Loraine Alimon GE 101

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Loraine Alimon PolSci 1B GE 101

* The word malleable or malleability is also considered as a personality trait because it

describes an individual who is soft, flexible or being able to adjust, willing to accept the opinion
of others and lacks of confidence to speak up and state his/her own opinion. The negative side
of being a malleable person is that he/she prefers to agree with an opponent rather than start
an argument because he/she were easily influenced and that's why other people can easily
manipulate him/her while the positive side of being malleable helps us to adjust and come up
with different solutionqs. We may need to adjust to avoid conflict with other people. For
instance, when husband and wife are having a fight, one of them will eventually give up and
that person is reffered to as malleable because he/she decided that recognizing the arguments
of an opponent is the best solution. Malleability can be a deciding factor in the success of a
failure. As a sign of respect we may have to restrain ourselves from speaking out loud about
certain practices that we might find wrong. Being malleable has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Being malleable can eaither mean we can adjust easily to conflicts in life or we
let others to decide for us. Therefore, we must think wisely if we need to remain malleable in
some situations.

* In my own opinion, we develop our personality by loving ourselves accepting our flaws, being
grateful and contented with the life given by God to us. Appreciates every blessing and even the small
things by saying "Thanks" or "Thank you". Always use good manners such as being honest, respectful,
kind and etc. especially to the elders. Then, let ourselves around by a healthy environment, good
influence people and built a great friendship with them. Accept all the failures and mistakes that will
come to our life. Forgive everyone that only contributes bad memories to us. Learn to cut off people
especially when things are not going in to the right path. Lastly, have peace of mind, move forward and
continue living the best life.

* Who am I? I am somebody, I am somebody's daughter and somebody's sibling. I am me, born

eighteen years ago by a woman named Marinel together with her is her caring boyfriend back then
which is my father, they decided to named me Loraine . They're now a happily married couple and an
amazing parents to five lovely children. As of now I am seventeen years old turning eighteen this month
of September. We lived here in Barangay San Antonio 2 San Pablo City and I currently studying in
Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo as a first year college student also known as freshmen under the
program Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, I chose this course because my aunt suggested me to and I
believe that I will excell in this program and dreaming to be a lawyer someday. I do have lot of qualities
as an individual, I'm actually friendly and easy to interact with but I'm literally very shy if it's the first
time you saw me. I believe that I'm a good and trustworthy friend because my friends told me so. I also
hate fake people and people who can't keep their promises. "I'm good to you as long as you're good to
me" is my motto in life.

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