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1) Where is the boy?
A) At the park
B) At school
C) At a farm
D) At home
E) At the beach
2) Complete a lacuna com a opção correta:
_______ is your name?
A) What
B) When
C) Where
D) Why
E) How
3) Qual palavra melhor completa o diagrama?
A) Legs
B) Arms
C) Hand
D) Foot
E) Forehead
4) What is the girl wearing?
a) Blue blouse and yellow pants.
b) Yellow blouse and blue shorts.
c) White T-shirt and black skirt.
d) Red dress
e) Pink T-shirt and blue jeans.
5) Escolha a palavra que completa a pergunta
Bob: What is your favorite _____?
Mary: It´s chocolate.
A) Color
B) Animal
C) Food
D) Number
E) Book
6) Qual o resultado da conta abaixo?
A) Six
B) Eight
2X4= C)
E) Four
7) Complete a lacuna com o animal correto:
This ______ is black and white.
A) Dog
B) Cow
C) Duck
D) Horse
E) Cat
8) Complete a lacuna de acordo com a figura:
This is a _________.
A) Flower
B) Doll
C) Cat
D) Butterfly
E) Tree
9) Quais comidas aparecem na figura?
A) Milk, banana and chocolate
B) Apple, cookies and juice
C) Eggs, Milk and papaya
D) Kiwi, yogurt and eggs
E) Apple, chocolate and milk
10) We can see AT THE BEACH:

A) Sand, starfish, boat.

B) Notebook, pen and eraser
C)Blackboard, pencil and schoolbag
D)Cow, horse and pig.
E) Hen, panda and sheep
1) E
2) A
3) E
4) C
5) C
6) B
7) B
8) D
9) A
10) A

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