Michael Boucher Debate

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Michael Boucher

The death penalty should be abolished.
The moderator will be the teacher, the affirmative will be Student A, and the negative will be
Student B.

The death penalty should be abolished because it is inhumane, it is expensive, and it is not
an effective deterrent to crime.

The death penalty is inhumane because it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. It is
expensive because it costs more to execute a person than to keep them in prison for life. It
is not an effective deterrent to crime because there is no evidence that it deters crime more
effectively than other punishments.

I will keep notes on my computer so I can access them during the debate.

We will spend three minutes on each section of the debate.

The affirmative side will begin by making a claim that the death penalty should be abolished
because it is inhumane. They will support this idea with evidence that the death penalty is a
form of cruel and unusual punishment. The negative will ask questions about this claim and
then make their own claim that the death penalty is not inhumane. They will support this
claim with evidence that the death penalty is not a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

The affirmative will ask questions about the negative's claim that the death penalty is not
inhumane. They will present a rebuttal that will highlight the possible weaknesses in the
negative's argument, such as the fact that the death penalty is a form of cruel and unusual

The negative will respond to the affirmative's questions by presenting a rebuttal that will
highlight the possible weaknesses in the affirmative's argument, such as the fact that the
death penalty is not an effective deterrent to crime.

The affirmative will conclude by giving a final rebuttal that highlights the possible
weaknesses in the negative's argument, such as the fact that the death penalty is

The death penalty should be abolished because it is inhumane, it is expensive, and it is not
an effective deterrent to crime. These are the three main points that the affirmative
presented during the debate. The negative was not able to effectively refute these points,
and so the affirmative was victorious in the debate.

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