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PERSON 1 = Hi my friend. How are you?

PERSON 2 = Hi my friend. I am fine thank you, and you?
PERSON 1 = I am OK.
PERSON 2 = Do you Know that a Lawyer Litigant Office is requesting a

PERSON 1 = Do you know which are the main requirements?

PERSON 2 = Of course, these are:
*Bachelor’s degree in law, File volume management, Knowledge in ordinary
civil lawsuits and special mortgages and inmediate availability and hours from
8:00 am to 5:00pm.

PERSON 1 = I'm interested.

PERSON 2 = Really, What are your skills?. Imagine I am the boss of this
office. Tell me about yourself
PERSON 1 =. I am a responsible person, idealistic, detailed and very
professional in my work.When I’m not working, I like to spend time exploring
with my friends, I sometimes visit historical sites, or even just walking around
town and I always enjoy talking with who I meet. I feel that communication is
one of the most important aspects of my professional life as well. When
talking with people, being able to guide the conversation in a particular
direction is one of the ways I’ve been successful in different situations at the
PERSON 2 = Why Are You the Best Person for the Job?

PERSON 1 = My previous job working as a legal technical assistant

provided me with the ideal experience for this position. For five years, I
developed many of the skills required for this job, including File volume
management, processing payments, Knowledge in ordinary civil lawsuits and
entering data on multiple computer programs.

PERSON 1 = Why Do You Want This Job?

PERSON 1 = Basically, I worked as a a legal technical assistant at a local

office and I developed extensive skills working with law customers even
when they were distressed. I'm excellent at deescalating situations and finding
a way to make the customer happy.

PERSON 1 = How Has Your Experience Prepared You for This Role?

PERSON 1 = My years of experience have prepared me well for this

position. I have worked in file volume management and I have Knowledge in
ordinary civil lawsuits and special mortgages. law customer service is a big
part of this job; I spent a lot of years working in this kind of Job and
identifying solutions.

PERSON 2 = Why Are You Leaving (or Have Left) Your Job?

PERSON 1 = To be honest, I was considering a change in my life and My

previous job was very routine and I did not have interesting job prospects.

PERSON 1 = What Is Your Greatest Strength?

PERSON 1 = I have a solid work ethic. When I'm working on a law project, I
don't just want to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the law project
well ahead of schedule. Last year, I even earned a bonus for completing my
three most recent law reports one week ahead of time.

PERSON 2 = What is Your Greatest Weakness

PERSON 1 = I have a very strong attention to detail. Sometimes, this can turn
into a tendency to perfectionism. In the past, I found this leading me to enmity
with many law co-workers.

PERSON 2 = How Do You Handle Stress and Pressure?

PERSON 1 = Pressure is very important to me. Good pressure—such as

having many assignments or an upcoming deadline—helps me to stay
motivated and productive. Of course, there are times when too much
pressure can lead to stress. However, I'm very skilled at balancing multiple
law projects and meeting deadlines; this ability prevents me from feeling
overly stressed. 

PERSON 2 = What Are Your Salary Expectations?

PERSON 1 = My salary range is flexible. I would, of course, like to be

compensated fairly for my experience, skills and law management. However,
I'm open to discussing specific numbers once we've discussed the details of
the position.

PERSON 2 = finally, What Are Goals for the Future?

PERSON 1 = My current short-term goal is to develop and use my law and

communications skills in a job like this one. However, I eventually want to
develop into a position that allows me to continue to use these law skills
while also managing a law team where I will be the leader.
PERSON 2 = Well, my friend, I am sure you are ready for this Job.
PERSON 1 = Thanks a lot for your help. Bye

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