Online and Offline Lesson Plan PDF

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Digital Wellbeing: Online and Offline

Aim: The Big Questions: Resources:

L7. about how the internet and digital devices How much screen time is healthy? Lesson Pack
can be used safely to find things out and to
communicate with others How can I make sure I do range It is recommended that this unit is taught
of activities, both offline and alongside the accompanying Learning
L8. about the role of the internet in everyday life online, to keep my mind and Journey Record Resource Pack.
body healthy?
I know how to balance screen time with other Small pieces of paper
activities and understand why this is important.
Colourful pens and pencils

Large sugar paper

Success Criteria: Key/New Words: Preparation:

I can talk about ways we use the Internet. Internet, electronic, screen Internet Devices Picture Cards –
time, online, offline, sleep, one pack per pair
I can explain how too much screen time might mental wellbeing, activity,
make me feel. physical, fitness, healthy, My Balanced Day Activity Sheet –
hobbies, interests one per child
I know how to choose a range of activities to
make sure I have a healthy body and mind. My Balanced Day Diary Sheet –
as required, optional

Prior Learning
It will be useful if children have an understanding of what we can use computers for and the range of devices that can access
the Internet.

Learning Sequence
Reconnecting – What’s It For? Read through the Big Questions on the Lesson Presentation and invite
children to discuss them in pairs. Display the preview of the Internet Devices Picture Cards and invite some
contributions of what these devices can be used for. Distribute the Internet Devices Picture Cards (one
pack per pair). Children can now play ‘Name That Use’ by sharing out the cards equally between them and
keeping them face down in front of them so neither child knows what is on each card. They can then take it
in turns to turn over one card at a time and quickly call out one way that the device can be used. The person
who says a use for the device first wins the card and the winner of the game is the person who has the most
cards when there are no more to turn over.

Exploring – A Healthy Balance: Read through the slides of the Lesson Presentation. Establish the many ways
we can use the Internet but discuss that it is important to balance our time on the Internet with lots of other
varied activities to make sure we get a good balance. Read through the slides, discussing how to maintain a
healthy balance of activities and identify some unhelpful effects of too much screen time, including difficulty
sleeping and missing out on other activities with friends and family as well as the impact that this can have on
our feelings and wellbeing. Invite contributions from children about activities they like to do and discuss as a
class that it is important to enjoy a variety of activities to make sure we maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Exploring – Find My Balance: Explain to children that we are now going to plan a day, using what we have
discussed about maintaining a healthy balance of activities. Display the slide on the Lesson Presentation
about different activities we can enjoy and remind children about the amounts of time it is advised children are
active for each day. Children can now work in small groups to draw pictures of themselves doing things they
enjoy on the small pieces of paper and create a visual plan for the day by sticking them on to the large sugar
paper. If time allows, invite groups to look at each other’s work and discuss the similarities and differences.

Reflecting – Ways to Help: Display the next slide on the Lesson Presentation and read through the children’s
comments and the problems they discuss. Invite children to talk in partners about what advice they could
give to help avoid these problems. Read through the Big Questions and ask if children’s answers have
changed since the start of the lesson.

This resource is fully in line with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes outlined in the PSHE Association Programme of Study.

PSHE and Citizenship | KS1 | Relationships | Digital Wellbeing | Online and Offline | Lesson 2 visit
Consolidating – My Balanced Day: This is an optional activity to fit between the Exploring and Reflecting activities if
there is time available. Using the My Balanced Day Activity Sheet, children can draw a picture of themselves in the
middle box and around it, draw and write the many different things they do to make sure they have a balanced day.
Children can try to include sentences in the top tips box of the sheet to remind them how to balance their activities.

Supporting: Ensure children are working in mixed-ability pairs and groups where possible.

Extending: Children can create a role play in small groups showing how to decide what activities could contribute to a
healthy balance. This could include one person choosing to spend lots of time on screens and others helping them to
make a balanced and healthy choice.

Developing: Children can use the My Balanced Day Diary Sheet to create a diary of how they spend time at home,
helping them to remember to balance their activities.

Learning Environment:
Follow these guidelines to prepare a safe and positive climate for learning when you are preparing to teach PSHE and Citizenship.
Policies: If, at any time, you have any concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing, consult your school’s safeguarding and child protection policies.

Rules: Remind children of the class agreement or ground rules for discussion.
Expect: Anticipate sensitive issues and plan how you will respond in the event of a spontaneous disclosure, so you are prepared to protect
children from revealing personal information to others, while not discouraging them from seeking support.

Procedures: Ensure that all children know what steps to follow to seek help and support if they feel uncomfortable or anxious during or after the
lesson, within and outside of school.

Ask: Encourage children to ask any questions they may have, before, during or after the lesson, and provide a Question Box for children to
submit questions anonymously if they prefer.

Respond: Always set aside time to explore any questions that are raised, either with the whole class, or separately if more appropriate.
Enable: Be aware of any individual circumstances that may mean that children need extra support to enable them to participate in this lesson.

This resource is fully in line with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes outlined in the PSHE Association Programme of Study.

PSHE and Citizenship | KS1 | Relationships | Digital Wellbeing | Online and Offline | Lesson 2 visit

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