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Listen to three phone conversations and complete the notes.

Conversation 1

Pauline calling. No ____________ for the concert. Call back tonight ____________.

Conversation 2

Elise called. Meet her at the ____________ at ____________.

Conversation 3

Roundhouse Bar and Grill doesn’t take ____________. Come before ____________


Listen To the story of Elvis and Priscilla Presley. Listen and complete the notes with one or two words or a number
or a date or a time.

Priscilla was (1) ____________ years old when she met Elvis.

They met in (2) ____________.

When Elvis was in America he wrote Priscilla (3) ____________ and sent her (4) ____________ of his favourite artists
and songs.

In the summer of (5) ____________ Elvis invited Priscilla to Los Angeles.

Priscilla moved to Memphis when she was (6) ____________ years old.

They got married in 1967, and (7) ____________ later they had a daughter.

Mike Stone was Priscilla’s (8) ____________.

Priscilla soon left Elvis for (9) ____________, and in 1972 Elvis and Priscilla got divorced.

They stayed (10) ____________ until Elvis died in 1977.


Task 1

Listen to the first part of an interview about different types of learners. Match the type of learner with its

a) Serialist b) Holist

1 Learns lots of information about a topic, but in no particular order.

2 Learns things in sequence from the bottom up.

Task 2

Listen to the second part of the interview and mark each statement Serialist (S) or Holist (H).

1 This learner likes to understand detail. _____

2 This learner reads instructions before using a new piece of equipment. _____

3 This learner might read a chapter from the middle of a book first. _____

4 This learner makes a careful plan before writing. _____

5 This learner reads around the topic and makes lots of notes before writing. _____


Circle the correct option, a) or b), to complete the statements.

1 Serialists like to learn things

a) in the correct order.

b) in any order.

2 A holist likes to have an idea of the ‘big picture’ and

a) doesn’t worry about detail.

b) thinks that the detail is very important.

3 Are you mainly a holist or a serialist?


Listen to a story about a German tourist.

Task 1

Did he fly from Europe to Australia or from Europe to the United States?

Taks 2 Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 A German man wanted to visit his girlfriend in Sydney, Australia. ____

2 When he was booking his ticket, he made a mistake. ____

3 His flight took him to the wrong town in Australia. ____

4 He was wearing summer clothes because the weather in Montana was hot. ____

5 His parents and friends sent him warm clothes. ____

6 After a few days, he bought a ticket to Australia. ____

Task 3 Read the sentences from the recording. Can you remember the rest of the sentences? Listen to the
sentences again. Write down the exact words.

1 A twenty-one-year-old German tourist called Tobi Gutt wanted to visit his girlfriend in Sydney, Australia.
Unfortunately, __________________________________________________________________________________.

2 When he looked at the plane to Sidney, he became confused. Strangely, __________________________________


3 A few friendly people helped him with food and drink until eventually ____________________________________



Task 1 Listen to the first part of a news report and choose the correct option to complete the sentences,
a), b) or c).

1 The reporter went to a table tennis centre for people aged _______.

a) under fifteen b) under fifty c) over fifty

2 People should eat _______ portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

a) five b) one c) eight

3 Living a healthy life can add _______ years to your life.

a) Four b) fourteen c) forty

Task 2 Listen to the whole report. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1 The woman plays table tennis four times a week. ____

2 She says it gives her a great feeling. ____

3 Scientists studied 20,000 people for fifteen years. ____

4 They found that people who don’t smoke, exercise regularly and eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day live
longer. ____

5 Doctors say if you want to see changes to your health, you need to make big changes to your lifestyle. ____
Vocabulary Match the words/phrases in bold in 1-5 with definitions a)-e).

1 I feel fabulous.

2 Scientists have now worked out that you can live longer if you have a healthy lifestyle.

3 … who do regular exercise, and those who eat lots of fruit and vegetables a say …

4 It’s never too late to start.

a) once a week/once a month, etc

b) you can still do it now
c) very good/wonderful
d) calculated


Task 1 Listen to a radio programme and circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 The programme is about people who change their __________.

a) job b) nationality c) name

2 People have __________ for changing.

a) many reasons b) three reasons c) one main reason

3 The programme explains that Muhammad Ali’s __________.

a) original name was Cassius Clay b) first religion was Christian c) name is Arabic

4 The programme mentions several famous __________.

a) sportspeople b) writers c) singers

5 Many people change their names when they move to a new country, especially in __________.

a) Europe b) the USA and the UK c) films

6 The programme mentions Angelina Jolie’s __________.

a) childhood b) father c) children

Task 2 Listen again and complete the notes.

When a woman gets (1) __________ she might want to go back to her original name.

Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali because he changed his (2) __________.

The name Freddie Mercury is probably easier to (3) __________ than Farookh Balsar.

Another reason people want to change their name is to identify with a new (4) __________.

Angelina Jolie’s father is an (5)__________. Oprah Winfrey is called Oprah because there was a (6) __________ on
her birth certificate.

Listen to a true story. There are five mistakes in the summary of the story below. Find and correct the mistakes.

Maggie and Joe Smith lived in the same house for fifteen years. When Joe died, Maggie sold the house to David
Jones. A few years later, Maggie heard someone say that Jones had found some money in her old house. Jones told
her there was 10,000 dollars in the wall. He offered her 5,000 dollars. She agreed. A few days later, Jones asked
Maggie to sign a contract that said she should accept 5,000 dollars for any money found in the garden. She didn’t
sign it. Instead, she took Jones to court. In court, he told the truth: there wasn’t 10,000 dollars. There was 15,000
dollars. Joe Smith, Maggie’s husband, was putting money in the wall for fifty years and he never told his wife. In the
end, the judge decided that Mr. Jones should get all of the money.


Task 1 Listen to four different speakers and match them with statements a)-d).

a) He/She has spent a lot of time in the garden. SPEAKER 1 ______

b) He/She lives on a farm. SPEAKER 2 ______
c) He/She lives near a beach. SPEAKER 3 ______
d) He/She comes from the USA. SPEAKER 4 ______

Task 2 Listen again and answer the questions in three words or fewer.

1 a) What does she do on the beach these days?

b) What did she see on the beach once?

2 a) What names did she know?

b) Where does she say she ‘grew up’?

3 a) When does he go hiking and camping?

b) What ‘big’ things does he say that Americans like?

4 a) What animals does he work with?

b) What doesn’t he like about living on a farm?


Match the words and phrases in bold in1-8 with meanings a)-h).

1 That was fun. ____ a) walking for a long time in the countryside

2 It was enormous. ____ b) very common

3 I played in a tree house. ____ c) giving food to someone/something

4 You could be outside all day. ____ d) enjoyable

5 I go hiking. ____ e) many different types of

6 There are all kinds of plants and animals. ____ f) a small house in a tree (usually for children)

7 It’s completely normal to see animals around. ____ g) extremely big

8 I really like feeding the pigs. ____ h) be in the open air, not in a building

Task 1 Listen to Sophie, who is 16, Luis, who is 35 and Pamela, who is 70. Match their names to what annoys
them about modern life.

a) Spam messages b) mobile phones c) litter in the tube

Task 2 Listen again and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Sophie __________

a) is a teacher b) works with technology c) is a schoolgirl

2 Sophie thinks people concentrate better __________

a) when they use technology b) without technology c) when they wear headphones

3 Luis doesn’t like __________

a) newspapers and food in the tube

b) food at work

c) the government

4 Luis suggests a punishment: __________

a) cleaning the tube

b) paying some money

c) cleaning the streets

5 Pamela loves __________

a) her older friends

b) being old

c) technology

6 Pamela suggests a punishment: __________

a) working as a teacher

b) reading emails from her

c) reading millions of spam messages for six months


Task 1 Listen to two people answering the question. Circle the correct answers (Yes/No) to questions 1-4.

Are new computer games changing the way we live?

Robert Miriam
1 Does he/she think computer
games are changing the way we Yes / No Yes / No
2 Does he/she use a computer for
work? Yes / No Yes / No

3 Does he/she enjoy computer Yes / No Yes / No

4 Does he/she think people will
change how they spend their free Yes / No Yes / No

Task 2 Complete Robert and Miriam’s statements.


1 ‘I think they have already ____________ the way we live.’

2 ‘Some people already spend more ____________ in virtual worlds, like Second Life, than they do in the real world.’

3 ‘I have meetings with my ____________ in Second Life.’

4 ‘It’s more fun and exciting than the real world where you have to worry about ____________.’


5 ‘There are lots of games I don’t like, like the ____________ games.’

6 ‘I don’t spend all my time on the ____________.’

7 ‘And I think a lot of people are like ____________.’

8 ‘In our free time we ____________ to do other things.’


Listen to two people, Ralph and Carly, who entered a talent competition and complete the table.

1 What is his/her talent?

2 Has he/she ever done it in public?

3 Is there a special way to do it?

4 Does he/she practise?

Ralph Carly


Look at the following words and choose two things for travellers 1-3 below.

Suitcase notebook digital camera souvenirs waterproof clothes dictionary

Walking boots sunhat rucksack money belt binoculars map umbrella

1 a grandmother visiting her grandchildren in Australia

2 s student travelling around the world

3 a tourist visiting the sights in New York

Listen to a radio programme about what experienced travellers take with them when they go on holiday. Match
speakers 1-7 with items A-G.

Speaker 1 _____ A) money belt

Speaker 2 _____ B) sunhat and waterproof clothes

Speaker 3 _____ C) a small dictionary

Speaker 4 _____ D) a notebook

Speaker 5 _____ E) walking boots

Speaker 6 _____ F) binoculars

Speaker 7 _____ G) a rucksack


Listen to Anita and Jasmin, two women who have made big life changes and decide whether the sentences are
true (T) or false (F).


1 Anita worked long hours in an advertising job.

2 She was nearly thirty years old when she decided to change her life.

3 She wanted to travel around the world.

4 She gave up her job to follow her dream.

5 She worked on a farm in South America.


6 Jasmin worked more than a hundred hours a week.

7 She looked after children in a hospital.

8 She played the piano well when she was a child.

9 She started piano lessons and learnt to write songs.

10 Now she plays her own music.


Listen to Money Matters, a radio programme in which they talk about four of the best money making ideas in
history. Then decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 Chicle comes from Central and South America.

2 We know that US soldiers were the first people to eat chewing gum.

3 The first mobile phone was invented in 1954.

4 The UK has more mobile phones than people.

5 The name iPod comes from a film called 2001: A Space Odyssey.

6 The iPod reached the public in 2001.

7 Parker Brothers did not invest in Monopoly immediately.

8 Parker Brothers invented the name Monopoly.


Listen to three conversations about Dubai, Tokyo and Sydney. Then decide which city has the following things.

1 perfect weather _______________

2 fast, cheap public transport _______________

3 cafés where you can sit outside _______________

4 good shops and nightclubs _______________

5 cheap restaurants selling local food _______________

6 lots of cheap taxis _______________

7 a terrible transport system _______________


Listen to four people talking about how they keep in touch. Match speakers 1-4 to the type of communication A-

Speaker 1 _____ A) social networking sites

Speaker 2 _____ B) blogs

Speaker 3 _____ C) text messages

Speaker 4 _____ D) internet phones

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