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Clean water and sanitation

I will now be talking about clean water and sanitation, which is ongoing issue worldwide.
The goal is to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Did you know ‘Only 69% of schools have access to clean water, while 19% have no sanitation
services at all, affecting 367 million children’. Now imagine you were a part of that 31%.
As presented on the slide behind, this is another sad ongoing fact (presentation)
Nonetheless, the UK has been working on providing clean water and sanitation by investing a
staggering £50.6 million for over 47000 households.
Chemical engineers have played a key role by developing cost-effective methods.
For example,
- treating contaminated industrial and municipal wastewater like sewage so that the water is
safe enough to discharge to public waterways avoiding infections.

The main goal is to end hunger and achieve food security.
Now let me ask Who ate breakfast today? (they answer)
Some of you did, some of you didn’t but you had that choice to eat or not right?
did you know globally 1 in 10 people have no food to eat that’s a shocking 790 million people.
The Chancellor of the Uk announced a £15 billion cost of living support package on 26 May 2022
which would help the cost of living crisis so that people would have enough money for food.
You may think how could chemical engineers help with world hunger. Ill tell you
Chemical engineers aid by finding different types of fertilizers which helps our plants and crops to
optimize and maximise their growing conditions.

Affordable and clean energy

The goal is to ensure access to affordable, reliable sustainable energy for all.

Renewable clean energy has inherent cost savings, as there is no need to extract and transport
fuels, such as with oil or coal.
An example of a renewable energy source is solar power which is the most abundant energy source
on the Earth.

In 2016 a solar powered plane travelled 25,000 miles around the world without a single drop of
liquid fuel.
As you may already know we in the Uk are going through an energy crisis with all the conflict
happening around the world. The Uk is trying to make It more affordable for us by allocating £1.1
billion for energy efficiency upgrades.
Chemical engineers have been part of the development of renewable energy sources which have
slowly been put into place to hopefully eradicate fossil fuel usage.

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