2015 JC Physics H2 River Valley High School

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Read these notes carefully.

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There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are four
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River Valley High School Pg 1 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

speed of light in free space, c = 3.00  108 m s–1

permeability of free space, 0 = 4   10–7 H m–1

permittivity of free space, 0 = 8.85  10–12 F m–1

(1/(36  ))  10–9 F m–1

elementary charge, e = 1.60  10–19 C

the Planck constant, h = 6.63  10–34 J s

unified atomic mass constant, u = 1.66  10–27 kg

rest mass of electron, me = 9.11  10–31 kg

rest mass of proton, mp = 1.67  10–27 kg

molar gas constant, R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1

the Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02  1023 mol–1

the Boltzmann constant, k = 1.38  10–23 J K–1

gravitational constant, G = 6.67  10–11 N m2 kg–2

acceleration of free fall, g = 9.81 m s–2

River Valley High School Pg 2 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

1 2
uniformly accelerated motion, s  ut  at
v 2  u 2  2as

work done on/by a gas, W  pV

hydrostatic pressure, p   gh

gravitational potential,  

displacement of particle in s.h.m., x  xO sin t

velocity of particle in s.h.m., v  vO cos t

  x 2
O  x2 
mean kinetic energy of a molecule of an ideal gas, E kT

resistors in series, R  R1  R2 

resistors in parallel, 1/ R  1/ R1  1/ R2 

electric potential, V
4 O r

alternating current/voltage, x  xO sin t

transmission coefficient, T  exp  2kd 

8 2 m U  E 
where k =

radioactive decay, x  xO exp  t 

decay constant, t1

River Valley High School Pg 3 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
1 A student was shipwrecked a distance south of an island as shown below. If she can swim
at a steady speed of 1.3 m s–1 in a current that flows at 1.0 m s–1 due west.




In what direction must she swim to make it to the island?

A 38 east of north

B 38 west of north
C 40 east of north
D 50 east of north

2 A basketball falls vertically, hits the ground and rebounds vertically upwards.
The diagram below is the speed-time graph for the ball.

What is the overall change in velocity whilst the ball is in contact with the ground?

A 0.59
B 1.5
C 18
D 19

River Valley High School Pg 4 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
3 A ball is thrown vertically upward. It reaches the highest point and comes back down to the
original starting point.

Which is the correct velocity-time graph for the ball without air resistance (solid line) and with
air resistance (dotted line)?

v v

t t

v v

t t

River Valley High School Pg 5 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
4 An initially stationary football tied to a light inextensible string of length L was kicked and
imparted with velocity v = 5gL at point A as shown in the diagram below.

path of
football B

A ground

At point B, the string broke and the football fell to the ground.

What was the speed with which the football struck the ground?

A gL B 3gL C 5gL D 7gL

5 Three blocks with masses M, 2M and 3M are pushed along a rough surface by a
horizontal force F as shown.

M 2M 3M

The friction between mass M and the rough surface is f, and f is proportional to M.
What is the magnitude of the force mass 3M exerts on mass 2M?

A 2
B  3f
C f
D  3f

River Valley High School Pg 6 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
6 Three identical containers are filled with water to the brim. X and Y have a floating block
of wood submerged to different depths. Z has a block of wood that sinks to the bottom
of the container as shown in the diagram.


Which of the options is correct?

A Weight of X = Weight of Y = Weight of Z

B Weight of X = Weight of Y < Weight of Z
C Weight of X > Weight of Y = Weight of Z
D Weight of X < Weight of Y < Weight of Z

7 A non-uniform plank of length L is hung horizontally from two spring balances as

shown. The forces recorded by the balances are F and 2F.

fixed support

2F F

3 3

What is the horizontal distance of the centre of gravity of the plank from the right hand
end of the plank?

A 2L B 4L C 5L D 7L
9 9 9 9

River Valley High School Pg 7 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
8 A pump draws a volume of water V from a slow-moving river up an inclined of length L
at an angle  to the horizontal in a time t, and discharges it through a nozzle with a
speed v. If the density of the water is , what is the effective power delivered by the

A 2t

B t

VgL Vv2
C +
t 2t

VgLsin Vv2
D +
t 2t

9 A block of mass 2.0 kg is released from rest at the top of an inclined plane as shown in
the diagram.


3.0 m

4.0 m

If the block experiences a constant resistive force of 4.0 N throughout its motion, what
is the speed of the body at the bottom of the slope?

A 6.2 m s1
B 6.5 m s1
C 7.7 m s1
D 8.9 m s1

River Valley High School Pg 8 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
10 A small ball bearing is projected with a velocity v from the lowest position P of a vertical
circular track which is not smooth. The ball bearing starts to leave the track at Q.


Which of the following represents all the forces acting on the ball-bearing at Q?





River Valley High School Pg 9 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
11 Planet X and planet Y have the same mean density. The radius of planet X is half that of
planet Y.

gravitational field at the surface of pl anet X

What is the ratio ?
gravitational field at the surface of pl anet Y

A 2 2

B 2

C 2


12 Two point masses P and Q of masses MP and MQ are at a distance d apart. What is the
magnitude of the gravitational potential and the magnitude of the gravitational field
strength caused by MP at Q?

gravitational potential gravitational field strength


d d2


d d2


d d2


d d

13 A mass of 2.0 kg attached to a light spring is oscillating on a smooth horizontal surface

at a frequency of 1.0 Hz. The other end of the spring is fixed to a wall. The amplitude of
oscillation of the spring-mass system is 4.0 cm.
What is the speed of the mass when it is at a distance 3.0 cm from its equilibrium

A 2.6 cm s–1
B 3.9 cm s–1
C 17 cm s–1
D 24 cm s–1

River Valley High School Pg 10 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
14 When damping is increased on a mass undergoing oscillation at its resonant frequency,
which effect does not occur?

A The resonant frequency decreases.

B The sharpness of the resonant peak decreases.
C The amplitude of the forced oscillation decreases.
D The period of the forced oscillation at resonance decreases.

15 A partially inflated, sealed balloon is placed inside a bell jar. The jar is then evacuated
(air is taken out of the jar – not the balloon).

Which of these are correct?

I The pressure inside the bell jar decreases.

II The volume of the balloon increases.
III The pressure inside the balloon increases.

A I B I and II C II and III D I and III

16 When 170 g of salmon is first added to 28 g of olive oil pre-heated in a 2.4 kg frying pan
on an induction cooker rated 1.2 kW, the temperature of the mix dropped to 200 C.

Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings, how long does it take the mix to rise to the
stir-frying temperature of 240 C?

Specific heat capacity of olive oil : 2000 J kg–1 K–1
Specific heat capacity of salmon : 3600 J kg –1 K–1
Heat capacity of frying pan : 1100 J K –1

A 15 s
B 51 s
C 59 s
D 103 s

River Valley High School Pg 11 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
17 The wave disturbance created in a swimming pool passes vertically along the surface
of the water. Two rubber ducks are placed at points X and Y along the propagation of
the wave with a phase difference of 2 𝜋 radians and the waves are travelling from point
X to Y.

Which one of the following correctly describes the rubber duck at X at an instant when
the rubber duck at Y is displaced downwards and moving downwards?

displacement of rubber duck at X movement of rubber duck at X

A downwards downwards
B downwards upwards
C upwards upwards
D upwards downwards

18 Ripples on the surface of water spread out in circles from a ball type dipper in a ripple
tank. For one such ripple, the amplitude of the ripple at a distance 80 mm from the
dipper is 2.0 mm. After a while, the power of the dipper is doubled.

Assume that the energy of the wave is spread over the entire circumference of the
ripple and no energy is lost in the propagation of the ripple.

How far would the new distance be from the dipper for the same amplitude of the ripple
to be observed?

A 40.0 mm B 56.6 mm C 113 mm D 160 mm

River Valley High School Pg 12 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
19 Two identical narrow slits S1and S2 are illuminated by light from a point source Y.


S1 P2

P3 S2

If the light is allowed to fall on a screen as shown in the diagram above, and n is a
positive integer, the condition for destructive interference at Z is

A (P2  P4) = (2n +1) π rad

B 1 1
[(P3 + P4)  (P2 + P1)] = (n + 2) π rad

C (P4  P2) + (P1  P3) = (2n +1) π rad

D 1 1
[(P1  P3)] = (n + 2 )π rad

20 A continuous progressive sound wave is incident on the air column with a closed end.
The diagram shows just the incident wave at one instant.

X incident wave

Which one of the following pairs correctly describes the amplitudes of displacement
and pressure change at point X where the stationary sound wave forms?

displacement amplitude pressure change amplitude

A maximum maximum
B minimum maximum
C maximum minimum
D minimum minimum

River Valley High School Pg 13 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
21 Microwaves of wavelength 3.30 cm are incident normally on a row of parallel metal
rods. The distance between the rods and the microwave detector is 33.0 cm. The first
order diffraction minimum is observed at an angle of 7.4° to the direction of the incident

What is the angle between the third order diffraction maxima?

A 14.9° B 22.2° C 22.7° D 45.4°

22 The diagram below shows 4 different arrangements of charges around a circle with
centre P.

What is the magnitude of the electric field at point P in ascending order?


+ +
─ ─ + +

+ P + + P +
─ ─ +


+ ─

─ P + ─ P



River Valley High School Pg 14 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
23 Two parallel, conducting plates with air between them are placed close to one another.
The top plate is given a negative charge and the bottom is earthed.

Which diagram best represents the distribution of charges and the field in this



24 The diagram shows two points X and Y, which lie 180° apart, on a circle of radius r.

A positive charge Q at the centre of the circle creates an electric field of magnitude E at
both X and Y.


Which expression gives the work done in moving a positive charge q from X to Y?

A 0 B qEr C qE(r ) D 2qEr

River Valley High School Pg 15 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
25 A piece of resistance wire of resistivity  and length L has resistance R . It is connected
to a cell of electromotive force E of negligible resistance.

resistance wire of
length L

When the wire is cut into two and connected in parallel as shown below, what is the
resistivity of both the wires and the effective resistance in the circuit?

resistance wire of
length L/2

resistance wire of
length L/2
resistivity effective resistance
A  R
B  R /4
C  /2 R
D 2 R/ 4

26 In the circuit shown below, the resistance of S is infinitely large and the two resistors R
are identical.

If the equivalent resistance across CD is 2.5 k, what is the equivalent resistance across

1 k R


A 2.5 k
B 3.5 k
C 5.0 k
D Infinitely large

River Valley High School Pg 16 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
27 Four identical lamps are connected as shown below.

What happens when lamp P is blown out?



A Lamp R does not light up.

B Lamp Q and S remains as bright as before.
C Lamp Q becomes brighter than before.
D Lamp R becomes brighter than before.

28 When a circuit is set up as shown below, the reading on the non-ideal voltmeter shows
1.5 V while the ideal ammeter reads 1.0 mA. When the ammeter is removed, the
voltmeter reads 0.9 V.

What is the best estimate for the internal resistance of the voltmeter?


A 3000 
B 1500 
C 1000 
D 250 

River Valley High School Pg 17 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
29 A rectangular coil of wire WXYZ carrying a constant current I rotates about a vertical
axis in a uniform magnetic field as shown in the diagram below.



Which of the following describes the change(s), if any, in the magnitude of the force on
the length of the wire YZ of the coil, the torque on the coil, and the magnetic flux linkage
through the coil?

force torque magnetic flux linkage

A changed changed changed

B unchanged changed changed
C unchanged unchanged changed
D unchanged unchanged unchanged

30 A proton moved in a circular arc with radius 15 cm and its motion is perpendicular to a
magnetic field of flux density 0.15 T.

The kinetic energy of the proton is

A 24 keV B 44 keV C 44 MeV D 243 MeV

River Valley High School Pg 18 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
31 A circular coil of diameter 7.0 cm and 30 turns is placed so that the coil is
perpendicular to the direction of a uniform magnetic field. The flux density of the field
is changed from 20 mT to 60 mT in 0.50 s.
What is the average e.m.f. induced in the coil?

A 0.31 mV
B 4.6 mV
C 9.2 mV
D 37 mV

32 Magnetic flux  through a coil varies with time t as shown in the diagram.

0 t
t1 t2 t3 t4

At which of the following values of t is the magnitude of e.m.f. induced in the coil
increasing at that instant?

A t1
B t2
C t3
D t4

River Valley High School Pg 19 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
33 A transformer that is 80% efficient is connected to a voltage source of 200 V.

Which of the following are possible values of its turns ratio and primary current, when
connected to a bulb of rating 10 V, 40 W under normal operating conditions?

200 V 10 V, 40 W

turns ratio primary current

A 1 : 16 0.16 A
B 1 : 20 0.25 A
C 1 : 20 1.60 A
D 25 : 1 2.50 A

34 An alternating current flowing through a resistor varies with time as shown below.

current / A


2 3 time / ms

What is the value of the direct current that gives the same heating effect as the
alternating current?

A 3.9 A
B 4.0 A
C 4.1 A
D 4.2 A

River Valley High School Pg 20 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
35 Voltages from different sources are applied across a fixed resistor.



Which of the following voltages gives the largest rate of heating in the resistor?

Vp Vp

tp t 2tp t
Vp Vp

V 2Vp


tp t tp t


36 An ultraviolet laser beam is incident on a metallic surface, and causes photoelectrons to

be ejected from the metal.
How would the rate of ejected photoelectrons n and the maximum kinetic energy Ek of
the photoelectrons be affected if the frequency of the laser beam increases while the
intensity of the beam decreases?

Ek n
A increase decrease
B increase increase
C decrease decrease
D decrease no change

River Valley High School Pg 21 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
37 The diagram represents four discrete energy levels of an atom of a gas. The gas is
subjected to electrical excitation and subsequently emits photons of different energies.

n=4 0.85 eV
n=3 1.51 eV

n=2 3.40 eV

n=1 13.6 eV
ground state

Which transition could be associated with the emission of blue light?

A E4 to E2
B E4 to E1
C E4 to E3
D E3 to E2

38 Charged particles of mass m are accelerated from rest by a potential difference V.

If V and m are doubled, the de Broglie wavelength of the charged particles is

A halved.
B doubled.
C unchanged.
D decreased by a factor of 2 .

39 In the p-n junction of an operating diode, an electric field is produced by free electrons
in the

A n-type material crossing into the p-type material.

B n-type material going away from the p-type material.
C p-type material crossing into the n-type material.
D p-type material going away from the n-type material.

River Valley High School Pg 22 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
40 A radioactive atom X undergoes beta decay to produce an atom Y which subsequently
undergoes an alpha decay to give an atom Z.

Which of the following statements is correct?

A The mass number of Y is less than that of X.

B The mass number of Y is equal to Z.
C The number of neutrons in X is more than that in Y.
D The number of neutrons in Z is more than that in Y.

End of Paper

River Valley High School Pg 23 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
Blank Page

River Valley High School Pg 24 of 24 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
2014 Prelim H2 Physics Paper 1 ANS_RV

1 D 9 A 17 D 25 B 33 B
2 C 10 A 18 D 26 B 34 C
3 D 11 D 19 B 27 D 35 D
4 C 12 B 20 C 28 B 36 A
5 A 13 C 21 D 29 B 37 A
6 B 14 D 22 B 30 A 38 A
7 C 15 B 23 C 31 C 39 A
8 D 16 C 24 A 32 B 40 C

1 1.0 6 According to Archimedes’ Principle, the

sin  = 1.0/1.3 total mass of both the wood and water in
1.3 container X and Y is the same.
 = 50 east of north θ

2 Change in velocity = 8 – ( 9.5) The wood in Z is heavier than wood in Y

= 17.5  18 as the upthrust is less than the weight of
wood in Z. Since the wood in Z is resting
3 Answer is D at the bottom of container, it exerts a
4 Method #1: downward contact force and increases
By conservation of energy: the weight of Z.
total energy at A = total energy at B
EK, A + EP, A = EK, B + EP, B 7
½ m (5gL) + 0 = ½ m vB2 + mg(L)
vB = 3gL

Using equations of motion:

v2 = u2 + 2as
v2 = 3gL + 2g(L) = 5gL
v = 5gL
Take moments about the right end,
Method #2:
By conservation of energy: 2𝐿 𝐿
Since no energy is lost during the 𝑊𝑥 = 3𝐹𝑥 = 2𝐹 ( ) + 𝐹( )
3 3
circular motion (no work is done), 5𝐿
hence the amount of kinetic energy of 𝑥=
the football striking the ground is the
same as the amount of kinetic energy
imparted to the football.

5 Consider the whole system, 8 Work done on water = increase in GPE

𝐹 − 6𝑓 = 6𝑀𝑎 and KE
𝐹 − 6𝑓
6𝑀 Increase in GPE = mgh = 𝑉𝑔(𝐿𝑠𝑖𝑛)
Let the force that 3M acts on 2M be F1. 1 1
Increase in KE = 2 𝑚𝑣 2 =2 𝑉𝑣 2
Consider Newton’s 2nd law on 3M,
𝐹1 − 3𝑓 = 3𝑀𝑎
𝐹 − 6𝑓 𝐹 Effective Power delivered by pump
𝐹1 = 3𝑀 ( ) + 3𝑓 = = [𝑉𝑔(𝐿𝑠𝑖𝑛) + 2 𝑉𝑣 2 ]/t
6𝑀 2

River Valley High School Pg 1 of 4 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
9 By Principle of conservation of energy, 17 Answer is D
18 Intensity ∝ 𝐴2
Loss in GPE = Gain in KE + Work done 1
Intensity ∝ 𝑟 for ripples on water
against motion
1 For the same amplitude when power of
( ) ( )
2𝑔 3 = 2 𝑣 + 4(5) dipper is doubled,
2 𝑘 2𝑘
𝑣 = 6.2 𝑚 𝑠 =
𝑟1 𝑟2
10 Leaves the track, hence no contact force 𝑟2 = 2𝑟1 = 160 𝑚𝑚
and friction.
Only force is weight. 19 For destructive interference,
Path difference = (2𝑛 + 1)𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑
11 4 = (P3+P4)  (P2+P1)
𝐺𝑀 𝐺(3 𝜋𝜌𝑟 3 ) 4
𝑔= 2 = = 𝐺𝜋𝜌𝑟
𝑟 𝑟2 3 20
hence g  r (since they have same

12 Potential and g-field caused by P at

distance d away.

𝑣 = 𝜔√𝑥02 − 𝑥 2

= (2𝜋(1.0))√42 − 32 X is the displacement antinode hence

the point with the maximum change in
= 16.6 ≈ 17 𝑐𝑚 𝑠 −1

21 𝑑𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 = 𝑛𝜆
14 When damping increases, resonant 1(𝜆)
𝑠𝑖𝑛7.4° =
frequency decreases. 𝑑
For 3rd order diffraction,
Since 𝑓 = 𝑇, the period of forced 3(𝜆)
𝜃3 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 ( ) = 22.7°
oscillation will increase. 𝑑

θ3 = angle between 3rd order maximum

and the incident wave.

Between the two 3rd order diffraction

𝜃 = 2 × 𝜃3 = 45.4°

22 Find the resulting field when the test

charge at P is positive.

Answer is B

15 Answer is B 23 Answer is C

16 1200 t = 0.170 (3600) (40) 24 Since there is no change in distance

+ 0.028 (2000) (40) + 1100 (40) from the +Q charge, change in
t = 59 s potential is zero thus work done is

River Valley High School Pg 2 of 4 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
25 Resistivity only dependent on material. 31 ∆𝑁𝐵𝐴
𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝜀𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑒𝑑 =
When cut into half, resistance becomes ∆𝑡
R/2 for each piece. 30(60 − 20)(10−3 )(𝜋0.0352 )
When placed in parallel, effective =
resistance becomes…… R / 4 = 9.2 𝑚𝑉

26 Given effective resistance across CD 32 Using 𝜀 = − 𝑑, the graph of the right
= 2.5 k can be obtained.
Since S is infinite, then effective circuit
is simply R and R in parallel.
At t1 and t4, the magnitude of ε is
For effective resistance across AC,
treat S as open path since it is infinite.
At t2, the magnitude of ε is increasing.
Then effective resistance will be 1 k At t3, the magnitude of ε is zero and will
in series with (R and R in parallel) decrease at the next instant.
= 1 + 2.5 = 3.5 k

27 Effective resistance of left portion

Using potential divider principle, R is
brighter than before, while Q and S
dimmer than before.

28 Ideal ammeter, hence all current will 33 Ns / Np = Vs / Vp = 10 / 200 = 1 / 20

pass through it and skips the resistor. Ps = 0.80 Pp
Current through voltmeter is then 1 mA. Vs Is = 0.80 Vp Ip
And pd across voltmeter = 1.5 V. (10)(40/10) = 0.80 (200)( Ip)
Ip = 0.25 A
R = V / I = 1.5 / 103 = 1500

29 Using Fleming’s Left hand rule, current 34 To find r.m.s. value, square the function
through wire and magnetic field is first.
always 90° as it rotates thus force is
constant. FB = BILsinθ I2
The perpendicular distance between
the line of action of the forces varies as 25
the coil rotates in the uniform B-field
thus torque varies. 9
The area that the magnetic field lines 1 2 time / ms
pass through changes thus magnetic
flux linkage varies.

30 𝐹𝐵 = 𝐹𝐶 To find average:
𝑚𝑣 2
𝐵𝑞𝑉 = (25)(1) + (9)(1) = <I2> (2)
𝑚𝑣 = 𝐵𝑞𝑟 = 𝑝
𝑝2 (𝐵𝑞𝑟)2 <I2> = 17
𝐸𝑘 = =
2𝑚 2𝑚
(0.15 × 1.6 × 10−19 × 0.15)2 I rms = sqrt (17) = 4.1A
2(1.67 × 10−27 )
= 3.88 × 10−15 𝐽
= 24 𝑘𝑒𝑉
River Valley High School Pg 3 of 4 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646
Preliminary Examination II
35 <P> = Vrms2 / R 38 Using loss in EPE = gain in KE,

Vrms = V0 / 2 1
𝑚𝑣 2 = 𝑞𝑉
Largest V0 with the shortest period will 1 2
= 𝑞𝑉
cause the largest heating since R is 2𝑚
constant. ℎ2
36 Using ℎ𝑓 =  + 𝐸𝑘 , increasing
frequency will increase 𝐸𝑘 .
When V and m are doubled,
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑁 ℎ𝑓
Using 𝐼 = 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = ( 𝑡 )( 𝐴 ), decreasing
intensity of laser beam would mean ℎ2 1
𝜆𝑛𝑒𝑤 = √ = 𝜆
decreasing the number photons 2(2𝑚)𝑞(2𝑉) 2
reaching the metallic surface. This will
decrease the number of photoelectrons
to be ejected from the metal.

37 Considering the emission of photons 39 Answer is A

for atoms transiting from E4 to E2, and
using 𝐸 = 𝜆 , 40
𝐴 𝐴 0
𝑃𝑋  𝑃+1𝑌 + −1𝑒 --- (1)
(6.63 × 10−34 )(3 × 108 ) 𝐴 𝐴−4
𝜆= 𝑃+1𝑌  𝑃−1𝑍 + 42𝐻𝑒 --- (2)
(3.40 − 0.85) × 1.6 × 10−19
= 488 𝑛𝑚 Comparing X and Y in (1), since both X
and Y have the number mass number
and Y has more protons, the number of
neutrons in X should be more than that
in Y.

River Valley High School Pg 4 of 4 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

17 SEPT 2014


Read these notes carefully.
Write your name, centre and index number and class in the spaces above.

Candidates answer on the Question Paper. FOR EXAMINERS’ USE

Write in dark blue or black pen. 1 /7

You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough
working. 2 /17
Do not use paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
3 /5
Answer all questions.
4 /4
5 /12
6 /15
7 /12


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
This paper consists of 23 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

River Valley High School Page 1 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

speed of light in free space, c = 3.00  108 m s–1

permeability of free space, O = 4   10–7 H m–1

permittivity of free space, O = 8.85 10–12 F m–1

(1/(36  ))  10–9 F m–1

elementary charge, e = 1.60  10–19 C

the Planck constant, h = 6.63  10–34 J s

unified atomic mass constant, u = 1.66  10–27 kg

rest mass of electron, me = 9.11  10–31 kg

rest mass of proton, mp = 1.67  10–27 kg

molar gas constant, R = 8.31 J K–1mol–1

the Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02  1023 mol–1

the Boltzmann constant, k = 1.38  10–23 J K–1

gravitational constant, G = 6.67  10–11 N m2 kg–2

acceleration of free fall, g = 9.81 m s–2

River Valley High School Page 2 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

1 2
uniformly accelerated motion, s  ut  at
v 2  u 2  2as

work done on/by a gas, W  pV

hydrostatic pressure, p   gh

gravitational potential,  

displacement of particle in s.h.m., x  xO sin t

velocity of particle in s.h.m., v  vO cos t

  x 2
O  x2 
mean kinetic energy of a molecule of an ideal gas, E kT

resistors in series, R  R1  R2 

resistors in parallel, 1/ R  1/ R1  1/ R2 

electric potential, V
4 O r

alternating current/voltage, x  xO sin t

transmission coefficient, T  exp  2kd 

8 2 m U  E 
where k =

radioactive decay, x  xO exp  t 

decay constant, t1

River Valley High School Page 3 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
Answer all questions.

1 A student doing a TKK project wired two identical resistors in parallel into a circuit. The
manufacturer specifications for each resistor are : 390 ; 5% tolerance (percentage

(a) Calculate the absolute uncertainty R in the effective resistance of the two resistors in

R = ………………………………..  [3]

To verify the effective resistance is as calculated from manufacturer specifications, the

student sets up the following circuit as shown in Fig. 1.1.

Fig. 1.1

The meter readings are as follows:

Voltmeter: V = 6.02  0.01 V
Ammeter: I = 0.031  0.001 A

River Valley High School Page 4 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(b) Calculate the absolute uncertainty Rm of the effective resistance based on the meter

absolute uncertainty Rm = ………………………………..  [3]

(c) Her project mate suggested another circuit instead for determining effective


Fig. 1.2

Suggest under what condition(s) the circuit in Fig. 1.2 will be more appropriate than
the circuit in Fig. 1.1.


…………………………………………………………………………………….............. [1]

River Valley High School Page 5 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
2 (a) Two vertical parallel metal plates X and Y are situated 3.20 cm apart in a vacuum,
as shown in Fig. 2.1. Plate X is maintained at a potential of ─ 600 V and plate Y
is earthed.

─ 600V


3.20 cm

Fig. 2.1

An electron is initially at rest close to the negative plate and in the electric field
between the plates.

(i) Define electric field strength.


……………………………………………………………………………………............. [1]

(ii) Calculate the magnitude of the electric field between the plates.

electric field strength = ………………………….. V m─1 [2]

(iii) The electron accelerates horizontally across the space between the plates.
Determine the time taken for the electron to travel from plate X to Y.

time taken = ……………….. s [3]

River Valley High School Page 6 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(b) (i) A charged particle may experience a force in an electric field and in a magnetic
field. State two differences between the forces experienced in these two types of




……………………………………………………………………………………............. [2]

(ii) An electron enters a region of uniform magnetic field, as shown in Fig. 2.2.



A direction of
magnetic field

direction of movement
of electron

Fig. 2.2

The magnetic field is normal to the face BCGF in the leftward direction.

An electron enters face ABCD at right angles to the face.

1. A uniform electric field is applied such that the electron will continue its path
in a straight line. State the high and low potential faces for this electric field.

high potential face ………………

low potential face ……………… [2]

2. A proton now takes the path of the electron through the region. Explain the
shape of the resultant path of the proton with a sketch in Fig. 2.2.

……………………………………………………………………………… [2]

River Valley High School Page 7 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(c) An electron of mass m travels with a velocity v in vacuum. It enters a region of uniform
magnetic field of magnetic flux density B and is deflected in a semi-circular arc, as
shown in Fig. 2.3.

uniform magnetic field


11.2 cm

path of electron

Fig. 2.3

(i) Explain why the path of the electron in the field is a semi-circular arc.




……………………………………………………………………………………............. [2]

(ii) Show that the radius r is given by the expression



River Valley High School Page 8 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(iii) A thin metal foil is placed in the magnetic field in Fig. 2.3.

A second electron enters the region of the magnetic field. It loses kinetic energy
as it passes through the foil and now moves in a new path of radius 3.1 cm.
Determine the ratio
final momentum of electron
initial momentum of electron

for the particle as it passes through the foil.

ratio = …………………….. [2]

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Preliminary Examination II
3. In the Coolidge tube (or hot cathode tube), electrons are produced from a filament heated
by an electric current as shown in Fig. 3.1. A high voltage potential is set up between the
filament and the target material. The electrons are accelerated from the filament and hit
the target material to emit x-ray photons.

target copper
material block

cathode anode


Fig. 3.1

A graph of intensity against wavelength of the emitted radiation is plotted as shown in

Fig. 3.2.


wavelength / 1011 m
0 1.0 2.0 3.0

Fig. 3.2

River Valley High School Page 10 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(a) Determine the maximum energy of the X-ray photons emitted.

maximum energy = ……………… MeV [2]

(b) Explain the origin of the L line.







…………………………………………………….…………….…………………… [2]

(c) Sketch on Fig. 3.2 a graph to show the intensity variation with wavelength if the
accelerating potential is adjusted such that the cut-off wavelength is 1.9  1011 m.

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Preliminary Examination II
4 (a) State the charge (positive, negative or neutral) on each of the following:

p-type semiconductor: ………………………………………

n-type semiconductor: ……………………………………… [1]

(b) A semiconductor diode is made up of a p-type semiconductor joined with an n-type


Explain the formation of the depletion region in the semiconductor diode.

You may draw a diagram if you wish.








……………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

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Preliminary Examination II
5 (a) Explain what is meant by the binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus.





……………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

(b) Fig. 5.1 shows the variation with nucleon number A of the binding energy B.E.
per nucleon of nuclei.

B.E. / nucleon

Fig. 5.1

An example of a nuclear fission is shown below.

92 U  01n  141
56Ba 
36 Kr  ...........
(i) Complete the above equation. [1]

(ii) On Fig. 5.1, label the approximate positions of

92 U with the symbol U
56 Ba with the symbol Ba and
36 Kr with the symbol Kr. [1]

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Preliminary Examination II
(iii) Although the neutron that is absorbed by a stationary uranium nucleus has
negligible kinetic energy, explain why this nuclear fission is still possible.




……………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

(c) Fig. 5.2 shows values of mass and binding energy per nucleon of some nuclei
and particles.

Mass / u B.E. per nucleon / MeV

U 235.123
Ba 140.912 8.24
Kr 91.913 8.56
p 1.007
n 1.009

Fig. 5.2

(i) By performing suitable calculations, complete the table in Fig. 5.2 for the values
1 [3]
92 U , 1 p and 0 n .
of the binding energy per nucleon for 235 1

(ii) Assume the uranium nucleus is at rest before the fission occurs.
Use data from Fig. 5.2 and/or (c)(i) to calculate the total energy released in this

energy released = …………………… MeV [2]

(iii) Suggest what form(s) of energy could be released.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

River Valley High School Page 14 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
6 This question is about the static performance of a thermocouple.

A thermocouple is a device for measuring temperature. It consists of two wires of

different metals which are in contact at junctions J1 and J2 as shown below in Fig. 6.1.

Wire Y
Wire X Wire X

J1 placed in a
J2 placed in a bath
containing substance at bath containing
various temperatures ice at 0C
Fig. 6.1

The reference junction J1 is maintained at a constant temperature of 0 C. When

junction J2 is maintained at a temperature different from the reference temperature, an
output e.m.f. E is obtained between the two junctions and is used as a measure of the
temperature at J2.

Junction J2 usually has a protective coating to protect it from corrosive atmospheres.

The quality of performance of a thermocouple may be considered in many different

ways. One of the ways is to use Point Accuracy to characterise the static performance
of the thermocouple.

The degree of correctness at any temperature measured by the thermocouple may be

defined as:

Temperature error
% Point Accuracy =   100 %
Correct temperature

Static performance is measured when adequate time is allowed for the junction J2 to
reach the steady temperature of the bath it is immersed in. The temperature of the bath
is indicated by a standard thermometer recording the correct temperature.

Fig. 6.2 shows the results of the e.m.f. E of the thermocouple for values of temperature
 in C of the junction J2 obtained experimentally under static conditions as described

River Valley High School Page 15 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
E / mV






0 50 100 150 200

 / C

Fig. 6.2

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Preliminary Examination II
(a) Draw a suitable continuous S-shaped curve through all the seven plotted points in
Fig. 6.2. [1]

(b) A student proposes that E is related to  in the form E = k  n

where k and n are

(i) Using Fig 6.2, complete the table below.

Temperature Output E / mV lg ( / C) lg (E / mV)

of J2 ,  / C


50 2.3 1.70 0.36

75 3.7 1.88 0.57

100 5.4 2.000 0.73

125 7.0 2.097 0.85

160 9.0 2.204 0.95

200 10.8 2.301 1.033

Fig. 6.3 [1]

(ii) Draw a best-fit line on the grid provided on the next page and use it to determine
the constants k and n with the appropriate units.

k = …………………………………

n = ………………………………… [4]

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Preliminary Examination II
lg (E / mV)











lg ( / C)
1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40

River Valley High School Page 19 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(iii) Using the equation provided by the student and the calculated value of k and n,
determine the temperature at an ouput e.m.f. of 8.00 mV.

temperature = ………………….C [1]

(c) The ideal characteristic of the thermocouple is a straight line from the origin to the
calculated theoretical output e.m.f. at 200 C. The theoretical output of the
thermocouple E in mV is given by the following equation:

E= B+C2

where B and C are constants with values B = 5.21  102 mV C-1 and
C = 0.950  105 mV C-2 .

(i) Calculate the theoretical output at 200 C.

output = …………………. mV [1]

(ii) Draw this ideal straight line characteristic on Fig 6.2. Label it as L. [1]

(iii) Using line L, determine the temperature when E = 8.00 mV.

temperature = …………….C [1]

(iv) By considering line L as the correct indication of temperature for any output E,
determine the temperature error of the student’s value in (b)(iii) when the
thermocouple gives an output signal of 8.00 mV.

temperature error = ……………….C [2]

(v) Hence determine the point accuracy.

% Point Accuracy = ……………….. % [1]

River Valley High School Page 20 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(d) If the protective coating of junction J 2 is changed to a material of lower thermal conductivity
but similar in all other aspects, discuss briefly how this would affect the overall performance
of the thermocouple.




……………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

River Valley High School Page 21 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
7 A fine wire mesh has individual wires that are spaced very close together, as shown in
Fig. 7.1.

Fig. 7.1

The mesh behaves like two diffraction gratings placed at right angles to each other.
The diffraction grating formula is d sin θ = n  .

The spacing between the wires of the mesh is to be found accurately. Design a
laboratory experiment using light of a single wavelength to determine the spacing
between the wires. You may assume that the wavelength of the light is known.

You should draw a detailed labelled diagram showing the arrangement of your
apparatus. In your account you should pay particular attention to

(a) the identification and control of variables,

(b) the equipment you would use,

(c) the procedure to be followed,

(d) how the values of θ and the spacing between the wires would be determined,

(e) any precautions you may take to improve the accuracy and safety of the


Diagram For

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…………………………………………………………………………………………… For

























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…………………………………………………………………………………………… For























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Preliminary Examination II

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Preliminary Examination II

River Valley High School Page 26 of 26 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
2014 Prelim H2 Physics Paper 2 ANS_RV

1 actual uncertainty for each resistor = 5% of R = 19.5 = 20  (to 1 SF)

range of possible values for each resistor = (390  20)  = 370 to 410 
 1 1 
Maximum possible resistance =    = 205 
 410 410 
 1 1 
Minimum possible resistance =    = 185 
 370 370 
max - min 205  185
Total R =   10 
2 2

Alternative method accepted:

actual uncertainty for each resistor = 5% of R = 19.5 = 20  (to 1 SF)
effective resistance = ½ resistor
R = ½ actual uncertainty for resistor = ½ (20) = 10  (to 1 SF)

(b) R = V/I = 194.1935

R V I
 
R 0.01 0.001
 
194.19 6.02 0.031
R  7 
(c) When the resistance of the ammeter is large compared to the effective
resistance. (If the circuit in Fig. 1.1 is used, the voltmeter will not give
correct potential difference of the resistances.)

2(a) (i) Electric field strength at a point is the electric force per unit
positive charge experienced by a small test charge placed at
that point.

(ii) ∆𝑉 0 − (−600)
𝐸= =
∆𝑑 3.2 × 10−2
= 1.88 × 104 𝑁 𝐶 −1
(iii) 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 𝐹𝐸
𝑚𝑎 = 𝑞𝐸
𝑞𝐸 (1.6 × 10−19 )(1.88 × 104 )
𝑎= = = 3.29 × 1015 𝑚 𝑠 −2
𝑚 9.11 × 10−31

Assuming constant acceleration and using kinematics


River Valley High School Pg 1 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
1 2
𝑠 = 𝑢𝑡 + 𝑎𝑡

2𝑠 2(3.2 × 10−2 )
𝑡= √ = √
𝑎 3.29 × 1015

= 4.41 × 10−9 𝑠

(b) (i) In an electric field, the force acts along the direction of the
electric field while the magnetic force acts perpendicular to its
motion and the magnetic field.

In an electric field, a stationary charge particle can

experience an electric force but will not experience a
magnetic force in a magnetic field. Charge particle moving
parallel to the magnetic field will not experience a force.

(ii)1. High potential face : AEFB

Low potential face : HDCG

(ii)2. Sketch a straight path through the cross fields

The magnitude of the coulomb force and magnetic force will
be equal and opposite in direction in the region of cross fields
since the field strength and speed is unchanged.

𝑞𝐸 = 𝐵𝑞𝑣

(c) (i) A moving electron experiences a magnetic force normal to its

motion and the uniform magnetic field (using Fleming’s Left
Hand rule) which provides the centripetal force to keep it in a
circular path.

The electron enters and exits the region of uniform magnetic

field perpendicularly and the distance between them is equal
to the diameter of its circular path thus its path is semi-

(ii) FB provides Fc
𝑚𝑣 2
𝐵𝑞𝑣 =
∴𝑟= (shown)

(iii) Since momentum (mv) is proportional to r,

River Valley High School Pg 2 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑓
𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑖
= = 0.554

3. (a) ℎ𝑐 (6.63 × 10−34 )(3.0 × 108 )

𝐸= =
𝜆 0.40 × 10−11

= 4.97 × 10−14 J

= 5.0 × 10−14 J

(b) L is produced when the accelerated electron knocks out an electron from the
L-shell of the target atom and when an electron from M-shell moves in to fill up
the vacancy.

When the vacancy is filled up by an electron from the M-shell, an x-ray photon
corresponding to the energy difference between the two levels is produced.

(c) (sketch graph below original graph, K not obtained, the other characteristic
peaks at same wavelengths.) []

4 (a) neutral

(b) Clearly labelled diagram with mobile electrons and +ve ions in n-type, mobile holes and
–ve ions in p-type, correct arrow for E, shown

Depletion region
p-type n-type electron
– – + + hole
– – + + positive ion
– – + + _ negative ion

River Valley High School Pg 3 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
Due to a concentration gradient across the junction, the mobile electrons of the n-type
side nearest the junction diffuse to the p-type side, leaving behind a region of fixed
positive ions.
Similarly, mobile holes from the p-type side diffuse to the n-type side, leaving behind
fixed negative ions.
At the junction, the electrons recombine with the holes creating a depletion zone of
fixed positive ions and negative ions, which are depleted of mobile charge carriers.
The fixed positive ions in n-type and fixed negative ions in p-type create an internal
electric field (Eint) from the n-type side to the p-type side, which opposes further
diffusion of both electrons and holes.
Any 3 points

5 (a) work done on the nucleus to separate it into its constituent neutrons and
protons to infinity divided by the number of nucleons

235 1
92 U  01n  141
56Ba 
36 Kr  ..........
3 𝑛 +. energy (or gamma)

B.E. / nucleon

Kr Ba

River Valley High School Pg 4 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(iii) Fission involves breaking down a less stable to more stable nuclei.

BE/ nucleon indicates stability.

and since BE/nucleon of Ba and Kr > Be/nucleon of U,

implies U is less stable than Ba and Kr, hence fission can occur.

(c) Mass / u B.E. per nucleon / MeV

(i) 235
92 U 235.123 7.18
56 Ba 140.912 8.24
36 Kr 91.913 8.56
1 p 1.007 0
0 n 1.009 0

For uranium: BE per nucleon

= {(92x1.007)+(143x1.009) – 235.123}(1.66x10-27)(3x108)2 / 235

= 1.149 x 10-12 J

= 7.18 MeV

BE of proton = BE of neutron = 0

(iii) Energy released = BE of products – BE of reactants

= (8.24x141)+(8.56x92) – (7.18x235)

= 262 MeV

Or use energy released = (mass reactants – mass products ) c2

= 235.123 – 140.912 – 91.913 – 2(1.009)

= 0.28 u = 261 MeV

(iv) Gamma radiation and kinetic energy of products.

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0 50 100 150 200

(b) (i) Temperature Output E / lg ( / C) lg (E / mV)

of J2 ,  / C mV

25 1.00 to 1.20 1.40 0 to 0.079

(ii) (best-fit line plotted and drawn)

Gradient = n = ……. = 1.10 to 1.20 (no units)

Intercept = lg k = ………… = -1.6 to -1.5

Therefore k = 0.025 to 0.030 mV oC - 1

River Valley High School Pg 6 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(iii) E=kn

Or lg E = lg K + n lg 

 = ……. = 150 oC

(c) (i) (Correct substitution and calculation)

Output = 10.8 mV

(ii) (Straight line drawn joining the two points)

(iii) Temperature = 147.5 = 148 C

(iv) According to student’s ans:

Error = 148 - 150

= 148 – 150

= - 2 C

(v) Temperature error

% Point Accuracy =   100 %
Correct temperature

= …………..

= - 1.35 % (according to student’s value)

(d) Lower thermal conductivity means longer time to attain steady


Point accuracy not affected.

Not suitable for measuring rapidly changing temperature.

River Valley High School Pg 7 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
D 2x

Laser source that

is monochromatic
Wire mesh

Or Wire mesh

(a) the identification and control of variables,

Control variable:
Single monochromatic light source such as laser to be used so that it will
be coherent. The distance from the mesh to the screen. Or the slit opening
for the collimator.

Independent variable:
Order of the constructive interference (maxima).

Dependent variable:
The intensity and separation of the constructive interference (maxima) for
measurement of θ.

(b) the equipment you would use,

River Valley High School Pg 8 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
Laser source of known wavelength (around 630 nm for a He-Ne laser)
Wire mesh, screen. Distance between screen and mesh measured with
metre rule. Distance between maxima measured with (digital) vernier
Laser, mesh and screen are all held in position by a retort stand with boss
and clamp.
Laser source, wire mesh, telescope, spectrometer collimator with single
slit as shown in second diagram.

(c) the procedure to be followed,

c1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

c2. Preliminary readings ─ Direct the laser light through the wire mesh
and adjust the distance between the mesh and screen D to get a sharp
and measureable interference pattern on the screen.
c3. Record the distance between the mesh and the screen D. Record the
distance between the n=0 (which is the centre bright spot) and the other
bright spots.
c4. Repeat steps 2-3 for six sets of readings of different sinθ and n without
changing the distance between the mesh and the screen.
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
2. Ensure that the light through the collimator is aligned to fall on the
telescope at θ = 0°.
3. Measure the angle of separation from the spectrometer table for six
sets of different sinθ and n.

(d) how the measurements would be used to find values of θ and the spacing
between the wires would be deduced,
d1. The distance between the n=0 bright spot and the neighbouring bright
spot (n=1) x over the distance between mesh and screen will be the angle
(tanθ = 𝐷1 ) for n=1.
d2. Subsequently, the distance between the n=0 bright spot and the next
neighbouring bright spot (n=2) x over the distance between mesh and
screen will be the angle (tanθ = 𝐷2 ) for n=2.
d3. By plotting a graph of nλ against sinθ, if a straight line graph is
obtained, the gradient is the distance between the mesh ( and y-intercept
is zero).

(e) any precautions you may take to improve the accuracy and safety of the


e1. Take readings with mesh in different positions to average d.

e2. Laser light normal to plane of mesh.
e3. Show sketch of two-dimensional array of dots on screen.
e4. Laser, mesh and screen shown at the same height.

River Valley High School Pg 9 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
e5. Suggestion of using sodium length with wavelength = 589 nm or He-
Ne laser of wavelength = 630 nm.
e6. Distance between mesh and screen suggested to be between 1m to
4m for laser method. (preliminary reading)
e7. Measure the angle in spectrometer table twice (from centres of both
sides of zeroth order) to reduce uncertainty.
e8. Details relating to the set up/ use of spectrometer.


s1. Do not touch the sodium lamp when it is switched on.

s2. Do not look directly into the laser beam.
s3. Use goggles during the experiment to protect eyes from laser.

River Valley High School Pg 10 of 10 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

24 SEP 2014


Section A
Q1 /6
Q2 / 10
Read these notes carefully.
Write your name, centre and index number and class in the Q3 / 10
spaces above.
Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Q4 /6
Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use a soft pencil for
Q5 /8
any diagrams, graphs or rough working. Do not use staples,
Section B
paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Q6 / 20
Section A
Answer all questions.
Q7 / 20
Section B
Answer any two questions. Q8 / 20
You are advised to spend about one hour on each section. Deduction
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of
each question or part question. TOTAL / 80
This question paper consists of 23 printed pages.
River Valley High School Pg 1 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646
Preliminary Examination II

speed of light in free space, c = 3.00  108 m s–1

permeability of free space, O = 4   10–7 H m–1

permittivity of free space, O = 8.85  10–12 F m–1

(1/(36  ))  10–9 F m–1

elementary charge, e = 1.60  10–19 C

the Planck constant, h = 6.63  10–34 J s

unified atomic mass constant, u = 1.66  10–27 kg

rest mass of electron, me = 9.11  10–31 kg

rest mass of proton, mp = 1.67  10–27 kg

molar gas constant, R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1

the Avogadro constant, NA = 6.02  1023 mol–1

the Boltzmann constant, k = 1.38  10–23 J K–1

gravitational constant, G = 6.67  10–11 N m2 kg–2

acceleration of free fall, g = 9.81 m s–2

River Valley High School Pg 2 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

1 2
uniformly accelerated motion, s  ut  at
v 2  u 2  2as

work done on/by a gas, W  pV

hydrostatic pressure, p   gh

gravitational potential,  

displacement of particle in s.h.m., x  xO sin t

velocity of particle in s.h.m., v  vO cos t

  x 2
O  x2 
mean kinetic energy of a molecule of an ideal gas, E kT

resistors in series, R  R1  R2 

resistors in parallel, 1/ R  1/ R1  1/ R2 

electric potential, V
4 O r

alternating current/voltage, x  xO sin t

transmission coefficient, T  exp  2kd 

8 2 m U  E 
where k =

radioactive decay, x  xO exp  t 

decay constant, t1

River Valley High School Pg 3 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
Section A

Answer all the questions in this section.

1. (a) Estimate the mass of an empty soft drink can.

mass = ……………….. g [1]

(b) Estimate the height of a window on the 20th floor of a HDB block of flats from the

height = ……………….. m [1]

(c) A person staying on the 20th floor drops an empty soft drink can out from his window.
Estimate, with reason, the maximum speed with which the can strikes the ground.

State 2 simplifying assumptions you made in your calculations.

speed = ……………….. m s–1 [2]

Assumption 1: …………………………………………………………………………...

Assumption 2: …………………………………………………………………………... [2]

River Valley High School Pg 4 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
2. (a) State what is meant by resonance.


…………………………………………………….…………….………………………… [2]

(b) A sailing boat of 1020 kg undergoes simple harmonic motion in the vertical direction
due to surface water waves that are incident on the boat as shown in Fig. 2.1. The
water waves of amplitude of 0.18 m and frequency 0.56 Hz cause resonance in the
vertical motion of the boat.

Fig. 2.1

(i) Derive an expression for the vertical displacement x as a function of the time t
associated with the motion of the boat.


(ii) Calculate the magnitude of acceleration of the sailing boat when its
displacement from its equilibrium position is 0.080 m.

acceleration = ……………….. m s2 [2]

River Valley High School Pg 5 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(iii) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the sailing boat during the vertical

maximum kinetic energy = ……………….. J [2]

(iv) Sketch on the axes below to show how the kinetic energy of the sailing boat
varies with time.

kinetic energy / J

time / s


River Valley High School Pg 6 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
3. A pump full of air is used to inflate a football.

pump full of air piston

to football

pump handle

Fig. 3.1 shows a graph of the variation of pressure with volume of the air in the pump up to
the time when it starts to enter the football.

Fig. 3.1

(a) (i) Use data from the graph to show that the variation does not occur at constant


River Valley High School Pg 7 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(ii) Use the graph to estimate the work done on the gas while the gas is being
compressed to the point at which the air enters the football.

Notice that neither of the scales on the axes starts at zero.


(b) Suggest how a compression of the air at constant temperature may be achieved in

…………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1]

(c) (i) Given the total kinetic energy of the air in a fully inflated football at a
temperature of 296 K is 630 J, determine the number of moles of air.

number of moles = ……………….. mol [2]

(ii) Given that the maximum number of moles of air in the pump is 0.0072,
determine the minimum number of times the air in the pump must be emptied
into the football in order to inflate a deflated football fully.

minimum number of times = ……………….. [1]

River Valley High School Pg 8 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
4. (a) A single coil made of metal wire moves through uniform magnetic fields B and B1
acting into the plane of the paper at constant speed as shown in Fig. 4.1.

Direction of
             
        
             
        
B B1
             

Fig. 4.1

As the coil is crossing the boundary between the two fields, current flows around the

(i) State the direction of current flow in the coil.

……………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(ii) Use the laws of electromagnetic induction to explain why current flows in the
coil as mentioned in (a)(i).






……………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

(b) State, with a reason, how the coil can move from B to B1 at constant speed.




…………………………………………………….…………….………………………… [2]

River Valley High School Pg 9 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
5. (a) Explain what is meant by half-life.



…………………………………………………….…………….………………………… [2]

(b) An isotope of potassium has a half-life of 1.25  109 years and decays to an
isotope of argon which is stable. In a particular sample of rock found on planet Mars,
the ratio of argon atoms to potassium was found to be 15:1.

(i) Calculate the decay constant of potassium .

decay constant = ……………….. per year [2]

(ii) Determine the age of the rock, assuming that originally there was no argon

age = ……………….. years [2]

(c) A student stated that ‘radioactive materials with a short half-life always have a high

Discuss whether the student’s statement is valid.





…………………………………………………….…………….………………………… [2]

River Valley High School Pg 10 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
Section B

Answer two questions in this section.

6. (a) A toy manufacturer is testing out a newly designed toy gun which will be launched
before the end-year festive season.

In order to simulate a user holding the gun, the gun is supported by strings at three
points as shown in Fig. 6.1. An upward force of 2.5 N acts on point A, a force of 3.1 N
acts on point B at an angle 10o to the vertical, and a force of 1.5 N acts on point C at
an angle 21o to the vertical. The other ends of the strings are attached to a rigid
horizontal structure.

Point A, C and the centre of gravity of the gun are assumed to lie on the same
horizontal plane as the barrel. Point B is 5.0 cm below this horizontal plane.

horizontal structure

21o 10o

5.0 cm

Not to scale
18 cm 27 cm

Fig. 6.1

(i) Show that the weight of the gun is 7.0 N.


River Valley High School Pg 11 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(ii) Calculate the distance of the centre of gravity of the gun from point C.

distance from point C = ……………….. cm [2]

(iii) State and explain how the gun will rotate when the contact forces at A and C are
removed at the same time.




…………………………………………………..………...……………………… [2]

(b) The user now loads and fires a rubber bullet horizontally to experience the recoil of the
gun. The gun of effective barrel length of 40 cm fires a rubber bullet of mass 40 g with
an exit velocity of 12 m s1.

Assume the acceleration of the bullet as it travels down the barrel is constant.


(i) the momentum of the bullet as it leaves the barrel,

momentum = ……………….. kg m s1 [2]

(ii) the time it takes to accelerate along the barrel,

time taken = ……………….. s [2]

River Valley High School Pg 12 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646
Preliminary Examination II
(iii) the average force causing the acceleration,

force = ……………….. N [2]

(iv) the recoiling force of the gun on a user.

force = ……………….. N [1]

(c) The recoiling force of the gun is found to be too large and causes discomfort to the
user. Hence, a rubber pad is fitted to the butt of the gun as shown in Fig. 6.2.

rubber pad

Fig. 6.2

Describe and explain how this pad will affect the recoil of the gun, as experienced by
the user.




…………………………………………………….…………….………………………… [3]

River Valley High School Pg 13 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(d) The rubber bullet has a head-on collision with a block of mass 85 g which is resting on
a smooth platform as shown in Fig. 6.3. The bullet rebounds at a speed of 1.0 m s1
after its impact with the block. The block slides towards the wall and causes a
maximum compression of 15 cm on a spring that is attached to the wall.

block spring wall


Fig. 6.3

(i) If the velocity of the bullet just before it hits the block is the same as its exit
velocity from the barrel, determine the velocity of the block after its impact with
the bullet.

velocity = ……………… m s1 [2]

(ii) Calculate the force constant of the spring.

force constant = ……………… N m1 [3]

River Valley High School Pg 14 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
7. (a) A space shuttle is currently between Saturn and Jupiter.

Diagram not
to scale
Fig. 7.1

Its mission is to obtain information regarding the surface of Saturn. Some data has
already been tabulated during the mission.

Mass of space shuttle 2.2 × 103 kg

Mass of Saturn 5.7 × 1026 kg
Mass of Jupiter 1.9 × 1027 kg
One Saturn day 10.7 hours

One Saturn day refers to the time it takes for Saturn to complete one revolution about
its own axis.

(i) Calculate the resultant gravitational field strength experienced by the space
shuttle when it is at a distance 3.9 × 10 11 m from Saturn and 4.2 × 10 11 m from

gravitational field strength = ……………… N kg1 [2]

(ii) Sketch a graph below to represent the variation of the resultant gravitational
field strength g with the distance r from the surface of Saturn to the surface of
Jupiter. Label your graph as (ii). Take rightwards to be positive. (Numerical
values for g are not expected).
g and 


River Valley High School Pg 15 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646
Preliminary Examination II
(iii) Indicate with a cross on your graph the position of the space shuttle as stated
in (i).


(iv) On the same axes as (ii), sketch a graph to represent the total gravitational
potential between the surfaces of Saturn and Jupiter. Label your graph as (iv).


(v) When the space shuttle arrives in the vicinity of Saturn, it is set into a free orbit
around Saturn, such that it remains above the same point on Saturn’s equator
throughout one complete Saturn day. This is called a “stationary” orbit.

For computation regarding this stationary orbit, you may ignore the effect of
Jupiter’s gravitational field.


1. the period of this orbit in seconds,

period = ……………… s [1]

2. the radius of this stationary orbit.

radius of orbit = ……………… m [2]

(vi) Explain why the space shuttle must be placed above the Saturn’s equator in
order for it to be in a stationary orbit.


…………………………………………………..………...……………………… [1]

River Valley High School Pg 16 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(vii) When the space shuttle is in this orbit, an object of mass 2.5 kg is placed on a
spring balance that is attached to the inside of the space shuttle.

State and explain the reading shown on the spring balance.



…………………………………………………..………...……………………… [2]

(b) The space shuttle is sent on another mission to investigate another planet that has
several moons orbiting around it.

Data for some of the moons of the planet are given in the table below.

Moon Radius of orbit / m Period / days

A 1.81  108 0.500
B 6.71  108 3.55
C 1.88  109 16.7
D 2.12  1010 631

Fig. 7.2

(i) Use any two sets of readings from Fig 7.2 to verify that T 2 is directly proportional

to R 3, where T is the period of the moon around the planet and R is the radius of
orbit of the moon around the planet.


(ii) Hence state the constant of proportionality, with the correct units, for this

constant of proportionality = ……………… [1]

River Valley High School Pg 17 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(iii) It can be shown that the period of the moon around the planet and the radius of
4π 2 R 3
orbit is given by the equation T 2  2
, where gp is the gravitational field
g p Rp
strength on the planet’s surface and Rp is the radius of the planet.

Given that Rp = 6.9  107 m, use (b)(ii) to estimate the value of gp.

gp = ……………… N kg-1 [2]

(iv) By comparison, the Earth only has one moon orbiting around it. Given the
distance between the moon and the Earth is 3.84 × 108 m, explain whether data
from Fig. 7.2 can be used to calculate the period of our moon around the Earth.




…………………………………………………..………...……………………… [2]

River Valley High School Pg 18 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
8. Fig. 8.1 shows the variation with time t of the displacement DA and DB at a point X of two
sound waves A and B.


Wave A

t / 10─4 s


Wave B

0 t / 10─4 s

Fig. 8.1

(a) By reference to Fig. 8.1, state one similarity and one difference between these two


…………………………………………………….…………….………………………… [2]

River Valley High School Pg 19 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(b) State, with a reason, whether the two waves are coherent.

…………………………………………………….…………….………………………… [1]

(c) The intensity of wave A alone at point X is I.

(i) Determine the intensity of wave B alone at point X.

intensity = ……………… [2]

(ii) Determine the resultant intensity of the two waves at point X.

resultant intensity = ……………… [2]

River Valley High School Pg 20 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(d) A glass tube, closed at one end, has fine dust sprinkled along its length. A sound
source of wave B is placed near the open end of the tube, as shown in Fig. 8.2.

dust heap
Sound glass tube

25.0 cm

Fig. 8.2

Heaps of dust form in the glass tube.

(i) Explain, by reference to the properties of stationary waves, why the heaps of
dust are formed.




…………………………………………………..………...……………………… [2]

(ii) The distance between six heaps, as shown in Fig. 8.2, is 25.0 cm.

Calculate the speed of sound in the tube.

speed = ……………… m s─1 [3]

(iii) The wave in the tube is a stationary wave. Explain with reference to the
formation of a stationary wave, what is meant by the speed calculated in (d)(ii).




…………………………………………………..………...……………………… [2]

River Valley High School Pg 21 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
(e) A parallel beam of electrons, all travelling at the same speed, is incident normally on a
carbon film. The scattering of the electrons by the film is observed on a fluorescent
screen, as illustrated in Fig. 8.3.

glass envelope fluorescent


carbon film

beam of electrons

vacuum plane view of

fluorescent screen
facing incident
Fig. 8.3

(i) Describe briefly the pattern that is observed on the screen if the electrons do not
behave as particles. You may draw a sketch if you wish.


…………………………………………………..………...……………………… [1]

(ii) The beam of electrons are accelerated from rest in a vacuum through a potential
difference of 5.3 kV.

1. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an accelerated electron.

wavelength =……………… m [3]

River Valley High School Pg 22 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
2. By reference to your answer in 1., suggest why such electrons may assist
with an understanding of crystal structure.




……………………………………………………………………………… [2]


River Valley High School Pg 23 of 23 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
2014 Prelim H2 Physics Paper 3 ANS_RV
1 (a) 20 - 80 g
(b) height of one storey = 2.5 to 3.1 m
(typical floor to floor height for HDB = 2.8 m)

height  20 or height  19 + height/2

49 to 62 m

(c) Assume no air resistance/upthrust.

Assume initial speed of can is zero.
Assume g = 9.81 m s–2 is constant.

Not accepted:
 Drink can does not reach terminal velocity. Reason: if air resistance is
negligible, can would not reach terminal velocity.
 Drink can falls vertically downwards. Reason: if initial speed is zero, then it
will fall vertically downwards.
 Only force acting on drink can is gravitational force. Reason: the main point
should be acceleration has to be constant in order to use the kinematics
equation, whereas even if the only force is weight, g can vary with distance
from ground.
 No wind, no obstacles. Reason: question asked for simplifying assumptions
made in calculations. Not very relevant to question.

u = 0, g = 9.81, s = height, v2 = u2 + 2as = 2  9.81  height

v = 30 to 35 m s–1

Alternative method: Decrease in GPE = Increase in KE

Allow ecf
Condone 3 s.f. (due to 9.81)

2 (a) Resonance occurs when the resulting amplitude of the system becomes a
maximum when the driving frequency of external driving force equals to natural
frequency of the system.

At resonance, there is a maximum transfer of energy from the driving system to

the driven system.
(b) (i) 𝑥 = 0.18 𝑠𝑖𝑛3.5𝑡 or 𝑥 = 0.18 𝑐𝑜𝑠3.5𝑡 where  = (2π)(0.56) = 3.5

1m if answer is left in  for 

(ii) 𝑎 = −2 𝑥

𝑎 = −(3.5)2 (0.080) = −0.98 𝑚 𝑠 −2

(iii) 1 2
𝐸𝑘,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑚𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 = (1020)[(0.18)(3.5)]2 = 202 J
2 2

(iv) Sine-square graph, or cosine-square graph with amplitude = 202 J and period =
1.8 s

Correct shape
Correct labelling of amplitude, period
At least 2 periods.

River Valley High School Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
3 (a) (i) (Assume the air in the pump is an ideal gas.)
Since the amount of air is the same (if the pump is airtight), n would be constant
p1V1 = p2V2 = nRT where n and R are constants
and pV would be different if T is different

Read at least 2 data points correctly from graph and use them to show that pV
is not constant and
e.g. p1V1= (1.0)(1.8) = 1.8
p2V2 = (1.5)(1.47) = 2.205
p3V3 = (1.05)(1.75) = 1.8375
p4V4 = (1.6)(1.25) = 2

(ii) Area under p-V graph = work done on gas

correct use of trapezium rule to find area
evidence of correct use of scales
Mean pressure = 1.15 to 1.25 x 10 5 Pa
Volume change = 0.33 x 10−4 m3
Work done = (mean) pressure x volume change

3.8 to 4.2 J

(b) Pump slowly.

(c) (i) 3 3
EK of 1 gas atom 
2 2
 
kT  1.38  10 23 296  6.1272 10 21 J
Total number of atoms = 630 / (6.1272  1021) = 1.0282  1023
Number of moles = N / NA = (1.0282  1023) / (6.02  1023) = 0.17 mol

(ii) number of pumps = no. of moles of air in football / max. no. of moles of air in
pump = 0.17 / 0.0072 = 24
Allow ecf.

4 (a) (i) The induced current flows counter-clockwise around the loop.

(ii) As the coil moves from B to B 1, there is a rate of increase in flux linkage.
According to Faraday’s Law, an induced e.m.f. is generated in the loop.

Since it is a closed loop, induced current will be generated.

By Lenz’s law, the direction of the induced current is such that it will produce a
B-field to oppose the increase in flux into the coil.

(b) Force consideration

When the coil is crossing from B to B 1, there is a net magnetic force acting
against the motion of the coil.

Hence, it is required to exert an external force which is equal in magnitude and

opposite in direction to the magnetic force acting on the coil when it is crossing
into B1.


Energy consideration
The induced current flowing in the coil will dissipate kinetic energy of the coil as

River Valley High School Pg 2 of 6 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
heat. Thus, kinetic energy will decrease.

An external source of energy has to be provided to the coil in order to move the
coil at constant speed.

5 (a) The half-life of a radioactive nuclide is the average time taken for the number of
nuclei of that particular radioactive nuclide to reduce to half of its original value.

(b) (i) 𝐼𝑛 2
𝜆 = 1.25 × 109 = 5.55 × 10−10 per year
(ii) 1
= 𝑒 −𝜆𝑡

𝑡 = 5.00 × 109 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠

(c) Not valid statement.

Short half-life would mean that the decay constant is large.

As activity depends on both the decay constant and number of radioactive

particles, hence a short half-life does not mean high activity.

6 (a) (i) Weight of gun = 2.5 + 3.1cos10 + 1.5cos21 = 6.95 N = 7.0 N

(ii) Taking moments about point C and let x be distance between C.G and point C,

(7.0)(𝑥) + (3.1𝑠𝑖𝑛10)(5) = (2.5)(45) + (3.1𝑐𝑜𝑠10)(18)

𝑥 = 23.5 𝑐𝑚 = 24 𝑐𝑚

(iii) By taking moments about point B, the weight provides a clockwise moment, and
no moment due to force at B.

Hence, the gun will rotate in a clockwise direction if both the forces at A and C
are removed.

(b) (i) Momentum = mv = (0.040)(12) = 0.48 kg m s1

(ii) time = distance / average speed = 0.4 / (0.50)(12) = 0.067 s

(iii) force = dp/dt = (0.48 - 0)] / 0.067 = 7.2 N

(iv) Using Newton’s 3rd law,

the force on bullet by gun = force on gun by bullet = 7.2 N

(c) With the rubber pad, the change of momentum of the gun that acts on the user
is unchanged.

However, the impulse is extended over a longer period of time.

This reduces the maximum force (average force) that the user experiences, and
could reduce the discomfort that the user may experience using the gun.


River Valley High School Pg 3 of 6 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
The rubber pad may convert Kinetic Energy to Elastic Potential Energy and
Thermal Energy, and reduces the kinetic energy of the gun on the user.

(d) (i) Using principle of conservation of linear momentum.

(0.040(12) + 0 = (0.040)(-1) + (0.085)v

v = 6.12 m s1

(ii) Loss in Kinetic Energy of block = Gain in Elastic Potential Energy of spring

0.5(0.085)(6.12)2 = (0.5)k(0.15)2
k = 142 N m1

7 (a) (i) g due to Jupiter – g due to Saturn

= ……..
= 4.7 x 10-7

(iv) g and 



(v) (1)
T = 10.7 x 3600 = 3.85x104 s

The gravitational force provides for the centripetal force.
Hence GMm/r2 = m2r
r = {(6.67x10-11 x 5.7 x 1026 / 42 x (3.85x104)2 }1/3
r = 1.13 x 108 m

(vi) Stationary satellite requires it to be above same point on planet, and since g-
force must act through the centre of the planet, the only plane that satisfy this
condition is the equatorial plane.

(vii) The reading is zero. The acceleration due to gravity in a free orbit is sufficient to
provide for the centripetal acceleration, hence the reading acting on the spring
balance on the object has to be zero.
(no additional force is needed to provide for that centripetal force).

River Valley High School Pg 4 of 6 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
Object, spring balance and satellite are moving with the same acceleration in
that orbit, which is provided by the gravitational force. Hence there is no need
for additional force between object and the spring balance.

(b) (i) (use any two sets of data to show proportional relationship)

If T2  R3, then T2/ R3 = constant

TA2 / RA2 = (0.500)2 / (1.81  108)3 = 4.2 X 10-26
TB2 / RB2 = (3.55)2 / (6.71  108)3 = 4.2 X 10-26

Hence T2  R3

(ii) Constant = 4.2 x 10-26 days2 m-3

Or 3.1 x 10-16 s2 m-3

(iii) ……..
gp = 26 N kg-1 or 27 N kg-1

(iv) Possible answer:

The proportionality relationship T2  R3 is only used for the same source, (i.e.
objects orbiting around the same planet).
If another planet is used, the constant of proportionality will be different and the
values from Fig. 7.2 will not be applicable to the moon orbiting round Earth.

8 (a) Same frequency

Same period
Same type
Different amplitude / phase

(b) Yes. They have constant phase difference and are in anti-phase (phase
difference of  rad).

(c) (i) 𝐼 ∝ 𝐴2
𝐼𝐵 𝐴2𝐵 22
= 2= 2
𝐼𝐵 = I = 0.44 I

(ii) 𝐼 ∝ 𝐴2
Since the two waves are in anti-phase, they will undergo destructive
Resultant amplitude = 3  2 = 1 unit.
𝐼𝑅 𝐴2𝑅 12
= 2= 2

𝐼𝑅 = 9
𝐼 = 0.11 𝐼

(d) (i) Stationary sound wave is a longitudinal wave where particles oscillate parallel to
the length of the tube.

The antinodes (maximum displacement amplitude) push the dust to region of

River Valley High School Pg 5 of 6 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II
nodes (minimum displacement amplitude) of the stationary wave.

thus heaps of dust formed at region of the nodes.

(ii) 0.25
𝜆= = 0.1 𝑚
𝑣 = 𝑓𝜆 =
3 × 10−4
= 330 𝑚𝑠 −1
(iii) When the progressive wave travelling down the tube and its reflection meet and
undergo superposition with each other, a stationary wave is formed.

The speed is the speed of the progressive sound wave in the tube.

(e) (i) Interference pattern of bright and dark fringes in concentric circles.

(ii) 1. Electric potential energy lost = gain in kinetic energy of electron

𝑞𝑉 =
(1.6 × 10−19 )(5300) =
2(9.11 × 10−31 )

𝑝 = 3.93 × 10−23

= 1.69 × 10−11 𝑚

2. The de Broglie wavelength of electron has to be the same order as the

space between molecules in the crystal in order to have observable
interference pattern.
Hence separation of the crystal molecules is in the 10 11 m range.

River Valley High School Pg 6 of 6 Year 6 H2 Physics 9646

Preliminary Examination II

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