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1A) Walmart did not have the same level of success in the Japanese market as it
has elsewhere. Prior to entering the Japanese market, Walmart may have used
the following potential approaches:
 Conducting rigorous market research: In order to grasp the Japanese
market's culture, consumer behaviour, and competition, Walmart may
have done a thorough investigation. Walmart could have tailored its
goods and services to the Japanese market using this knowledge, setting
itself apart from regional rivals and catering to the specific requirements
and preferences of Japanese customers.
 Walmart might have partnered with regional manufacturers, suppliers,
and retailers to gain a deeper understanding of the regional market. This
might have aided Walmart in becoming a major player in the area and
establishing a powerful brand identity.
 Walmart might have been more patient with the Japanese market if it
had known that it would take time for it to become a significant player.
Walmart might have spent more money on establishing connections
with regional suppliers and customers and working to gain their
confidence and loyalty over time if it had adopted a long-term strategy.
 Walmart might have concentrated on establishing trusting connections
with important parties like local communities, suppliers, and
government officials. This might have enabled Walmart to more
successfully negotiate Japan's complex regulatory landscape and win the
support of the locals.
 Walmart could have strategically priced its products to appeal to
Japanese shoppers as Japan is known as an expensive country. For
instance, they could have used sales and promotions to tempt buyers or
given more value-oriented products.
To be more effective in the Japanese market, Walmart should have adopted a
strategy that was both culturally aware and regionally oriented.


To find possibilities and obstacles, I would thoroughly analyse the Japanese

market. This would entail studying market trends, competitor strategies, and
consumer behaviour. I would change Walmart's target market in Japan in light
of the findings. In order to do this, Walmart may choose to concentrate on
neglected areas or identify certain client categories that it can service better

than its rivals. To make sure the product offered suit the needs and
preferences of the target market, I would review them. This can involve
expanding the selection of locally produced goods and Japanese-made goods
as well as adjusting the product lineup to better meet the particular
requirements of Japanese consumers.
To make shopping more enjoyable, practical, and customised, I would
concentrate on making improvements to both in-store and online experiences.
This can entail spending money on technology to facilitate self-checkout,
smartphone payments, and online ordering, as well as renovating businesses
to make them more enticing and useful for Japanese customers.
I would create a long-term strategy that takes into account the special
difficulties and possibilities presented by the Japanese market. Setting
attainable goals, developing key performance indicators, and routinely
evaluating and revising the plan are all necessary steps to make sure Walmart
is on pace to meet its goals.

By implementing these actions, Walmart may, in my opinion, strengthen its

position in the Japanese market and get the company back on track.

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