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Date of teaching: 27/2/2023

Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Use the lexical items related to languages and learning languages.
- Identify the correct tones for new and known information and say sentences with the correct
1. Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: related to languages
b. Grammar: Conditional sentences type 2, Relative clauses.
c. Pronunciation: Tones in new and known information.
2. Competences: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative
learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Ss will be more responsible for studying English.
1. Materials: Textbooks , plan.
2. Equipment: computer, projector, loudspeaker, T.V.
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- Can you speak English?
T asks some questions - Where do you learn English?
Ss answer the questions - How many English words do you know?
- How do you feel about English?
- Is English easy or difficult?
- What do you do if you don’t know what a word
2. Presentation
Aim: Help Ss use the lexical items related to languages and learning language
1. Vocabulary
T uses exercise 1 to explain the vocabulary. Bilingual
Pick up a language:
Get by in a language:
1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. f 6. c)
3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss do exercises and identify the correct tones for new and known information and say
sentences with the correct intonation
- Ss do the exercise individually. Check their Ex2. Choose the correct words in the following
answers as a class. phrases about language learning.
Confirm the correct answers. Key:
2. at 3. by 4. in 5. of 6. bit 7. up
Ex3 a. Match the words/phrases in column A with
- First, have Ss work individually to match the words/phrases in column B to make expressions
the words/phrases. Then allow them to share about language learning.
their answers before checking with the whole Key:
class. T may ask for translation of the 1. e 2. h 3. g 4. b
phrases in the box to check their 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. f
understanding. b. Fill the blanks with the verbs in the box.
- Ss work independently to complete the 1. know 2. guess 3. look up
passage. 4. have 5. imitate 6. make
- Check the answers as a class. 7. correct 8. translate

2. Pronunciation
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and Tones in new and known information
repeat the sentences, paying attention to 4. Listen and repeat, paying attention to
whether the voice on the underlined word in the tones of the underlined words.
each sentence goes up or down. T may play 1. A: I’d like some oranges, please.
the recording as many times as B: But we don’t have any oranges ⤻.
necessary. 2. A: What would you like, sir?
- Explain the rule in the REMEMBER! box B: I’d like some oranges ↷.
and ask some Ss to give some more 3. A: I’ll come here tomorrow.
examples. B: But our shop is closed tomorrow ⤻.
4. A: When is your shop closed?
B: It is closed tomorrow ↷.
5. Listen to the conversations. Do you think the
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to voice goes up or down at the end of each second
the conversation, paying attention to whether sentence? Draw a suitable arrow at the end of each
the voice of each second sentence goes up or line.
down. Ask some Ss to give their answers and 1. A: Tom found a watch on the street.
then play the recording again B: No. He found a wallet on the street ⤻.
for Ss to listen, check and repeat. T may play 2. A: Where did Tom find this watch?
the recording as many times as necessary. B: He found it on the street ↷.
3. A: Let’s have some coffee.
B: But I don’t like coffee ⤻.
4. A: Let’s have a drink. What would you like?
B: I’d like some coffee ↷.
5. A: This hat is nice.
B: I know it’s nice, but it’s expensive ↷.
6. A: This bed is big.
B: I know it’s big but that one’s bigger ⤻.
6. Read the conversation. Does the voice go up or
down on the underlined words? Draw a suitable
- First, ask Ss to work in pairs to practise arrow.
reading aloud the conversation and identify A: What make of TV shall we buy?
whether the voice on the underlined word in B: Let’s get the Samsung ↷.
each sentence goes up or down. Then play A: I think we should get the Sony. It’s really nice.
the recording. Ss listen and draw suitable B: (trying to persuade A to buy a Samsung) But the
arrows. T may pause after each sentence and Samsung is nicer ⤻.
ask them to repeat chorally. A: But the Sony has a guarantee.
- Correct their pronunciation if necessary. B: They both have a guarantee ⤻.
A: How much is the Sony?
B: It’s $600 ↷.
A: It’s too expensive ↷.
B: I know it’s expensive, but it’s of better quality ⤻.
A: (trying to persuade B to buy a Sony) They’re both of
good quality⤻.

4. Further practice
Aim: Ss can make sentences using words they have learnt and interact real situations

T asks Ss to make sentences using words Eg:

they have learnt 1. A: I need some oil.
Ss make sentences using words they have B: But we’ve run out of oil
learnt 2. A: What do you need?
T corrects and remarks B: I need some oil

3. Guides for homework.

- Practice vocabulary and pronunciation again.
- Prepare: A closer look 2
Review conditional sentence type 2 and relative clauses.


Date of teaching: 28/2/2023

Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to languages.
- Use conditional sentences type 2 correctly and appropriately.
- Use relative clauses correctly and appropriately.
1. Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: related to languages
b. Grammar: Conditional sentences type 2, Relative clauses.
2. Competences: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative
learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Ss will be more responsible for studying English.
1. Materials: Textbooks, plan
2. Equipment: computer, projector, T.V.
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents
1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- Divide the class into two teams Eg:
- Ask each team to make sentences with If I were you, I would study harder
conditional sentences type 2
- Time: 3minutes
2. Presentation
Aim: Help Ss review conditional sentences type 2
I. Conditional sentences type 2
T retells the way to use and form
by analysing the example. Eg:
Ss listen and copy If there weren’t so many words, It would be easier for
us to master it
- Then ask some Ss to give some examples to Ex b. Write Yes or No to answer the questions
illustrate their understanding. about each sentence.
Ss give some examples Key:
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. No
T asks Ss to do exercise b and ex 2 2. Rewrite the sentences using the conditional
- First, have Ss work independently, then ask sentences type 2.
them to share their answers with one or more Key:
partners. 1. If my English were/was good, I would feel con dent
- Ask some Ss to say their answers aloud. at interviews.
- Give comments, and make any correction if 2. If Minh had time, she would read many English
necessary. books.
3. If I were you, I would spend more time improving
- Have Ss work independently to write the my pronunciation.
sentences. If there isn’t much time or Ss are 4. If Mai didn’t have some friends who were/are native
not so strong, allocate one or two sentences speakers of English, she wouldn’t be so good at the
per student. Then ask them to share their language.
answers with a partner. 5. If you could speak English, we would offer you the
- Ask some Ss to write their sentences on the job.
board and discuss as a class.
- Give comments and make any corrections.

3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss know how to use relative clauses and do exercise
II. Relative clauses
T explains and draws Ss’ attention to the use We use relative clauses to give extra information about
of relative clauses by analyzing the examples something / someone or to identify which particular
in the grammar box in3b. Then ask the more thing/ person we are talking about.
able Ss to give some further examples.
* Rules of using relative clauses
- Which (for things and animals)
- Who (for people)
- Whom (for people as the object of the relative clause)
- When (for time)
- Where (for places)
- Why (for reasons)
- Whose (for possession)
That (for people, things, animals and times)
T asks Ss to do exercise 4 The book which I liked was the detective story.
Ss do exercise 4 individually Ex 4. Circle the correct word. Sometimes more than
one answer is possible.
1. who/that
2. where
3. whose
4. when/that
5. whom/who
6. Why
Ex 6. Rewrite these sentences as one sentence using
- Have Ss work independently to do exercise a relative clause.
6. Key:2. Parts of the palace where/in which the queen
lives are open to the public.
- Ask them to share their answers with a 3. English has borrowed many words which/that come
partner. Ask some Ss to say their answers from other languages.
aloud. 4. I moved to a new school where/in which English is
- Give comments, and make any corrections. taught by native teachers.
5. There are several reasons why I don’t like English.
6. The new girl in our class, whose name is Mi, is
reasonably good at English.
4. Further practice
Aim: Ss can write sentences about yourself.
T asks Ss to write sentences about yourself. * Write true sentences about yourself. Then share
Ss write sentences about yourself. them with your partner.
T corrects and remarks
Eg: How many things do you have in common?

3. Guides for homework.

- Review conditional sentence type 2 and relative clauses.
- Prepare: Comunication


Date of teaching: 01/3/2023


I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Interviewing to build up an English learner profile.
1. Knowledge:
a. Vocabulary: related to languages
b. Grammar: Conditional sentences type 2, Relative clauses.
2. Competences: Groupwork, independent working, pairwork, linguistic competence, cooperative
learning and communicative competence.
3. Qualities: Ss will be more responsible for studying English.
1. Materials: Textbooks, plan.
2. Equipment: computer, projector, T.V.
1. Checking: During the lesson
2. New lesson:

Teacher’s and students’ activities The main contents

1. Warm up
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- Before Ss open their books, ask them to *Chatting.
work in groups to discuss the question. - What do you think are the best ways to master
- What are the things that you like and don’t like about
the English language?’

2. Presentation
Aim: Help Ss make notes about themselves
- Ask Ss to work independently, making notes 1. Make notes about yourself.
about themselves by answering the questions
in the table in1.

3. Practice
Aim: Help Ss Interview to build up an English learner profile
- Now ask Ss to work in pairs, taking turns to 2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the
ask and answer the questions in 1. Remind questions in 1. Make notes about your partner.
them to make notes on what their partners say How many things do you have in common?
in the table in1. Then ask each of them to
identify how many things they
have in common with their partners.

4. Further practice
Aim: Ss can interact real situation
- For a change, have Ss role-play in pairs. One . Work in groups. Tell your group the things that
student is a reporter, and the other is a student. you and your partner have in common.
The reporter is gathering information about Ex:
learners of English. Ask for volunteer pairs to ‘One thing we have in common is that we both want to
role-play in front study English at an overseas university. I’m interested
of the class. In this case, Ss should focus on in going to Australia and Mi is interested in the US.’
only three of the questions from the survey.
Make sure Ss don’t simply read from their
books – they should be in character. Give
them lots of encouragement.
- Now put two pairs together to work in
groups of four, reporting on the things that
they and their partners have in common. T
moves around the class to listen to the
discussions and provide help only if
- Call 1 or 2 Ss to present their findings in
front of the class. Whole-class discussion.

3. Guides for homework.

- Prepare next lesson: Skills 1.
List of ways to improve your English.

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