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© SRI CHAITANYA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS INDIA. AP.TELANGANA.KARNATAKA,TAMILNADU,MAHARASHTRA,DELHI.RANCHI,CHANDIGARH SEC: SRELITE SUB: BOTANY NEET GRAND TEST -4 DATE : 23-01-2020 Max. Marks: 720 “IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS = % Pattern of the Entrance Examination:- Paper containing 180 objective type questions ,from Biology, Physics and Chemistry + Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only to darken the appropriate circle, Answers marked with pencil would not be evaluated. Each item carries 4mark: ‘or each correct respoi ase the candidate will get 4 marks. For cach incorrect response Imark will be deducted from the total score Ol, The following is the defining feature of living organisms a @ Gg) Consciousness Metabolism Cellular otganization of body (4) More than one option is correct a unicellular Completely cukaryotic organisms belong té A) Slime moulds B) Chrysophytes C) Protozoans heterotrophi¢ D) Euglenoids E) Dinoflagellates @) ADC @ ac @ AED (4) B,D,E 03. The United Nations Climate ‘Change Conference (Conference of the Parties, COP) in the year 2019 was held at: (1) Glasgow, UK (2) Madrid, Spain G3) Geneva, Switzerland (4) Kyoto, Jepan Sri Chaitanya 04, ‘The government of India bas initiated stsingent norms for automobile fuels for the reduction in___ and in petrol and diesel: (1) Sulphur; aromatic content 2 @) (4) Aromatic content; CO, 05. Tdentify the mismatch * CO,; phosphine Lead; CH, (1) Rhizopus (2) Nerospora (3) Agaricus (4) Alternaria * (1) also referred to as seed banking (2) an in-situ conservation of germ cell - (4) an in-situ conservation of animal genetic resources : _ Hyderabad 07. Identify the incorrect statement 2) Chara has monoecious gametophyte 2) Marchantia monoecious gametophyte (3) Funaria has monoecious gametophyte (4) Selaginetta has dioecious gametophyte 08. Identify the correct type of food chain; rotting vegetable mattet —+ dung fly —» common ftog -+ snake (1) Decomposer food chain (2). Detritus food chain (3) Grazing food chain (4) Predator food chain 09, Study the diagram und: identify the type of placentation has (1) Free central Q) Axile @) Parietal (4) Basal 10. The extinction of the passenger pigeon’ was mostly due to: (I) Increased number of predatory birds (2) Over exploitation by humans 3) Non-availability of food ‘ (4) Bird flu virus infection, : 11, The ratio between sporophylls and non- sporophylls of the flower is 3: 2in (1) Pisum . (2) Allie G) Makoi Sri Chaitanya 15. 4) Moliathi Which of the following is not used: for construction of ecological pyramids? (1). Fresh weight (2): Dry weight (3) Number of individuals (4) Rate of energy flow Identify the correct statement regarding collateral vascular bundle. ‘A) Xylem and phloem tie on the same radius B) Phloem fies towards centre and xylem lies towards periphery ©) Phloem lies only one side to xylem D) Phloem lies towards periphery and xylem lies towards centre @ AGD Q AB @) GD @) B Unrelated to bulliform cells is (1) Commonly found in grass leaves (2) Found in abaxial epidermis of the leaf (3) Hygroscopic in nature (4) Large, empty and colourless cells Identify the mismatch © (1) Linus Pauling - publication of a@—- helix and A—shect structures - of proteins (2) GN. Ramachandran — Triple helical structure of collagen ¥ (@)’ Schleiden and Schwann —Cell theory (4) R.Virchow ~ Mutation theory. 16. Two opposing forces operate in growth and (4) Protein folding development of every population. One of | 55 guibreeding is am important strategy of them is the ability to reproduce at a given ‘animal husbandry because it: rate, The opposing force is (1) is useful in overcoming inbreeding (1) Morbidity = Rbcketaniity @) is useful im producing pure-ines of (3) Biotic potential (4) Environmental resistance animals (3) helps is accumulation of superior genes 17. Measuring Biochemical Oxygen Demand (4) exponce hana recessive oe (BOD) is a method used for are eliminated by selection (1) Measuring the activity’ of | Mitochondria and chloroplasts differ from Saccharomyces cerevisiae in producing cach other with respect to card on a commercial scale (1), ‘Synthesls of sugar end ATE (2) Working out the efficiency of R.B.Cs. (2) it Double siecnbeane saveiaga: siccmaieapiann ei enE (3) Circular naked DNA and 70s (3) Estimating the’ amount .of organic ‘Ribosomes: matter in sewage water (4) Semiautonomous nature (4) Working out the efficiency of oil driven | 22. HIV targets include all of the. following automobile engines except: 18, Amange the steps of ADA — deficiency (2) Helper T= cells treatment in sequence: (2) Macrophages with ADA cDNA : v Rewrmmeeae OS NAT |) cnet Il. The lymphocytes from the blood of the (4) Cytotoxic T- cells patient are grown in culture outside the | 23, Jdentify the related option regarding given body . I. A functional ADA cDNA (using yes retroviral vector) is introduced into the ‘ ‘ lymphocytes ik cape Res @ Homl1 oe % @ Islam ‘ Reo @ Moat 19. The following is not a function of cell é ; ‘a bo. CH;-O-P-o. : 6) Hails k 1 ss r ¥ cH, | CH, membrane (@) Lecithin ~ ? : t (1) Transport of molecules @) Cholesterol @) Cell growth | | @) Glyceral = (3) Endocytosis (4) Patty acid Sri Chaitanya Pages... * ee eeeeeenrren 24. The prevalence of dark-colonred moths #8 ‘industrially polluted areas where they at better camouflaged than the paler forms (industrial melanism) is an example of : (1) Disruptive selection 2) Stabilising selection (3) Directional selection (4) Balanced polymorphism 25. Statement-I : Glut-4 regulates glucose concentration in the blood, Statement-I : Insulin is a protein, which enables glucose transport into cells. (1) Both Statement I and Statement IT are correct (2) Statement I is correct, Statement II is ‘wrong (@) Statement I is wrong, Statement I is ‘correct (4 Both Statement I and Statement II are ‘wrong 26. Which of the following is correct for Genetic. Bottle Neck effect? (1) Decrease in genetic variability in a population Increase in genetic variability in a population @) 8) of genes and their alleles (4) Random harmful nmutations x C-C+X-Y¥+C=C Enzyme which catalyses the above reaction belongs tothe following class @ 2 It is the prevalence of constant number Sri Chaitanya 29. Page 4 Q 4 @) 3 /@. 28. Choose the incorrect match w.r.t. HGP: (1) “Expressed Sequence Tags" -> used to identify gene transcripts (m-RNA), and are instrumental in gene discovery “Sequence Annotation’ > sequencing both coding and non-coding sequences then marking specific regions with or function. : YAC and BAO > Cloning vectors Human X chromosome -> The last chromosome to be sequenced Centriole duplication’ ocours during this ais : @ s 2). Prophase @) Metaphase (4) Anaphase @) @) (4) ). Identify the correct matching List-I List I A)Zygotene _1)Formation of Synaptonemal complex B)Diakinesis I1)Dissolution of Synaptonemal complex ©)Diplotene THI) Transition to metaphese-1 D)Pachytene V)Recombinase A B c D er ay Ob am Ve Vays Wea av @t ftv y . ‘Hyderabad: 31, Find out the incorrect one @)_ MTP is quite safe even if performed in (i). Pare water y,,=0 the third trimester, provided it is by a trained obstetrician @ Flaccid cell y,, = 0 (4) MTP Act (1971) bans every type of id cell = " terminations of pregnancy in India. @) ae cell = Osmotic pressure is 3, Statement-I ! Ability to resist to a palling “pero force is called capiltarity. (4) Pure water y, =0 Statement-II ; Ability to rise in thin tubes is called tensile strength. 32, What is the relationship between the child-1 (1) Both Statement I and Statement It are and parents? correct Men Dad Ghat (2) Statement I is correct, Statement It is wrong — — i Sra een (@) © Statement I is wrong, Statement TI is = — correct _ t (4) Both Statement I and Statement Mf are — paene —_ —_ ee 36. Identify the type of reaction (simasates te aid x (2) Biological to only mom 2 eer = ; = 2) Biological to only dad Sey cae ne kee: 3) Biological to both ee (4) Biological to neither © aria 33. A widely accepted method of contraception Q),.. Saray ees c (3) Traasamination in India is * eee Olesen @-pi 37. Which of the following produces the male G) Tubectomy = ” een: (4) Cervical caps o a : 5A. Conrectsiteeseot FE MAb cantik), eee . of pregnancy is: ©) leet (1) MTP is essential in certain cases where a a coe % asia iim 1 ie Sar eet fatal either to the mother or to the foetus Si OORT ener (1) 14" day or both @) 18" day (2) MTP is most unsafe during the first oak ’ trimester of pregnancy ‘ - @ Sday Sri Chaitanya Pages. ‘ a et alee 39 Mantity the correct regarding Cy cycle (O_ Decarbenytation cocurs) in agranal chloroplast 2). Primary carboxylation oscurs in cytosol of mesophy!l cell (@) Reduction of OAA occurs’ in gtanal chloroplast (4) More than one option is correct 40. Which ofthe following is pot an effect of stimulation of sympathetic nervous system? (Q) Dilation of pupil Q) Inhibition of peristalsis @) _Blevation of Mood pressure (4) Stimulation for saliva secretion Identity the correct marching List AY, 4D BGA, at, Lista DRichmond-Lang effect promotes 9 sowers in S265 @u z 42) During generation of: a nerve. impulse, the fe ee (1) K* jas from intracellular fuid to extracellular fluid ¥ Sef Chaitanya 43. @) Na* ions from extracellular fluid to intraceltular fluid @) ions from extracellular fiuid to intracettular fluid Na* ions: from intracellular fluid to extraceltular fluid Identify the incorrect statement (1) The period from birth to-natural death of an organism represents its life span A mango has much longer life span as compared to a peepal tree ‘While individual organisms die without fail, species continue to live for many years unless threatened by natural extinction Sexual mode of reproduction enables | creation of new variants” ; ® Q) @) ® 44, Asexual spores produced in fungi are 46. Pages (1) Oospore, Z¥gospore. - @) Conidia, Zoospore (3) Zygospore, Aplanospore (4) Conidia, Oospore @)_ itis a dead structure Choose the incorrect match: (2) Myopia ~ short sightedness @)__ Hypermetropia — Can be corrected by using concave lens (3) _ Cataract — Opaque lens (4) Glaucoma - increased intraocular pressure Hyderabad 47, 48. 49. 52. Sri Chaitanya Polyembryony is found in Q) Citrus @) Mango Q) Cyreas (4). More than one option is correct Which of the following is correct for ‘pars ‘nervosa’? qa) tt synthesised by hypothalamus stocks and releases hormones (2) It synthesises many hormones of its own It is present in childhood but gets atrophied in adults It is vestigial in humans @) @ Apocarpus gynoecium is present in () Hibiscus @). Papaver @) Michelia 4) Datura Which part of the brain is first affected after consuming alcoholic beverages? (1) Cerebrum (2) Olfactory lobe 3) Cerebellum (4) Medulla oblongata Pre-fertilized nutritive tissue nourishes the product of fertilization during its. development in (1) Cocos nor Q) Onza GB). Creas (4) Solanum Calculation, contemplation and cognition are human activities associated with increased activity in the: 1 re ee Ar 54. 55. 56, Page 7" ( @ @) 4 1) Cerebrum Cerebeltum Spinal cord Pituitary gland Dicliny in a monoecious plant (1) Prevents autogamy and geitonogamy ¢ @) @ Prevents geitonogamy and xenogamy Prevents xenogamy but not autogamy. Prevents autogamy but not geitonogamy 2) Read the statements regarding muscle proteins: 1 TI, Regulatory 0 IV. Each F-actin strand is composed of a string of subunits called globular (G) actin protein troponin is distributed at regular intervals on myosin filaments (II, Myosin is a thick filament which is also a polymerized protein ” The globular head of meromyosin consists of light meromyosin (LMM) Which of the above statements are correct? ay 1, Wand 1 @) 1, Mand IV (@) Land iit e (4) Wand IV One of the following option gives dihybrid Fy, genotype ratio @) @:2:)@:) @ G:)G:2:4) @) (:)G:2:) (4) 2221) G2: De Pesce ahd eRe elon joints:s: te deca (1) Ball and socket joint (Q) Hingejoiny -). Pivot joint ce @ Gliding joint Smarter xe et $7. 58. 59. 61. Sri Chaitanya @) oO Identify the incorrect statement regarding A; B, 0 blood grouping (1) 14,77 are completely dominant over / 2) If 14,7 are present the phenotype is AB blood group (3) 1¢7F are present it is 0 blood group (4) If 147 are present it is A blood group Motor neurons electrically stimulate nearby amuscle fibres at___ (2) Creatine phosphate @) Actin filament (3) Neuromuscular junction (4) Cross-bridges During phosphodiester bond | formation incoming nucleotide reacts with Q) 5'=(P) of preceeding nucleotide (2) 3' OH of succeeding nucleotide G3) 2'- OH of succeeding nucleotide 3'- OH of preceeding nucleotide ‘Which of the following statements is correct ‘bout excretion? “Humans excrete 25-30 grams of urea per day Glucose and amino acid are reabsorbed passively in renal tubules @) Descending limb of loop of Henle is "| impermeable to water () Kidneys reabsorb about 30% volume of glomenilar filtrate In cukaryotes. RNA polymerase’ I, transcribes ‘ (1) SaRNA, 5.8 sfRNA 62, 63. 65. Page 8 (2) mRNA, rRNA 3) boRNA (4) tRNA, SnRNA Statement-I : The UTRs are present before start codon and after stop eodon on mRNA. StatementII : At the end of translation the release factor (RF) binds to larger sub unit of ribosome for chain termination. (1) Both Statement I and Statement TI are correct (2) Statement I is correct, Statement Tl is wrong Ris Z @) Statement I is wrong, Statement It is correct 4 ¥ (4) Both Statement I and Statement-TI are wrong : In negative regulation of Lac operon, repressor binds to (1) i-gene Q) 2 pene 3) o-gene @® y—gene Dialysing unit (artificial kidney) contains a fluid which is almost same as blood plasma, except that it has: (1) High levels of glucose (2) High levels of urea x @)_Nonitrogenous wastes i (4) High levels of creatinine Within a normally functioning kidney, blood. can be found in: 5 (Q). the fumen of renal pelvis » Q) the vasa recla (3) the Henle’s loop ~ @)_ the collecting ducts t Hyderabad 66. 67. 68. 69. 1”. hs Sri Chaitanya Se Which of the following is devoid of muscle layer? a @) Q) (4) Identify the incorrect statement w Capillaries Arterioles Veins Arteries Microbes are not involved during primary treatment of sewage, Flocs are anaerobes The greater the BOD of waste water, more is its polluting potential Q) @) (4) During. secondary treatment, flocs ‘are allowed to sediment and is called activated sludge, Bioactive molecule that suppresses - host immune system in organ - transplanted patients is (1) Statins 2) Streptokinase (3) Cyclosporin-A (4) Concanavalin Among the following cells that are not directly involved in inflammatory reactions sae (1) Macrophages (2) Neutrophils (3) Monocytes (4) Thrombocytes Which of the following granulocytes arrive at the carliest at the site of infection? (1) Eosinophils (2) Basophils 3) Neutrophils (4) Monocytes : Identify the corect statement 72. 73. 4, Page 9 HD 1553 is a wheat variety P1542 is a Pisum variety Jaya and Ratna are semi dwarf high yielding varieties of rice (4) All the above Puse gauray is a Variety of (1) Cow pea (2) Chilli @) Bhindi (4), Rapeseed a @Q) @) A healthy human has, on an average, _ million RBCs perm’ of blood. (1) 3-35 billion (2) 2-25 million (3) 5=5.5 million (4), 6000-8000 Which of the following is true for the curves A and B shown in the dissociation curve 75. Unrelated to pBR322 @ @) In contains amp® and tet™ genes Pvu I cloning site is, present on TOP region rop codes for the proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid Bam Hi site is found on tetracycline resistant gene The micelle formation is generally not needed for the absorption of: (1). Fatty acids 2) Vitamins A, D, E&K G)_ Glycerol (4) Amino acids |. Identify the mismatch (1) Cry Ab - Comm borer @) Cry TAD— Cotton boll worm @) Golden rice ~ Vitamin A (4) Meloidegyne — Fungus Brush border columnar epithelium is the lining of: (1) Ocsophagus (2) Small intestine G) Stomach (4) ° Proximal convoluted tubules Statement-1 ; Microinjection is useful to introduce an alien gerie into animal cell. Statement-II : Gene gun method is suitable for plant cells to introduce a foreign gene. (1) Both Statement I and Statement I are eB) @ 76. p 7. 1. correct (2) Statement I is correct, Statement II is wrong ; @G) ‘Statement I is wrong, Statement II is ‘correct 7 (4) Both Statement I and Statement I are ‘wrong Sri Chaitanya si. Page 10 “Match the following © List-T List-IT A) Adenovirus i) Butyric acid B) Clostridium {i Citric acid butylicum 1) dignbiiteniiger |e oan infections ‘D) Acetobacter aceti | iv) Acetic acid A B [a D a) ii iii i iv Q) iv i iti ii @ ii i iw A) iti ii iv i ‘The function of typhlosole in earthworms is to: @ 2) 8) @ Secrete digestive juice Regulate the blood flow Emulsify the fatty foods Increase absorptive surface area of intestines . Malpighian tubules in cockroaches: (1) Are attached to gizzard (2) Convert nitrogenous wastes into uric acid G) Lie at the junction of foregut and midgut (4) Remain isolated from haemolymph One of the following cannot be used as explant 3 ; (1) Parenchyma cell @)_Collenchyma cell @). Meristemnatic cell (4) Mature sieve tube element wl 84. Match the columns; ~~ Column =T | Colima it~ |A. | Hyaline | 7) | Intervertebral ~ cartilage disc and pubic symphysis B. | White-fibrous | ii) | Tip of nose curtilage ic | Mil) | Foetal skeleton cartilage () A= (i, B= Gi), C=) Q) A= Gi), B= Gil), C= (i) @) A= (ii), B=), C= Gi) 4) A=(),B =i), C= (ii) 85. Which of the following is the logical sequence of carbon eycle ? (1) Photosynthesis — Decomposer -—* Ee Consumer @) Photosynthesis -> Consumer _~» } Decomposer (3) Decomposer —> Photosynthesis —> ‘Consumer (4) Consumer -+ Photosynthesis —> Consumer 86. True about Ascidia, — Branchiostoma, Doliolum, Salpa is (1) All» are -non-chordates except Branchiostoma ‘t (2) All are“ urochordates _ except Branchiostoma i @) Al are chordates except Branchiostoma (4) All are protochordates except Branchiostoma— 87. Each trophic level has certain'mass of living material at a particular time called nei babi 88. ay ) @) Standing stato Standing crop Secondary productivity (4) Grows primary productivity Read the following statements wir. molluses: i) Byes of some cephalopods are analogous to the vertebrate eyes Haemoglobin remains dissolved in blood plasma Most of them posses open girculatory systern Blood has hasmocyanin as regpiratory pigments ¥) Bxoskeleton is usually absent Which of the above statements are correct? a) Gi), (2) (i), (iii), (iv) 3) Gi), (ii), (¥) @ tv), Statement] : NADH is oxidized wo NAD” rather slowly in fermentation, however the reaction is very vigorous in case of aerobic respiration, Statement-II Glucose is “the favoured substrate for respiration, (1) Both Statement I and Statement 1 are correct (2) Statement 1 is correct, Statement II is ii) iti) iv) ‘wrong 3) Statement 1 is wrong, Statement II is Pagen | Meandrina is: oe » correct gobs 4 Laisa pam peremat Ad speci Saati ai (1). the Brain coral ‘ ; (2) snarthropod ” t (3). the sea anemone é (4) abemichordate & & 91. 92. 93. ‘Sri Chaitanya .@ ‘The following diagram indicates the energy levels of a certain atom, where the system moves ftom 4E level t6 E, a photon of wavelength A, is einitted. The wavelength of photon produced during its. transition from > E level to Bisa). The ratio 2 will be = a 9 @M z a 4 @.2 2 , » 2 All electron ejected from a surface by incident of wavelength 200 nm can be stopped before travelling 1 meter in the direction of a uniform clectric field of 4NC7' the work funetion of the surface is . Q) 4Ev Q@) S2ev @) “3eV @) 220V The de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity 1.5x10°m/s is equal to that of a photon. The ratio of the kinetic energy of the electron to the energy of the photon is @) Bein are @) 95. @ 4 M, and M, denote the atomic masses of the parent and the daughter nuclei Tespectively in a radioactive decay. The Q- value fora J” decay is Q, and that for a 6* decay is Q,. If m, denotes the mass of an slectron, then which of the following Statements is correct? GY Q,=(M,-M,)c? and. Or=(M,~M,—2m,)e* Q) Q\=(M,-M,)e* and Q, =(M,-M,)e? 0, = (Mt, -M,)e @ O=(M,-M, -2m,)e* an Q,=(M,—M, +2m,)e? @ Q,=(M,-M,+2m,)c? ond Q3=(M,~M, +2m,)e* Figure shows the transfer characteristics of a. base. biased CE transistor: Which of the following statements is FALSE? yy 0 OsV Mit” (1) At W=IV, it can be used as an amplifier At ¥,=0.5V, it can be used as a switch turned off. ; At V,=25¥, it can be used as a switch turned on @) At ¥,=047, transistor is in active state @ @) 97. Sri Chaitanya To produce high output (1) at/R, we must have input x and y respectively ¥. ¥ () x=0y=1 Q) 6) @ The breakdown ina reverse biased p-n junction diode is more likely to oceur due to (a) large velocity of the minority charge carriers if the doping concentration is small large velocity of the minority: charge carriers if the doping coricentration is large strong electric filed in the depletion x-Ly= x=Ly=0 x=0,y=0 o) @ region if the doping concentration is small strong electric filed in the depletion region if the doping concentration is large ad conly bonly " be @ a @ @) @ |. From the figure shown here, establish a relation between 44 , Hp and py Q) AS > fs + One face of a prism with a refractive angle of 30° is coated with silver. A ray incident om another face at an angle of 45° is refracted at first surface, reflected from the silver coated face and retraces its path. What is the refractive index of the prism? @) Q @) @ via sie oS ss danpalyee rner Ge eect telescope in the normal adjustment position is, 100, The distance between the objective and the eye piece is 101 om: Find the focal length of the objective lens 4 () Tem @ 100cm @) 50m (4) Slem In young’s double slit experiment with pir holes, the interference pattern on the screen ee eae (1) Parabolic s (2) Soaight 63) teypacbatee 2 (Circular : 102, A foreen te place 40 enn fone a slit allt, whieh 4s illuminated with 6000 A tight IF the distance bowweon we frat and dint friininna in te diffraction pattern fe 9 yan, ve widths ofthe atit is G) 0.1 nie, Q) 02am G) Od mm (4) OA nw Two wires of rostitangos Ay and Ry have temperature coefficient of roniatance of 4nd 1, roapeotively, Thowe are joined in sorien the effective temperature coeffulent of reaistance | ay) + Oy 2 0) faa Stak Krk w Leads Re Ry A potentiometer wite has length 4m and resistance6Q, The resistance that mist be ‘connected in series with the wire and a battery of emf-AV no a to get # potential gradient SmV per cm on the wire is (1) 6Q @ 120 @) 1802 4) wa 105. Af # number of forces, act on. a body and the Sei Chaitanya body is in static. or dynamic equilibrium, then (1) Work done \ by ,aniy individual force must be zero al Net work done by all the forces is +ve Net work done by all the forces is -ve Net work done by all the forces is zero ® 0) 4 106, 107. Page sy | ; given by v= ‘The velooition of (wo spartiolon A and B of samo masa oro = al0nd Pp bl whore wand b are conatants, ‘The aceeloration of paticle A is (2al #40!) nud aogelerntion of powtiole Wa (al = 2) inm/s?). ‘The path ‘of the centre of mass of two particles is (1) Surmight tine (2) Parabotw o (4) Chole A nmiall objoct of mans m vtarts ftom rent at tho position shown and slides along. the frictionless loop-the-toop trick of radius R ‘What is the smallest value of y such that the ‘object will slide without losing contact with Ilipwe Rk Dye QR i R Q) 7 3k Cas . The frequency of vibration of a string is i the tension in the string and J is ‘The dimensional formu for m is «(meat of segments in, which the string is ave? dea 109, An object moving with a speed of 6.25 m/s, is retarded by 2.5¥v. Where v is instantancous speed. The time taken by the ‘object to come to rest, would be (1s @ @) @ A fixed pulley of radius 20 em and moment 2s 4s 8s 110. of inertia 0.32 kg.m? about its axle has a massless cond wrapped around its rim, A mass M of 2 kg is attached to the end of the cord. The pulley can rotate about its axis without any friction, The acceleration of the mass M is (Assume g = 10m /s) Im/s? 3m/s? 2m/s* @ Q) @) 4) . A particle thrown at an angle of 30° with the horizontal bas a range Rj; and maximum vertical height H,. The another particle with double the mass when thrown from the same point with the same velocity at an angle of 30° with the vertical has a range R, and maximum vertical height 3. Choose the correct relation = () R= Rj Hy =3H, @ R= RsH=B @) R= =H, 4m/s? re Sri Chaitanya @, RFR AH, 2. The system is pushed by a force F as shown in figure. All surfaces are smooth except between B and C, Friction coefficient between Band C is yz. Minimum value of F to prevent block B from downward stipping 3 @ (3) me A boy is hanging over a pulley inside a car through a string. The second end-of the straight is in the hand of a person standing in the car, The car is moving with constant acceleration. ‘a’ directed horizontally as shown in figure, Other end of the straight is piilled with constant acceleration ‘a’ (relative to car) vertically. The tension in the string is equal to 113. migra? Page 15 gpraeeag ion i Gye ep rata @ meta) oiit 114. A ballet dancer spins about a vertical axis © rpm with his arms closed, Now be @) 1.54 stretches his arms such that MT increases HY @) 159 ah: 50%. The new speed of spin would be : (1) 80pm (Ay 1.62 aan 2) 40pm 119.00. black body has maximum wavelengih- GQ) 9pm Joy, at 2000K. Its corresponding wavelength (4) 30pm at 3000 K will be 16 115. The escape velocity for a planet is-vp= A WO ai4m tunnel is dug along the diatteter oF the planet it and a small body dropped into it. The speed @ 764m of the body at the centre of the planet will be v 0) 34, @ t 3 o 2 ? p > @ % O F4n via iG 8 120, The P-V diagram of 2g of helium gas for a ia certain process A->B is shown in the @) 2, figure. What is the heat given to the gas 116. The height at which the weight of a body during the process A—> B? becomes 1/9 its weight on the surface of | earth (radius of earth is R) ()b=3 Ros ee ie @) -h-R 1 yA is R ae 5 Routes : it BONE wxriotn mined ce (@) h=2R > 122. A cylindrical wire of length L and cross section area A having weight W is hanged as shown in figure. Teer If Young's modulus is Y, strain energy in wire due to its own weight will be When a ball is released from rest in a very long column of viscous liquid, its downward acceleration is ‘a’ (just after release). Then its acceleration when it has acquired two third of the maximum velocity 123, wlP als wily wis @ A simple pendulum of length 1 m is allowed to oscillate with amplitude2°. It collides clastically with « wall inclined at 1° to the vertical. Its time period will be (use g = 7) a) 127. 4 0,>0, Sri Chaitanya 33. Q) o>4>4% @) 4,>6>% A) a,>9,>% Two equal point charges q are fixed at x ~~ a and x = + a on x-axis, Another point chatge Q is placed at the origin. The change in electrical potential energy of Q, when it is displaced by a small amount x along x-axis, is approximately proportional to a) x Q@) # GB) x ()) . The average electric field of electromagnetic waves in certain region of free space is 9x10*NC*. Then, the average magnetic field in the same region is of the order of @ 27x1047 j Q) 3x10"r @) ()x107 (4) 3x10°7 ‘When the key K is pressed at time t = 0, then which of the following statements about the current I in resistor AB of the given circuit is true? So) Bey, KM Q) I=1 mA atall times (2) 1=2mA atall times (3) oscillates between I mA and 2mA. (4) Att=0,1=2 mA and it becomes ImA 134, The graph showing the” varinti of the magnetic field strength (B) with distance (+) from a long current carrying conductor is a o> o te Magnetic ficld given by (1008) in the region defined by x7 + y? =16m? and y > 0. A charge particle of mass m=10"" Ag, g=1.6x10°""C, enters at origin with « velocity (640)m/s. What is the angle of deviation suffered by charge particle in the magnetic field 135. 136, Total number of nodes, the planar nodes and the radial nodes in case of 4f orbital respectively are u) 4,352 @ 3,3,0 @) 32,1 (4) 4,2,1 A. gescous compousid of lttogss and hydrogen contains 12.5% (by mass) of hydrogen. “The density of the compound relative: to that of hydrogen is 16, The molecular formula of the compound is () NH (2) NH @) Na (4) Nails Addition of 2.0 x 10° moles of a strong acid to half litre of an acidic buffer changes its pH by 0.01 only. The buffer capacity of the buffer is: i (1) 0.005 Q) 055 @) 4 @) 25 ‘Which of the given statements incorrect) (1) Keratin & Myosin ate fibrous proteins ® Deficiency of vitamin C causes scurvy _@)_ Nucleoside contains pentose sugar + Purine or pyrimidine base + phosphate (4) Glueosazone formation from glucose requires 3 moles of phenyl hydrazine / 140, Fora hypothetical reaction, the sctivation ‘energy is zero, What is the rate constant at | 400K if at 300K its value is 2.5 « 105 neo"? (1) 50% 105 eet) ome @ 10% 105 e601 ge OP" 30% 106 peed oremott @ ani a ae 138., 4 ‘ 139. a 7 141, Vote of 98% (wv) HySO4 of specific gravity 1.8 required to prepare one litre of 1.8M. solution is (1) 10m! @) 200ml @) 100m! (4) 500m! 142, Which of the following can act as both Lewis acid and Lewis base (1) S05 @ Sh @) co 4) <2, @ SIFE ‘The solubility of Pb(OH), in water is 6 x 10° M.'The solubility of POOH): ima batter solution of pH= 10 is @ 35x10"M @ 86 x10°M @) 22x10°M @) 18x107M 144. Pb,O, +SHC1—>3PDCl, +Cl, +4H,0. In this reaction, the number of moles of HC] reacting with PbO are @.8 @.6 Qui (4) zero, 145, Ina reversible reaction Ke, respectively is: () . +1,42 and +4 Q) +1, +4and42 1 (3) +2,+1 and +> @) 2 @) ‘At 35°C, the vapour pressure of CS2, is 512 mm Hg and that of acetone is 344mm Hg. A solution of CS, in acetone has a total vapour pressure of 600mm Hg. The false statement amongst the following is: (1) CS: and acetone are less attracted 10 each other than to themselves heat must be absorbed in order to produce the solution at 35°C Raoult’s law is not obeyed by this system, a mixture of 200 mL C52 and 200 ml acetone has « volume of <400 mil. . Given that the standard potential (E") of Cu®* Cu and Cu* | Cu are 0.34 -V and 0.522'V respectively, the E of Cu” /Cu* is: (Q) 0.182 ‘ Q) -0,158V @) -0.182V (4) 40,158 For the reaction P(!) > O(g) ‘AU = 2.1K cal & AS'= Seal" at 300K . Hence AGis Keal is: +1, HL and +1 147. Q) @) (4). 149. qa) -18 @ 21 7 @) -25 @) 29 150. The bond order and magnetic characteristics of CNT are (1) 3, diamagnetic 1 2) 25, diamagnetic (8) Drugs which compete with natural eubstrate on active site are called competitive inhibitors (4) Morphine can be used as analgesic without causing addiction, 154, A vessel of volume 1 litre contains 1 imole of fiitrogen gas at @ temperature 12,18K, The pressure of the gaseous mixture, when 50% of the molecules are dissociatedsinto nitrogen atoms at thé same temperature i @) 25, paramagnetic (4) 3, paramagnetic 151. Which among the following is incorrect statement? Q) 45.atm (1) The refining method used when the Q) 1Satm metal and the impurities have low and @) 3.8 atm high melting temperatures respectively (4) 2.9 atm 155, A polymer X is used in the controlled release of drugs. *X? on hydrolysis give "Y” and ‘2, these on reaction with LiAIH, gives is Jiquation (2) Wrought iron is the purest form of iron (3) Zone refining is preferred if impurities fare more soluble in molten metal than ie in solid motal : fh @ The leaching agent used in the en concentration of Bauxite is H2SO, ® 2 152, The flocculation value of HCI for arsenic sulphide sol is 30 milli mol L*. If H:804 is used for the flocculation of arsenic sulphide, then the amount in grams of HjSO, required for 500 ml in the above purpose is,: Q) 165g @ 0.735¢ 3) 453g @ 035g 153. Which among the statement? oa 5 a) Drugs which bind to the astve site of enzyme are called allosteric drugs mel? @)_A-chemical messenger gives messeg® "the cell by entering the cell SriChaitanya eS eee eae 157. A disaccharide consisting of two o-D-glucose (1) C>B>D>A a are ip eomepen of another @-D-glucose unit is: (Q) Maltose @) B>C>D>A Q) Sucrose @) A>Bec>dD @) Lactose 160, Oil of Mimbane on reduction with LiATH, A) Cotutose gives orange red dye (Azobenzene). In this 158. Which of the following is/are the major reaction, the equivalent weight of product(s) of the following reaction ? nitrobenzene is [M = Molecular weight] cu mite w M (oy no) M cee i, ory nies ® x ~ Br M leer 1 Number of $ ~ O bond in $057 and number of S —§ bond in rhombic sulphur ars oh cH, -C \ IL. » Br Pe respectively LI) Coane a S @) 6,8 ® sais G) 24 @ es (4,2 aM @ bande ' 159. the followi in ord ey Azrange the following compounds in order of (oss a B HCl > HBr> HT more than decrease in hydration enthalpy (2) Reducing nature ; HI > HBr > HC} > (1) Tand Tare true HF (2) Land Mare false 3) Boiling points ; HF> HI > HBr > HC} (3) Tis true, ee (4) Volatility ; HCL> HBr> HI> HF (4) Tis false, Tis true 164. XeO, is formed on hydrolysis of tee i ne A) XeF, BY XCF, ©) XeF, CH,CHO + HCHO: Moat 1) only A,B 5 a 2) only A.C i cH, = CH=CH-=CooH 3) only B,C 4 bi 4) only A.B,C ® ®@ CH, =CH=CH-OH * mt, =@ 5 i 7 NEN, aN fee ) CH, -CH =C-COOH 6 on _ © Correct order of electron, donating power of “CH; =CH-COOH nitrogen is Ue aes @ a7 bee 169..Number of carboxylic acids and esters Q) c>b>a (strucrtural only) possible with the formula @) b>e>a C,H,O2 are i @ brare . ‘ 166. 35.5g of organic compound is acidified with | ® eee HNOs, On addition of AgNOs,14.35g of @) 5, - os AgCl is precipitated. Percentage ‘of chlorine. @ 3 need 170. When NH,NO; pieces eae a of nitrogen is formed, the oxidation state of 2) 10% . jen ge = > nitrogen in this oxide is @) 40% : @ +4 Recah sf @) 3%, al ee 3 167. Statement-I : Down the group solubility of eee TS Jat3} "169 mA group hydroxides increases ® =) (@ +1 : Sri Chaitanya Page A polatia bs ‘ 171, Which of the following ions is most stable @) Sn” @) Ge" @ si? Pb” bo] 172, The TUPAC name of A is (Q)Tricyclo propylamine @)_N,N-dieyclopropylamine @) N,N dicyclo propyl cyclopropanamine (4 N,N, Noicyclo propanamine 173. Which of the following metal is having least melting point ? (@) Na @«* @) Rb @ oc 174, According to crystal field theory, the M ~L- bond in a complex is (2) partially covalent (2) purely ionic 3) purely covalent (4) purely co-ordinate 175. C,HCN: I A —Ba/NeOHOROBS Fy. ‘Which of the following cannot be used as an acylating agent to B (1) CH,COOH @) CH,COCI @) (CH,Co),0 (4) CH,COOC,H, Sri Chaitanya 176, 177, 180. Correct order of radius of elements C, ©, F, CL, Bris (2) BrCl>C>O>F @Q) ClF>O>Brecd ‘The clectronie configuration of bivalent Europium and trivalent Cerium respectively is [Z for Xe = 54, Ce = 58, Eu~ 63] (i) [Xe]4f?, [Xe]4e (2) [Xe]4t76s*, [xe]4f" (3) [Xe]4£76s*, [Xe]4f"5d’ 6s" (4) [Xe] 487, [xc] 4f'Sd'6s" In which compound C ~ C1 bond length is shortest ? (@) Cl-CH=CH, @ Cl-CH=CH-CH, @) Cl-CH=CH,-CH,~CH, @ CI-CH=CcH-NO, ~ . Wrong match is. () Borax hydrolysis Orthoboric acid ..... Lewis acid Solid CO> .... Reffigerant Crystalline form of 2). G), @ Keiselghur silica Which of the following water sample is more polluted ? f DO -4ppm,BOD-4ppm i) @ @) @ © SRI CHAITANYA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS INDIA. A.P,TELANGANA,KARNATAKA.TAMILNADU.MAHARASHTRA.DRIHT RANCHLCHANDIGARH © SRELITE NEET GRAND TEST ~ 4 KEY Date :23-01-2020 . BOT : 1, 2,5, 7,9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, 49, 51, 53, $5, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89 ; ZOO : 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 45, 46, 48, $0, 52, $4, $6, SB, 60, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 82, 84, 86, 88,90 BIOLOGY 109 4 | 10H 4 10 2] 2 |i 3 UH 4 | 19) 4 |im 2 uy 3 iam 4 [am 4 | my 2 jug ¢ 59) 1 = 2 [161) 1. |162) 3 |163) 1 |164) 3 |165, 3 169) 4 170) 4 |17%) 4 |172) 3 |173) 4 174) 2 |175) 1 N78) 4 180) 2 a 93. 7. %9. ‘Transition from (4E to EY he Bnergy of photon 42 B=") tone Ay Fe ee i us tp-eek tos gat 2 OMS : Transition from(5E -F 4 B-Ee ye aye Equation (1) & 2) oeg ; Eu——=6.2e¥ - : wert ill KE of electron nay mel Bea) maltull eter: : " Ae ‘Work function = B-W =2.2eV 1sxtot 1 2xdx1e 4 A, =af= . pam decay - M42, M*+,,0° +O) 5 =[l8e,),+(tea), ms Jo? = [6 2) {My -(e—thms) me Je? = [iM 86, am Je* (-e Atomic mass ~ mass of electrons ~ Nuclear mass) Similarly during A” decay ,M4 ry, M4 42°40, 5. Conceptual * +) » = (key na[esa) ern) ay Rexy faR=l at &y=0 Comceptaal Fot second waficn, 22 22 y © FAI ym PR ory positive fig > Hy ah +R h--* for first wf, = pa Given 4= 10", i, = 43° andr, =O Sine RtRRA He dndOr 1 ernie on pin, = Sn 2S SE FP seen Tae 2 1 Aare; I= lf, fot Fon 100f, 4 f, 10%; f, Lem fe = 100m * 101, Coneeptant 12 Foc minion y= (nt) 2) (y-7)=0-){2)~200 aaa 103, SRY=AR + OR, | Bat AT RAT + Rat an 106. Lag = dee Ra=ta muy. B\R 5068 )6 pag Gt far leads =O 105. Concepts 06 Pon wetmaPs Tiss alee) ba, Sai 9 2 Bon Sareea As Fwy 1 Gee phe nightie, wn. figia igh 202k ha yg hay RE e wot] ef] (e}-[w'ar] aoe minl-rdys eat a[n|-[a'r] eer a B Sa alta Eel By niesieesse wea eatea di o-Gebe ol Sloot : T= Ma * motion of Mt i Te ematenatetly rx02=(032)@ woratéant(2) <1 From Mg-T=Ma => 20-Ba=2a a= m/s 111, Range of proectile sme or the angle of projection @ ant 0" -0. 0, =30" and 6, = 907-30" 30" ‘then R= Pate iy Hine aa ss cc ig mit xsi? tre bay nga of Cg N= 2me= EF —o Now, Bil antutidedowamand if iV 2 myx or {27} 2m wfecne ra 5 Fa a (Force cage ne Fame of can) Applying Newion's lw perpecular to string mg sin? = mg cos? mee Aaniveg Newton's uw slang sting 37—n/g p= ma/ Tampa ma 14 Limon Con hm Regy couric - A490 2A La ZT eae na Pe ern 107, Het ome at gin ‘mx $404 mxtx(100-90) = 221(90-20) ome 28 Net mes oF wate nmin = 2262.8= 248 g 10K Foc mice of see om ate(eh, +h) Ve 30h Prank 7 ~ te, 7,-e = 4 Sag ay arash, (Change in tempontuse = 37, ‘ Wmandnnaty= Int FY, 50=6R 2 200 va Fane 2 3a -a-6 : s ss ¥ 4 x a a es Foren * . ms N : 127, Compan Snorer ABs 3 ‘ tan taaty Paioe 7 7e <0 wat 1,22 soem (te ana rey Pia in eR?

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