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(1) He rushed into the other hatch, no choice but to lodge on the same light rail.

(2) She felt that her eyes were still heavy- she could still feel how heavy the rain was as if there was
really a storm. In any event there really was; it was heavier this time as it may be the heaviest of
them all.

(3) It begun this morning in the same shuttle when she confronted Rain about her situation – the
rain got heavier when he blew up.

(4) She couldn’t see were outside, what she knew was it blustered Rain within. She told him that
she needed space to breathe to do over her sense or priority.

(5) “He took it wrong, but I still took mine --- I was right, she declared.

(6) The shuttle took a number of commuters though it was the last jaunt. She looked at him
intently, but his eyes were not moving.

(7) “I could perceive the misery I caused him", she whispered.

(8) She turned her head trying to convince herself that her decision was hardened.

(9) “I had to do this alone-- I didn't want him to get involved in this plight -- I had to do this myself”,
she firmly posited.

(10)The atmosphere got warm when she opened her eyes without realizing that she had already had
a short nap.

(11)Surprisingly, he had gone out of her sight when she inspected the area where he had been.

(12)“It was expected of him to reel that way, and it moved me a bit”, she uttered.

(13)"Rain and I used to get off at the seventh station... I just remembered... It was three away from
it”, she recalled.

(14)She had settled to deplane on the fifth to receive the price of her choice.

(15)The area was clear except tor the warder who started to do his scrutiny over the area. She
thought it again while descending the stairs; it seemed that her rectitude was trying to eat her
up. She Just signed to oppose the idea.

(16)“There she was smiling at me”, she said with excitement.

(17)She put her arm on "her” shoulder to let "her" feel that hers would warm "her” from the rain.

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