10 By-Laws Stating Cleaning of Septic Tanks Carried Out in Every 3 Years 1672399912157 PDF

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कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल

िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170


BY LAWS – 2019

In exercise of the powers conferred by the section 355, of the Madhya Pradesh Municipality
Act, 1961, the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act,
2013 (India Act 25 of 2013), Sections 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, of the Environment (Protection)
(Protecti Act,
1986 (India Act 29 of 1986), Sections 24, 25, 26, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 and 48 of the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (India Act 6 of 1974) and having been notified
by the Government, the PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL do hereby make the following By-Laws.


1. Short title, extent and commencement

These By-laws
laws may be called PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL 'Faecal Faecal Sludge &Septage
Management By-Laws
Laws 2019'. They shall come into force from 24.10.2020 of publication


whereitis otherwiseexpresslyorimpliedlyprovided,theseBy- laws shall apply to all

persons, including all generators of waste water, within the Whole geographical area
vested in thePANKHEDI KALAPIPAL limit from time to time by the Government
including all public and priv
ate places irrespective of its use or ownership, i.e., dwelling,
trading, commercial, professional, industrial, governmental, semi-governmental,
administrative, educational, religious, recreational, socialand allotherusageswhichare
not included herein.


ny question relating to the interpretation of these By
laws arises it shall be referred to the
CMO, who shall give his/her decision and which decision shall be final.


1. "Administrative Ward" means an administrative ward of thePANKHEDI KALAPIPAL;

2. "Agency/Agent/Contractor/Service Provider" means any entity/ person appointed or
authorized by the CMOto
to act on behalf of the PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL, for discharge of duties
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

or functions as directed by PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL;

3. "Authorization" means permission granted by the prescribed authority for services in
accordance with these By By-Laws;
4. "By-laws" means these PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL Faecal Sludge & Septage ManagementBy-

5. "Community” means a group of interacting people, living in some proximity (i.e.·, ( in space, time
or relationship). It refers to a social unit larger than a household that shares common valuesand
bas socialcohesion;
6. “CMO” means the Chief Municipal Officer of the PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL;
7. "Disposal" means final and safe disposal o off waste to prevent contamination of ground water,
surface water, ambient air quality and attraction of animals orbirds;
8. "Drain" means a sewer, a house drain, a drain of any other description, a tunnel, a culvert, a
ditch, a channel and any other device for carrying or conveying se wage, offensive matter,
polluted water, waste water, rainwater or subsoilwater;
9. "Effluent" means the liquid waste discharge thatis the result of any
domestic,commercial, institutional or industrial;
10. “Faecal Sludge” means generally human excreta which comes from on-site on sanitation
technologies (pit latrines & septic tanks). It can be in any form like raw, partially digested, a
slurry or semi solid.
11. “Generators” means and includes every person or group of persons or institution,
residential and commercial establishments including public and private entities or any other
establishment which generate waste water/ Faecal Sludge/ Septage.
12. “Owner” means the occupier person of a premises or equipment. The principal occupier of
a premises shall also be treated as the owner.
13. "Person" means any person or persons and shall include any shop or establishment or
firmorcompany or association or body of individuals whether incorporated or notand their
agents,assignee etc.;
14. “Premises” means any land, building or physical structure under posse possession
ssion of a person meant for
human occupation or use, whether for residential or nonnon-residential
residential purposes;
15. "Scum” means a mass of light solids, such as grease, oils and soaps floating onthesurface of
waste water in a septic tank;
16. "Septic tank"meansanunderg
meansanunderground round water tight receptacle that receives and treats
wastewater by a combination of solids settling and anaerobic digestion
17. “Septage” refers to the partially digested solid or settled contents of septic tanks;
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

18. “Septage Management” refers to the comprehe

nsive program for managing septic tanks and the
procedures for desludging, transporting, treating and reusing or disposing of septic tank content;
19. "Sewage Treatment Plant" or "STP"means means authorized waste treatment plant of
consisting of a series of tanks, screens, tilters and other processes by which pollutants
are removed from sewage
20. "Sewers" means a system of pipes used for collecting domestic andindustrial waste, as well
asstorm water run-off;
21. "Sewerage" means a system of sewers, the removal of waste aste materials by means of a sewer
22. "Sludge" means the heavier solids that separate from waste water inside the septic tank and
sink to the bottom. These solids ar
aresubjectto continual decomposition activity

23. by bacteria in the tank; however, since break down is never complete solids accumulate and
must be periodically removedbypumping;
24. "Storm Water Drain" means a pipeline or channel system that carries surface water
and/orrunoff to public waters, but does not feed into sewersystem;
25. "User Fees"means
means charges, applicable to and payable by Generators, as notified by
theCMOfrom time-to to time to cover the part or fullcost for services provided byULB;

27. “VacuumTanker/Mud-pumps/Cesspool
pumps/Cesspool Emptier” means a closed container used for
mechanized emptying of Faecal sludge/septage/sludge stored in septic tanks/ on-site on sanitation
systems and transporting it to treatment plant or designated site.
28. “Wastewater” means and includes any liquid effluent from human activity, whether of residential or
residential nature, including effluents from toilets, kitchens and cleaning activity, but does not
include effluents from manufacturing and industrial activity.


5. Construction of Septic tanks by generators: -

1. All the generators shall construct septic tanks(as per CPHEEO guideline) for onsite sanitation and
treatment of liquid waste after obtaining necessary approvals from the ULB,
ULB provided.

a) No public sewer lineexists within 100 feet/30

t/30 meters from any part of the

b) The contributory population does not exceed 300 persons in case of generators (multi-
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

storiedresidential buildings, Government and private colonies etc. and Slums and Chawls.

c) Conveyed to a community or local area containment system or treatment facility.

2. TheSepticTanksshallbedesignedandconstru
NationalBuilding Code
guidelines, IS-2470(Part1&2)
2470(Part1&2) and as specified in CPHEEO manual, the Development Control
Regulations and any specificat
specification notified by theULB.The
The details of design and construction shall
be submitted to the ULB for
or approval.

3. In case of extension of public sewer lines to the said location

tion the septic tanks thus constructed
shall be properly abandoned within specified period of time atowner's own expense upon
receiving a written notice from the ULB, and private sewers shall be connected to the public
sewer line in accordance with the provisions hereof.

4. A sub-soildispersionsystem
system/ Soak pitshall be constructed but not be closer than

18meters to any source of drinking water and shall notbe closer than 6meters to

5. The inlet and outlet of the septic tanks shall not be at such levels where sludge and

6. The invert of the outlet pipe should be placed at a level 5

7cm belowtheinvertlevel of the

7. All the septic tanks sshall

hall be provided with ventilation pipes,
pipes the
least2meter abovethetopof

8. Access manholes of adequate size as prescribed by the ULB shall be providedontheseptic

provided tanks
for its periodic cleaning.

6. De-sludging
sludging / Emptying of Septic tanks: -

1. The owner of a Premises connected to septic tank shall be responsible for the upkeep,
maintenance and safe disposal of the sludge from the containment unit.
2. Depending on the capacity of the septic tanks, and the amount of sludge generated, the septic
tanks shall be de-sludged
sludged periodically for 2
3 years only (as per CPHEEO guidelines) through the
agency/ contractor authorized by the ULB for the purpose orr with the assistance of the ULB on
payment basis.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

3. The owner shall ensure no pollution is caused to the environment due to directly discharge of
sludge into open areas or into the drain due to malfunctioning of containment unit.
4. The collection, de-sludgin
g, disposal of sludge/effluent and closure of septic tanks shall only be
done by agency/contractor authorized by the ULB.

5. De-sludging
sludging of septic tank should be carried out by trained sanitary workers of the service
provider (ULB or ULB registered private opoperator), by mechanical equipment including vacuum
tankers, sludge pipes with delivery valve to draw the sludge etc. The generators shall ensure that
septic tanks are not manually de

6. The effluents/sludge shall not be disposed of in open grounds, wa

ter ways, agricultural lands or
any other non-designated
designated locations, but shall be delivered and deposited only in authorized
treatment facilities of the ULB.

7. Safety measures for desludging

1. The desludging should be carried out using safe and appropriate ttechnology,
echnology, equipment, safety
gear and sound operating practices which are in compliance with the relevant provisions of
law/guidelines and/or directives in force at the time.

2. The vacuum tanker/Mud Pump/Cesspool vehicle operator shall ensure that

i) all desludging workers use appropriate personal protective equipment, safety gear and
accessories including shoulder length fully coated neoprene gloves, rubber boots, a face
mask, and other such accessories as specified in the Prohibition of Employment as Manual
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013;
ii) all desludging workers are trained to use the safety gear and on hygiene practices.
iii) all the safety equipment is operational and good for use before proceeding to a collection
iv) first aid kit, gass detection lamp and fire extinguisher are kept in the vehicle before it goes
to the collection site;
v) there issufficient disinfectant on the vehicle before it goes to the collection site;
vi) sanitary workers shall never enter a septic tank in any circumstan
vii) all safety/instructions guidelines/notifications issued by the ULB,, Government of Madhya
Pradesh and Central Government from time to time are obeyed;

8. Accidental spillage
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

In the event of accidental spillage of sludge/septage, the vacuum tanker/Mud Pump/Cesspool

vehicle operators shall:
i) Immediately take action to contain further spillage of sludge/septage, minimize the
environmental impact, and take clean
clean-up action
ii) Disinfect the area of spillage by appropriate method. Contravention to do so may result in
penalty or fine.


9. Treatment
The Faecal Sludge/ Septage shall be processed and treated in the treatment facilities approved and
notified by the ULB,, in accordance with the relevant laws, notifinotifications,
cations, guidelines and good
engineering practice. From the date of such notification, no disposal of septage/ sludge shall happen
anywhere in the ULB limits except for at the designated treatment or disposal site.

10. Disposal
The treated sludge/ septage sh shall
all be disposed at a specified location authorized and notified by the
from time to time in compliance with the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. The location for disposal site shall be finalized
fin by the
ULB,, in consultation with the Pollution Control Board and District administration. The treated sludge/
septage may also be deployed for re re-use
use in accordance with applicable rules and safety standards.


1. No person shall: discharge, spill or release Faecal waste or septage, or permit such waste water, to be
discharged, spilled or released, in or at any public or private place.For this purpose of these By-Laws,
public or private place includes but not limited to the following:
i) Any occupied, open or vacant land, playground andgardens
ii) On the bank of awater body or into water body like rivers, water ways,
catchments,sewers, storm water drains
iii) Public streetorprivatestreet or on any unoccupied ground alo alongside
ngside any street, roads,
sidewalk, road dividers etc.
iv) Near educational institute, hospitals, any public place, religious places,heritage
buildings etc.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

2. Set-up,
up, operate or maintain a Faecal Sludge treatment plant without obtaining necessary
permission from the ULB and in accordance with the standards andspecificationsbereunder.
3. Construct, operate, maintain or abandon any septic tank/soak pits etc. without obtaining
necessary permission from the ULB and in accordance with the standards and
4. Carry out the collection, de de-sludging
sludging or transportation of sludge from septic tanks by un-
authorized contractor/agency or in breach ofthe standards and specifications hereunder.
5. Allowanyemployee/contractor/agenttoengageinmanualhandlingofsludge
ployee/contractor/agenttoengageinmanualhandlingofsludge or Employ or engaged
in manual desludging of septic tanks/ on on-site sanitation systems.
6. Discharge the effluents from de de-sludging
sludging of septic tanks in water ways, drains, open land,
agricultural field or any other non
designated spot, but shall discharge it in the closest or most
7. Allow any water logging/stagnation/waste dumping/unhygienic conditions/insanitary
conditions/cracking etc. within premises owned or controlled b by
y them which may lead to
8. Allow or fail to prevent any vector breeding or fail to maintain cleanliness and sanitation within
premises owned or controlled
lled by them as per by


12. Administration and Enforcement

The administration power and enforcement of these By
Laws is hereby vested with the CMO
C of the
ULB or any other official of the ULB duly authorized by the CMO.If .If the is contributing to the
containment, conveyance, treatment, it may levy user fees/tax for ensuring the cost recovery at the
ULB.. Similarly, the users will be required to pay for these services rendered to ULB and/or

13. Special inspection

ion powers
For any purpose relating to implementation and enforcement of these By
Laws, the ULB shall have
the power of inspection/ supervision of any premises, septage transportation vehicle and septage
treatment plant at any time.

14. Violations and penalties

a) Any person or organization is guilty of violation of this By
By-Law, if it
i) contravenes or fails to comply with any provisions of these By
ii) obstructs, hinders or interferes with an authorized official or other official of the ULB acting
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

under powerr delegated to him, in the exercise of any power or the performance of any duty
under these By-Laws;
iii) resorts to manual cleaning of the septic tank or pits;
iv) The person or organization found to be guilty of violation of the By
By--Law shall be penalized
with a fine
ine as notified by the ULB from time to time and/or prosecution under relevant law
and/or seizure of the assets.

15. Removal of doubts

If any doubt arises, relating to interpretation, scope or application of these By
Laws, decision of the ULB
shall be final.

16. Conflict
In the event of there being any conflict between the provisions of these By
Laws and the provisions of
any contract already entered into by the ULB, under the purview of these By-Laws,
Laws, the provision of these
By-Laws shall prevail.

17. Power to relax By-Laws

In exceptional cases where ULB is satisfied that the operation of these By-LawsLaws causes hardship in any
particular case or where the ULB is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient in public interest to do
so, he may relax
ax the provisions of these By
Laws with the approval of State Government.

18. Appeal
Any person, who is aggrieved by a decision of an Authorized Official under these By-Laws,
By may appeal
against such decision to the CMO of ULB, by filing an appeal petition, specifying the grounds of appeal,
within fifteen days of such decision.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170


Penalties and Fine

Sr. No Description Clause No Penalty (in INR)

1 Unscientific design and construction 5
of Septic Tank 1000
1.1 Continue Breach 5 2000
2 Direct discharge of sewage into 11
drain or road or open area 1000
2.1 Continue Breach 11 2000
3 Plying of unauthorized Vacuum 11
tanker/Mud pump/Cesspool vehicle 1000
with in city limit
3.1 Continue Breach 11 2000
4 Noncompliance to attend accidental 8
spillage 1000
4.1 Continue Breach 8 2000
5 Cleaning of septic tank through 6
manual scavenging 1000
5.1 Continue Breach 6 2000

BY- LAWS – 2019

In exercise ofthe powers conferred by the section 355, of the Madhya Pradesh Municipality Act,
1961, the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013
(India Act 25 of 2013), Sections 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, of the Environ
ment (Protection) Act, 1986
(India Act 29 of 1986), Sections 24, 25, 26, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 and 48 of the Water (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (India Act 6 of 1974) and having been notified by the
Government, the PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL do hereby make the following By-Laws. Laws.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170


19. Short title, extent and commencement

laws may be called PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL 'Faecal

These By-laws Faecal Sludge &Septage
Management By-Laws
Laws 2019'. They shall come into force from 24.10.2020 of publication


Except where it is otherwise expressly or impliedly provided,theseBy- laws shall apply

to all persons, including all generators of waste water, within the Whole geographical
area vested in thePANKHEDI KALAPIPAL limit from time to time by the Government
including all public and private places irrespective of its use or ownership, i.e., dwelling,
trading, commercial, professional, industrial, governmental, semi-governmental,
administrative, educational, religious, recreational, socialandallotherusageswhichare
not included herein.


ny question relating to the interpretation of these By
laws arises it shall be referred to the
CMO, who shall give his/her decision and which decision shall be final.


29. "Administrative Ward" means an administrative ward of thePANKHEDI KALAPIPAL;

30. "Agency/Agent/Contractor/Service Provider" means any entity/ person appointed or
authorized by theCMOto to act on behalf of the PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL, for discharge of duties
or functions as directed byPANKHEDI KALAPIPAL;
31. "Authorization" means permission granted by the prescribed authority for services in
accordance with theseBy By-Laws;
32. "By-laws"meansthesePANKHEDI KALAPIPAL Faecal Sludge &Septage Septage ManagementBy-
33. "Community” means a group of interacting people, living in some proximity (i.e.·,( in space, time
or relationship). It refers to a social unit larger than a household that shares common valuesand
bas socialcohesion;
34. “CMO” means the Chief Municipal Officer of the PANKHEDI KALAPIPAL;
35. "Disposal" means final and safe disposal o off waste to prevent contamination of ground water,
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

surface water, ambient air quality and attraction of animals orbirds;

36. "Drain" means a sewer, a house drain, a drain of any other description, a tunnel, a culvert, a
ditch, a channel and any other device for carrying or conveying se wage, offensive matter,
polluted water, waste water, rainwater or subsoilwater;
37. "Effluent" means the liquid waste discharge thatis the result of any
domestic,commercial, institutional or industrial;

38. “Faecal Sludge” means generally human excreta which comes from on-site on sanitation
technologies (pit latrines & septic tanks). It can be in an any
y form like raw, partially digested, a
slurry or semi solid.
39. “Generators” means and includes every person or group of persons or institution,
residential and commercial establishments including public and private entities or any other
establishment which generate waste water/ Faecal Sludge/ Septage.
40. “Owner” means the occupier person of a premises or equipment. The principal occupier of
a premises shall also be treated as the owner.
41. "Person" means any person or persons and shall include any shop or establishment establi or
firmorcompany or association or body of individuals whether incorporated or notand their
agents,assignee etc.;
42. “Premises” means any land, building or physical structure under possession of a person meant for
human occupation or use, whether for rresidential or non-residential
residential purposes;
43. "Scum” means a mass of light solids, such as grease, oils and soaps floating onthesurface of
waste water in a septic tank;
44. "Septic tank"meansanunderground
meansanunderground water tight receptacle that receives and treats
wastewater by a combination of solids settling and anaerobic digestion
45. “Septage” refers to the partially digested solid or settled contents of septic tanks;
46. “Septage Management” refers to the comprehensive program for managing septic tanks and the
procedures for desludging, transporting, treating and reusing or disposing of septic tank content;
47. "Sewage Treatment Plant" or "STP"means means authorized waste treatment plant of
sting of a series of tanks, screens, tilters and other processes by which pollutants
are removed from sewage
48. "Sewers" means a system of pipes used for collecting domestic andindustrial waste, as well
asstorm water run-off;
49. "Sewerage" means a system of sewers, the removal of waste materials by means of a sewer
50. "Sludge" means the heavier solids that separate from waste water inside the septic tank and
sink to the bottom. These solids ar
aresubjectto continual decomposition activity by bacteria in the
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

tank; however, since break down is never complete solids accumulate and must be periodically
51. "Storm Water Drain" means a pipeline or channel system that carries surface water
and/orrunoff to publicc waters, but does not feed into sewersystem;
52. "User Fees"means
means charges, applicable to and payable by Generators, as notified by
theCMOfrom time-toto time to cover the part or fullcost for services provided byULB;
54. “VacuumTanker/Mud-pumps/Cesspool
pumps/Cesspool Emptier” means a closed container used for
mechanized emptying of Faecal sludge/septage/sludge stored in septic tanks/ on-site
on sanitation
systems and transporting it to treatment plant or designated site.

55. “Wastewater” means and includes any liquid effluent from human activity, whether of residential or
residential nature, including effluents from toilets, kitchens and cleaning activity, but does not
include effluents from manufacturing and industrial activity.


23. Construction of Septic tanks by generators: -

9. All the generators shall construct septic tanks(as per CPHEEO guideline) for onsite sanitation and
treatment of liquid waste after obtaini
obtaining necessary approvals from the ULB,
ULB provided.

d) No public sewer lineexists within 100 feet/30

t/30 meters from any part of the

e) The contributory population does not exceed 300 persons in case of generators (multi-(multi
storiedresidential buildings, Government and private colonies etc. and Slums and Chawls.

f) Conveyed to a community or local area containment system or treatment facility.

10. TheSepticTanksshallbedesignedandconstructedinaccordancewith
NationalBuilding Code
guidelines, IS-2470(Part1&2)
rt1&2) and as specified in CPHEEO manual, the Development Control
Regulations and any specificat
specification notified by theULB.The
The details of design and construction shall
be submitted to the ULB for approval.

11. In case of extension of public sewer lines to the said location

tion the septic tanks thus constructed
shall be properly abandoned within specified period of time atowner's own expense upon
receiving a written notice from the ULB, and private sewers shall be connected to the public
sewer line in accordance with the provisions hereof.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

12. A sub-soildispersionsystem
system/ Soak pitshall be constructed but not be closer than 18meters to
any source of drinking water and shall notbe closer than 6meters to thenearestbuilding.

13. The inlet and outlet of the septic tanks shall not be at such levels where sludge and

14. The invert of the outlet pipe should be placed at a level 5

7cm belowtheinvertlevel of the

15. All the septic tanks shall be provided with ventilation pipes
pipes, the
least2meter abovethetopof

16. Access manholes of adequate size as prescribed by the ULB shall be providedontheseptic
provided tanks
for its periodic cleaning.

24. De-sludging
sludging / Emptying of Septic tanks: -

7. The owner of a Premises connected to septic tank shall be responsible for the upkeep,
maintenance and safe disposal of the sludge from the containment unit.
8. Depending on the capacity of the septic tanks, and the amount of sludge generated, the septic
tanks shall be de-sludged
sludged periodically for 2
3 years only (as per CPHEEO guidelines) through the
agency/ contractor authorized by the ULB for the purpose or with the assistance of the ULB on
payment basis.
9. The owner shall ensure no pollution is caused to the environment due to directly discharge of
sludge into open areas or into the drain due to malfunctioning of containment unit.
10. The collection, de-sludging,
sludging, disposal of sludge/effluent and closure of septic
septi tanks shall only be
done by agency/contractor authorized by the ULB.

11. De-sludging
sludging of septic tank should be carried out by trained sanitary workers of the service
provider (ULB or ULB registered private operator), by mechanical equipment including vacuum
ankers, sludge pipes with delivery valve to draw the sludge etc. The generators shall ensure that
septic tanks are not manually de

12. The effluents/sludge shall not be disposed of in open grounds, water ways, agricultural lands or
any other non-designated
nated locations, but shall be delivered and deposited only in authorized
treatment facilities of the ULB.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

25. Safety measures for desludging

3. The desludging should be carried out using safe and appropriate technology, equipment, safety
gear and sound operating practices which are in compliance with the relevant provisions of
law/guidelines and/or directives in force at the time.
4. The vacuum tanker/Mud
er/Mud Pump/Cesspool vehicle operator shall ensure that
viii) all desludging workers use appropriate personal protective equipment, safety gear and
accessories including shoulder length fully coated neoprene gloves, rubber boots, a face
mask, and other such accaccessories
essories as specified in the Prohibition of Employment as Manual
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013;
ix) all desludging workers are trained to use the safety gear and on hygiene practices.
x) all the safety equipment is operational and good for use b before
efore proceeding to a collection
xi) first aid kit, gas detection lamp and fire extinguisher are kept in the vehicle before it goes
to the collection site;
xii) there issufficient disinfectant on the vehicle before it goes to the collection site;

xiii) sanitaryy workers shall never enter a septic tank in any circumstances;
xiv) all safety/instructions guidelines/notifications issued by the ULB,, Government of Madhya
Pradesh and Central Government from time to time are obeyed;

26. Accidental spillage

In the event of accidental spillage of sludge/septage, the vacuum tanker/Mud Pump/Cesspool

vehicle operators shall:
iii) Immediately take action to contain further spillage of sludge/septage, minimize the
environmental impact, and take clean
clean-up action
iv) Disinfect
ct the area of spillage by appropriate method. Contravention to do so may result in
penalty or fine.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170


27. Treatment
The Faecal Sludge/ Septage shall be processed and treated in the treatment facilities approved
appr and
notified by the ULB,, in accordance with the relevant laws, notifications, guidelines and good
engineering practice. From the date of such notification, no disposal of septage/ sludge shall happen
anywhere in the ULB limits except for at the design
ated treatment or disposal site.

28. Disposal
The treated sludge/ septage shall be disposed at a specified location authorized and notified by the
from time to time in compliance with the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Water
(Prevention and Control
ntrol of Pollution) Act, 1974. The location for disposal site shall be finalized by the
ULB,, in consultation with the Pollution Control Board and District administration. The treated sludge/
septage may also be deployed for re re-use in accordance with applicable
able rules and safety standards.


9. No person shall: discharge, spill or release Faecal waste or septage, or permit such waste water, to be
discharged, spilled or released, in or at any public or private place.For this purpose of these By-Laws,
public or private place includes but not limited to the following:
v) Any occupied, open or vacant land, playground andgardens
vi) On the bank of awater body or into water body like rivers, water ways,
catchments,sewers, sstorm water drains
vii) Public streetorprivatestreet or on any unoccupied ground alongside any street,

roads, sidewalk, road dividers etc.

viii) Near educational institute, hospitals, any public place, religious places,heritage
buildings etc.
10. Set-up, operate or maintain
aintain a Faecal Sludge treatment plant without obtaining necessary
permission from the ULB and in accordance with the standards andspecificationsbereunder.
11. Construct, operate, maintain or abandon any septic tank/soak pits etc. without obtaining
necessary permission from the ULB and in accordance with the standards and
12. Carry out the collection, dede-sludging
sludging or transportation of sludge from septic tanks by un-
ed contractor/agency or in breach ofthe standards and specifications hereunder.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

13. Allowanyemployee/contractor/agenttoengageinmanualhandlingofsludge or Employ or engaged

in manual desludging of septic tanks/ on on-site sanitation systems.
14. Discharge the effluents from de de-sludging
sludging of septic tanks in water ways, drains, open land,
agricultural field or any other non
designated spot, but shall discharge it in the closest or most
15. Allow any water logging/stagnation/waste dumping/unhyg dumping/unhygienic
ienic conditions/insanitary
conditions/cracking etc. within premises owned or controlled by them which may lead to
16. Allow or fail to prevent any vector breeding or fail to maintain cleanliness and sanitation within
premises owned or controlled
lled by them as per by


30. Administration and Enforcement

The administration power and enforcement of these By-Laws
Laws is hereby vested with the CMO
C of the
ULB or any other official of the ULB duly authorized by the CMO.If .If the is contributing to the
containment, conveyance, treatment, it may levy user fees/tax for ensuring the cost recovery at the
ULB.. Similarly, the users will be required to pay for these services rendered to ULB and/or

31. Special inspection powers

For any purpose relating to implementation and enforcement of these By By-Laws,
Laws, the ULB shall have
the power of inspection/
tion/ supervision of any premises, septage transportation vehicle and septage
treatment plant at any time.

32. Violations and penalties

b) Any person or organization is guilty of violation of this By
By-Law, if it
v) contravenes or fails to comply with any provisions of these ByBy-Laws;
vi) obstructs, hinders or interferes with an authorized official or other official of the ULB

acting under power delegated to him, in the exercise of any power or the performance of any
ty under these By
vii) resorts to manual cleaning of the septic tank or pits;
viii) The person or organization found to be guilty of violation of the By
By--Law shall be penalized
with a fine as notified by the ULB from time to time and/or prosecution under relevant
relevan law
and/or seizure of the assets.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170

33. Removal of doubts

If any doubt arises, relating to interpretation, scope or application of these By
Laws, decision of the ULB
shall be final.

34. Conflict
In the event of there being any conflict between the provisions of these By
Laws and the provisions of
any contract already entered into by the ULB, under the purview of these By-Laws,
Laws, the provision of these
By-Laws shall prevail.

35. Power to relax By-Laws

In exceptional cases where ULB is satisfied that the operation of these By-LawsLaws causes hardship in any
particular case or where the ULB is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient in public interest to do
so, he may relax the provisions of these By
Laws with the approval of State Government.

36. Appeal
Any person, who is aggrieved by a decision of an Authorized Official under these By-Laws,
By may appeal
against such decision to the CMO of ULB,, by filing an appeal petition, specifying the grounds of appeal,
within fifteen days of such decision.
कायालय नगर पानखेड़ी (कालापीपल
िजला शाजापुर
Email:: cmopankhedi@mpurban.gov.in
@mpurban.gov.in ULB Code:: 900170


Penalties and Fine

Sr. No Description Clause No Penalty (in INR)

1 Unscientific design and construction 5
of Septic Tank 1000
1.1 Continue Breach 5 2000
2 Direct discharge of sewage into 11
drain or road or open area 1000
2.1 Continue Breach 11 2000
3 Plying of unauthorized Vacuum 11
tanker/Mud pump/Cesspool vehicle 1000
with in city limit
3.1 Continue Breach 11 2000
4 Noncompliance to attend accidental 8
spillage 1000
4.1 Continue Breach 8 2000
5 Cleaning of septic tank through 6
manual scavenging 1000
5.1 Continue Breach 6 2000

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