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Project in English 8

The boy who harnessed the wind

Characters:  John Kamkwamba, Trywell Kamkwamba, Jeremiah Kamkwamba,
William Kamkwamba, Mike Kachigunda, Gilbert Wimbe, Mr. Bamusi, Justina,
Mrs. Sikelo, Shabani, Khamba, President Mulu, Mister Ofesi

Settings: Malawi, Dowa, Kufesa, Kasungu, Lilongwe, Chimamba, Mozambique,

Kachocolo School.

Theme: The boy who harnessed the wind has reinvention as its main theme.
This young boy is committed to altering the status quo and recognizes that
innovation can occur in unexpected areas.

Summary: When his family's ability to pay the tuition fees runs out, a 13-year-old
boy is expelled from the school he loves. To prevent a famine in his community,
he breaks into the library and finds information on how to construct a windmill.

Conclusion:  The boy who harnessed the wind is very entertaining specially for
us young audience. This movie shows that working hard can help you in your life.
This movie also indicates that no matter how hard life can be there are always
ways to help and solve difficulties in life.


                                                                                Submitted by: Jden Robeves

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