1. 惯用笔记符号及规则

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y 1 KS. e[% sunroom 's9® ——— Topi com (—) SAS : A, FT ,325 because, due to, thanks to, .... PLA, Alt , ASR; 80, therefore, consequently, .... + ABIF],—3C, S57 ;the same as, equal to, similar to, .... + ARIAL, WSF ATIVE difference, disparity, ... + KWAME sabout, almost, nearly, .... : AF, ABR, AF; surpass, exceed, more than, superior to, .... + D-F ARF ;less than, inferior to, ... : Abb, Bsplus, add, moreover, besides, ... : WA, PRE, PRT ;minus, deduct, except, ... @: 473,479 YR, action, act, ... (due to its pronunciation [ #]) Co]: fe re €: JAF belong to, x: HAY, AMF AY, TMA; wrong, mistake, bad, notorious, negative, .... ‘V: S89, 3-89, FABLAN correct, good, positive, affirmative, .... (=) BARS 1 Ht, i, 48, PHL sspeak, express, think, .... ©; BEI, BERR, (ILA; question, problem, issue, inquiry, interrogate, ask, puzzle, query, confused, mystery bewildered, .... 1: (6, Be, a>, ABER, 1) dangerous, warning, alarming, alert, hazardous, perilous, jeopardy, watch out,.... 2) sure, certainly, of course, .... DA: (F.8., HHA, THR; information, message, intelligence, .... « : AAR, BEER, WEFE; delete, discard, give up, .... 2 HUB, OBR, ZOU, RF, IK, AAR; trade, exchange, communica- tion, relationship, .... : 2<4+, #274; underlining a certain word/phrase to add to the mood of speech, indicating “emphasize”, .... # > < + Aj;among, within,.... www. TopSage.com ! hha “444 subpage com e.g. : filti, Han; for example, such as, .... (5) BRAS ( RPS TAMERS ERE) ©: FX, HA; happy, pleased, excited, .... (This is a smiling face. ) ©: RB, AWM, AL; unhappy, unsatisfied, angry, .... ©: 4,98; conference, symposium, convention, session, forum, semi- nar, council, congress, meeting, assembly, gathering, committee, com- mission, association, union, senate, parliament, convocation, .... ©: SH, KA, SAPULA; school, college, educational institution, .... ©; EEBt, BRIT PLAY; hospital, medical institution, .... O: SA WEY, BTA SEER, AEH; complete, whole,.... 4: Aan, FAY; aim, objective, target, .... 2: BB), HERB; see, notice, watch, .... 4: HL, URI; pay attention to, highlight, .... C1: Bat, FRWK; nation, state, republic, kingdom, federal, union, .... (This resembles one element of the Chinese character “J”. ) A: GF, Ta, TR; 1) top, head, tip, peak, uttermost, maximum, climax, supreme, crown 2) leader, head(man) , director, chancellor, boss, manager, officer, captain, king, queen, emperor, empress, majesty, dictator, ruler, commander, governor, mayor, administrator, supervisor, monitor, moni- tress, minister, ..., O: BROURA, BORPTH; state leader, .... Ge: tH; export, .... “2: EO; import, .... A: SRT ABTA; city, urban, metropolitan, cosmopolitan, .. V: RA, SAY; village, rural, country, countryside, farm, suburb, out- skirt, w: Eb, BEA, EBAY RIN; 1) important, significant, key, crucial, critical, meaningful, essential, ra www. TopSage.com ! hm Se) e Bide sR Ss Ly 4 C.cOomM decisive, eventful, influential, substantial, consequential, principle of great importance, .... 2) outstanding, distinguished, marked, remarkable, notable, excellent, perfect, eminent, famous, well-known, well-recognized, great, promi- nent, prestigious, extraordinary, glorious, noteworthy, grand, magnifi- cent, .... 3) wonderful, terrific, fantastic, fabulous, marvelous, . 4) chief, primary, main, major, dominant, overwhelming, most, .... 5) emphasize, stress, focus, underscore, underline, accentuate, high- light attach great importance to, lay stress on, pay attention to, .... + REGE, REAR AUR; 1) feature, character, characteristic, symbol, sign, peculiarity, attrib- ute quality, nature, trademark, mark, specialty, .... 2) represent, symbolize, exemplify, typify, embody, epitomize, per- sonify,on behalf of, stand for, .... 2: AH; woman, female, . 3: Atk; man, male, .. ‘Vv: HER, Die; victory, triumph, .... 8: HIG, &; WHA, BMH; dollar, money, rich, well-off, .... U: DMX, RM, AM, HA; agreement, treaty, contract, covenant, com- pact, convention resolution,.... @: FR, Pik EM, TM; halt, stop, complete, || : 3858; channel, tunnel, tbe, pipe, ditch, duct, O : SI; developement, advancement, .... 4: 4; in the past, long before, past time,. L: ¥)9%; in future, in the future,.... A: ma WOR FE fad; 1) influence, effect, affect, impact, have bearing on, .... 2) pressure, stress, burden, load, .... | www. TopSage. com ! hha AN) $< sodeespdxage.com (BQ) aes +: FE Vi eB); (be) invited, needed, come (here) ,.... —: &,Hl,z; to, go (there) 1: SHU, HeFt, EM, H+, Ft {Hs increase, improve, enhance, grow, ad- vance, heighten, lift, rise, raise, elevate, promote, escalate, update, exalt, boost, nourish, go up, climb up, stand up, bring up, give boost to... 4: BD, Fhe, Be, WE1H; decline, decrease, reduce, drop, fall, de- scend, sink, weaken, devalue,degrade, dwindle, lower, depress, less- en, devaluate, depreciate, diminish, cut down, go down, fall off, (BZ) RUSH 4B; year AA; month : FA; week : Jt; hour : Sh; minute WH; second AF, SX; day, today +: WR; tomorrow +2y: BIFELARI; two years ago b: {H42; but, however, nevertheless c; THA; century e: 3F; economy, economics f: Fi; finance, financial, financially 8: BUR; government n; #22; many, much, several p: BUA, B3t, BAK; polities, policy, regime, party t: BCH; reform, change, revolution 8: B%,AL; science, scientific, society, social rt =< eee gee www. TopSage.com Km ais winners Top hf de.com tz 48,24; think, consider, regard, ponder, conceive, perceive, suppose, imagine, mediate, reckon, deliberate, speculate, contemplate v: BEAL, ARDY; victory, triumph, success, achievement (A) RRNSRS al; 84 ;although bz: FEL ;business co: 437] ;company com; #6] ;communion edu: @7¥ ; education eg: AF fz; SBC; finance in: RE; insurance info: {4,74 ;information infra: SERRE ; infrastructure na: PH ;news tr: HS strade tx: Bi tax, taxation ag: Aub sagriculture rec; BUR ;recreation gym: {EFT ; gymnasium ed: SF ;education congrats: 4&3 ; congratulations grad: Fs) 4: ; graduates doc; EE4: ;doctor demo: AY 223K ; demonstration LRRANRAE TRE MAOMILES HOSA. BEL, RAAB NAS ACD RY RABE TPS SERA He BUZE ARETE BOE, ARH A ES PEALE R-RRWAR. HRSA RIOR RT" SOL” RRR aA | www. TopSage.com AE ALM AT AFR. UBL, CALERA LURE REP” , EMT FERLIE He. {ELAR BH AL AUBERT PRUNE ER ARCEP AS Ce Be BTS, BET FIZ SPT FE PEG Ay LR REA BA ES, Me EF LG ETA, GAR BR PIE BIT 2) weeia PEATE RL OPO EE EE Siw BH SE J RE A ACE EE. AS Mite EL EI, DAG AA RCTS BE BE, WE PERT BI OR HEAR, J FPR ARP ALLS EE RO — “SD, ie RSE OP a a PROB HES]. PCR i TERS ik, He RRP ATT BOE: SOE CAT, es Hh 279 ‘BRAS (iBT — Ne 9, tn 3954279842 wie ee million eo HN, UREA RRR SOR — TS. WERE RTL Sl PAE TR PRS, s[etsls[2[7[s[s][s] billion niin | __ thousand tt a 3 [9 | 5) 4]2/)7]/ 9] 8/4 ORR St AIL — PT, MORES = CE, 24 FA POOH ARES DUTT , TARE A MOR. YR TERY BP BRAM AA EMER, RBG DUET WEP SAT LIZA 3.9 billion( Be 39 1Z,) 3) eae RAE PR ah AO AS LBL www. TopSage.com ; Km Ay tepptiace com y Sa a searsaavon Toph Bdge. com AY FORD EES AE ET. wassnantla UY SAH HENS HS MMS ER (—) BRitae ADB = Asian Development Bank W3HFF 34847 APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Group) 3 MASA BE SHAR ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations 474i WU HIB AU = African Union 4[:3H22 CARICOM = Caribean Community and Common Market 48h Lit AAI StH CD = Conference on Disarmament @#iR#) Si CHR = Commission on Human Rights (IRAE) ALR S CIS = Commonwealth of Independent States $137 BAUR tk The Commonwealth = The Commonwealth of Nations 35H EC = European Community ExBH3e IIA ( EL EU Bett) EFTA = European Free Trade Association EHH Fi a 255 th EP = European Parliament BRYHINS EU = European Union B24 GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade SPLASH PE ( BE WTO Hitt) G-7 = Group of Seven (Fi7) FHA IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency [iba )5-BEOL}) IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (4) BREMFRAG ICJ = International Court of Justice (9-4 Hil) EHGRIEBE 5 MF RRA IMF = Intemational Monetary Fund (IX4+]) URS TBARS 20 Interpol = International Criminal Police Organization RIBS A2 JOC = International Olympic Committee EER RBS NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization IAP RAWAA NAM = Non-Aligned Movement 72414323) —<“A www. TopSage.com JAI-G.0 4844 —______nuttesare.com OAS = Organization of American States 33H FURY OAU = Organization of African Unity 49H 3¢—#18 ( BBE AU AR) OECD = Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development UPA (E AF RAR OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Aww tt HAL a OSCE = Organization for Security and Cooperation in European BKYH324¢5 ATEAR SC(UN) = Security Council of United Nations (16-4 El) 22382: SNES = Seven-Nation Economic Summit + BAI RMR W TC = Trusteeship Council (KK Hl) HERS U.N. = United Nations RAH] UNCTAD = United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 54 [3] RG FRRAW RAR A AE-S AM (UNITED EMIRATES) AF-B fF (AFGHANISTAN) AL-FA7§ EJB ( ALBANIA) AM-3E38 /E2 (ARMENIA) AO-3¢ tit ( ANGOLA) AR-BHARKE (ARGENTINA) AT-S23h4l] ( AUSTRIA) AU-AI|ME ( AUSTRALIA) AZ-(i] SEFFHE ( AZERBAUAN (REPUBLIC) ) B. BD-zi imi (BANGLADESH) BE-LL#lit (BELGIUM) BF-# 349% (BURKINA FASO) rm www. TopSage.com y 1 KS e[% sient BR 99% ——_— Top Xe com BG-fR IMAI. (BULGARIA) BH-E\#k (BAHREIN) BI-#iRi (BURUNDI) BJ-LG (BENIN) BN-X¢3€ (BRUNEI DARUSSALAM) BO-RAIYEW. (BOLIVIA) BR-E39§ (BRAZIL) BW-{83¢5L44 (BOTSWANA) BY-Q2 M9 (BYELORUSSIA) Gs CA-fN#K (CANADA) CF-+H4 (CENTRAL AFRICA) CG-HISE (CONGO) CH-3i+ (SWITZERLAND) CL~8#l (CHILE) CM-W¢3¢ ae (CAMEROON) CN-+# 6] (CHINA) CO-FHS ELIE. (COLOMBIA) CR-FES ARAN (COSTA RICA) CS-Hi632 (CZECH REPUBIC) CU-GHE3 (CUBA) CY-3E38 B67 (CYPRUS) dD. DE-#é El (GERMANY) DK-#} 3 (DENMARK) DO-4 2/2 WstAIH (DOMINICAN REPUBLIC) DZ-falR RATE ( ALGERIA) www. TopSage.com ay E. EC-JE R44. (ECUADOR) EE-S2b/22 (ESTONIA) EG-@2& (EGYPT) ES-PU#EF (SPAIN) ET-Q3¥ (RW. (ETHIOPIA) F FI-3¢% (FINLAND) FU-SE3F (FUL) FR-3& (9) (FRANCE) G. CA-iM (GABON) GB-38 3] (UNITED KINGDOM) GD-#% kA (GRENADA) GE-## 1 (GEORGIA) GH-#n4 (GHANA) GN-JLANE (GUINEA) GR-# Af (GREECE) CT-féh 1 (GUATEMALA) H. HK-¥549 HFK (HONG KONG) HN-E#84i7 (HONDURAS) HU-9 274i] (HUNGARY) L ID-ENSEJEPEN. (INDONESIA ) TE-32/n = (IRELAND) IL-LAf23) (ISRAEL) a. www. TopSage.com y , KSa a] sear sins Fp Wide com IN-E) BE (INDIA) 10-4092 (IRAQ) IR-(# 89 (IRAN) IS-vk 84 (ICELAND) IT-&24A) (ITALY) J JM-AE im (JAMAICA) JO-#5 (JORDAN) JP-A AE (JAPAN) K. KG- AR MH (KYRGYZSTAN) KH-3¢499 (KAMPUCHEA (CAMBODIA) ) KP-@ (KOREA ,DEM. PEOPLE'S) KR-#)] (REPUBLIC OF KOREA) KT-#}4#id REA (COTE OTVOIRE) KW-AL RAE (KUWATI) KZ-086234 (KAZAKHSTAN) Ts LA-##t (LAOS) LB-9¢ 65 (LEBANON) LC-4 5780 (SAINT LUEIA) L-FXRLE (LIECHTENSTEIN) LK-}f 2 2-6 (SRI LANKA) LR-Ai E00 ( LIBERIA) LT-37. M98 ( LITHUANIA) LU-; 48 (LUXEMBOURG) LV-$LBSET (LATVIA) LY-#ILEIE (LIBYAN) www. TopSage.com 1 hha AN sever aeze com M. MA-#E8#F (MOROCCO) MC-BR4NFF (MONACO) MD-#/8 4K; (MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF) MG-H,2 Bide A 1. Fy RU: BLA I, PIS SHCA, 2. PRA: MOTT SU AEA TTD SL 3. AOE: ICA FAA UT AL ORE. (2E:2 M13 POA ELT Ayer a] 4 SRM: CRERAEKSH BEARS, —MITRWHEKHS 4 HARM SUR LENA ORT Bice AAU. MURR cE OT BED IEA RB EI RET ORE EIEN PS PRB — ERG. A) @iane My T RE ANI HE EOE FAB = OE SS PA — TABI HE. SHER CEH ch TULANE HRA BIE 8, MERCED MAR AER Se RHO De ORES, Au Ses IE, LAE A SEAT At Fea RIZE CARES (AE SEO” UE SF RT ABA” 09 a www. TopSage.com Km Fi #1 ® saan ieee — Tori be com WH. ESCM GEER BOE AILS TBS Fre AA LAMAR BIER PK, WARM AEE ARATE HAZ. AASICHRAANEWT OF, RETEST PERE KHKAIAKL WAFS RAEN ARERA RAL RE KEES BELIEF 0 Flt, 7eBekse MAB RUE PSIG ROA ALF EB PRAZAWBZALR. ERLE FAS SM ABE SAH” RASS MAES BAAD AMA AA WIZANE RICA, PRA EI ARS FA IZ A, FULB St FM ETI ICIS, SPE eR — MAB ICR RARBAB RITZ DAE. 2) Siam HOA ECU: ESHER AEA TE EZ — RABE A METAR HAS RTE HAS AS Bic. UR eR Bie RBI. TEGA SRR” A BR” HR. EAT ERE ER AR , HORS — BES RHE AAD DET RD 5 ES RE A” BEES PARENTER RARER LH SBR" AAT ERR PD Ae HOLES PMS HEA DR, MMT BARE REIT AR MR. SESH ADT BLAH. Bs 250 TREAD, DNS 4 ASH Ad Se EDIE RPT, A 50 Part. RE FEA“ ERR” PBA Bic MRR HEP ae BLES AES ATRL. RT ART FRY 500 ~ 700 ThA AE, 2475 80 ~ 120 AFR. SERIES Ja ER PHN ARREARS BAMA STARE MSE. CRIT ARAL” ARE TEAL” UAH AE Hy TE SLT APD BE AC NP AR NAAR RA SME AMICI. BPR, MR RE HE TMT SLUR BE, RAMA, REAM TAS RES DATREAE » BAT ATT Be, — AE ES — A AL a www. TopSage.com 4 ‘dy RE UT MERCH P no — 7 BE HIRBIRAB AMR. KARAS A CRE EE, AACR MRAURSHICRART EBM. RMR EREDAR KR, ARREST RTE. BF SAN MIT SA WAT AK MRS A (A A He VRE ARS. EFIORHTEt, YREMNHEMARE+TOREM, ARGOS RARER, SMHCET pRB MEE HRM. Ab FBO AMIEL STOEL EBD — 2 IC PK, HEMT BE WRAA MEER. Wh DER AZ RATA fevbT— see 7D STITH: AR ABE , HOARE seh a 3 5S AR oH I AP, WARE aE Be www. TopSage.com

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