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Venze Adrianne D.

ABM G12-St. Ambrose

Review the trends and developments in ICT discussed in Lesson 1 (ICT TRENDS and its link
are listed above). Research the ways any of these technologies are being used for change in
society. Write down your discoveries.
Software is all around us, but few people consider how it affects the world on a daily basis.
Computers and software have been developed in a time span of less than 75 years. Nonetheless,
their impact on individuals and societies has been as significant as that of the printing press,
airplanes, television, and automobiles. Software can also make life easier. For example,
computer software has made it easier than ever to use social networks to connect with friends all
over the world. Software will continue to simplify life's challenges as it becomes more integrated
into electronics and appliances. For example, everyone is aware of how much easier it is to drive
from point A to point B now that on-board GPS software is available. Refrigerators can now
alert owners when food has gone bad; lights around town and in your home can now brighten
when they detect you walking in the dark; and televisions can now recommend and record your
favorite shows based on your preferences.

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