Feature & Science Writing

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SCIENCE WRITING - Science journalists report news

and other information about
science to the public. This involves
Feature Writing writing informative and often
- It involves writing featured articles entertaining summaries of relevant
on trending topics, great findings, consulting with expert
personalities, and relevant issues. scientists and researchers and
This form of writing is generally conveying the information in ways
longer than a specific that a non-specialist audience can
news story and more informative in understand. 
Elements of a Scientific Paper
Elements of Feature Writing
 The Title. The title should headline
 Personality Profiles – Used to the main result described in the
create connection between the paper, not the main effort. That is, a
reader and the person of interest in title that describes what you did will
an article. Almost always includes an likely attract far fewer readers than a
interview and can include clips and title that describes what you
write-ups about the person’s past learned. 
endeavor and achievements.  The Introduction. The introduction
 Human Interest Stories -  It has precisely one purpose: to
presents people and their problems, convince your readers that they
concerns, or achievements in a way should read your paper. To do so, it
that brings about interest, sympathy must first convince your readers that
or motivation in the reader or viewer. you have identified an important,
 Trend Stories – Focuses on the open scientific question that they
latest pop culture. It can be anything should care about. Following this, it
from fashion, to food, to gossip. This should prime your readers to expect
is a great example of when to be an answer to that question,
timely with a report, because if encouraging them to read on.
you’re one day late, the trend is  Results. The results section should
already long gone. typically start with a paragraph
 In-Dept Stories – Are made up of describing your approach in broad
extensive research, interviews, and terms. It is critical that the results
first-hand accounts that put it far section provide your readers with a
beyond a normal feature story in broad enough outline of your
relation to detail. approach that this alone gives them
 Backgrounders - They give the sufficient context to understand your
background information in a results. It is also important, however,
developing news topic. This help to that you do not go into too much
catch up viewers and readers who detail here; give them the conceptual
are just finding out about news story. tools to understand your work but
Backgrounders are also called not more.
analysis pieces.  Discussion.  A separate discussion
section allows you to reiterate your
point bluntly and concisely and thus
provides an additional forum in
which to get your point across. It is
also the only place you are allowed
to speculate widely on the
implications of your work.
 Figures and Figures Caption.
Good writing involves more than just
writing: the vast majority of scientific
papers employ figures to illustrate
important concepts and present
supporting data.
 Abstract. The abstract is the entire
paper in brief. Indeed, a badly
written abstract almost guarantees
that no one will read the paper itself.

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