Project Questions

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1. Can you explain the title?

2. Can you brief each word in the title?

3. What S/W you need? Why?
4. What are the advantages of that software?
5. Can you tell which kind of algorithm you need?
6. Can you expain that algorithm in general/theoretically?
7. Can you show the code for that algorithm?
8. What is the importance of that algorithm?
9. Why don’t we use other algorithms other than this?
10. Can you explain the outline of that algorithm?
11. What are different methods you need? If No, why you don’t need in the project?
12. How many modules your project has?
13. Can you know the Whole project workflow?
14. Why the size of the image is huge, What is the general size of any image?
15. What kind of procedure you adopted in the image identification?
16. What is a general software development lifecycle?
17. How many days you take to develop the project?
18. Where/at What point you struggled a lot to develop the project?
19. What is front end and backend of your project. If no, Why you don’t need?
20. What are limitations of your project?
21. What advantages and disadvantages of your project?
22. Can you Commercialize your project? if yes, How?
23. How you developed the front end, Can you specify the code, Can you write/display/run by writing
the sample code?
24. What are basic models in the ML a. Classification b. Clustering c. Regression
25. What model you used? Can you show the code for that model? (they may ask question for each line
in the code for that algorithm)
26. Do you need any UML diagrams? If yes where you indicated in the project thesis book, Can you,
seperately explain each of that images/diagrams?
27. If no UML, what is the other option to show the workflow of your project?
28. How and what software you used to developed the project?
29. What is IDE? Can you provide/name of few IDEs? Without IDEs can’t we develop, if you answer –
yes we can develop, how you will develop?
30. What is the result/output of your project, What you are finding at last?
31. How you justify that your answer/result is accurate or correct?
32. Are you adopted any accuracy correction/Justification methods used ;
I will say result is not correct? How you justify your result is correct or right?
33. Have you consulted the guide all there days? If he/she gave you any work or assignments to you?
34. Can you show me your project notebook/Material you referred?
35. Can you show me your sample codes prior to this final code?
36. What are various library files you used? can you explain the lib files that you used in your project?
Why you used those?
37. If you used library files methods for algorithms, then what’s our role in developing the code

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