K.Ullrich Verlenging Contract Signed

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Kristina Ullrich

Maastrichtsestraat 50
2587 XG s-Gravenhage

The Hague, 14 December 2022

Regarding: Extension employment contract indefinite time

Dear Kristina,

Your temporary employment contract with Terre des Hommes will end by law on January 31,

With great pleasure we hereby confirm the extension of your employment contract with Terre
des Hommes for an indefinite period of time, starting 1 Februari, 2023.

The terms and conditions stated in your previous employment contract d.d. 21 December,
2021 remains in effect.

On behalf of Grainne Le Fevre, I would like to thank you for your commitment to Terre des
Hommes Nederland and we look forward to the continuation of the employment relationship.

I kindly request to sign this letter and return a signed copy to human resources at:

Kind regards,
Stichting Terre des Hommes Nederland For Approval:

Julie Verhaar K. Ullrich

Managing Director

Signature HR:

Stichting Terre des Hommes Nederland - Zoutmanstraat 42-44 - 2518 GS Den Haag - Tel 070-310 5000 - info@tdh.nl -
www.terredeshommes.nl - KvK nr. 41149287 - IBAN NL10INGB0000252525

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