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Choice 1: Hero: 

Select a hero of your choice and answer the following

 Description of person’s accomplishments and interesting facts (5-10


 Important dates in the person’s life (5-10 dates):

 Why I like the person (2-4 reasons):

 Include image 1: the person:

 Include image 2: an image connected to one of the important dates:

Hero selected: The Hulk

Accomplishments and Interesting facts: He saved well over half the people he has
tried to do, he took down The God of Thunder/Thor with one punch, It held back a
mountain ranger, he held a plant together, he shook the world, he smashed a whole
building into smatterings, and he outlived everyone.
Important dates: In 1858 it was the celebration of 150 years, June 2003 – counting
back from Banner being on the run for 5 years. Nov 2007 – counting back 158
days from start of the film. 2010 – The Incredible Hulk was set. 1978 – Started the
CBS television series.
Why is the Hulk one of my favorites: He reminds me that there is more than
strength in one person and he is the most powerful MCU human (other than Iron
Man) I have ever seen.
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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

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