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This is a primary activity administered to determine your baseline

knowledge and preparedness for the lesson.

Activity: Introduction to Literature



I. Direction: Answer the following questions.

1. What is literature?
- If we are to ask people this question, they will answer you in a very simple
term which is books, I know because I answered the same thing. But when I
think of it now, I can say that literature is what mirrors a man; his life, society
and environment. Like how a one man’s idea, thoughts, emotions, dream
can be a literary piece. Just like what Jose Rizal did with his literary pieces
which shows what kind of society we had before, and in which up until now
is being adapted through documentaries, theater plays, and television
With the help of literature, we can get a glimpse of the things we never had
the chance to witness.

2. How would you describe the literature in the Philippines?

- Literature in the Philippines is highly influenced by different countries since

we were colonized by the Spaniards, Japanese and Americans before that is
why most of the literary pieces created before focuses on politics,
independency and society.

3. What is the significance of literature to culture in tradition?

- A country’s economic, political, historical, traits, practices and beliefs are all
passed down to the current generation through literature. Without those
literary pieces, we won’t even know where we came from, how we’ve
become Religious, why Baro’t Saya is the traditional dress and that most of
us are Christians and why do we speak almost the same language with
some of our neighboring countries and western countries. Through literature,
we can find the answers to those questions and embrace our own unique
culture and traditions. In other words, literature is significant to culture and
tradition because it can tell anyone what a country looks like even without

Chapter I: Introduction to Literature 1

being one of them.

II. Direction: Explain the different types of literary genre.

1. Poetry
- It is considered as the oldest form of literature. It is consist of fragments and
are rich in imagery and metaphor rather than full grammatically sound
sentences and phrases. It is always written in stanzas and lines, giving the
piece a distinctive output. You can tell a Poetry when a text has certain
meter or rhythm, and when it emphasizes how the syllables, words, and
phrases are combined, making phrases to have a pleasing sound.
2. Prose
- Language used in prose has features that includes natural speech and
common used words without using too much metaphors as opposed to a
rhythmic structure which Poetry has. Examples are Novels and short stories.
3. Drama
- Text intended to be performed rather than reading it is categorized as
drama. Most commonly known dramas are theatre plays.
4. Non-fiction
- These are written works that based on true events like personal essays,
journal, and newspaper. Non-fiction can occasionally be used to narrate a
story. The objective is to enlighten and instruct the reader about specific
information, concepts, or problems. Some History, instruction manuals, and
travel are examples of non-fiction genres books, publications, self-help
guides, and literary analysis.
5. Media
-  It is the most recent category of literature. Some of its examples are movies
and television, webpages, ads, billboards, radio shows, and commercials.
Any piece of work that isn't primarily a written text probably be regarded as
media, especially if it is contemporary technology. Media is widely used
especially in today’s generation because a lot of us now uses technology
and informations can be easily accessed through apps and websites that is
convenient for those who want to learn without leaving their homes.

Chapter I: Introduction to Literature 2

Chapter I: Introduction to Literature 3

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