666 a case to bed.
00:25:54,579 --> 00:25:56,946
654 Did you know there's a 679
00:25:21,680 --> 00:25:22,979 special section of Hell 00:26:27,679 --> 00:26:29,145
What's a hooker? Right, like I'm not
667 working a case, too.
655 00:25:56,982 --> 00:25:58,081
00:25:23,014 --> 00:25:24,948 reserved for bullies? 680
Ask your mother. 00:26:29,181 --> 00:26:31,781
668 Oh, yeah, the one
656 00:25:58,116 --> 00:26:00,450 you tried to steal from me.
00:25:24,983 --> 00:25:27,951 So have fun.
So... why are you 681
in trouble? 669 00:26:31,817 --> 00:26:33,216
00:26:02,059 --> 00:26:03,492 You mean the open and shut
657 (screams) one.
00:25:27,986 --> 00:25:30,120
See that girl 670 682
over there? 00:26:06,825 --> 00:26:07,991 00:26:33,251 --> 00:26:36,252
What did you do? You did open and shut it,
658 right?
00:25:30,894 --> 00:25:32,722 671
She was bullying me. 00:26:08,026 --> 00:26:09,959 683
Oh... 00:26:36,288 --> 00:26:38,121
659 I'm being diligent, Dan.
00:25:32,758 --> 00:25:34,391 672 It's a high-profile case.
She created a fake 00:26:09,995 --> 00:26:12,896
Snapchat account I just think someone's feeling 684
a little guilty. 00:26:38,156 --> 00:26:39,956
Exactly, which is why you 00:27:02,814 --> 00:27:04,147
need to be smart about it. Thanks, Mommy. 709
00:27:47,071 --> 00:27:48,771
685 697 I mean, children are
00:26:39,991 --> 00:26:41,891 00:27:04,182 --> 00:27:06,082 hideous little creatures,
She is smart. What's a hooker?
You're the dimwit. 710
698 00:27:48,806 --> 00:27:50,139
686 00:27:09,287 --> 00:27:11,354 terrible, taxing burdens.
00:26:41,927 --> 00:26:44,961 Daddy will tell you.
Perhaps you should refrain 711
from 699 00:27:50,174 --> 00:27:52,241
arguing in front of the child. 00:27:15,494 --> 00:27:16,759 - Mmm.
Bye, Lucifer. - Mmm.
00:26:44,996 --> 00:26:46,129 700 712
It's unbecoming. 00:27:16,795 --> 00:27:18,261 00:27:52,277 --> 00:27:53,976
It was nice meeting you. Oh, um, yours is fine.
00:26:47,432 --> 00:26:49,499 701 713
I don't know whether to laugh 00:27:19,397 --> 00:27:20,897 00:27:54,012 --> 00:27:56,379
or to shoot you. CHLOE: I mean, you know,
Hmm. nothing to crow about,
00:26:49,534 --> 00:26:51,434 702 714
Surprise me. 00:27:20,932 --> 00:27:22,232 00:27:56,414 --> 00:27:57,913
Think she likes you. but nothing to be too
690 embarrassed about, either,
00:26:51,470 --> 00:26:53,058 703
Isn't he funny, Daddy? 00:27:22,267 --> 00:27:24,909 715
Of course she does... 00:27:57,949 --> 00:27:59,048
691 what's not to like? so that's quite good, isn't it?
00:26:53,677 --> 00:26:55,538
CHLOE: Hey, can you, uh, 704 716
drop Trix at my mom's? 00:27:36,661 --> 00:27:39,128 00:27:59,083 --> 00:28:02,018
Was your offspring Are you at all aware
692 planned or a mistake? of how dickish you sound?
00:26:55,574 --> 00:26:57,040
We got to go. Thank you. 705 717
00:27:40,798 --> 00:27:42,131 00:28:02,053 --> 00:28:03,185
693 Planned, sort of. No.
00:26:57,075 --> 00:26:59,142
Trixella, give 706 718
Mommy a kiss. 00:27:42,166 --> 00:27:43,566 00:28:04,289 --> 00:28:07,356
Really? Speaking of dicks...
00:26:59,177 --> 00:27:01,044 707 719
I love you so much. 00:27:43,601 --> 00:27:45,234 00:28:07,392 --> 00:28:08,824
'Cause I've never understood why was that ex-husband of
695 the human desire to procreate. yours
00:27:01,079 --> 00:27:02,779
Good job standing up 708 720
to the mean girl. 00:27:45,270 --> 00:27:47,036 00:28:08,860 --> 00:28:10,845
That's probably pressuring you
696 a good thing. to close the case?
00:28:41,392 --> 00:28:42,558 745
721 Yes, I wouldn't 00:29:04,882 --> 00:29:06,649
00:28:11,817 --> 00:28:13,417 recommend it. I tend to appeal to the
No reason. dark, mischievous hearts
722 00:28:42,593 --> 00:28:43,859 746
00:28:14,999 --> 00:28:16,266 I'm like walking heroin. 00:29:06,684 --> 00:29:09,885
Strange. in all of you, but
735 you, Detective,
723 00:28:43,895 --> 00:28:45,861
00:28:16,301 --> 00:28:18,445 Very habit-forming. 747
Yes, you are. It never ends well. 00:29:09,921 --> 00:29:12,054
you seem oddly
724 736 immune to my charms.
00:28:19,292 --> 00:28:21,104 00:28:45,897 --> 00:28:46,962
Did my father send you? (sighs) 748
00:29:12,090 --> 00:29:15,091
725 737 Referring to them as "charms,"
00:28:21,139 --> 00:28:22,538 00:28:46,998 --> 00:28:49,598 I think, is a bit of a stretch.
(door opens) I'm sorry, do... do you two
know each other? 749
726 00:29:15,126 --> 00:29:16,726
00:28:22,573 --> 00:28:25,274 738 Truth be told,
Okay, Detectives, 00:28:49,634 --> 00:28:51,267 I find you repulsive.
I'll see you now. No, no, but I know that look.
727 739 00:29:16,761 --> 00:29:18,427
00:28:25,310 --> 00:28:26,709 00:28:51,302 --> 00:28:54,203 Like, on a
CHLOE: I don't know chemical level.
Thank you. what you're talking about.
728 740 00:29:18,463 --> 00:29:19,628
00:28:26,744 --> 00:28:28,244 00:28:55,139 --> 00:28:56,472 That's fascinating.
Oh. "Detectives." That is interesting
729 741 00:29:20,912 --> 00:29:22,398
00:28:29,614 --> 00:28:31,247 00:28:56,507 --> 00:28:59,208 LUCIFER:
CHLOE: Dr. Martin, 'cause... you don't Now, tell me, Linda...
I'd like to ask you look at me that way.
730 742 00:29:22,433 --> 00:29:23,999
00:28:31,282 --> 00:28:33,082 00:28:59,243 --> 00:29:01,243 You say it's fascinating,
a few questions - What way?
about Delilah. - With carnal fascination. 754
00:29:24,035 --> 00:29:27,069
731 743 and yet I can see that it
00:28:37,689 --> 00:28:40,189 00:29:01,279 --> 00:29:02,645 disturbs you, doesn't it?
You're thinking That's 'cause
about it, aren't you? it doesn't exist. 755
00:29:27,105 --> 00:29:29,538
732 744 Deeply.
00:28:40,224 --> 00:28:41,357 00:29:02,680 --> 00:29:04,847
What? No, you see, that's just it... 756
with most women, it does. 00:29:29,574 --> 00:29:31,140
733 CHLOE:
Dr. Martin, 00:30:12,450 --> 00:30:14,784
769 we can take a trip
757 00:29:53,030 --> 00:29:55,297 to pound town if we must,
00:29:31,175 --> 00:29:33,476 (chuckles)
we know that, um, Delilah was Correct. 782
having a clandestine affair 00:30:14,819 --> 00:30:18,754
770 but first, you're gonna have
758 00:29:55,333 --> 00:29:56,966 to tell us, Linda, okay?
00:29:33,511 --> 00:29:35,311 Now, come on, Dr. Martin.
with a wealthy married man, 783
so if you just 771 00:30:18,790 --> 00:30:20,456
00:29:57,001 --> 00:29:58,334 (moaning):
759 I know you want to. Um...
00:29:35,346 --> 00:29:37,413
tell us his name, 772 784
we will be on our way. 00:29:58,369 --> 00:30:01,604 00:30:20,491 --> 00:30:23,025
Oh, man, and it's really, (chuckles)
760 really juicy, too.
00:29:37,448 --> 00:29:39,315 785
I'm sorry, I can't do that. 773 00:30:23,060 --> 00:30:27,623
00:30:01,639 --> 00:30:02,772 Okay... (chuckles)
761 Ooh, I bet it is. it's Grey Cooper.
00:29:39,350 --> 00:29:41,083
Oh, she's one of 774 786
the complex ones. 00:30:02,807 --> 00:30:04,073 00:30:27,658 --> 00:30:28,765
No, I can't. Grey Cooper?
00:29:41,119 --> 00:29:42,318 775 787
Linda, 00:30:04,108 --> 00:30:05,408 00:30:28,800 --> 00:30:29,732
What did you do to her? Seriously?
00:29:42,353 --> 00:29:44,920 776 788
darling, why don't 00:30:05,443 --> 00:30:06,375 00:30:29,767 --> 00:30:31,200
you tell me? Hmm? Did you roofie her? That is juicy.

764 777 789

00:29:44,956 --> 00:29:46,078 00:30:06,411 --> 00:30:07,410 00:30:31,235 --> 00:30:32,468
Well, I can't. Oh, no, it's Grey Cooper, the actor?
not her fault.
765 790
00:29:46,113 --> 00:29:47,123 778 00:30:32,503 --> 00:30:34,069
(Lucifer chuckles) 00:30:07,445 --> 00:30:08,778 The one who's married
She's just to Amanda what's-her-chops?
766 reacting to me.
00:29:47,158 --> 00:29:49,558 791
I want to, but I can't. 779 00:30:34,105 --> 00:30:35,404
00:30:08,813 --> 00:30:11,147 Yeah, yeah.
767 Just watch
00:29:49,594 --> 00:29:50,659 and learn, okay? 792
(laughs) 00:30:35,440 --> 00:30:37,206
780 Oh, no,
768 00:30:11,182 --> 00:30:12,415 he's horrible.
00:29:50,695 --> 00:29:52,995 Right, the answer is yes,
(laughing): 793
Oh, you're the devil. 781 00:30:37,241 --> 00:30:40,761
So square-jawed, ♪ It's always something ♪
so handsome, so vanilla. 805
00:31:01,833 --> 00:31:05,634 818
794 Hot... yoga. 00:31:37,638 --> 00:31:39,401
00:30:40,796 --> 00:30:42,478 ♪ Before the late night ♪
Oh, I'm really quite 806
disappointed in Delilah. 00:31:05,670 --> 00:31:08,304 819
I'm freakishly flexible. 00:31:39,527 --> 00:31:41,170
795 ♪ Around the corner... ♪
00:30:42,513 --> 00:30:46,015 807
That's truly terrible taste 00:31:08,339 --> 00:31:09,772 820
in the opposite sex. Want to see? 00:31:41,205 --> 00:31:43,506
796 808 Excuse me! Excuse me.
00:30:46,050 --> 00:30:47,450 00:31:12,310 --> 00:31:13,876
Thank you very Wow! 821
much, Dr. Martin. 00:31:43,541 --> 00:31:45,908
809 Ah, excuse me. Thank you.
797 00:31:15,646 --> 00:31:17,580
00:30:47,485 --> 00:30:48,451 (chuckles) 822
We'll be in touch. 00:31:45,943 --> 00:31:48,210
810 Hey, hey, sir.
798 00:31:17,615 --> 00:31:20,316
00:30:48,486 --> 00:30:49,752 I really tried 823
All right, to keep that one in. 00:31:48,246 --> 00:31:50,479
we got to go. (tires squealing, gunfire)
799 00:31:20,351 --> 00:31:23,018 824
00:30:49,787 --> 00:30:51,353 Well, you tried... 00:31:54,685 --> 00:31:57,219
Yes, of course, that's what matters. Who the (bell rings)
but I... I made a deal, is this guy?
800 00:31:23,054 --> 00:31:24,453 825
00:30:51,389 --> 00:30:53,289 Uh, look, 00:31:57,255 --> 00:31:59,622
so I'm gonna have to hold up I'm really sorry, What the hell are you doing?
my end of the bargain.
813 826
801 00:31:24,489 --> 00:31:26,455 00:31:59,657 --> 00:32:00,856
00:30:53,324 --> 00:30:55,391 but I'm gonna have CHLOE: Excuse me.
You wouldn't mind to take a rain check. Excuse me.
waiting outside?
814 827
802 00:31:26,491 --> 00:31:27,590 00:32:00,892 --> 00:32:02,258
00:30:55,426 --> 00:30:56,992 I will be back, okay? Sorry. Excuse me.
Are you seriously talking
815 828
803 00:31:27,625 --> 00:31:28,824 00:32:02,293 --> 00:32:04,527
00:30:57,028 --> 00:30:58,694 I certainly hope so. Sorry, he's with me.
about having sex
with her right now? 816 829
00:31:29,727 --> 00:31:31,994 00:32:05,630 --> 00:32:07,830
804 My word is my bond. That's not Grey Cooper.
00:30:58,729 --> 00:31:00,896
- Well, it won't take long. 817 830
- I do yoga. 00:31:35,399 --> 00:31:37,603 00:32:07,865 --> 00:32:09,164
No, of course not. Well, actually, I just
have one more question 854
831 00:32:59,183 --> 00:33:01,550
00:32:09,200 --> 00:32:10,399 843 to be embarrassed. Hell,
What the hell is this? 00:32:32,189 --> 00:32:33,756 if Arnold can do it, right?
before you proceed
832 with the boring ones. 855
00:32:10,434 --> 00:32:12,434 00:33:01,586 --> 00:33:02,572
We need to speak 844 - (chuckles)
with Mr. Cooper. 00:32:33,791 --> 00:32:36,358 - Now, you wouldn't
Tell me, Mr. Cooper,
833 856
00:32:14,977 --> 00:32:18,073 845 00:33:02,607 --> 00:33:03,486
God, Delilah, yeah, 00:32:36,394 --> 00:32:38,627 want any nasty secrets
heard about that this morning. what do you want more
than anything in this world? 857
834 00:33:03,521 --> 00:33:05,054
00:32:18,109 --> 00:32:19,141 846 screwing that up for you,
I can't believe it. 00:32:38,663 --> 00:32:40,663 though, would you?
What's your deepest,
835 darkest desire? 858
00:32:19,176 --> 00:32:21,510 00:33:05,089 --> 00:33:06,622
We did a movie 847 Is there a point to this?
together last year. 00:32:40,698 --> 00:32:43,933
You close your eyes, 859
836 what do you see? 00:33:06,657 --> 00:33:09,024
00:32:21,546 --> 00:32:22,545 Mr. Cooper, were you having
Got pretty close. 848 an affair with Delilah?
00:32:43,968 --> 00:32:48,470
837 I'm the president of the 860
00:32:22,580 --> 00:32:24,680 United States of America. 00:33:09,060 --> 00:33:10,059
- Lovers? AMANDA:
- Friends. 849 Honey!
00:32:48,506 --> 00:32:49,705
838 Ha! 861
00:32:24,715 --> 00:32:26,248 00:33:10,094 --> 00:33:11,560
Friends who were lovers? 850 Have you been
00:32:50,863 --> 00:32:52,808 getting my texts?
839 Well, who's the Devil now, eh?
00:32:26,284 --> 00:32:27,383 862
CHLOE: 851 00:33:11,596 --> 00:33:12,962
Settle down. 00:32:52,843 --> 00:32:54,777 I thought they were
Those are some pretty big breaking you for lunch
840 aspirations there,
00:32:27,418 --> 00:32:28,684 863
I'll handle 852 00:33:12,997 --> 00:33:14,563
the questions. 00:32:54,812 --> 00:32:57,279 like a half hour ago.
- Mr. Cooper.
841 - (chuckles) Well, after the 864
00:32:28,719 --> 00:32:30,619 acting 00:33:15,466 --> 00:33:16,465
Mr. Cooper, when did you last What's going on?
have contact with Delilah? 853
00:32:57,315 --> 00:32:59,148 865
842 - and stuff. 00:33:16,500 --> 00:33:18,968
00:32:30,655 --> 00:32:32,154 - No need These people are detectives.
terrible liar.
866 878
00:33:19,003 --> 00:33:19,969 00:33:40,758 --> 00:33:42,291 890
Real ones? - for the whole crew? 00:34:10,521 --> 00:34:11,754
- Uh, no. And actor, by the way.
00:33:20,004 --> 00:33:22,071 879 891
We have some questions 00:33:42,326 --> 00:33:44,493 00:34:11,789 --> 00:34:13,122
about Delilah. Just me, as far as I know. - You knew?
- Of course.
868 880
00:33:22,106 --> 00:33:24,173 00:33:44,528 --> 00:33:46,829 892
Oh. Oh. Yes, it's so sad. 'Cause we were, 00:34:13,157 --> 00:34:16,659
you know, Why else do you think I've
869 been
00:33:24,208 --> 00:33:26,343 881 sleeping with Bobby?
Yeah. Very sad. 00:33:46,864 --> 00:33:48,430
costars and everything. 893
870 00:34:16,694 --> 00:34:17,826
00:33:26,644 --> 00:33:28,547 882 Are you serious?
Your watch, 00:33:48,466 --> 00:33:50,766
where'd you get that? You know, you're gonna have 894
to get much better at lying 00:34:17,862 --> 00:34:19,762
871 Oh, yeah. And it is good.
00:33:28,846 --> 00:33:30,312 883
Oh, it's a prop. 00:33:50,801 --> 00:33:52,134 895
if you want to be president. 00:34:19,797 --> 00:34:22,331
872 Mmm. I climb that man
00:33:30,348 --> 00:33:31,347 884 like a tree.
AMANDA: 00:33:52,169 --> 00:33:54,370
No, that's the one I know, right? 896
00:34:22,366 --> 00:34:23,298
873 885 Right, Bobby?
00:33:31,382 --> 00:33:32,314 00:33:54,405 --> 00:33:56,952
Delilah gave you, isn't it? So you were sleeping 897
with her, then, yeah? 00:34:23,334 --> 00:34:25,034
874 GREY:
00:33:32,350 --> 00:33:33,682 886 My bodyguard?
For<i> Time Will Tell?</i> 00:33:57,545 --> 00:34:00,494
- Oh, yeah. (chuckles) 898
875 - (laughing) 00:34:25,069 --> 00:34:26,902
00:33:33,718 --> 00:33:36,118 What a cliché.
GREY: Right. 887
That's the movie 00:34:05,316 --> 00:34:07,116 899
Crap. I just said that 00:34:26,937 --> 00:34:29,004
876 in front of people. Oh, I'm a cliché?
00:33:36,153 --> 00:33:38,387 Well, you're a dick.
that we did. 888
It was a wrap gift. 00:34:07,151 --> 00:34:08,717 900
Whatever. 00:34:29,040 --> 00:34:30,172
877 It's not like I didn't know. Oh, boy.
00:33:38,422 --> 00:33:40,723
(chuckles) 889 901
Yeah. She buy a $10,000 00:34:08,753 --> 00:34:10,486 00:34:31,542 --> 00:34:33,242
watch God, you are a - Hey, guys...
- Come on! 00:35:11,803 --> 00:35:13,236 925
Well, that would imply 00:35:35,393 --> 00:35:37,160
902 she was actually You tell me, Detective.
00:34:33,277 --> 00:34:35,778
Hey, guys. Arrest them. 914 926
00:35:13,271 --> 00:35:14,337 00:35:37,195 --> 00:35:39,529
903 sleeping with that maggot. I mean, despite
00:34:35,813 --> 00:34:38,047 your proclaimed revulsion,
- Seriously? 915
- (grunting) 00:35:14,372 --> 00:35:16,139 927
Really? 00:35:39,564 --> 00:35:42,131
904 you can't deny that
00:34:38,082 --> 00:34:40,983 916 there's a connection between
One of them's got 00:35:16,174 --> 00:35:19,142 us.
to be guilty. Jimmy, 2Vile,
Grey Cooper. 928
905 00:35:42,167 --> 00:35:45,201
00:34:46,279 --> 00:34:48,346 917 Tell me, what do
♪♪ 00:35:19,177 --> 00:35:20,610 you actually want?
That's three other maggots
906 she's sleeping with. 929
00:34:50,223 --> 00:34:53,972 00:35:45,236 --> 00:35:48,204
♪ Hit me point-blank, 918 You mean what do I desire
hit me point-blank ♪ 00:35:20,645 --> 00:35:22,745 more than anything else
I don't think there's a lot
907 of discretion going on with her. 930
00:34:54,007 --> 00:34:55,551 00:35:48,239 --> 00:35:49,572
♪ Hit me point-blank... ♪ 919 - in this life?
00:35:22,781 --> 00:35:24,180 - Yes.
908 Yeah. I suppose you got a
00:34:55,587 --> 00:34:58,154 point. 931
Thanks. 00:35:49,607 --> 00:35:50,796
(sighs) 920 - Mm-hmm.
00:35:25,083 --> 00:35:26,482 - No tricks. Not that they work
909 (chuckles softly)
00:34:58,189 --> 00:35:02,492 932
So, Grey and Amanda have 921 00:35:50,831 --> 00:35:52,041
zero connection to the shooter. 00:35:26,518 --> 00:35:28,618 on you, you freak.
God, what am I doing here?
910 933
00:35:02,527 --> 00:35:05,395 922 00:35:52,076 --> 00:35:53,376
(sighs) But the shooter had 00:35:28,653 --> 00:35:31,220 (chuckles)
the same watch as Grey. Wrong deity, but, yes,
that is the eternal question. 934
911 00:35:54,312 --> 00:35:56,913
00:35:05,430 --> 00:35:07,063 923 Seriously. I'm curious.
That can't be a coincidence. 00:35:31,256 --> 00:35:34,023
(chuckles) 935
912 No. I mean here, in a bar, 00:35:56,948 --> 00:35:58,448
00:35:07,098 --> 00:35:11,768 I don't know.
Maybe Delilah gave him one, 924
too, 00:35:34,058 --> 00:35:35,358 936
like kind of a go-to gift. I... - with you. 00:35:58,483 --> 00:36:00,149
- Well, I don't know. What-what I told you's true.
937 949 961
00:36:00,185 --> 00:36:03,286 00:36:25,243 --> 00:36:26,876 00:36:50,435 --> 00:36:52,468
I-I really do want until, um, And, uh, now...
to help people.
950 962
938 00:36:26,911 --> 00:36:29,078 00:36:52,504 --> 00:36:55,204
00:36:04,189 --> 00:36:05,822 I became a detective (chuckles)
My father was a cop. and found a whole new way no one wants to work with me.

939 951 963

00:36:05,857 --> 00:36:07,356 00:36:29,113 --> 00:36:31,447 00:36:55,240 --> 00:36:57,206
He was a great cop. - to ostracize myself. Well, I'm available.
- Ah, the...
940 964
00:36:07,392 --> 00:36:09,125 952 00:36:58,681 --> 00:37:00,409
My mother was an actress. 00:36:31,483 --> 00:36:33,950 Too bad your little protégé
reason your ex-maggot
941 was pressuring you 965
00:36:09,160 --> 00:36:10,626 00:37:00,445 --> 00:37:01,744
Really cheesy one. 953 isn't around
(chuckles) 00:36:33,985 --> 00:36:35,585 to collect the check.
to close this?
942 966
00:36:10,662 --> 00:36:13,830 954 00:37:01,779 --> 00:37:03,045
I tried the acting thing. 00:36:35,620 --> 00:36:37,153 REPORTER:
I took off my top. Yeah. Yeah. The soundtrack album

943 955 967

00:36:13,865 --> 00:36:16,365 00:36:37,188 --> 00:36:39,355 00:37:03,081 --> 00:37:04,347
Wasn't really contributing Exactly. There was a case, for the movie<i> Time Will
to the betterment of society. Tell</i>
944 00:36:39,390 --> 00:36:42,191 968
00:36:16,401 --> 00:36:18,501 a shooting on Palmetto Street 00:37:04,382 --> 00:37:07,083
I disagree. I love that movie. where a cop was shot, has reached number 15
on the Billboard charts
945 957
00:36:18,536 --> 00:36:19,769 00:36:42,227 --> 00:36:44,460 969
(chuckles) and I saw it differently 00:37:07,118 --> 00:37:08,851
than pretty much everyone and is still climbing.
946 Song and record sales...
00:36:19,804 --> 00:36:20,837 958
So I quit. 00:36:44,496 --> 00:36:46,596 970
in my department, 00:37:08,887 --> 00:37:10,219
947 including my ex. Oh, wow.
00:36:20,872 --> 00:36:22,538
Decided to become a cop 959 971
like my dad 00:36:46,631 --> 00:36:48,297 00:37:11,222 --> 00:37:12,688
And I stuck What?
948 my neck out,
00:36:22,574 --> 00:36:25,208 972
and, uh, dealt with the whole 960 00:37:14,025 --> 00:37:16,726
<i>Hot Tub High School</i> 00:36:48,333 --> 00:36:50,399 Delilah didn't give that watch
thing, and it backfired. to the drug dealer.
973 but that sure is a boatload of 00:38:15,420 --> 00:38:18,054
00:37:21,649 --> 00:37:24,133 royalty checks headed your You back off,
♪ Got a heavy load, way. you freak. I mean it.
sometimes I wonder... ♪
985 997
974 00:37:49,827 --> 00:37:53,296 00:38:18,089 --> 00:38:20,323
00:37:24,169 --> 00:37:25,160 Guess you really I am not going to jail
- Stop, stop, stop! needed the cash, huh? for that bitch. No chance.
- (music stops)
986 998
975 00:37:53,331 --> 00:37:56,566 00:38:20,358 --> 00:38:21,691
00:37:25,195 --> 00:37:28,052 Which is why you had to pay Listen to him,
What is it? You got a gerbil in the shooter with your watch. Lucifer. Back off.
your throat? What's going on?
987 999
976 00:37:56,601 --> 00:37:58,868 00:38:21,726 --> 00:38:23,759
00:37:29,941 --> 00:37:31,107 The watch Delilah gave you. I told you, it's fine.
Hello, Jimmy. Now, that's just sick. I'm immortal.

977 988 1000

00:37:31,142 --> 00:37:32,842 00:37:58,903 --> 00:38:00,636 00:38:26,364 --> 00:38:28,664
Really? But then you are, so... Why did you do that?

978 989 1001

00:37:32,877 --> 00:37:34,477 00:38:02,040 --> 00:38:03,562 00:38:28,700 --> 00:38:30,733
How's the album sales doing? (gun clicks) - He was gonna kill you.
- No, no, no,
979 990
00:37:34,512 --> 00:37:35,811 00:38:03,597 --> 00:38:04,807 1002
What album? Hey, Jimmy? 00:38:30,768 --> 00:38:33,669
no, no, no. You just...
980 991 you just let him off too easy.
00:37:35,847 --> 00:37:38,114 00:38:04,842 --> 00:38:06,309
Soundtrack to<i> Time Will I made her, 1003
Tell,</i> and she ruined me. 00:38:33,705 --> 00:38:35,738
which you produced. He needs to pay!
992 He needs to suffer!
981 00:38:06,344 --> 00:38:09,278
00:37:38,149 --> 00:37:41,584 She humiliated me. 1004
Whitney Houston hit the top She owes me. 00:38:35,773 --> 00:38:37,373
ten He needs to feel the pain,
for album sales after her death. 993
00:38:09,314 --> 00:38:11,809 1005
982 You're not God, Jimmy. 00:38:37,408 --> 00:38:39,842
00:37:41,619 --> 00:37:43,553 You didn't make her. - not escape it!
Michael Jackson hit - Don't worry.
the stratosphere. 994
00:38:12,076 --> 00:38:13,482 1006
983 But you did destroy her. 00:38:39,877 --> 00:38:42,244
00:37:43,588 --> 00:37:46,556 I'm sure where he's going,
Not sure you'll achieve such 995 the pain's coming.
heights having Delilah killed, 00:38:13,518 --> 00:38:15,384
So I'm gonna punish you. 1007
984 00:38:42,280 --> 00:38:44,080
00:37:46,591 --> 00:37:49,792 996 No. No, it's not, actually.
00:39:23,421 --> 00:39:24,620
1008 JIMMY: 1033
00:38:44,115 --> 00:38:46,215 No, please! No, no, 00:40:12,770 --> 00:40:14,370
And you know why? You're such an ass.
Because I'm here and he's... 1021
00:39:24,656 --> 00:39:26,756 1034
1009 please! Please. 00:40:14,405 --> 00:40:16,539
00:38:46,250 --> 00:38:48,451 - Thank you.
- (gunshots) 1022 - Oh, God.
- (gasps) 00:39:26,791 --> 00:39:29,225
Please don't kill me. 1035
1010 00:40:19,847 --> 00:40:21,963
00:38:53,391 --> 00:38:54,890 1023 He was firing at you.
(gasping) 00:39:29,260 --> 00:39:30,559
Oh, Jimmy. 1036
1011 00:40:22,373 --> 00:40:24,059
00:38:54,926 --> 00:38:57,593 1024 Why aren't you...
Chloe. 00:39:32,563 --> 00:39:34,263
You're gonna wish 1037
1012 that's all 00:40:24,182 --> 00:40:26,041
00:38:57,629 --> 00:38:58,861 more dead?
(gasping) 1025
00:39:34,298 --> 00:39:36,999 1038
1013 - I did to you. 00:40:26,076 --> 00:40:28,384
00:38:58,896 --> 00:39:01,631 - (screaming) You're having a very hard time
(weakly): with the immortal thing,
I don't want to die. 1026
00:39:51,516 --> 00:39:52,882 1039
1014 LUCIFER: 00:40:28,419 --> 00:40:30,519
00:39:01,666 --> 00:39:04,367 Well, aren't you?
I won't let you.
1027 1040
1015 00:39:52,917 --> 00:39:55,685 00:40:30,555 --> 00:40:32,088
00:39:05,803 --> 00:39:08,510 look who's back. (sighs)
Your father will just have
to wait for you. 1028 1041
00:39:57,989 --> 00:39:59,789 00:40:33,391 --> 00:40:35,491
1016 (groans) - What happened with Jimmy?
00:39:09,240 --> 00:39:11,741 - Jimmy?
- (gunshots) 1029
- (groaning) 00:40:02,160 --> 00:40:04,393 1042
How long have I been out? 00:40:35,526 --> 00:40:37,960
1017 Jimmy got what he deserved.
00:39:13,285 --> 00:39:16,345 1030
Just... give me one second. 00:40:04,429 --> 00:40:07,396 1043
(sighs) 00:40:37,995 --> 00:40:39,895
1018 Three years. Hmm?
00:39:16,381 --> 00:39:19,215
(gunshots) 1031 1044
00:40:08,299 --> 00:40:09,598 00:40:41,199 --> 00:40:43,666
1019 What? Well, I'm pretty sure
00:39:22,286 --> 00:39:23,386 I'd be dead
(grunts) 1032
00:40:09,634 --> 00:40:10,866 1045
1020 (chuckling) 00:40:43,701 --> 00:40:45,201
if you hadn't helped me, I've obviously proven myself
so... 1070
1058 00:41:35,753 --> 00:41:37,887
1046 00:41:13,231 --> 00:41:14,597 - God.
00:40:45,236 --> 00:40:47,336 to be an invaluable - Are you hurt?
thank you. crime-fighting tool.
1047 1059 00:41:37,922 --> 00:41:39,121
00:40:47,371 --> 00:40:49,271 00:41:14,632 --> 00:41:17,032 I'm okay.
Sorry, what was that? You're a pariah
That last bit. in the department. 1072
00:41:39,157 --> 00:41:40,823
1048 1060 LUCIFER: Right.
00:40:49,307 --> 00:40:51,373 00:41:17,068 --> 00:41:18,200 Well, I'd stay for
I didn't quite I think this could be the start
get that. 1073
1061 00:41:40,858 --> 00:41:42,958
1049 00:41:18,236 --> 00:41:19,335 the family reunion,
00:40:52,243 --> 00:40:54,143 of a beautiful friendship. but it's giving me terrible IBS.
Thank you. Don't you?
1050 1062 00:41:42,994 --> 00:41:45,528
00:40:55,079 --> 00:40:57,179 00:41:19,370 --> 00:41:21,470 So, look forward
You're welcome. Who the hell are you? to seeing you soon, Chloe.

1051 1063 1075

00:40:57,215 --> 00:40:58,981 00:41:21,506 --> 00:41:23,739 00:41:45,563 --> 00:41:47,530
And, besides, you know, I told you, I'm... - I don't.
- Bye, now.
1052 1064
00:40:59,016 --> 00:41:02,182 00:41:23,775 --> 00:41:25,441 1076
you're far too interesting Lucifer! 00:41:47,565 --> 00:41:49,064
to let die. Glad you're not dead.
1053 00:41:26,277 --> 00:41:28,577 1077
00:41:02,520 --> 00:41:04,754 Uh, yes. Hello, child. 00:41:51,702 --> 00:41:55,576
You saved my life ♪ Always something
because I'm interesting? 1066 before the late night ♪
00:41:28,613 --> 00:41:30,613
1054 Um, just... Why don't you save 1078
00:41:04,789 --> 00:41:06,889 00:41:55,611 --> 00:41:57,706
Wildly irritating as well, 1067 ♪ Around the corner,
but yes. 00:41:30,648 --> 00:41:32,448 there's always ♪
some of this unpleasantness
1055 for your mother, yeah? 1079
00:41:06,924 --> 00:41:08,124 00:41:57,741 --> 00:41:59,809
(chuckles softly) 1068 (distorting):
00:41:32,483 --> 00:41:33,716 ♪ Something waiting for you...
1056 - (groans) ♪
00:41:10,428 --> 00:41:11,594 - Ooh.
So what now? 1080
1069 00:41:59,844 --> 00:42:02,378
1057 00:41:33,751 --> 00:41:35,718 (groans)
00:41:11,629 --> 00:41:13,195 - Sorry. Bloody hell.
Well, I mean, - Oh.
1081 I would love a war. Well, there's...
00:42:07,652 --> 00:42:09,952 something different about her
What do you want 1093
from me? 00:42:38,683 --> 00:42:40,783 1105
(chuckling) 00:43:25,830 --> 00:43:28,364
1082 that I don't quite understand,
00:42:09,987 --> 00:42:12,421 1094 and it vexes me.
I've been watching you, 00:42:40,818 --> 00:42:43,619
Lucifer. Oh, Luci. 1106
00:43:28,399 --> 00:43:30,933
1083 1095 Maybe it's not her
00:42:12,456 --> 00:42:14,423 00:42:43,654 --> 00:42:47,156 that's different.
- You perv. My hatred for you grows
- And I'm not sure stronger 1107
with every visit. 00:43:30,968 --> 00:43:33,569
1084 (chuckles) Is this
00:42:14,458 --> 00:42:16,058 1096 where I'm supposed to ask,
I like what I see. 00:42:47,191 --> 00:42:50,459
Well, I wouldn't have it 1108
1085 any other way, pal. 00:43:33,604 --> 00:43:35,304
00:42:16,093 --> 00:42:18,761 "Whatever do you mean?"
You're showing restraint, 1097
mercy. 00:42:50,494 --> 00:42:53,596 1109
I look forward 00:43:35,339 --> 00:43:38,007
1086 to eating your heart one day. I'm worried the humans
00:42:18,796 --> 00:42:21,897 are rubbing off on you.
You scared I'm turning my 1098
back 00:42:53,631 --> 00:42:55,297 1110
on the dark side, bro? Peace. 00:43:38,042 --> 00:43:40,442
Stop caring.
1087 1099
00:42:21,933 --> 00:42:25,634 00:43:00,037 --> 00:43:03,205 1111
Lucifer, there is a balance here (wings flapping) 00:43:41,412 --> 00:43:43,545
that we must maintain. You're the Devil.
1088 00:43:03,241 --> 00:43:05,441 1112
00:42:25,670 --> 00:42:28,304 Ugh. 00:43:45,816 --> 00:43:47,616
I strongly suggest you do Yes, I am.
what I told you to do 1101
00:43:13,718 --> 00:43:15,885 1113
1089 I sense your 00:43:47,652 --> 00:43:49,885
00:42:28,339 --> 00:42:29,738 disapproval, Maze. ♪♪
and go back to Hell.
1102 1114
1090 00:43:15,920 --> 00:43:17,853 00:44:01,198 --> 00:44:03,265
00:42:29,774 --> 00:42:32,741 What is it? - Okay. Right.
Don't threaten me, Amenadiel. - Uh...
1091 00:43:17,889 --> 00:43:23,292 1115
00:42:32,777 --> 00:42:35,377 I just can't understand 00:44:03,301 --> 00:44:05,534
I mean, you don't want why you would save a human Here's the deal.
to start a war. life. We can have as much naked

1092 1104 1116

00:42:35,413 --> 00:42:38,647 00:43:23,327 --> 00:43:25,794 00:44:05,569 --> 00:44:07,603
cuddle time 00:44:09,874 --> 00:44:13,142 1120
as you desire, but... There's a few things that 00:44:16,514 --> 00:44:17,680
I'd like to discuss with you. Deal?
00:44:07,638 --> 00:44:09,838 1119 1121
you're gonna have 00:44:13,177 --> 00:44:16,478 00:44:17,715 --> 00:44:20,215
to listen to me, too. You know, just a... - Yes.
an existential dilemma or two. - Lovely.

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