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S4 Diabetes Care Volume 43, Supplement 1, January 2020

Summary of Revisions: Standards

of Medical Care in Diabetesd2020
Diabetes Care 2020;43(Suppl. 1):S4–S6 |

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GENERAL CHANGES autoimmune diabetes in adults is now Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Diabetes
The field of diabetes care is rapidly chang- acknowledged. Prevention Impact Tool Kit. More infor-
ing as new research, technology, and A new recommendation (2.8) was added mation was added on the risk reduction
treatments that can improve the health regarding testing for prediabetes and/or certain groups experienced with metformin
and well-being of people with diabetes type 2 diabetes for women with over- use, based on 15-year follow-up data
continue to emerge. With annual up- weight or obesity and/or who have one from the Diabetes Prevention Program
dates since 1989, the American Diabetes or more additional risk factors for dia- Outcomes Study.
Association (ADA) has long been a leader betes who are planning a pregnancy.
Additional considerations were added Section 4. Comprehensive Medical
in producing guidelines that capture the

to the section “Cystic Fibrosis–Related Evaluation and Assessment of

most current state of the field.
Diabetes” (CFRD) regarding the use of Comorbidities
Although levels of evidence for several
A1C tests to detect CFRD. (
recommendations have been updated,
The 2020 Standards of Care includes The autoimmune diseases recommen-
these changes are not outlined below
a new section on “Pancreatic Diabetes or dation (4.12) was modified, and a new
where the clinical recommendation has
Diabetes in the Context of Disease of recommendation was added (4.13) with
remained the same. That is, changes in
autoimmune thyroid disease and celiac
evidence level from, for example, E to C the Exocrine Pancreas” to describe this
form of diabetes and its diverse set of disease screening guidance differenti-
are not noted below. The 2020 Standards
etiologies. ated, and more information on the prev-
of Care contains, in addition to many
The “Gestational Diabetes Mellitus” alence of and screening for these diseases
minor changes that clarify recommenda-
(GDM) section was revised, and the has been added to the text.
tions or reflect new evidence, the follow-
two-step approach for screening and di- Because infection with hepatitis C virus
ing more substantive revisions.
agnosing GDM no longer includes Na- is associated with a higher prevalence of
SECTION CHANGES tional Diabetes Data Group criteria. type 2 diabetes, discussion was added
regarding glucose metabolism and erad-
Section 1. Improving Care and
Section 3. Prevention or Delay of ication of hepatitis C virus infection.
Promoting Health in Populations
Type 2 Diabetes The title of the hearing impairment
( section was changed to “Sensory Impair-
Additional information was included on
On the basis of a new consensus report, ment,” and new information was added,
the rising cost of medications, particu-
“Nutrition Therapy for Adults With Di- including content on impairment of smell.
larly insulin.
abetes or Prediabetes: A Consensus Evidence was updated in the section
A new section “Migrant and Seasonal
Report” ( “Periodontal Disease.”
Agricultural Workers” was added to dis-
0014), published in April 2019, the sec- The section “Psychosocial/Emotional
cuss the challenges of managing type 2
tion “Nutrition” was updated and a new Disorders,” including anxiety disorders, de-
diabetes specific to this group.
recommendation (3.3) was added to rec- pression, disordered eating behavior, and
Section 2. Classification and Diagnosis ognize that a variety of eating patterns are serious mental illness, was moved to Sec-
of Diabetes acceptable for people with prediabetes. tion 5 “Facilitating Behavior Change and
( Additional resources and information Well-being to Improve Health Outcomes”
The debate as to whether slowly pro- were added regarding the National Di- (, in
gressive autoimmune diabetes with an abetes Prevention Program, Medicare order to combine it with existing psycho-
adult onset should be termed latent Diabetes Prevention Programs, and the social guidance found in that section.

© 2019 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit,
and the work is not altered. More information is available at Summary of Revisions S5

Section 5. Facilitating Behavior 2 inhibitors or glucagon-like peptide 1 New evidence and a recommendation
Change and Well-being to Improve (GLP-1) receptor agonists in patients with (9.6) were added on early combination
Health Outcomes cardiovascular disease meeting A1C goals therapy for type 2 diabetes to extend the
( for cardiovascular benefit. time to treatment failure based on find-
The title of this section was previously A new recommendation (6.11) on ings from the VERIFY trial.
“Lifestyle Management” and was changed screening patients who are taking med- FDA approval of oral semaglutide has
to more appropriately emphasize how ef- ication that can lead to hypoglycemia for been included in the discussion of com-
fective behavior management and psycho- hypoglycemia unawareness was introduced. bination therapies.
logical well-being are foundational to Intranasal glucagon and glucagon so- Figure 9.1 has been revised to include
achieving treatment goals for people lution for subcutaneous injection were the latest trial findings on GLP-1 receptor
with diabetes. included in the section “Hypoglycemia” agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors. It now
The section “Nutrition Therapy” was due to their recent approval by the U.S. suggests that these drugs should be con-
updated to include guidance and evi- Food and Drug Administration (FDA). sidered for patients when atherosclerotic

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dence presented in “Nutrition Therapy This section was modified to include a cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), heart
for Adults With Diabetes or Prediabetes: new discussion on the use of continuous failure, or chronic kidney disease pre-
A Consensus Report” ( glucose monitoring technology in hypo- dominates independent of A1C.
10.2337/dci19-0014), published in May glycemia prevention. Figure 9.2 has been simplified to more
2019. easily guide providers through intensifi-
Because of the emerging evidence from Section 7. Diabetes Technology cation to injectable therapies.
the CDC on deaths related to e-cigarettes, (
more information was added discourag- This section was reorganized into three Section 10. Cardiovascular Disease
ing their use. broad categories titled “Self-Monitoring of and Risk Management
Recommendations and supporting Blood Glucose,” “Continuous Glucose Mon- (
evidence on anxiety disorders, depres- itors,” and “Insulin Delivery.” Within these This section is endorsed for the second
sion, disordered eating behavior, and revised sections, emphasis has been made consecutive year by the American Col-
serious mental illness previously found on how there is no “one-size-fits-all” lege of Cardiology.
at the end of Section 4 were moved to approach to technology use in people Blood pressure targets for pregnant
Section 5 and are included under “Psy- with diabetes. Due to the rapidly changing patients with pre-existing hypertension have
chosocial Issues.” More information field of diabetes technology, the recom- been changed in the interest of reducing the
on psychosocial screening for social mendations in each category have been risk for accelerated maternal hypertension
determinants of health and significant revised, and more evidence has been and minimizing fetal growth impairment.
changes in life circumstances was also added to support the recommendations Recommendations for statin treat-
added. throughout. ment (primary and secondary prevention,
10.19–10.28) have been revised to min-
Section 6. Glycemic Targets Section 8. Obesity Management for imize ASCVD risk and to align with the
( the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes “2018 AHA/ACC/AACVPR/AAPA/ABC/
Based on the publication “Clinical Tar- ( ACPM/ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA/PCNA
gets for Continuous Glucose Monitoring The body mass index (BMI) calculation Guideline on the Management of Blood
Data Interpretation: Recommendations recommendation (8.1) was modified to Cholesterol: Executive Summary: A Report
From the International Consensus on Time recommend annual BMI calculations of the American College of Cardiology/
in Range” ( rather than at every patient encounter. American Heart Association Task Force
0028) published in June 2019, new recom- More discussion was added on how on Clinical Practice Guidelines” (https://
mendations (6.4 and 6.5) were added on providers measure and record patient,
use of the ambulatory glucose profile (AGP) weight, including recommendations on published in June 2019.
report and time in range (TIR) for assess- how to manage these encounters to Discussion of REDUCE-IT was added to
ment of glycemic management. A discus- maximize patient comfort and engage- the section “Treatment of Other Lipo-
sion of AGP reports, time in range, and ment. Other considerationsdlike access protein Fractions or Targets,” and a new
glucose management indicators follow the to food and individual’s motivation recommendation (10.31) was included
new recommendations. An example of an leveldwere added to the section “Lifestyle on considering icosapent ethyl for re-
AGP report was also added (Fig. 6.1). Interventions.” ducing cardiovascular risk.
Table 6.1 was replaced with a simpli- Recommendations for treatment of
fied estimated average glucose table. Section 9. Pharmacologic Approaches cardiovascular disease (10.43a, 10.43b,
More discussion on the importance of to Glycemic Treatment 10.43c) are now individualized based on
reducing therapeutic inertia in the manage- ( patients’ existing ASCVD, risk of ASCVD,
ment of hyperglycemia and cardiovascular A discussion was added on access to diabetic kidney disease, or heart failure.
disease was included in the section “A1C analog insulins and how there are mul- Discussion of the trials CANVAS, CANVAS-
and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes.” tiple approaches to insulin treatment, Renal, CREDENCE, DECLARE-TIMI 58,
Also new to “A1C and Cardiovascular with the goal of keeping patients safe REWIND, and CARMELINA were added
Disease Outcomes” is the strategy to and avoiding diabetic ketoacidosis and to the section “Glucose-Lowering Ther-
introduce sodium–glucose cotransporter significant hypo- or hyperglycemia. apies and Cardiovascular Outcomes.”
S6 Summary of Revisions Diabetes Care Volume 43, Supplement 1, January 2020

The cardiovascular outcomes trials of Section 12. Older Adults Section 14. Management of Diabetes
available antihyperglycemic medications ( in Pregnancy
completed after the issuance of FDA 2008 Within the section “Neurocognitive (
guidelines table (Table 10.3) has been Function,” more information was added Greater emphasis has been placed
divided into three tables by drug class on the importance of assessment for on preconception care for women
(Table 10.3A on DPP-4 Inhibitors; Table cognitive decline and impairment. with diabetes, and a recommendation
10.3B on GLP-1 receptor agonists; and A new recommendation (12.14) urg- (14.5) focusing on nutrition, diabetes
Table 10.3C on SGLT2 inhibitors). ing providers to consider cost of care education, and screening for diabetes
and insurance coverage when prescrib- related complications was added. A
Section 11. Microvascular Complications ing medications to older adults to reduce new table (Table 14.1) was also added
and Foot Care the risk of cost-related nonadherence on preconception education, medical
( was added to the section “Pharmacologic assessment, and screening.
The recommendation on screening for Therapy.” The GLP-1 receptor agonist Recommendations (14.9–14.12) on

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chronic kidney disease (11.1) has been and SGLT2 inhibitor discussions were use of continuous glucose monitors
modified toincludetwice-yearlyscreenings expanded in this section as well. and measuring glycemia in pregnancy
for certain patients. A treatment recom- A new section titled “Special Con- were added to the section “Glycemic
mendation (11.3) was modified to provide siderations for Older Adults With Targets in Pregnancy” to provide more
more detail on use of SGLT2 inhibitors and Type 1 Diabetes” was added to ad- information on their utility.
GLP-1 receptor agonists in patients with dress the treatment of this growing Further discussion has been added
type 2 diabetes and diabetic kidney disease. population. regarding when insulin may not be
A new recommendation (11.5) was added an option for some women with GDM,
about avoiding discontinuation of RAS Section 13. Children and Adolescents and how oral agents may play a role in
blockade in response to minor increases ( treatment in certain circumstances.
in serum creatinine in the absence of To provide more detail for individual- The section “Postpartum Care” was
volume depletion. izing targets, new A1C goal recommen- expanded to include recommenda-
Additional information on acute kidney dations (13.21–13.24) were added to the tions (14.16–14.22) and supporting
injury was added to the section “Chronic section “Glycemic Control.” evidence on postpartum insulin re-
Kidney Disease,” with information on in- In the section “Management of Cardio- quirements, management of women
creased serum creatinine levels. vascular Risk Factors,” the recommenda- with a history of GDM and risks of
More findings were added from the tions for screening and treatment of type 2 diabetes, and psychosocial
CREDENCE trial. hypertension (13.31–13.35) have been assessment.
Screening for diabetic retinopathy rec- revised and include new criteria for ele-
ommendations (11.16 and 11.17) and vated blood pressure. The dyslipidemia Section 15. Diabetes Care in the
supportive text were revised to include testing recommendation (13.36) was Hospital
consideration of retinal photograph with also modified, and more evidence was (
remote reading or use of a validated as- added to the dyslipidemia screening Discussion of new studies supporting
sessment tool as a way to improve screen- section. the use of closed-loop insulin delivery
ing access. The retinopathy screening recommen- with linked pump/sensor devices to
The section “Foot Care” was updated dation for type 1 diabetes (13.46) has been control blood glucose was added to
with more evidence on therapeutic revised based on new evidence supporting the type 1 diabetes section “Transi-
footwear and evaluation for peripheral a lower frequency of eye examinations tioning Intravenous to Subcutaneous
arterial disease. than previously recommended. Insulin.”
Figure 11.1 was introduced (in place of A new recommendation (13.67) was New evidence was also added to
2019 Table 11.1dCKD Stages and Cor- added to the section “Pharmacologic Man- the section “Preventing Admissions and
responding Focus of Kidney-Related agement” for type 2 diabetes due to new Readmissions.”
Care) to show the risk of chronic kidney evidence and FDA approval of liraglutide in
disease progression, frequency of visits, children 10 years of age or older. Section 16. Diabetes Advocacy
and referral to nephrology according to A new recommendation (13.76) on (
estimated glomerular filtration rate and pharmacologic treatment of hyperten- No changes have been made to this
albuminuria. sion in type 2 diabetes was also added. section.

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