Mercutio's Fall and Rise (Lit)

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St. Louis 1 Venezah St. Louis Gabby McCladdie Deoyne Fludd Doug Powers Paul Trimor Mr.

Funsch ENG 321 26 August 2011

In the village of Monahan lived a benevolent king named Mercutio. He was good to his people, always fair in judgment, and protected them at all costs. Unfortunately for him, there came a day when he could not protect his people. It was a day like no other for Mercutio; he was just doing his daily duties when Count Renard, the most evil conqueror in the land, strode in with her massive army and huge, red dragon in tow, which had come to destroy Monahan. The attack was swift and soon Mercutio was left kneeling in the ashes of his village. With her sharpened, black sword at his throat; Count Renard said, run boy and never come back to this forsaken place you call a village because if you do, then I will see to it personally that you are torn limb from limb by my six strongest soldiers. Oh and here is something to remember me by you outcast At that, Count Renard slashed Mercutio across his cheek and banished him into the formidable forest. What kind of king was he when he could not even save his own village, thought Mercutio. The rampage and destruction by Count Renard was genius though; he had to hand it to her. If only he had known how to stop the black swords destruction, if only he had been a better

St. Louis 2 protector; the if onlys running around in his head were driving him insane. So distracted by guilt; Mercutio had not noticed a small white terrier, with little tufts of orange around his mouth, happily trotting behind him. He ignored the dog and sped up his pace, but the dog sped up too. Determined to lose the dog; Mercutio broke into a trot, but the dog just started running too Finally exasperated, Mercutio stopped in mid trot, turned around, and glared at the dog. Be gone you foul little mutt! Mercutio yelled, Go and follow someone else, why would you want to follow me, of all the people in this land? I am a failure, a fool, a man who could not even save a soul from Count Renards onslaught. Drowning in guilt and self-pity; Mercutio dropped to his knees and started to weep. Suddenly, he felt something moist lightly touching his severed cheek, where Count Renard had left her mark on him forever. He looked up and came face to face with the little white dog, which was looking up at him with a lolling tongue and compassionate eyes. The dog had his paw softly rested on Mercutios leg like he was somehow trying to console him. Mercutio instantly lost his scorn for the dog and decided to let him travel along with him. You are not so bad after all, are you Scout? , said Mercutio, to which the dog happily responded with two barks. Oh you like that name Scout, well then that is what I will call you, said Mercutio. Then on Mercutio and Scout went until they tired and slept against a tree for the night. Several times during the night, Mercutio woke to the writhing pain of his cheek. The wound reminded him that he had to bring Count Renard down just like she had done to him. He was once the king of a pleasant, little village now he was a wanderer of the forest with a little dog by his side. Mercutio finally went back to sleep and woke with the determination of a hungry lion after a gazelle. He was determined to find a mentor to help him defeat Count Renard, but he was still lost on the finding part of his plan.

St. Louis 3 Weeks passed, as Mercutio and Scout continued to travel away from Mercutios village and grew closer to each other. One day while walking, Mercutio and Scout stumbled across a homely cottage and Mercutio decided to stop and ask if the cottage dwellers could spare any food. Mercutio knocked on the rectangular, wooden door and heard a grumble that sounded like someone was beckoning him inside, so he opened the door. You must be Mercutio; I had a vision of a man with a scarred cheek coming to visit me, croaked out the old man sitting in the corner. Mercutio stood gaping at the old man who claimed to know of his arrival there. The old man was average height, skinny, and he had tanned skin that looked like he had recently been outdoors. My name is Chopin and I knew you would be coming to see me one day and I guess today is that day, said the old man. Do not look so puzzled young Mercutio. Come out from the doorway and have a seat, and bring your companion if youd like. At this, Mercutio brought Scout in and sat opposite from Chopin. I have much to tell and teach you Mercutio, but first let me make you some tea. While Chopin shuffled around the room gathering ingredients, Mercutio just sat in a state of shock. Finally Chopin sat down again with two steaming cups of tea; he handed one cup to Mercutio, and then he began to explain. I have lived for many years so I know about Count Renards many conquests won by her black sword and dragon, said Chopin. So you can help me win my village back from her?, said Mercutio. Yes I can, but it will take extreme training, responded Chopin. You will need to gain enough strength and immunity to defeat her, her army, and her dragon. Training will be incessant for three months. I will provide you with vigorous workouts and with a proper nutritional diet. All you must do is comply with all my training regimens and promise me that when you win this battle; you will let me live in your new village. Mercutio agreed and for three months he trained day and night with Chopin. He ran miles; sword fought, and prepared his body for the battle soon to come. After proving to

St. Louis 4 Chopin that he was ready to fight Count Renard, Chopin gave Mercutio the white sword and sent him and Scout back towards Mercutios village. Mercutio and Scout traveled for days and they soon arrived at Mercutios village. Upon approaching the entrance of the village, Mercutio told Scout to stay hidden while he fought Count Renard. Following Mercutios command, Scout ran off to hide and Mercutio gallantly walked into the village. Mercutio was instantly spotted by Count Renards army and Count Renard was told of his arrival. She walked out of her tent with her black sword wielded in her hand. Well, well, well, If it isnt little Mercutio returning to die, said Count Renard. I thought I banished you from this worthless village which was so easy to take from you, you weakling. Count Renard then began to cackle like a hyena before its kill. Well, enough chitter chatter boy, it is time for you to die like the others of this pathetic wasteland, said Count Renard. Mercutio was seized on both sides by two burly soldiers and stripped of his sword. If you are such a great warrior Count Renard, then fight me one on one and whoever wins the fight will win this village, said Mercutio in his last attempt to save his life. Well if you insist Mercutio then I will fight you, unhand him you two, said Count Renard. Mercutio was let go and his sword was returned to him. Not even given a moment to ready himself; Count Renard charged after Mercutio with her black sword slicing through the air. She nearly cut off his arm but Mercutio dodged the blade just in time. Next, she aimed her sword at his head and started towards him. They traded blows for a while, and then Count Renard finally struck Mercutio down to the ground. The blow caused Mercutio to lose grip of his sword, which went flying about five feet from him. Seeing her advantage over Mercutio; Count Renard started walking closer and closer with the hungry eyes of a lion. On the ground defenseless, Mercutio quickly roll dived towards his sword and picked it up from the dust. By that time Count Renard was upon him with her black sword held high,

St. Louis 5 ready to end his life. Mercutio slashed his white sword towards Count Renards head with everything he had left and he cut her head in two with a single swipe. Her body instantly collapsed to the blood stained earth. Mercutio, looking at the decapitated body of Count Renard, slowly fell to the ground with weariness. When he gained consciousness he began to see a clear picture of then shy. He stood up and walked around to see the destruction caused by the fight. After an hour of wandering and Chopin appeared. Chopin said Well looks like my job is done. Slowly Chopin slowly turned into a thousand butterflies and they all drifted away. The butterflies slowly revealed the beauty of the village. Mercutio has happy. People began to immerge, they where the followers of count Renard. A tall blond man appeared from the crowd and said Since you have defeated Count Renard, you shall be our new leader. What are your commands? Mercutio though of everything that he would do to repair his village. However, he could not get the though of his people that he had lost from the attack of count Renard.

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