Reyes, Ezechael - Formative Assessment 1.0 PDF

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Ezechael B.


12 – Quisumbing

What is the text about? (subject/focus) The text is about the love of a murderer to his
What is the writer’s goal in writing the text? The writer’s goal is to interpret how love can be
dangerous and possessive.
Who is the target reader or audience of the text? The audience could be for teenagers who are
exploring their feelings to others or couples in
What is the point of view of the text? Is it first The point of view of the text is mostly third person,
person, second person or third person? and sometimes first person.
Did the writer write in formal or informal The write wrote in informal manner.
How did the writer choose the words and The writer chose words that describe the physical
organize the sentences? Was the language attribute of the victim and the text involved
formal, informal, casual? metaphors. Therefore, the context is written in a
creative manner. There were also signal words to
transition between sentences smoothly. The
language used is informal because of the use of “I”
What kind of academic texts are they? The kind of academic text is descriptive since it’s
a short story.
What feature of academic text is used in the The features of academic text used are explicit,
passage? accurate, and organized.

What is the text about? (subject/focus) The text is about a murder of a girl by her rejected
What is the writer’s goal in writing the text? The writer’s goal in writing the text is to show the
chronological events of the death of Miss Blank. It
is also to report the investigations.
Who is the target reader or audience of the text? The target reader of the text could be a relative to
Miss Blank. It could also be to people whom have
an interest in forensic science or crime scenes.
Hence, it is for a mature audience.

What is the point of view of the text? Is it first The point of view of the text is in third person.
person, second person or third person?
Did the writer write in formal or informal The writer wrote in formal manner.
How did the writer choose the words and There were people as subjects, and it included
organize the sentences? Was the language their name, age, and role. There was a usage of
formal, informal, casual? time to show a sequence of events. The language
was formal.
What kind of academic texts are they? The kind of academic texts is analytical since it’s a
crime scene investigation or report.
What feature of academic text is used in the The features of academic text used are precise,
passage? objective, explicit, accurate, organized, and well-

What is the text about? (subject/focus) The text is about the legal statement against John
What is the writer’s goal in writing the text? The writer's goal of writing the text is to state the
accusation of a heinous crime against the suspect
after an investigation.
Who is the target reader or audience of the text? The audience could be legal professionals such as
juries, and attorneys.
What is the point of view of the text? Is it first The point of view of the text is in third person.
person, second person or third person?
Did the writer write in formal or informal The writer wrote in formal manner.
How did the writer choose the words and The writer chose words that accuse the suspect of
organize the sentences? Was the language a heinous crime which includes the name and date
formal, informal, casual? but not the location. It also has a certain structure
to formally address to the court such as the district
court and related personnel at the start at the end;
similar to a letter. The language used was formal.
What kind of academic texts are they? This kind of academic text is descriptive since it
states the characteristics of the crime that was
allegedly committed.
What feature of academic text is used in the The features of academic text used are complex,
passage? precise, objective, explicit, accurate, hedged,
organized, and well-planned.

What is the text about? (subject/focus) The text is about the autopsy that the surgeon had
performed on the body of the victim.
What is the writer’s goal in writing the text? The writer’s goal in writing the text is to examine
the anatomy of the body to test for possible
disorders after the incident.
Who is the target reader or audience of the text? The target reader of the text could be to people
whom have an interest in forensic science or crime
scenes. Hence, it is for a mature audience. In
addition to that, it could be provided to legal and
medical professionals.
What is the point of view of the text? Is it first The point of view of the text is mostly in first
person, second person or third person? person and it can be in third person.
Did the writer write in formal or informal manner? The writer wrote in formal manner.

How did the writer choose the words and organize There were characteristics of the corpse after the
the sentences? Was the language formal, informal, occurrence of the crime which was written in
casual? medical language. The language was formal.

What kind of academic texts are they? This kind of academic text is analytical since it is an
autopsy report in which includes the judgement of
the surgeon.
What feature of academic text is used in the The features of academic text used are complex,
passage? precise, explicit, objective, accurate, organized,
and well-planned.

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